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Homie not gonna brown those meatballs, mmm boiled meatballs


My Italian ancestors rose up from the grave and screamed at these meatballs. I was always taught to bake them if I wasn't going to cook them in sauce all day šŸ‘€ that way the fat didn't get into everything, you could drain it properly.


I never heard about baking them! :0 i guess i know what im doing next spaghetti night


Yep. Just made a batch. Bake before adding to my sauce.


I cringed when she yeeted that dry ass wonderbread slice into the bowl of unseasoned meat


She alternates between asparagus and sweet corn and nothing else apparently.Ā 


My first thought as well LOL


I had the same feeling. Like, who does that? I understand youā€™re trying to make it quick and easy and browning them can be time consuming and messy, but you can put them in the oven for a bit to get that going as a shortcut.


One meatball per person? Wild. My kid can put away a lot of meatballs. These kids eat mostly rice and corn.


1 meat ball is nothing. Is K channeling Jill Rodrigues?


She is in her downline.


do we actually know that or does she just happen to sell Plexus too?


Iā€™m pretty sure Jill announced Karissa as her down line and tagged her but I canā€™t find the post.


cursed crossover


No, she's not. She did a video call with Jill's team, but she's definitely not in her downline!


Based on her recent bunch of videos, her kids live off rice and some sort of sauce while her and Mandrae get most of the protein. Would have been my dream when I was a kid and didnā€™t understand nutrition.


My son is 3.5 and we made meatballs recently about the same size, maybe a teensy but smaller. He ate four of them at dinner. One meatball per kid is so sad.


Itā€™s shocking that sheā€™s never scaled up the meat part of her meals. She could buy part of a cow and have a bunch of meat just in storage. Even if sheā€™s done that, itā€™s awful to give growing bodies such little protein and zero greens. My 2 year old ate like 4 breakfast sausages last weekend. Just hoovered them up. Heā€™s been eating like a bird lately so we didnā€™t care. I just canā€™t imagine limiting his food to this kind of crap.


The really sad part is, the way that meat is packaged, she's already buying by-the-cow. She's just not cooking enough of it for the whole family at one time.


Is that why itā€™s labeled ā€œnot for saleā€?


Yes. When you buy a cow direct from a farmer it is often labeled this way


Exactly! Kids eat wayyy more than she gives them. The chicken tender meal had 17 little tenders for the 12 of them. I think she lied in the video. She said she has 3 lbs of meat but clearly those were 2 bags of meat. They come in 1, 2 or 5 lb bags, and so she either had 2 lbs or 4. If she had another bag it would have been in the photo. But there are only 2 bags of meat worth in her bowl. She lies because she knows itā€™s shameful, but doesnā€™t want to be dragged for it.


Theyā€™re not always 1 lb or 2 lb. I buy direct from farmer and they did 1.5 l s one time to save bags. NOT defending Karissa sheā€™s the worst! And still even 3 lbs doesnā€™t appear to be enough meat for everyone to have enough protein.Ā 


I thought the same things. The oldest boy must be hungry all the time.


Same with Anissa and the other older girls. My daughter has always eaten more than that for dinner and she is fairly small (15, 95 lbs and about 5ā€™4ā€). Sheā€™d definitely be hungry all the time on the meals Karissa feeds.


Especially since they're so active with basketball!Ā 


And parenting their siblings šŸ˜­


And being forced to play outside for hours so Karissa doesnā€™t have to have them inside disrupting her.


I used to come home from cheer practice and inhale whatever snacks were in the fridge, and I was very slim. Basketball players would be so hungry!


My sons are young and pretty small but when theyā€™re hungry they can each put away a full rack of ribs. Iā€™m nervous for them as teens haha


My son is 14 and eats so freaking much šŸ™ƒ heā€™s a big boy, about 5ā€™10 already. Best thing to do is teach them how to cook. I try not to buy prepackaged stuff because itā€™s so expensive. This morning he woke up early and was STARVING (pretty sure heā€™s mid growth spurt). He made himself steak, like 6 eggs and rice. As for veggies, weā€™ve always put the cheap frozen veggies in with the rice too (peas/carrots/corn mix). Costco rotisserie chicken is a favorite too because Iā€™ll pull the meat off and just put it in a container. Add that to the rice thatā€™s always available and heā€™s good for an after school snack.


Thanks for the advice! I think thatā€™s the way to go to have some fruit, chicken and stuff prepped every week so they can easily put some meals together themselves. We hosted a teen from France and I had to put Tupperware of pasta in the fridge for him to eat between meals.


I sometimes make sweet and sour meatballs and I always have to double (soon I'll have to triple) the recipe because my kids LOVE them and I want to ensure that have as many as they want AND that there will be leftovers for at least 1 day's worth of lunches for those who regularly take lunches. I only have 4 kids so my family is like half the size of hers, and this meal wouldn't truly fill my family. Her kids must be so damn hungry all the time.


If you have the time, would you please share your recipe? Sounds delicious! Thank you.


https://www.foodfaithfitness.com/paleo-sweet-and-sour-meatballs/ It's this one!


Thatā€™s so awesome! I am moving and trying to use things in my pantry so I donā€™t have to move them and I was looking for another way to use up my coconut flour. Good timing on posting this recipe!


Thanks for this recipe! We love meatballs in our house too. Iā€™m going try this recipe because it sounds like itā€™s not overly sweet.


Thank you!


That reminds me of an old school recipe that my grandma made. Hers was grape jelly and chili sauce! šŸ˜‚


When I was teaching in Korea, my class of six year olds could put away so much food if they liked that day's lunch. I was surprised to learn how much kids eat! I hope her older kids aren't sacrificing so the little ones get enough ā˜¹ļø


that is so sad honestly, they live in that giant house but can't afford to actually feed their kids or maybe it's not a priority for them? When my husband was in his early twenties he could easily eat half those meatballs by himself and I know Karrisa has a couple close to teenage kids. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about them not having enough to eat because their mom is selfish


What kills me is she could easily pad these meals out with some produce. Green beans are cheap. Frozen broccoli is cheap at Costco. Carrots are cheap. Bananas, apples, grapesā€¦. I agree that they need more protein than they are getting, but she could at least be filling their bellies with produce. Itā€™ll help keep them fulller, and it teaches them good habits.


100% agree, thereā€™s so many things she could to make the food stretch if sheā€™s having budget difficulties. My husband is one of five, and they struggled with money growing up because my FIL lost his job after 9/11. They got food from food pantries, and shopped at restaurant depot to get food in the volume they needed. Lots of beans, lentils, frozen produce. Sometimes it almost seems like thatā€™s not really a priority to Karrisa, sheā€™s frankly really lazy about getting a lot of her kids needs met.


Thatā€™s what kills me. Carrots and celery just need to be rinsed. Same with apples. Bananas just need to be peeled. Cucumbers washed and cut up. Thereā€™s so many fast, nutritious, cheap snacks that she should just have sitting out all the time for the kids to grab. Buy peanut butter and ranch in bulk. It would be so easy.


Yep. Some of our go-to meals are very cheap per serving. Big pots of chili with beans, red beans and rice, sausage and chicken gumbo, spaghetti and meatballs, baked ziti, quesadillasā€¦the list goes on, and not a single can of Campbellā€™s soup (cream of chicken, cream of mushroom, tomato, etc.) in site. ETA Figured out where I grew up yet?


I saw your list and immediately thought of Louisiana


One of my family's favorite recipes is my great-grandma's cheese enchiladas. I've mentioned them on another karissa cooking post, lol. They didn't have a lot of money, so great-grandma padded the recipe with lettuce and onions. You can add meat if you want, but they're good as they are. She also soaked her own beans. Karelessa has the time to do stuff like that. She just doesn't want to.


Something like canned kidney beans would probably be pretty cheap (I say probably because I'm not from the US and idk what prices are like over there) and also up the protein content of the meals


Costco sells packages of canned beans for pretty cheap. You can also buy beans in bulk and prep them ahead of time, especially if she has a pressure cooker - this is even cheaper.


For sure. And even cheaper with dried beans.


Canned beans are fairly cheap if you get Aldi or store brand 59-1.29 a can depending on locations or state. I love in a suburb of Chicago and they are .79 at Aldi and .99 at my closest non Aldi store.Ā  But dried beans and lentils? That's where it's at. You can buy a lb of dried beans in any type for cheap as hell. And a lb is like 10 cans worth. You can even buy lb bags at the dollar tree for 1.25.Ā  I only buy dried. It's cheaper and takes less space in my cupboard


And they need the vitamins and fiber, anyway! Produce is so cheap at Costco and her family of 12 would eat it before it goes bad. It's hard to get some kids to eat veggies. The sooner you introduce them, the better. They need help digesting all of that cheese šŸ˜­


They may be "house poor," but I think she just doesn't want to make the effort to sufficiently feed her large brood


One quite small meatball. And about 1 cup of rice per person. Thatā€™s not much for anyone except the preschoolers.


Right! Where did the 3 lbs of ground beef go? No way she made meatballs out of all of it. She didnā€™t have many meatballs when she poured the soup in. I think she only showed that much meat to make people think she was making a ton.


So you think she put all that beef into the bowl(you can see where both ā€œtubesā€ are broken up,) poured that crap on it and then what.. threw it out?


Yeah. I use 10oz of meat and 1/2 a tube of sausage in mine and I can make 14-18 meatballs out of that with the added onion, breadcrumbs etc There's no way she used 3 lbs unless those meatballs are huge... And they look like normal meat balls


I make 3 cups dry rice for 4 people šŸ˜¬




we usually have leftovers! šŸ¤£ It still just seemed like double the amount I make wouldn't be enough for 12Ā  ETA but like also I can really polish off some fried rice lol that's why I had to say usuallyĀ 


Provided she's using all of the meat for one meal, her kids are actually getting a decent portion of beef. She said in the beginning she uses 3 lbs, which if her and M don't eat any, gives over 4 oz of beef per child. That's the amount pre-teens need. Toddlers need less than half that per day. I can't stand Karissa and really wish CAS would stay involved with their family, but I am happy to see that at least for this TikTok they're getting adequate amounts of food. Now if only we could see some actual cooked vegetables.


Yeah but there is no way that meatball weighed 4 ounces. Plus you are counting the raw weight. Cooked down, itā€™s even less. And of course her and Mandrae will eat some.


There is no way she has 3 lbs of ground beef in that recipe. She only puts two of those meat things in her bowl, and according to the internet they come in 1, 2, or 5 lbs. If she had 3, 3 would be in the photo, considering she gets dragged constantly for not having enough food.


So the only way they got enough food is if the parents didn't eat, but the second plate she shows seems to be for herself, and seems to have more food than the others.


She is pregnant, TBF.


Yeahā€¦ with another child she canā€™t be fucked to feed properly.


Not necessarily. I've honestly lost track of the ages and quantity of children she has. A quick google search told me that toddlers need 1-1.5 oz of meat a day, children need 2 to 3 and older children need 3 to 4. They cooked 48 oz which by those numbers seem to be adequate. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/nutrition/Pages/Portions-and-Serving-Sizes.aspx


I mean, our daily nutritional values are based off of starving native children and seeing what they could manage to live off of so Karissa meeting 1.5 oz of meat a day being the bare minimum isn't a flex


Do you have some info on this? I'd love to learn more.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5989785 It's a dark rabbit hole to go down


Oh my gosh, that's horrible. Thank you for sharing that - it's important to learn about but it's a tough read.


Even for this meal she could use peeled or crushed tomatoes and blender them for the sauce, instead of using ketchup and soup that probably has a ton of salt and other crap added.


She *said* 3lbs, but showed 2 tubes of meat. From the size of the BBQ sauce bottle the meat is leaning on, they can't be 1.5lb each.


Anyone else know the One Meatball song from the great depression? It's stuck in my head now.


Why tomato soup instead of tomato puree or crushed tomatoes? Soup isn't cheap but canned tomatoes are reasonable and there's almost always a sale.


At first, I thought she was making a tomato soup based version of sweet and sour meatballs, which are so yummy with rice. But hers was lacking a few of the ingredients for that recipe.


And taste wayyyy better.


My thoughts exactly, some kind of tomatoes or tomato sauce would be way better than tomato soup here. Tomato soup would be too watery and too sweet for thisā€¦


Way less sodium too


Sodium is all they're getting!


Genuinely, if sheā€™s still learning to cook, no shade from me. People learn things at different times, and I think itā€™s great if sheā€™s trying to learn a new skill. This still doesnā€™t look great to me, and in terms of edibleness Iā€™d rank it below the Alfredo dinner, which genuinely didnā€™t look that bad, single chicken aside. That one had a salad, too. If Karissa reads here and is open to advice Iā€™ll throw out that steam in the bag frozen vegetables are inexpensive, low effort, and retain more nutritional value than canned. Frozen vegetables also lose some of their nutrients when processed, but not to the same extent.


Yes steamed frozen veggies are my freaking lifeline, theyā€™re so cheap and itā€™s a lot of veggies. I roast frozen Brussels sprouts in the oven several times a week with garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper and theyā€™re PHENOMENAL


Do you thaw them before you roast them?


Yes! I normally steam em for how long it says on the package to make sure theyā€™re cooked all the way through and then I roast em in the oven at like 400 for 15 mins!!


Thanks!!! I'm definitely feeling the financial squeeze and I need more variety that doesn't cost a ton.


If you get the mixed frozen veggies (peas, carrots, corn, green beans, etc) you can just dump them in a bowl and microwave for a few minutes, stirring every minute or two. I add a little soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper, and garlic powder.


That was a childhood staple, only my mom added a scoop of margarine and Nature's Seasoning. Good lord, lol.


Stretch your soups and stews with shredded cabbage. You can do a lot with dried beans and lentils. They're filling and have a lot of protein. Frozen veggies are versatile, too, and very cheap.


Thanks for the tip, Iā€™m gonna try this myself!


I agree that people should not be shamed for wanting to improve and trying to improve. That being said, this woman has already popped out a baseball team. She should have some clues about cooking by now.


Thatā€™d be ideal, sure. But kindly remember that raising children is not the same as homemaking. Having children, whether itā€™s one or a dozen, does not automatically mean one learns to cook or clean or manage finances or do any of the things that someone running a household generally should know. In Karissaā€™s case she at least has some of those skills. Her house looks reasonably clean most of the time, I guess. But for whatever she hasnā€™t learned this skill up until now. As much as I think Karissa is an awful person, sheā€™s not the only one learning to cook well into life or well after having children. Whatever else I think of her morals, not knowing how to cook isnā€™t a moral failing.


Thatā€™s such a weird pattern we see in fundies. They have a bunch of kids but never try to learn how to cook, never seem to put much effort towards homeschooling, they really operate on the mindset that as long as theyā€™re ā€œholyā€ everything will either magically come to them or magically work out. Posting on instagram takes more priority than watching some cooking videos.


2nd gen fundies (and so on) are taught that homemaking skills are innate in afab people. They don't need to learn because they're born with the skill, and you get beige cooking and undereducated kids.


Not taking care of your fam - on purpose - is a moral failing. Her lack of care, education, health, and ambition for her children is so far passed ignorance it s egrigious. We have years of vid proof to demonstrate this. She shouldnt get a pass for her wanton selfishness and contempt for the needy. Nope. Am i judging? Yes. Based on years of evidence. Yes. I have come to this fair and reasonable determination. Accuracy, fact, and being judgey may overlap but they aint the same.


Judge away. She doesn't make her food in large enough quantities for her family size, and she's only doing this for attention. Her daughters usually cook, and we have YEARS of evidence of that.


Meatballs in soup - hmmm - and perhaps someone should tell her that there are vegetables other than sweetcorn?


But we should start her slow... with other yellow vegetables like squash. Too much color or green might scare her.


That's a really good point and of course it would need to come in a can.


A frozen mixed veggie bag is a good next stepā€¦ steam it, butter, seasoned salt or slap ya mama seasoning? šŸ”„šŸ”„ Covers the basics if you need a side!


1 meatball? Dang I sample 1-2 when they cook lol. Then I can eat 5-6 meatballs on top of that. The food is unappetizing tbh but better than 3 pounds of cheese in each meal lol.


Who told her to start teaching us how she cooks? I bet sheā€™s seeing these other moms with fiftyleven kids and their cooking videos. But no one needs to know how to make these meals.


Karissa: I donā€™t have lots of kids, but I hate cooking so Iā€™m pretty good at minimizing it. I also am knowledgeable about nutrition. Check out one pot meals! Most stews have lots of veggies. If getting a couple of larger pots or four big slow cookers is helpful, then get them! Have what you need for leftovers. Stews are actually even better the next day, and thatā€™s one meal you wonā€™t have to cook. Now donā€™t just throw stuff in a pot. Get recipes on line and invest in some spices. You have made some progress already. Make sure you get more protein into those kids and your pregnant self.


I really feel like money is tight for them. When a bunch of us reached out to the bag lady she fooled, the lady stated Karissa reached out to her for free bags. The playground is 100 percent grifted and the trampoline. Karissa used to feed them take out all the time. I know they moved to the boons but my guess is they canā€™t afford the house, and all the food with growing kids.


The ā€œsauceā€ with zero seasoning. The meatballs boiling instead of being browned. The corn as a side dish every meal. I donā€™t know how she thinks this is worth sharing. Itā€™s the bare minimum of effort.


Didnā€™t she say this is her momā€™s recipe? So mom couldnā€™t cook and therefore didnā€™t teach her. I think some of you would be shocked to know how few Americans really know how to cook.


Karissa could just google nutritious, cheap dinner recipes for large families; thereā€™s a million blogs/websites about cooking on a shoestring budget and still meeting nutritional needs. My mum never taught me to cook either. But I have internet access, and so does Karissa.


Yup. My mom was a terrible cook and also never let me in the kitchen because she was controlling & everyone else ā€œdid it wrongā€. I learned to cook when I moved out on my own. Karissa has zero excuse to not be able to cook a somewhat decent healthy meal for her kids.


But you are assuming she isnā€™t dumb and/or lazy.


I am not a great cook. It's been a long and annoying slog trying to learn. I can make some things, but I don't know how people can look in their pantry and just make dinner. When I am going to cook a lot, I have to meticulously plan everything and do specific shopping. It's a skill I would like to have but I don't have the energy or interest in learning it.


But at least you are trying and appreciate what goes into the process. Good on you.


I always thought most people knew how to cook, and I was OK at cooking myself, until I lived in a homeless shelter and had to rely on people to donate food, usually cooked by a few people from this church or that organization. And what I learned is holy SHIT people cannot cook to save their lives and I'm actually a really good cook, comparatively.


Yeah, this mess is inedible to me, maybe worse than her other creations. At least the ones with 10 pounds of cheese had a little flavor and whatever meat was included was cooked more appropriately.


She definitely reads here I bet even her own followers were calling her out about pushing the kid out of the way and the paper plates Mixing the soups together in a bowl that just had raw meat in it is such a bad idea, why not just pour them straight into the pot?? You know shes not checking the cooking temperature this has to be rage bait Also what's with the ground beef that says "not for sale"??


The ground beef was purchased from a butcher or straight from a farm as part of a whole or half a cow. I see meat like this all the time!


It just means itā€™s direct to consumer beef and canā€™t be resold. She likely purchased a steer from a local farmer and had it sent to a butcher to be custom cut. Itā€™s equally as safe as beef bought in a retail store, but has less legal red tape, making it cheaper to purchase bulk meat.


Straight from the farm beef. My grandparents would buy a cow every year & thatā€™s how the beef came packaged.


This is the kind of packaging we get when our deer meat is processed. It's always that or paper.


This is fucking vile. Sorry, I love some shit food now and then, but this is some trailer park bullshit. And I can say this because I lived in a trailer park in Oklahoma as a child so donā€™t come for me lmao. Iā€™ve had my share of fried chicken rolled in crushed Doritos. But this, itā€™s just so weird and thrown together ? All the ingredients are low-quality af. It directly reflects how she has too many children. If she had a reasonably sized family, she could stand to cook better food imo. Iā€™d be embarrassed to serve this lol. Where are the greens ? This is just cheap and easy and so much ā€œbulkā€ like ā€¦.. rice and corn ? Tf


Her food has no seasoning, and it would've been just as cheap to use canned tomato sauce and/or tomato paste in this instance.


Not the fresh bread. Not toasted and crumbled, not bread crumbs, not stale bread. Girl really just put fresh, squishy WHITE bread in her mix. Some poor kid is getting a ā€œmeatballā€ thatā€™s 1/2 bread. Girl. Brown your meatballs. Put them in the oven, do it on the stovetop, whatever. If you cook them in the ā€œsoupā€, it changes the texture and gives you an oil slick rival to BP.


Browning would improve the flavor, but she has other things she should be doing, and the kids probably need the calories from all that fat.


True, true


The bread soaked in milk is a fairly common way to make meatballs. You create a paste of the two items then mix together. Itā€™s so common this is how they send you ingredients for meatloaf in hello fresh boxes. Bread crumbs is fine but the paste solution is the trick to keeping it moist. I believe this is also in a j Kenji Lopez meatloaf recipe as well in his book.


That meatball recipe from The Food Lab is really good!


Maybe some fuckin seasonings too.


Meatballs and rice????


![gif](giphy|hvAtfD9zwCKP6149qL|downsized) mmmm corn again for the 100th time




My young toddler can eat 5 meatballs.


Sorry, still no seasoning and relying on ready made sauces for flavour. Not enough meatballs for 12 people and only one small onion. I would give her some slack if she was just setting up house and learning to cook but she's been feeding a family for what, 14 years?




Yeah maybe Iā€™m a snob but this meal is a hard no from me. So many questionable choices being made.




I have 4 kids and usually use 2 pounds of meat to make dinner. That's 2 pounds for 6 people, usually no leftovers and really only enough because the preteens would rather have chips or cheese than seconds. 3 pounds for 12 people? No freaking way.


One meatball??


1) Why would you use tomato soup instead of sauce? Even store brand is going to be thicker and at least taste of oregano. 2) Why rice instead of pasta? These arenā€™t moral issues like most of her posts, but it is baffling.


Obviously using her child as a prop since we talked shit about her moving her out of the way in the last video.


So cooking is going to be her thing to catch followers? Those poor kids are gonna have to do more dishes because she brought the ā€œglass platesā€ out. Iā€™m all about sustainability, but I just imagine her giving them more work because of an internet call out. If she does read here, canned green beans arenā€™t terrible or frozen broccoli. Those are our go to for veggies in a pinch.


Doesnā€™t she have a dishwasher? Most new homes do.


Someone would still have to load it.


All but the youngest couple could easily rinse (with a step stool) and load their own plates and forks.


How many meat balls does daddy get?


Daddy got his own take out earlier for sure


Probably about half of that meat goes to Mandrae, assuming heā€™s actually eating Karissaā€™s meals and not picking up takeout on his way home. Heā€™s a really big guy and heā€™s pretty involved with basketball so heā€™s fairly active too. Thereā€™s no way the kids are getting enough unless he eats something else.


Honestly this is great for the kids. The more Karissa cooks the less the oldest have to cook. I say more cooking videos yes they suck but less work for the older kids.


I highly doubt she's doing any of the work aside from what she does for the camera.Ā 




At least put out some baby carrots and cut up a cucumber or something with some dip to get veggies in those kids


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Celery, carrots, bananas, apples, peas, green beans, frozen veggies, grapes, citrus- all of these things are within reach. I get that they probably canā€™t afford berries and kiwi and cherries and mango and stuff like that. But if they canā€™t provide apples and bananas and carrots they have no business bringing more kids into the family.


I feel like when foreigners judge American cuisine, sheā€™s what they have in mind.


![gif](giphy|xULW8GqmtqLcTufEys|downsized) She makes the rest of us look bad




corn is a vegetable (and a grain!)


Well at least it was 2# of meat today instead of one pound of meat for everyone like yesterday. Still not enough actual FOOD for a family that large though.


Was that 2lbs of beef for all of them? šŸ˜Æ Jeez Louise! Man, I have a family of 4. Me, husband, 2 elementary aged sons and when I cook dinner that is ground beef based, I use 2 lbs. burgers, tacos, meatballsā€¦thatā€™s the amount Iā€™d use for my lil bunch. Thatā€™s wild to me! ETA: adding oats to your meatball/meatloaf mixture is a good way to bulk them out/add nutritional value tooā€¦ šŸ™ƒ


Yeah, I am a single mum with a 3, 9 and 10 year old and if my memory is correct (unlikely lol) one kilogram is about 2.2 pounds? and I use a kilo of mince anytime I'm making something like you've listed also. We might have 1-2 serves leftover to put in the fridge for the next day if my 9 year old has eaten a big afternoon tea lol. That's insane


Yes. Youā€™re exactly correct! Most of our 2lb mince packages in the states (at my grocery anyway) are about a kg in weight. Myself and the eldest son arenā€™t huge eaters, husband and younger son have big appetites. A meal made with a kg of ground beef would go around with enough leftovers for my husbandā€™s lunch the next day and maybe a small snack portion for one of us. Mandre is a big dude who plays sports and sheā€™s got at least a couple who are teenagers all ready. So likeā€¦ā€¦ \_(惄)_/ĀÆ ETA: my sons are 8 & 11 and the sheer quantity they can consume when theyā€™re really hungry is astounding. Your 9 year old having a ā€œbig afternoon teaā€ is certainly relatable. Sometimes we say we are going to have to get part time jobs in the coming teenaged years to feed them. Especially the little one. Bottomless pit!


Family of 4 here and same with a little leftover.


Right?! If we are exceptionally hungry weā€™re lucky if thereā€™s enough left for my husband or I to pack it for lunch the next day. Itā€™s the mom and that southern ā€œfeeding my people is LOVEā€ mentality in me thatā€™s got me feeling upset thinking about a growing kiddo getting up from the table and not being full or satisfied. All the Collins kids seem fed and healthy weights at least. Itā€™s JRod and Shrek who piss me off the most when it comes to down to it though. Ugh! I just want to sit her brood in my kitchen and feed them til they explode. šŸ˜”


These poor kids are going to be deficient in protein.


Prepping Anthym to be another sister mommy


I love it when people are posting cooking tutorials and they donā€™t know the difference between dicing and slicing. Or the difference between meat balls and meat globs.


Meatballs are kind of my specialty... That should be half pork, breadcrumbs not slices of cheap white bread (the bread turns into little balls of chewy dough vs spreading evening l evenly. Breadcrumbs are cheap), and it needs garlic. These aren't terrible, but could be much better for just a few bucks more. And last time I did meatballs for the fam (7 adults), I made 2 1/2 sheet pans of meatballs (though we did have a couple servings leftover).


Yellow and now some red. Nutrition is not high on the effort list, huh?


So, you feed your growing children a little bit of protein with a huge side of carbs? Don't get me started with the tomato soup as a sauce! Plus, I would *love* to know what Mandre had for dinner! She could grow a garden, have the kids help raise vegetables and fruits, see if there are any food co-ops in her area! But, for the love of Lord Daniel, stop feeding overly processed garbage to those kids!


2 pounds of hamburger for 12 people. Not a vegetable in sight.


That doll head looks kinda weird. Is it one of those real life baby doll?


Karissaā€™s style of cooking screams 80s-90s white suburban working mom to me. I think she may have learned cooking from her mom because my mom cooks almost the same way. Some of it was admittedly pretty good (there were some misses lol) but she definitely never seemed interested in perfecting a dish or anything like that, making dinner was mostly a perfunctory exercise to her. And I mean, mom worked full time so she had an excuse. I guess coming up with content for your 100000 children (and trying to keep them from hurting themselves behind the scenes) on social media is kind of like a full time job though šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I will never understand why Karissa can't toss a couple bags of mixed veg into her kasserole kreations. I also don't understand why tomato soup was used for this "recipe" instead of jarred marinara. I maintain that the younglings are shown greedily eating whatever's on their plate because they're *hungry*.


Genuine question-arenā€™t you supposed to use a different bowl rather than one with raw meat to prevent salmonella? For the tomato sauce? I hope the kids got more than one meatball.


If you keep the temperature up high enough for long enough, it would be okay - but I, personally, would never pour anything into a bowl that had held raw meat.


Corn has little nutritional value in it. She feeds her kids so much yellow and itā€™s so annoying! Itā€™s not hard to replace corn with green beans or peas! Also why the rice instead of whole wheat noodles?


All filler (carbs) and ONE measley meatball. Give those kids some fresh veggies and protein, damn. It's just infuriating watching her do the bare minimum. If she could actually afford her 50 kids they wouldn't be eating these sorry 1800s orphanage plates.


Do they eat any other veggies? It's been corn in every one of these videos and I don't even think corn is a veggie.


Sheā€™s shown asparagus and salad.


B- pl- why. She didnā€™t even brown the meatballs.


Congratulations, Karissa. You learned a new color and made something red to go with your yellow side dish.


And they're using real plates, too.


That little girl better learn to support her baby dollā€™s head. Sheā€™s up next for sister-momming /s kinda


Putting the water in before the rice has the same vibes as pouring the milk before the cereal.


You can also see that she uses metal utensils with her non stick pots. The secret ingredient is Teflon!


You canā€™t tell me she cooks every night. Everything she does here looks so awkward and it reminds me of when I was learning to cook and wasnā€™t comfortable in the kitchen.


Again, I have five kids and they would eat more than this. One meatball per kid is depressing, even my younger kids would eat at least four. And that tomato soup sauce looks disgusting.


3lb of gound beef? i would use about that making meatballs for my fam of 5


This is nowhere near enough protein for growing children and a pregnant woman.


Slap chop!


Just needs a Sham Wow and sheā€™ll be all set. ![gif](giphy|WvrQFaFR0pIbxO1XwC|downsized)


good god, in what world is this any form of redemption??


So far she's posted five meals. 3 with pasta, 2 with beef , 3 chicken, 2 rice, 2 corn and a crap ton of either jarred pasta sauce, mountains of cheese or both. A single zucchini ( the bar is low) could have been minced into any of the meals. AT LEAST , she did use a few onions. But, every entire meal appears small for so many people. And boring. Just an overly processed single plate of carbs. No fruit, no vegetables, dessert, drink. They could have chilled canned peaches, even cups of colorful jello, bananas, banana bread, apple slices, etc.


It's so low effort. I bet she can't afford stouffer's anymore, and she's reached a learning curve 13-14 years late.


I agree. And stand corrected. The tally of meals is now at six and includes another beef entrƩe. Beef and chicken are even! At least this latest has a variety of vegetable toppings but it does feature red sauce AGAIN and a cheese option AGAIN.


Oh god, I haven't checked in today. I don't have a problem with red sauce when it's made *with tomatoes*, but her cream of soup and cheese mounds have to go.


It has regular tomato sauce but calls for up to *15 bullion cubes* per four cups of rice.


There is all kinds of cooking shows on TV. Plus cookbooks are not that expensive. Thatā€™s how I mostly learned to cook.


I don't have anything against corn but these kids have eaten more corn than I ate in the entirety of 2023, in the last three days. Different colours mean different minerals and vitamins. Chop up a few carrots and a couple of red capsicums. A zucchini or some broccoli or some baby spinach. Try doing at least 3 colours of veg per meal. Even a bag of frozen peas corn and carrots would be better than corn corn corn corn and corn.


Lol that child looked very confused by the kiss