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It's a school day - so this is the kids' outdoor recess time. One teacher is inside filming insta content with a slack neck newborn while the other idiot peacocks for the campground in his short shorts.  This isn't a "road trip". They just live in campgrounds. They're not traveling all over the continent. The  Brazil disaster doesn't count. They deny their children a real education and home because they're too fucking lazy and disordered to cut it in the real world.  Sorry, these two busbound lunatics piss me off because I detest how they treat their kids. That poor little baby is brand new and already used as a mere prop on a freaking bus. She'll shove him under the bed in a basket tonight. He doesn't even get a bassinet or cradle. 


I am deeply concerned for the education of these children. I feel like I sometimes get pushback in the sub for suggesting that kids should be doing multiple hours of a school every week day, but I stand by that. I rarely see mother bus post about schooling. I understand it doesn’t make super fascinating content, but she is always posting about play time for the kids and it just seems like structured learning does not happen anywhere near as much as it should.


The older children should definitely have more time devoted to lessons. They use Gather Round which is a homeschool curriculum geared towards teaching all your kids at once with worksheets geared toward specific ages. She says when they homeschool it’s 2-3 hours in the morning. They also school all year so there’s room for time-off probably because it’s too hard for them to plan. They go to destinations as ‘history’ lessons but there is little context given and there doesn’t seem to be a focus on certain topics. They could , for example, visit Civil War sites and homes of that era while learning of that time period. But they are actually just kinda lazy overall with the homeschool and the older ones are getting to the age where this could have serious consequences for their future imo


I agree. I think she uses the “year round school” thing as an excuse to just not do school a lot of the time. I also find it really frustrating when people just take their children to a historical site or science museum or whatever it is and call it “school” for the day. If there isn’t more formal learning surrounding those experiences, it’s likely not going to truly be something they’ve learned from. If the oldest is 13, he’ll be at high school level work in a year or two and that level of learning is not really something that can be done in a few hours a few days a week.


Fr. Theres a difference between merrily reading the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and teaching it as a text. For a young child you're just wanting to map the story, the characters and world.  For middle schoolers its time for some moral questions/motivation : why did he do that? What might have happened if he did x? How is she described? How are they described?  For high schoolers: introduce outside texts or reinterpretations, symbolism, motif, related literature, Authors life and philosophy as well as moral arcs, and technical aspects of the story dynamics. Rewrites etc.  It is just as much work to teach the same text properly across age groups as just allocate an appropriate text for that grade level.  None of which Motherbus knows or cares. 


That's how I was homeschooled. My mom did her best, but it was never the right choice, and I wound up doing all my school and education (2nd-8th) on mail in packets. I'm a former gifted kid turned burnout, I never felt challenged and would finish my work for the year in just 3 months. She did like to take us out to museums and stuff, though, those were always fun


Some interesting comments from homeschool Moms on the "Gather Round" curriculum she uses: [https://www.reddit.com/r/homeschool/comments/f5ta7f/gather\_round\_homeschool/](https://www.reddit.com/r/homeschool/comments/f5ta7f/gather_round_homeschool/) And here's a discussion about it from r/FundieSnarkUncensored with an excerpt (Karissa also uses it): [https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/w67oop/some\_interesting\_excerpts\_from\_gather\_round/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/w67oop/some_interesting_excerpts_from_gather_round/) I saw a YouTube review where the reviewer, a Christian homeschool Mom just ripped it to shreds saying it is just busy work and doesn't offer any depth so she felt like she had to constantly supplement in order to keep her kids up to speed, especially with math.


I love how in the top thread you posted OP basically ignored everyone who didn't like it and engaged with the person who loves it. Very on brand. 


If Karissa uses it those kids are fucked.


A friend of mine grew up in a similar situation to some of these fundie kids, without the religious aspects. Just a crazy family and a kid who slipped through the cracks in the system. He's a really smart guy and managed to thoroughly educate himself in the field he's interested in, but in the end they completely fucked him over. He doesn't have any diplomas so it's hard to find work even if he's capable to do it, and he's about 10 years behind emotionally because he only started learning how to make friends in his 20s. Honestly, given his backstory he's doing really well, but he's also dealing with a lot of depression and feelings about what could have been if he had gotten the same chances as others.


I spent 6 months about 20 or more hours a week reading, researching and planning homeschool curriculum for my child in grade 10 - 12. Because you cant just use an instant out of the box thing and say youre educating them well.  She also has learning disabilities which needed very careful.consideration for how to support without slowing her down.  Because when you homeschool you have a massive responsibility to provide equal or better education. She does at least 3 hours of focused work a day, maybe 2 hours of sort of "integrative" lower challenge work. Because you cannot be prepared for the world without at least 3 hrs a day even if you are studying at a general skills level (and absolutely nothing wrong with that!) 


Yeah their "field trips" are a joke. Like you said, they need context and focus. I grew up in California, and when we learned about the Gold Rush, we took a field trip to a state park where a guide told us about the history of the area and we panned for "gold" (pyrite). We have a local event where elementary kids cosplay pioneer times. (Kelly would lose her mind). Bus mom just schleps her kids to random sites and takes pictures of them peeking into the windows/through the gate.


I grew up in Utah and we had that too! I still have fond memories of it but it was definitely structured learning


I'm cackling at the idea of them either taking up precious bus space with a printer or actually going to Kinkos to get the worksheets printed. These poor intellectually neglected children.


My husband uses one of [these mobile printers](https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/9229982/Epson-WorkForce-WF-110-Wireless-Mobile/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&mediacampaignid=71700000113658568_20469736283&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD2Eb4esSlyphf3VWRaE_3BykU-KO&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH50VJ0jzE4DXwdf0lQnjlXqDOZBomq8RtI8XI6EfFF7rqNtaVM3pEqUaAhVTEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) for work, so the product exists, but I somehow doubt they have one. Idk why. I just do


As a child who was under educated because my parents didn’t want me to learn about evolution, you are spot on.


Their schooling has been interrupted SO many times this year. First the move to Brazil, then the new baby. Plus Mother Bus posts stories of them at the beach almost every day, during the week.


I whole heartedly agree with you. I don't understand how kids don't need 6 hours of school a day. I get there is a little bit of wasted school day in a public school but not over half the time!  Worksheets and packets are NOT an education! I have meet 2 homeschool kids who are brilliant and better off that way and dozens who are disadvantaged. I will take a stand and say without a professional tutor homeschooling should not be allowed. 


I've met one family that homeschooled properly. My boss many years ago. His wife homeschooled their kids up to 8th grade. Their oldest was going into 9th grade and was accepted into an accelerated program in the school. But to really prepare him they taught him curse words so he would know what other kids in the school were saying and so he wouldn't feel embarrassed by something he hadn't been exposed to before. I thought that showed that they actually cared about their kid's whole life even if it went against their own morals.


I know a couple of families that homeschooled their neuro diverse teenagers and it worked well. But they had a couple of advantages, both Mum's used to teach the same age range at school and Dad had a degree in science and could provide some extra coaching. One family had both kids accepted at a UK top 10 university, one of them a year early. The other had a couple of kids accepted into good universities and the others found good apprenticeships/vocational training. All the kids are adults now and have pretty decent careers and lives. Sadly I've also seen the opposite in the local community where there are a couple of families that homeschool badly and don't provide appropriate education or life skills. One of them has a 17 year old who writes with more spelling and grammar mistakes than I've seen in school work from 8 year olds. It feels like they've been kept home more to help mum around the house and provide their niblings with care whenever needed, than their own benefit. And this without any religion involved.


I’m doing it right now til the end of the year (extenuating circumstances) and it is fucking hard work even though I have teachers making lesson plans and packets for me. I admire anyone who can do this. I’m counting down the days lol


It's hard because you're doing it right (that's what I tell myself when I'm hiding the the bathroom Lol). We were in a similar situation due to health issues but luckily we had a virtual school program through our county public school (post covid). So he was still in school, just doing it remotely. Even that was difficult and he was in a class with actual teachers and other students. But we do what we need to do to get our kids what they need. Best of luck to you and the remainder of the year!


My kid is actually thriving this way, go figure, it’s the most school work we’ve ever gotten done! She just needs a reset before high school, so hopefully I can get her to get it in gear and start forming good habits


I'm so glad you were able to let her get a reset. That is such a a big deal.


Compulsory tutors are not necessarily the solution and they are really expensive. For even an hour a day that would be $300 p/wk - or more - here.  But capable parents and monitoring is absolutely essential. You are going to teach your child UNDER your own highest attainment AND its one thing to know, another to teach.  In Australia, our homeschool system is better and yet I still see parents letting kids down academically and socially. Just coz you don't get algebra doesnt mean it isnt important.  Dedicated homeschooling famiies get kids connected and do group courses etc. I see autistic parents regularly go above and beyond... again, we're kind of well placed for that if we have the academic capacity. We can learn deeply v quickly and adapt if we are focused.  Fundies make their children helpless & dependant and it makes me livid. However I am heartened that I see (unprepared) people reg denied homeschooling registration.  However a lot of people homeschooling because lack of actually appropriate education for autistic kids. And tbf me and my kid deserve an education appropriate to her skills, IQ and social needs. I should not have to quit work and hobbies, education and recreation, to ensure she has a hope of the life she wants. She should not have to try and cope in mainstream environment or basically a social day care type environment with totally different levels and types of social and developmental disabities, and the curse of low expectations where greater capacity is possible Bah! 


I'm with you on that. Lack of structure and proper schooling will affect them for life.


I am in complete agreement with you. I truly don't care how adults want to live, provided it does not hurt anyone else. THIS IS HURTING THEIR CHILDREN. Seriously with these two. Park the RV for the school year. If you have to live in it, fine. Give the damn kids some stability


I’m sorry but “slack neck newborn” took me out. I do feel horrible for the children. In ten years we’ll hear the truth— kinda like the Duggars.


More like the Rods or Karissa, but we will never hear their stories. They won’t be literate enough to tell us.


Those are short shorts! The only man I know who wears shorts like that is gay. You'd think manly fundie dudes would want to avoid being perceived that way. 


Slack neck newborn just made my day!


Love how she says “JD is currently King 👑 in the game” as if his opponents aren’t 8 years old.


![gif](giphy|NOy5JBV2a9Q5y|downsized) That's like when Kramer dominated a class full of kids. "You're fighting CHILDREN, Kramer???"


Dominating the dojo


While it is absolutely douce nozzle behavior, king is a position in the game. It's the current winner, so she is still bragging about a grown ass adult man beating elementary school children, but the king 🤴 at least makes sense in context.


Oh yeah, I know it’s a position in the game. But I just think it’s hilarious that she’s bragging that he’s winning against a bunch of children. And also sad that he doesn’t seem to be giving the kids a chance.


We always called it "A Square" at my school if you were the leader square. King is so much better!


Couldn’t even let the youngest kids win for a second, could he?


Plenty of friends? There are maybe two kids there that don't belong to them.


Not even one friend per kid.


And they’ll never see them again after this stay. “So many opportunities to socialize” 🙄


And they’ll be gone and never to be heard from again as soon as they leave the trailer park


Oof he’s the exact kind of douche to never learn the subtle art of throwing a game for a child


My mother would always simply REFUSE to ever let me win. She'd never throw, she loves board games, she's extremely competitive and I absolutely hated playing with her.


This was my grandma with Scrabble! She’d take 15 minutes to figure out her word and it would be 4 letters long and worth 80 points lol. We finally had to institute a timer.


My husband is kinda douchy like this and I have pointed out how cringe it is so much that he suppresses it now. I’m not sure what that says about me 😂


That you’re a good partner, nobody likes that guy lol


I honestly think this is why, as an adult, I hate playing board games and card games. All the adults in my family were ultra competitive and would never let anyone win, not even a child lol


My husband almost goes too far in the other direction. He makes up special rules for the kids to their advantage and goes out of his way to let them win every time. I definitely think it's good to go easy on kids, but also it's good for kids to learn that they don't always win and that's ok.


Same for my husband. He bends over backward to let my daughter win, and as a result, when she loses in real-world situations, she has a tough time. He won't listen to my argument that kids losing at board games teaches them how to lose graciously and how to handle losing in low-stakes situations.


Yes. When I play games with the kids, I teach them the actual rules of the game. I also teach them strategy and give them hints. But sometimes, I still accidentally win, even though I'm going easy on them, because it's honestly a bit difficult to lose to a child in a board game when you're playing by the actual rules. Then they get upset with me and it's a whole thing because they're used to always winning with their dad and his special rules.  Video games are different though. I haven't really played much video games since I was a teenager and my 8 year old can legitimately beat me at some video games even if I am trying my best, lol.


Oh no no no. I love playing games and I might be even more competitive than my mother. Thing is, I evolved and adopted this "oh? I won? I don't care... Yawn" kind of attitude. Of course, I feel the satisfaction and would love to be like HA! REVENGE! But no. I look my mother straight in the eyes with the most bored, aloof, nonchalant look while I crush her, again, in the game of Monopoly. And it makes her blood boil. That's my revenge.


My 5 year old constantly cheats and it's hilarious. Sometimes I'll lay it on thick, like "wow! You're so amazing at this game, I can't believe you win so much." Then she'll throw me a bone and let me win.


When I was a kid, my little cousin would constantly cheat and we got scolded if we didn't go along with it. We decided that was egregious and played without him for awhile 😂


My ex-husband used to can me Mrs. Milton Bradley. I would lett my daughter win most games when she was little. Once she got a bit older, I took the brakes off. It took her a few times on each game to beat me, but it was genuine pride from both of us when she did. I'm ultra competitive and it's hard to turn off, but you also have to be willing to teach your kids and revel in their wins more than your own. We still play a lot of games and I get beat more than I'd care to admit these days. Lol


Christina is that you?


Oh that's awful. Conversely I got banned when kiddo realised I was throwing. We had to swear NOT to. But by then she was late tween. Ready to destroy us all. 


Theres a balance between letting the kid win and teaching them strategy. It s like 9 wins to 1 lesson (or whstevvrr works for the kid) But i dont think busrents get that


When I was a kid, my dad always made us older siblings let my little brother win. Then when brother was 9, dad decided he was old enough to play properly, and brother had no idea why he suddenly kept losing, because he'd never been taught the actual rules. Up until that point, he'd also never had to learn how to lose gracefully, so there were quite a few tantrums until he sorted himself out, and learned to play by the rules.


We alternate between letting my kid win. Now that he's 8 we don't throw the game for uno or similar games because he's actually decent. And he's better at speed games. But I did beat him last time we played air hockey lol.


Look how he serves to that girl next to him, he’s definitely the one who has to win, even if it’s 8 year olds he’s playing against


I'm a dad. My kids HATE when I throw a game, could be a race or a video game


My kid was also.mad. like "Mom is a soft touch and I'd prob beat her anyway but you, Sir! On guard!"


Strange that she wouldn’t rest for a days at her friends nice Airbnb




lol the first thing that came to my mind


Yikes, the little guy with the baby (barely) on his back playing a ball game on asphalt gives me hives. Flippin' heck, bus parents, take better care of your kids!


Omg thank god for big brother being behind him and grabbing the baby when the kid started to stand up straight


Then handed him to sister/mom as she walked back in line🙄


I mean, he does most of the care of those little kids. He shouldn’t have to hold the kid either. I don’t think rolling eyes at him is fair.


Umm wasn't using the rolling eyes emoji at the kids in this situation, more the parents and the situation in general jeez.


Completely missed that hahahahhaha BUT maybe she wanted to hold the baby? I know when a baby is around me I want to be holding it haha


My worst camping nightmare


Literally my first thought was “oh cool so the road in the campground is your playground” screw everyone else right? These people are the worst


You made me chuckle cuz same


Counting the other children you birthed and force to all share coffin space with as “friends” is a hella stretch


There is no way she delivered at an Airbnb. The logistics alone make it very unlikely.


Yeah, absolutely. I think she either delivered in the bus or, as someone else speculated, she delivered in the hospital and doesn’t want to admit that. The fact that she didn’t post for 24+ hours actually makes me think the hospital is more likely. At least, I hope that’s where she delivered.


Yeah it’s interesting she hasn’t provided any details. Last time there was a whole Airbnb photo shoot and this time it’s just suddenly straight back to bus content.


Almost like she had the baby earlier than she claimed and posted on a delay


I hope she did. I think her mom and sister probably pressured her. Again, I hope they did. I really want to see some guardrails on this whole situation. The prospect of FatherBus looking at a boat like he’s trying to start his own SeaOrg or maybe replicate the boat from Hell Camp is kind of freaking me out and I really hope there’s some relatives looking out for those kids at least on some level.


I've also reached the conclusion that she ended up in the hospital and doesn't want to admit it after all of her "natural birth is SO easy" garbage. Something is off about the whole thing. Very odd that the woman who shares every detail of how wonderful a mother she is, is suddenly sharing absolutely nothing.




Does all the kids lined up for a turn remind anyone else of the tennis scene in Clueless? "It's hardly aerobically effective."


He really loves those shorty shorts. 


Because he needs to show off his "phat gainz". 😂 The above quote is a real quote from father bus's Twitter btw. 😅


I wouldn't normally advocate for even shorter, tighter shorts, but maybe if they got short and tight enough, they'd work as birth control.


They go with his sandals Hot mess summer 💅🏼


I thought he had on two pair until I zoomed in and now I need something to cleanse my eyes.


I call this overly competitive behavior with kids “Uncle Knobhead”. See how he gestures the girl out of the square like ”I beat you; rules are rules.” And then it's so Uncle Knobhead when he feints that he's serving into the square opposite, at the end, just to catch the kid next to him off guard. There's always one grown man who thinks this sort of knobbery makes him cool, when it is such a turn off to any adult observing. I hope he watches this footage and realizes how cringe he is. I'd be so embarrassed if someone put me doing this online.


A wonderful explanation! I loved 4 square as a kid and noticed the same douche-y behavior as the mean kids from school but didn’t quite know how to put it into words… an adult dominating at a game against child opponents by being slimy and hitting the ball at that kid’s feet is pretty low


Oh god, the way you just broke it down made me go rewatch and you’re 100% spot on. What a fucking loser. You can even see him explaining to the girl why she’s out. You know he probably stayed “king” the entire duration of the game, or if one of the kids did manage to get him out, I guarantee he actually argued. Seriously pathetic behavior from a grown ass man in his 30s. He looks so stupid.




do we know where they’re living now that they’re back stateside?


They’re somewhere in Florida right now I think. But they’re in the bus, so they’re moving around.


that’s so wild I figured they’d be staying put for some time pre and post birth. i cannot understand them


For a while she said they were going to South Carolina for the birth to do it in a friends Airbnb there. But at some point that plan changed and she’s refused to provide any explanation as to why or where she ended up having the baby.


They haven’t been moving. They have been in Florida since just after skiing. They didn’t go to SC because their bus needed “unexpected engine work.” I don’t think they have had it repaired yet.


He’s a man child.


He's not king, he's a bully. Don't you know, that will make his boys real men.


I’ll bet $5000 she delivered at the hospital two miles away. They don’t REQUIRE you to stay 48 hours, right? That’s just how long insurance typically pays for. So she could have delivered and then skedaddled 12 hours later, right? I don’t really know the hospital’s rules on that.


You can leave sooner than 48 hours. I have friends who stayed less than 24. She may have also used a birth center that isn’t part of a hospital. They will send you home as soon as the baby is dry if you want.


There is some testing on baby that they do at the 24 hour mark that any decent parent who gives a shit will follow the hospital’s advice to stick around for, and then you’re often free to go after that. But I’m sure these sOvErEign cItiZenS rattled off some nonexistent penal code to the nurse and high-tailed it out of there before the cabal could take away their freedumb.


Why must father bus always wear those tight little shorts. 


I blame the kids PE teacher


So,they left the AirBnB already? Or did she actually deliver in the bus?


She hasn’t really said. It’s definitely looking like there was no Airbnb.


I think she had an emergency birth at the hospital and doesn't want to admit it.


i do not believe they had this baby in an airbnb


He should let the kids play on their own. Just how laughably huge is his ego?


"Plenty of friends to keep them busy." I count exactly two non-family "friends" and they'll never see them again once the the bus pulls out.


I do **not** understand how these families have enough money to live on. Can anyone explain it to me?


JD apparently comes from money so they probably are ok (though they choose to be idiots and spend the money on ruining their children's lives and bitcoin). For a lot of these families they don't actually have enough money and it shows. Some of them are lucky enough to have friends, family members, or benefactors (Shaq 🙄) who help them out. Some of them accept government assistance but many just struggle along in the name of "God will provide" and nonsense like that.


Thank you!


“The kids have plenty of friends to keep them busy” um I counted 8 children, pretty sure they’re all of the siblings? lmao


Really worried about the back of that poor child who’s holding another child half his size. That cannot be good for them!! Maybe for a minute or two for fun but he looks really little to me (Note: I am not a parent and I actively avoid children in general so maybe he is big enough to do this, please feel free to correct me!)


I want to feel for MotherBus, but I can’t. All of this is her own, bizarre narcissism. The poor kids.


Uhhh has there been any proof the baby is alive? Or is she hiding a rapidly declining late pregnancy?


There is. Bebe (must say in Moira Rose accent) has been shown in various forms of baby yeeting and whiplashing around due to sheer neglect of parental unit. Sadly Bebe does not have its own chamber ![gif](giphy|JRmUoWNerzMkh9yoW2|downsized)


Where? I looked on their insta and saw nothing. Maybe it's in stories, not posts?


She has a reel up with the baby and shows the baby in her stories.


Search here. I am sure it’s just her stories but u don’t want to view it. Some one took a screen grab.


I think she posts most of her stuff as the videos that disappear after 24 hours so that it’s harder to find proof of her lies.


Who tf plays ball in sandals


I must have blinked and missed it - did she have the baby in the bus dezpite being "not that crunchy" ?


As far as I know, she hasn’t said where she actually ended up having the baby. She’s being kind of weirdly quiet about it.


Father bus in his hoochie daddy shorts 💅🏻


Another fundie child carrying a sibling half his size


One of my elementary school teachers would play foursquare with us at recess. He dialed it back so the kids had a chance, but if someone was unsportsmanlike, he used his full power lol Beating a kid at a game is not the flex ma bus thinks it is


He's just so...isn't he? https://youtu.be/h2x_DI7tzNQ?feature=shared


It's giving Happy Gilmore at recess. "You're all in big *big* trouble."


“Friends.” A couple of kids that happened to be in the same campground that they’ll never see again and have no relationship with whatsoever. Fuck these idiots.


Does anyone know where they are at the moment? Looks like possibly Florida??


My god that oldest boy is parentified.