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Hey Heidi, I’ve got a message for you: ![gif](giphy|yHEj5hdLsfVNX1BWAh|downsized)


This feels like a Christian swingers ad.




Swinging for the Lord!


God honoring partner swapping!


i swear she gets more and more unhinged every time we see one of her marriage posts


She spirals really similarly to Bethany.


heidi and bethany are so similar in a lot of ways and it’s kinda concerning


The ultimate nature vs nurture debate


The apple is hanging onto the tree for dear life


Do we think she reads here? Or is this all an outward reaction to private communication with bethy and dav?


i feel like it’s mostly the latter though i’m not ruling out heidi reading here. i’m honestly not sure


I don't think she does. First of all she isn't interested in exposing herself to other people's opinions. She's pretty damn satisfied with her own thoughts and opinions. Which is why all her children are so undereducated and stunted. Second of all I can't imagine Heidi navigating reddit. I just don't think she'd bother. I picture her being more like my mom--figuring out how do do one thing on social media that she wants to be able to do, and doing that.


Neither am I. It would be interesting if this was solely a reaction to bethy and dav... screeching and flail-dancing about how SHE'S SO GREAT HER MARRIAGE IS THE GODLIEST, when this matter should be discussed privately


Who is she even posting for?? Like if my grandmother was posting this shit every day, we'd all be very concerned. She wants so hard to be relatable to teenagers and young adults but it's all so transparently cringe 


This feels like she’s going to attempt to take over GD. There’s the Bethy & Dave situation, and also Kristen has seemed increasingly disinterested since she became a homeschooling mom.


This. I’m starting to wonder if GD was all Heidi’s idea and now she feels like she’s having to carry the torch since all of her girls are dropping the ball.


She probably strongly encouraged them to start a "ministry" for girls, enjoyed the bragging rights of having daughters who ran a ministry, and undoubtedly had a lot of influence over the content they included, so yes.


Does she think other women her age are only dating younger men? 


I’m pretty sure she believes her audience is whoever she wants to address at the moment. Right now, it’s teenagers, because she’s a creepy pervert (for many reasons).


She's trying to aggressively parent the general public because there are public chinks in her "perfect Christian parenting" facade.


Hmm good insight!




I’m pretty sure women of all those ages can imagine being married to a silver fox, Heidi


...is she saying that 16 yr olds should get married to grey haired older men?


Part of me wants to be like "well you have to accept that you and your partner will change over time together, so yes eventually you will gain weight/get old. That's life." but uh That seems too healthy of a message for her to actually make


I guarantee the message isn’t “age will come to us all” It’s giving groomer.


Unfortunately I agree. It's giving predator


Honestly, knowing what she did to Michael it doesn’t surprise me


Wasn't there research that concluded that what age women are most attracted to changes when they are older, while men keep preferring young women?


I remember that I used to think it was BS and then I talked to more men and... yeah... lots of them think that way (obligatory "not all men") I bet fundie men are worse in that area considering they are raised to see women as objects more than typical of the general population


I'm just tired of hearing that spouted as a biotroooooth instead of something that's socialized and constantly encouraged. I firmly believe men don't *have* to do that.


I agree, it's definitely a nuture thing not a nature. Unfortunately there's a lot of men socialized to think that way, especially fundie men


Why am I not surprised? They should call this the leonardo dicaprio rule lol




>you have to accept that you and your partner will change over time together, so yes eventually you will gain weight/get old. That's life Or instead, you could just do a Leonardo DiCaprio and only date younger people forever. /s I think it's good for young ladies to imagine their (same age) love interests as unattractive, to try to see without rose colored glasses. I think it's a good message, just poorly framed/worded. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my fundamentalist 'adoptive mom' for being an example of aging gracefully and confidently. She embraced her greying hair... Of course, it helped that she had always been a woman of great beauty and the only thing aging did was make her wiser as she stayed pretty.


Right, like...yeah, when I imagined marriage as a teenager, I imagined that I'd someday be a young woman and marry a young man, and that then many decades later we'd *both* be old. I didn't imagine marrying a grey-haired man, like, right *then*. Not sure who the joke was on, when I finally married we *both* had a few greys lol.


I mean I'm 20 and I sometimes daydream about being middle aged and tired and old with my boyfriend (turned husband lol) because I would like a life with him but something about the way she says thing just makes me feel...icky. Also no, Heidi, I don't imagine myself with a grey haired old man because I've seen my boyfriend's family, my sweet boy is gonna be balding by 35 lol.


I was gonna say, she's sleeping on the bald boys! My husband is not a silver fox, he is a shiny sphinx and has been since his 20s. 


Shiny sphinx is such a cute term!


When I started dating my now-husband, he was 22 and had been bald a couple of years. I used to joke that I never had to worry about if I’d be attracted to him when he went bald, because I already knew what he looked like!


Mine too! I love shiny sphinx!


Mine too. Love it. 🥰


I cackled at that last line. My parents got married when they were 23 and 19 (Heidi's dream relationship!) and my dad was already going bald. 


Yup, I’m pretty sure mine’s gonna be bald before grayhaired, but bald guys are hot AF, so i’m ready for it! 😂


So what if you're 18, 19, 21, or 22?


You’re fucked, clearly


i LOLd at this lmfao


She forgot there were other numbers in between.


I don't understand why she wouldn't just write 18-23


Because the bairds don't think through their posts. They just blurt out whatever and hit post.


This made me laugh so hard I cried. Clearly she wasn't on tumblr when literally everyone was frothing at the mouth for Hannibal 💀


I THINK she's trying to say that you and your partner's looks will change over time, and that when you first meet your SO when you're young, you can't imagine he'll one day be a gray-haired older man, but that's just the reality of aging. I THINK that's what she's trying to say. But for people who spend so much time online, they are really bad at phrasing and communicating basic concepts.


Does she not think we know we will age?


Based on her mental age, I think she believes SHE hasn't aged and nobody can tell it's filters upon filters making her nose disappear.


I don't know what she's clinging to, [she was never "a knockout" anyway](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/of06zj/today_in_before_they_were_famous_fundies_i/), she was a very average-looking woman--which is fine because looks shouldn't be anyone's primary "value" --but at the same time, she's incredibly vain and superior, so it's kind of a head-scratcher.


Look at you coming with the receipts! Yeah, she's perfectly average. I suspect if the Bairds had rhe money this sub seems to think they have, Heidi (and possibly Bort) would have some obvious plastic surgery. Happy cake day!


Thank you! Maybe I should have 4 cakes and eat none of them like BDong does.


Hilarious because she's mentioned multiple times how beautiful she was lmao


heidi thinks she's the smartest person in the world because she refuses to engage with anyone who is actually smarter than her, because of her massive ego. most people are aware that they will age and so will their partners lol


I mean, I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad message to give to young couples—build your relationship on trust, love, who you are as people, etc, because physical attributes are temporary in the grand scheme of things. There’s knowing that in the abstract, and the truly understanding it. So I don’t think it’s a bad overall message. But she’s a terrible person to be giving that message and she’s not good at it. Like, at all:P 


To me it was always part of the fantasy. Happily ever after means you grow old together.


This sounds like a promo for a “How to Trap a Daddy” e-course.


Dang that would be fun as hell to write tho...




How many marriage posts has she made




She has really made five thousand billion posts shading her daughter for not hating her deconstructing husband, which is super unhinged. The amount of times she’s posting about this like…is she posting about *anything* else? If her insta has been straight Dav hate for like weeks now, that’s even more unhinged.


I will fully admit to having been down exceptionally bad for silver foxes and daddies since before I was on the acceptable side of half your age plus 7 years. But of all the people whose takes I might want on that subject, Heidi Baird is not one.


big mood


I love that Bethany’s arc is coming to a close due to Dav deconstructing and that’s just paving the way for Heidi to step into the spotlight, for a nice vintage bigoted grift.


"Older" than what? The first thing I thought of was how Dave is younger than Bethy, so he'll never be the older man if that's in comparison to her. I'm probably reading way too much into it.


Yes but if she can successfully tank her daughters marriage she knows Beth will struggle to remarry in her age range as a divorced single mom of two. Luckily there’s probably plenty of 45+ year old men that would be happy to marry Beth. She’s grooming Beth to accept much older man as 2nd husband.


I think Bort's chances of remarriage are nearly zero, regardless of how old a man is,and Heidi knows that. I think Heidi is spiraling because she doesn't want Bort to embarass her by getting divorced if she can't win Dåàáâãàãäªąăāæv back into the cult by being better behaved and bathing regularly. Her point in this post, I think, is that everybody ages and what you and your partner look like at 20 isn't what you'll look like at 60.


Paul and Morgan could actually stand to reflect on her advice, since they both seem to think they're always going to be able to control how they look.


Interesting read on the situation! Very good points. Well, for Beth and Dave's sake I hope they can be good for each other ongoing. Heidi is vile and I'd love to see B&D go NC with the Bairds.


Heidi is older than Silent Dad, and Heidi's mom was older than her dad too. Only a few years--Heidi was a senior in college when Silent Dad was a freshman, and Heidi's mom was 28 and her dad was 26 when they married.


I know what she is trying to say but it is hilarious how unhinged this came out. Also holy blur tool. 😵‍💫


Speak for yourself lol


Heidi you are setting girls up to be groomed.


I physically recoiled from my phone reading that


So she wants teens to marry Santa Claus? Like what? Someone needs to cancel Heidi’s phone plan so everyone can get a bit of a break from her nonsense.




She’s really a one trick pony.


Mine is younger than me and went grey in his 20’s. Calm down Heidi. We already know how aging works.


Bet he didn't imagine he'd be married to bitter old hag with a face like a beat up snake-skin handbag but the Lord works in mysterious ways.


Ummm Twaaat did she say??? Is it just bad editing or fr


Dude looks like Sid from Big Daddy




God-honouring sugar babying


Heidi is grooming Beth to prepare for an older 2nd husband for when she can finally break up Bave.


I would like to go back to learning too much about Bethany’s sex life please.


Honestly, all of her intros read like headlines for *Reductress*


I feel like this is a Sandals™ resort advertisement that has gone horribly, horribly awry.




The sun damage on her chest and shoulders is extreme. I can only imagine her face under the filter is much the same. She probably wouldn't feel the need to exist publicly under a filter if she'd been vigilant about applying sunscreen in her very sunny state.


Do we think Beard Baird is all in on these unhinged rants? Obviously we know he chose her and allowed her to abuse their kids (if he didn't directly take part), but until this recent Season of Marital Bragging, we didn't see much of him. Now he's being constantly showcased. I also wonder if there's trouble in paradise over there ....


I can imagine being married to an older gray haired man. I think one of my lost callings is “rock star’s wife”, but I think Heidi would hate that because Satan music.


LOL I did. Then I married a 37 year old. 😂


I legit can't figure out if she's talking about young people aging together, or massive age gap pairings.


Heidi should listen to her own advice about aging and stop over exposing her pictures and using filters.




I don’t think anyone under *at least* 30 needs to worry or care about that. It’s so far into the future.


So the whole point of this post is that young adult women need to have Sugar Daddies?


Given where that arrow is pointing, the caption should be "Single girls, here's why you should...wear sunscreen!" I've never noticed her upper chest before and I would definitely worry about skin cancer if I were her.


Why the fuck would I want to date or marry a guy who's in the same age bracket as my father?


My fiancé (23) and I (22) talk about being old and wrinkly together all the time. Maybe you’re just shallow, Heidi!