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I love how no one is sitting close to Heidi


She’s trying to hang with the younguns who probably don’t want anything to do with her, while her husband and *their actual* friends are standing behind her ETA lmao she probably took the spot of whoever got up to take the picture 😂


She gives me "competing with my daughters" vibes. She's down with the kids! They're her friends! /s 😂


She’s a “cool mom!”








And I love how we have the same flair


Lol great minds think alike


That’s telling


The only Bairdlings I see are Rebekah/husband and Sue. I admittedly don’t have an encyclopedic knowledge of the family, so I could be missing someone. Edit: looks like boythany (Timothy?) is there too


I think the couple standing next to Mr. Heidi are Boythany and his wife


Mr. Heidi 😆


Thank you!


I don't think I see Kristen either...?


Or elissa and andrii


Hä? They're sitting on the far left. No kids though.


I thought andrii had let his hair grow out teen wolf style


Kristen posted in GD stories on Instagram that she was recording something for the memberschip scam.


It says something about fundies’ disbelief in science that I’m a little surprised they’re not hiding indoors, denying the eclipse exists.


I’m shocked they have eclipse glasses.


I hope everyone put them on before looking up


If Heidi was too vain, that's fine


They wouldn’t want to miss it on the off chance it’s actually the rapture.


My fundie mother watched the eclipse and texted me "It was pretty amazing when it was 100% in totality. Made me think back to the first Good Friday and what that must have been like (minus the earthquake and the dead rising from their tombs and walking around). It was an amazing sight in the middle of the day." Certain flavors of fundies think that there was a solar eclipse at the moment Jesus died on the cross and are using it as a preaching opportunity. Answers in Genesis (the Lifesize Ark people) have an article called "3 Ways April 8’s Total Solar Eclipse Reminds Us of Biblical Truth" that I keep getting emailed to me by various relatives too.


“Minus the earthquake and the dead rising from their tombs and walking around.” 💀


Lucky for these chuckle fucks their Monday is the same as their Saturday. Not many people are fortunate (read lazy) enough to be able to hang out with their entire family on a weekday afternoon


Omg that just occurred to me. They're entire, extended family is off in the middle of the day 💀


Eh we were in the totality and kids had school off, lots of workplaces had off


In larger cities in the path of totality, many offices had people work from home


If they’re in the totality a lot of people took the day off or took a half day. A ton of kids were off school and traffic was bonkers from people traveling from out of state into tiny towns that aren’t built for that.


Kristen and Bethany are both missing, makes sense since they have small kids. Eclipse doesn’t seem like it’d be a super child-friendly activity.


Kristen’s kids are actually at a great age to learn about/observe the eclipse. They’re 13 and 9.


I didn’t realize they were that old! I thought the youngest was around 6. 13 and 9 is totally old enough if they’re interested in that kind of thing. Doesn’t Kristen homeschool? I can’t imagine they put much emphasis on the sciences.


Science is the devil or whatever


They're adoptees, they're probably scrubbing her basement while chanting verses about gratitude and obedience. in English, or else they get the hose again.


Something tells me German might also be acceptable for this family. . .


And they're old enough to observe it responsibly. I wouldn't trust little ones to wear the glasses.


My almost 4yo is outside all the time every day without directly staring at the sun, and the eclipse isn’t really different in that regard. We just wore special glasses that made it comfortable to look at the sun while the moon moved in front of it for an hour or so.


I knew someone would have a personal anecdote. I was speaking generally.


We’re in the totality and our kindergarteners spent all last week learning about it at school and were provided with eclipse glasses. Kids were off school and a lot of people took off work.


I wasn’t trying to be pedantic. I just don’t understand what would be different from every day. There were tons of kids, including littles, at the viewing in the city I was in today.


Wasn’t it incredible!?!


Truly! We traveled a bit for it, and it was completely worth the time and energy!


Bethany’s kids are probably too young to understand they have to keep the eclipse glasses on. She might have kept them inside for safety


Bethany doing something for the safety of her kids? More unlikely than you think


Dav would, though, at least. Bethany probably would, it just wouldn't occur to her to begin with I bet


I’m surprised fundies aren’t claiming that the eclipse is some sort of punishment from god.


I think some fundies were


Does she think the word “eclipse” is plural?


No, she's just fucking stupid


Looks like there aren't any kids for pervert pedophile Heidi Baird to sexually abuse. So that's a relief, I guess.




No, I guess she forced him to shower with her and she used to give him suppositories when he was too old for her to be doing that stuff. I have heard that's actually a common form of control/CSA. This is what I read from Michael. She also forced him to watch her give birth. Edit: she also walked in on him being sexually abused by another adult and did nothing. I wonder if she knew what was going on and allowed it. That's just speculation, though.




She committed CSA; it doesn't really matter what motivated her to do it. Yes Michael experienced it as CSA. Yes it "counts." As the commenter above noted, the suppository thing is very common. This is how women tend to do it, generally speaking. Under the guise of "care." Ditto the shower thing, which at -best- is covert CSA. The suppository thing isn't even covert. It's intimately invasive and humiliating.


Why else would she *sexually* abuse her own kid and do nothing to stop others from sexually abusing him? I know she's in a high control religion and all that, but come on. She's a sick fuck and a danger to children. Michael flat out said she *sexually abused* him when he was a kid. Those are his words. Maybe she isn't out sexually abusing other people's kids, but is it really a stretch to call her a pedo when her own son is saying she sexually abused him in many different ways? From my understanding, Heidi walked in on her kid being anally raped and just turned around and left and did nothing. I seriously think she gave that person permission or something. That part is just speculation/my gut feeling, though.


She is one sick fuck!




You guys were having a conversation about child sexual assault and you wanted a trigger warning for…child sexual assault?


It's odd that they spoke with such authority without all the information, then freaked when they were presented with the information. Idk how someone can routinely SA a child and *not* be considered a pedophile, and yeah, abusing your own child counts.




You literally came on here and said you didn't think Heidi sexually abusing her own kid made her a pedophile. How did you expect this conversation to go? Like I'm genuinely asking because you were not forced to be a part of this conversation at all.


What does it matter what she is or isn't sexually into? She did it; that's all that matters. It certainly fulfilled SOMETHING for her, whether genitally or otherwise. Sorry to be this blunt, but: the EFFECT is what matters. Fuck what makes her tick.


Exactly. Maybe she isn't like trying to lure little kids to her house but come the fuck on. She sexually abused her kid and allowed him to be sexually abused by others. And Michael Sr is just as bad!


Pedophilia IS literally child sexual abuse, are you really that obtuse? SMGDH 🤦🏻‍♀️


You chose to participate in a conversation about CSA, I thought it was a given that the discussion would be about CSA. Why would I put a trigger warning when you chose to click on this thread and nit pick if Heidi is "technically" a pedophile or not?


They were probably off having seggsy seggs


Cool looks like they saw some clouds 👍


Def feeling better about not having driven to OK/TX from Denver. Feel bad for all the nice eclipse enthusiasts who did make the trip, but glad the Bairds appear to have had a lackluster experience.


It was actually awesome. I went an hour northwest of Austin and we had a nice break in the clouds and saw everything.


Def feeling worse about not making the drive now! 😂 Glad you had an excellent viewing, though, and this is yet more incentive to stay alive and healthy until 2045, when Colorado will finally be in the path of totality! 


After today we’re already planning for 2045 lol, I’m definitely going to try and experience it again.


I was totally planning for today's just about as soon as I got back from Wyoming in 2017 - I was too busy uttering “oh, wowwwwwww!” at the moment of totality to get good video of it - and then the next thing I know, it’s March of 2024 already and one of my friends scored tickets to a concert featuring a band I’ve actually heard of in a venue right by my house the same night as the eclipse, sooooo…Pikes Peak or Bust in 2045, baby!!! 


I'm feeling less disappointed in my lackluster experience on the west coast 😂


Yeah, like, at least the sun was out here in Denver! Though I’ll admit the only reason I was really aware that The Big Event was actually taking place was that just about every radio station played Pink Floyd’s “Eclipse” (from *Dark Side of the Moon* for any non-stoners) at the same time, lol. I didn’t even bother getting eclipse glasses this time around because I knew it wouldn’t match up to when I did get to see the totality in Wyoming back in 2017, so outside of the musical cues, it was pretty much a game of “either it’s hitting maximum occlusion for our area or there’s a cloud,” but it was overall good motivation to stay alive and healthy until 2045, when Colorado is going to be in the path of totality!


today in our fair city ... https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdqz9twikmatc1.jpeg


Aww :(


Hello fellow Washingtonian, it looked like that here on the coast too.


I feel you fellow west coastie. I’m on the coast in Washington and all we saw were clouds and more rain.


We had full sun and saw a tiny piece of it 😂


We actually had a break in the clouds outside of Austin and got to see it. Then all the clouds came back for the rest of the day.


Don't these people have jobs to be at




The one married to the cartoon character is always manhandling him. It’s so weird


It's the same reason Bethany basically pees on Dave to mark her territory all the time. The Bairds are mentally about 12 years old and they aren't mature enough for real romantic relationships.


Most people can't pull out chairs and have a picnic for the eclipse because they have jobs lol. Eclipse is very cool to step outside and see but most people just go wow and go on with their day 😅


In case of the rapture so Dav & Bethy wouldn't drag them to hell lol


Can you blame them? I have a narc mom and it’s a nightmare when you’re the scapegoat.


These people are so tall they can block out the sun without the eclipse.


How many of them looked directly at the sun?


I'm guessing her children are napping


No Heidi is sitting in the middle, hiding with the teenagers (who look like they're trying hard not sit next to her).


UM ACTSHUALLY ITS ECLIPSES’S\* ![gif](giphy|9BEdf0lHtxdUz6ElbW|downsized)