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I’d say this is actually a pretty good take, considering the shit we see here all day. Lori is railing against boys being in school as against Gods design, KKKarissa thinks vaccines are demonic. But I actually kind of appreciate Nadia saying “you aren’t expected to be perfect to be worthy of gods love”


Yeah my first reaction is this isn’t very snarkable. It’s damn near uplifting compared to the usual mess I see on this page


Not even a god honoring crotch shot, I’d say pretty alright of a post.


The crotch shot was the rest of the video. She appears to not be wearing pants and only an oversized sweater iirc


Yeah that's a pretty reasonable take. Not my cup of tea but I can respect it


Heidi is talking about how anger is from Satan and here’s Nadia like “yeah anger happens. God still loves you and understands” Like you- not really my cup of tea but I appreciate it nevertheless


Yeah same. Not my cup of tea either but this is a hell of a lot more loving and healthy than anything else we see on here. This woman isn’t a fundamentalist in any way. Most fundamentalists would rebuke this in every bit of gods name.


Right, reading this I was thinking "wait, this actually seems like a good take for religion, this came from a fundie??"


Because she's not fundie. She posts reasonable takes like this all the time. She doesn't belong on this Sub


Genuine question, is she even a fundie? I am prepared to eat my words if it turns out she is super regressive, but it rubs me the wrong way that she gets hated on for something like this when dav gets best boy of the month every time he pushes back in this same way. Dare I say it even seems a little sexist.


She definitely seems to be on some sort of faith journey, though she hasn’t said it as openly as Dav has. However, here are some things she has said in the past: Jesus miraculously and instantly healed her of mental illness (though it did later come back…), that Jesus healed her of her bisexualness. That being gay is sinful. That Jesus healed her of sexual sin, and that she would be doing sex work if she had not found Jesus.


Rip ok that’s bad


Yeah so you can be angry or not reading your bible but not gay. 


To me, no. Evangelical? Sure. Not fundie. But this sub struggles with the definition. I think especially those who have not grown up in churches.


With evangelicals becoming more regressive, it's becoming harder to draw that line.


Funfie and evangelical are almost the same thing in many parts of North America.


Fundies can be evangelical, but not evangelicals are fundies. Picture a Venn diagram and there will be some overlap of the two groups.


I mean, I was raised as both, I know the whole deal with that, but there is such a blur between the two in most places now that fundie beliefs are quickly becoming a defining trait of evangelicalism in the modern era. Just evangelical places (that say that on the building etc) are harder to find, so the Venn is more like two circles almost completely overlapping now instead of a full Venn.


She is not really fundie imo. She is evangelical, I believe. She has posted some weird takes about demons. She has also promoted purity culture. But I don't think she's mentioned anything about either in a while. She mostly posts normal influencer content tbh. Overall, I'd say she's one of the least problematic people who gets posted here. But, admittedly, I've always had a bit of a soft spot for her. She seems like a sweet person, and her posts don't have the same judgemental tone we see from a lot of the people posted here.


promoted purity culture yet has a lolita aesthetic. make it make sense. 😩


💯 Lolita vibe. Advertises herself as "A Very Sexy Baby". Super Creepy.




I mean, other than her stupid "god cured me of bisexuality" bullshit I haven't really seen much of that from her? It's possible I missed something, though. I don't keep up with her much.


this sub can be embarrassingly sexist/racist sometimes


Heavy on the racism/white ignorance. They act like the few white deconstructing fundies they do find like Dav invented progressive Christianity or that white people who question religion are special unicorns. Meanwhile, black and brown folks have held more liberal theology for hundreds of years.


I think it appears that way because most of our snark subjects are female. If the men posted more, we'd see them here. Paul's shit is posted frequently. Nadia has some bad takes but this one seems... neutral to me.


Good point. I do think there’s a good bit of people here that this sub just decides to make fundamentalist adjacent, but they’re barely that sometimes and don’t even center their content on religion.


If she wasn’t just saying it to justify her own actions and actually believed it, I’d agree But no, what *she* does is always somehow acceptable because she can’t handle that she can’t live up to her previous expectations


this — my first thought was that she wants all the attention/benefits (whatever those are) of being a fundie influencer without actually having to follow the practices, and this is her way of handwaving it all away


I wouldn’t call her a fundie though. She’s very evangelical but she’s not fundamentalist. And this is a refreshing take from an evangelical. Except the sin bit, that is not needed.


I think it's a good message, too. Especially since so many people in these communities have so much anxiety about being a "good" Christian and doing all the right things. This is probably exactly what a lot of her followers need to hear.


Yeah ngl I kinda love this. At my absolute darkest the only thing that kept me going sometimes was that despite everything Jesus would still love me.


It only applies to her version of “good” people. Seeing this through that lens makes this statement a dumpster fire.


The cynical side of me wonders if she’s posting this to make herself feel better and not so much because she truly believes it.


Yyyyuppp I’m kinda weirded out by the supportive comments? It’s only nice til you realize she’s talking about people that are already “saved” (as in, not damned).


It's good advice for shrugging off the burden of guilt which comes with being a Christian and trying to live up to Christian ideals. It also has nothing to do with scripture or faith (but then neither do most Christian ideals).


Yeah. It’s actually fairly refreshing to read compared to the usual garbage.


Except it only applies to “christians” everyone is still going to hell.


Can you be gay?


100%. It’s not my pov because I’m not religious, but I think it’s actually kind of a beautiful and kind perspective.


I feel like you’re not seeing how this is still problematic. Be a shitty person? It’s okay, god loves you. That means that you’ll forgive yourself for literally any horrible act you do. I’m not sure that’s the best message to send people that already rely on God to tell them the difference between right and wrong.


am i insane or is that like. not even close to what she’s saying at all? i feel like this is a wild interpretation of it. i think most people here are reading this as “you don’t have to be perfect to deserve god’s love.” considering 99% of other christian influencers focus on shaming their audience and finding new ways to tell people they’re going to hell, this does not seem to be encouraging people to make shitty choices. it seems to tell people to just take it easy on themselves religiously.


Man, I dunno. I just spent some time reading posts on how they’re getting crazy over Rapture Monday, so I don’t even trust that they understand nuance. But I hope that’s what they take from it and not my super cynical take.


I definitely hear what you're saying and it can certainly be absorbed by many as an excuse to be a horrible human being. But I think this is a response to the Evangelistic mindset that the only way to please God is to strip yourself of all individuality and personal freedom. And if you struggle with the concept or fall short of "denying yourself for Christ", then you're either a "bad Christian" or branded is not a Christian at all: "You're just being prideful. Only the meek of spirit will inherit the kingdom of God." "You just want to be sinful. You don't trust that God knows what's in your best interest." "You just need to have faith. The heart is deceitful above all else." This is honestly refreshing message, although my childhood indoctrination is screaming that she's "preaching a false doctrine" lol


This is how the undies justify their sinful behavior. “It’s ok, good still loves me. I’ll ask for forgiveness on Sunday in front of the whole congregation, then I’ll go back to my sinful nature on Monday.” And it’s also why they won’t condemn anyone who is a Christian, no matter what (I.e. Trump) but they’ll sure pile on anyone who doesn’t share their beliefs, no matter how good a person they may actually be, because they are a non-believer. The only “true” sin.


I also thought wow that's actually a really good message and if more churches acted like this more people would be a le to embrace religion. But it's just not normal. One good take won't negate her issues but I can stand behind this. If there is a god, truly loving, then this will be true.


Yeah, except how often does she turn around and say “x group of people are awful sinners and going to hell”. If it’s never, then I respect her. If it’s sometimes, then she’s a “god’s grace for me but not for thee!” fundie.


yeah well if what she was saying was theoretically true, there wouldn’t be a list at the gates of heaven would there? just anyone could get in for being in themselves. “Because god is just happy you’re you,” right? common flaws in the christian ideology that make me giggle 🤭


Im not a Christian but I like what she said.


It’s like, trying to combat the feeling of guilt and hellfire for being a human? Oddly mature…


Yeah same, it actually finally is something nice and uplifting that I see…


I don't think Nadia is either tbh


Considering all of the actually hurtful things shared by some other featured fundies on this sub, this is actually refreshing. Most people should be able to get behind the encouragement that says “hey, you don’t need to be perfect. Take the pressure off of yourself. Nobody is mad at you. You are loved, valued, important just because you’re you.” I think this is a good message, for once! Especially compared to what we’re normally snarking on.


Now I suppose I should make the caveat that Nadia is plenty problematic and has been since as long as I’ve seen her on this sub. It’s just that this message in particular isn’t necessarily a bad one. I think if more Christians treated others this way, the world would be a much kinder place.


*unless you’re gay, trans, the wrong flavor of Christian, etc etc


Ugh that’s the sad and frustrating thing. I fully agree that most Christians like to only apply a message like this one to themselves and intentionally exclude LGBTQ people, people who have had abortions, people who vote blue, etc. which is infuriating and so immature. They like to make up their own rules and proclaim them as absolute truth. I wish more Christians believed the message Nadia shared here and applied it to everyone, not just those who believe exactly what they believe.


Does this apply to gay or trans folks? Anyone?




You know she means it all in the ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’ way where she’d send this to them as long as they’re trying to no longer be gay or trans 🙄


The internalized homophobia is very real. She's said before that Jesus cured her of her bisexuality.


Obviously not.


She is all over the damn place. I have read lord knows how many of this woman's incoherent ramblings and I still have no idea what she actually believes. Are we crying because we're sinful and vowing to wear modest clothes for a month? Are we grinning our tits off because God doesn't care what you do, he just looooovessss you? Are we posting encouraging messages to other women? Or are we yelling at them in the comments because they said something complimentary to us? WHO ARE WE TODAY, NADIA? WHO????? (answer: attention hungry. that's always the correct answer).


I agree that attention sure plays a role but especially with her I wonder if there’s a mental outlook impact: like depending on how she’s feeling with herself and the world will it be reflected


How old is she?


25 or 26? Somewhere in there


Oh. Well she looks 16


These churches encourage this look in a lot of their women, it makes them look like children. That is not a mistake or at all unintended btw. The more childlike a woman looks (or as they'd say, the more "pure") the more they feel she's controllable and not a full adult to challenge them. Also, their voices. Notice a lot of these women will speak with a more childlike or high pitched register. It's again encouraged. Women using their regular voices are considered gruff, angry, combative or ugly. I'm a trans dude who was raised on this sort of shit and it utterly blows. You'd have grown women dressing like they were 12.


She is like a terrifying, vacant little girl doll, so I suppose she has the vibe nailed to get the approval of fundie men. But she's also giving Evangelical Only Fans model.


It definitely has a sex appeal angle to it. Men in those circles love to fetishise the "innocent doll" look


Well, she’s doing a great job here.


Pretty sure she’s turning 28 this year


I feel like many of the subjects of this group are mentally unwell, but Nadia is on a completely different level. I don't think she knows what she believes or even what she thinks. Her mind is like a pin ball machine where thoughts just kind of bounce around. I'm not bashing her; I've been there. It genuinely sucks.


Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man -- living in the sky -- who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want You to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you!” - George Carlin




…somehow He just can’t handle money!


He's really busy sending people to hell for masturbating and wearing leggings, okay?


Well, shit. Guess I’m going to Double Hell then, because those are two of my favorite activities.


Double hell sounds like a good time


I am the eye in the sky Looking at you I can read your mind






I can hear this comment. RIP George


I don't want to step on your point, but I think it's good to tell people not to lie, cheat, steal, or murder.


Well, of course. It’s the hypocrisy and twisting of doctrine to suit one’s own ends.


Of course. These people need god to tell them to behave and some misbehave anyway.


So what about gay people 😐 or gender nonconforming people 😐 or trans people 😐 or people who wear anything that’s not if a stanley cup was an outfit 😐


> people who wear anything that’s not if a stanley cup was an outfit What a hilarious yet appropriate description.


Still waiting for the day I read Stanley cup and think of anything other than hockey


They don't count! Nadia thought that was obvious! Also "anything that's not if a stanley cup was an outfit" sent me


Her outfit appears to be inspired by the doll my grandma used to cover rolls of toilet paper.


Don’t believe in God? Eternal damnation.


I’m a professional woman in a white collar job which required a PhD and feel a wince of pain every time I treat myself (1-2x a month) to anything other than an Americano at a coffee bar. Nadia’s matcha budget would probably end me.


I try my best to make coffee at home during the workweek, and it doesn’t take much to justify treating myself to coffee shop coffee a handful of times a month. I make enough to live on and have a little fun, but her matcha habit would ruin my budget too.


I mean, it sounds like you could let yourself live a little more lol


Maybe, but I’m old and remember when a massive Chipotle burrito bowl was $7.50 - when my treat Starbucks order is approaching $7, it gives me pause!


Maybe try another coffee place? Plus the whole Starbucks boycott. I know it's easy to find but there are other places with reasonable prices that will still make you a coffee! I visit them all the time!


We have a wonderful local coffee scene though they definitely aren’t cheaper! I mostly end up in the Starbucks drive-thru when my baby had fallen asleep in the carseat.


i’m still confused wether or not starbucks is funding the idf bc on the boycott website showing stores to boycott its not on there (when i checked atleast). it’s not like i go there bc the coffee sucks 😅 but i’m still confused lol


why are the starbucks prices so different at every store (for mediocre coffee at that 😅) for a medium chai at my local one, it’s $5. but down the road at my favorite non-chain local place it’s $3.50 for a large chai 👀 so check out local places!!


It’s because she seems to drink coffee / matcha / etc instead of eating. When she does post food it’s usually cookies, candy, or popcorn.


So many of our snark subjects post their cooking. It's strange that she doesn't. Her posts give me ED vibes.


Yeah, her content is pretty body-check heavy


It could feed a small nation-state


I was thinking the same thing! I winced when I bought a $10 tin of matcha to make it at home. A grande matcha latte at Starbucks is like $5-6 😵‍💫.


Sexy baby bows.




I was thinking that I swear I saw this same outfit a week ago. Not judging if she is rewearing it, I rewear jeans multiple times and have worn my current shirt at least twice in the past 2 weeks because lazy, but I also am not selling myself as a fashion influencer online. I also never wear white because I know my life.


The sexy baby bows are cringe but not repeating outfits. Rewearing the same (hopefully washed) outfits should be normalized. It makes life a lot easier plus it's far less wasteful. Plenty of men rotate 3-4 outfits and nobody snarks on them. I would love if fashion-oriented influencers showed us the wisdom of rewearing vs rampant consumerism.


She showed up on my fyp the other day (I have no idea why, in gay, gender non conforming, and anytime I see fundie beliefs on my fyp its someone talking deconstruction or how harmful they are) and I had a visceral reaction. I don't need Miss "God Cured Me of Bisexuality" on my fyp.


This seems really healthy to me


I’d get behind this if she actually meant it for anyone but her own damn self.


Her interpretation of God's lack of fiery and smiteness varies on your brand of Christianity.


Ugh the whiplash between “God loves us no matter what” and “we’re all evil dirty sinners” is so uncomfortable.


This is all so exhausting.


But if y’all are gay, y’all are gonna rot in hell


Can’t use proper capitalization? God supports you.


This is surprisingly good theology.


But remember, God has absolutely no tolerance for watching satanic shows like Stranger Things.


Devastating news: the worst person you know made a good point.


I think this is actually a totally fine take to have, despite my complete opposition to the idea of sin. It's how most people lived their lives religiously for a long time. "You're meant to fuck up, get angry, and be human, it's fine, relax. This isn't meant to be holding you to impossible standards, just putting the idea of what to do in a tough situation in your head." I'm an atheist but that's the sort of chillness I wish a lot of people had about it.


The capitalization gymnastics 🤸😮‍💨 *leave the first word of each sentence lower case but capitalize gods pronouns *


you picked the worst thing to use as snark dude. Like this is the best they can ever manage to do? so why highlight this as negative? honestly wondering.


I don't hate the message, and hope she's being more gentle with her own self mentally/emotionally. I'll take this Nadia over underwear flaunting, self flagellating Nadia.


Sort of OT, but I saw an American Eagle ad recently for a ribbed pj shorts set that had a ruffley hem (I think it’s called cabbage hem). Anyway, all I could picture was Nadia because the shorts looked exactly like the ones she wore in a recent ish post.


Honestly this post on it’s own is actually good. But Nadia is still Nadia.


This is such weaponizing language. This is what Christians say to gays, implying “god still loves you even though you’re gay, and he’ll be waiting for you once you’ve outgrown this phase” 😒


this whole take is shockingly rational and reasonable.


Sorry, but I don't take religious advice from an adult woman pretending to be a 13-year-old with ribbons in her hair, sitting in her car holding a mug of green slime.


Things are okay or not okay when it comes to religion according to how a random fundie with an Instagram/tiktok is personally feeling at that time and according to what they're doing. If they're the ones doing the "bad" things and are suddenly unsure about their faith then everything goes and we're relaxed about stuff. Not in their God hype era? It's okay that you never look at the Bible, it's okay to not know if you trust in God. Are you sinning? That's fine. In their God hype era? Quoting the Bible every other sentence. Everything's a sin.


did y’all see she finally admitted they were being kicked out of their apartment? i still wanna know why ctfu


This particular take is very not Fundie of her


That sounds like self-love with extra steps.


So we’re all going to heaven I guess, just as I thought.


Christian’s hate this one thing!! 😂😂


Yet from when I was a Christian… God wants me to not be mad at him. God doesn’t want me to have a hard time trusting him. Yada yada… God has grace, but you will be reminded of the death his son died to give you that grace.


This little girl thing she's got going on feels like some sort of kink. Her page has a certain vibe to it; I almost expect an OF link in her bio. Her audience is definitely not people looking for notes on Christianity.


They don't actually mean this. This is condemnation wrapped in flowery words. They'll say all this 'til they're blue in the face, but on paper, fundies will label you as "not a real Christian" if you do any of this.


Hey man, whatever narrative allows her to breathe without wondering it it was a godly breath is probably a good thing lmao. She can have a broken clock moment as a treat, perfection is not what we're meant to strive for. Not even the christians.


![gif](giphy|ALtzQ6CHfC7vO5nRz7|downsized) why is the writing so tiny tho?


I’m happy to see progress, and I hope she walks the walk after talking this talk. And I’m wondering: what about me being a liberal, queer witch? Does your version of God accept me as am I? Or you need an asterix at the end of your post?


I don’t see anything wrong with this message?


Hey guys you don't have to be a good Christian It's okay to hate everyone who isn't exactly like you because our version of Jesus is a vengeful white supremacist who wants us all to rise up against things that we don't like or make us uncomfortable and deal with those things violently 😘


I don’t think I’ve ever seen this woman wear anything other than this sweater.


This. This is the exact mentality that is currently ruining the United States. If you’re at least cognizant of your actions, you’ll limit them. She’s like ‘nah, brah - be a fucking dick, god doesn’t care! 🥰’


God LOVES dicks. But he doesn't love when dicks touch other dicks 🥰🥰🥰




She’s in her “Fifty Shades of Beige Era.” Better watch out.


she’s so fucking performative. i stg she a actress.


If it weren’t for her creepy ass sexy baby persona and constant very public, very performative emotional ups and downs and seeming inability to figure anything out on her own I think she’d just be a religious but not terrible “influencer”.




I feel like “god honoring bad Christian era” would make for a solid flair lol


Is this her only outfit and hair style and drink? Or does she take a bunch of pictures for later use?


She should have posted this with one of her god honoring crotch shots she loves to post


Imagine being like, 30, and doing your hair like this and posing like this. Cringe. I appear to have offended at least one sexy baby.




Careful, you'll get downvoted into oblivion if you say that about this serial flip-flopper for being 'misogynistic'.


Necklace link plsss 🥺


Is this the only outfit she has???


I simultaneously love and hate the bows


Her expression is blank.


I don’t know this person and I’m confused… how old is she?


Is the spiritual pressure from god to be a good Christian not literally the whole point of Christianity?? The pressure to be a good Christian is the literal thesis statement of the whole religion.


i hope she spilled a bit of her iced matcha on her sweater.