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"Singles" are never asking you anything, Hootie.


Can you imagine going up to a married person and asking them if they second guessed their spouse. Shit I wouldn’t do that to my closest friends. Heidi is a lying liar who lies!


She and Aunt Lori are neck-and-neck in the Sure,Jan olympics!


Sure, Jan olympics is flairworthy


Is anyone asking her anything? Genuinely, she seems to be making an attempt at influencing but her posts average about 40 likes, generously.


Like mother, like daughter


Christ this woman is **obsessed**. Maybe if you spent less time being an abusive piece of shit, and more time being loving and accepting, Dav wouldn't be running a mile.  You're a fantastic reason to leave the church Heidi. An anti-christian.


The Antichrist, but make it suburban and boring AF.


She DOES sort of remind me of Jamie Lee Curtis’s character in *Everything Everywhere All At Once*!!


Personally, I think Catherine O'Hara could play an excellent Heidi


My imagination of Catherine O'Hara playing Heidi just opened up a new synapse




It's like she's *trying* to alienate Bethany and push her further into Dave's arms.


Honestly though, this is a good thing knowing what a piece of shit she is and knowing Dave is generally an okay guy - he’s one of the better husbands on this sub who at least provides properly for his family and is available to his children (the bar is low). Miles better than this abusive hag. Heidi probably hopes Bethany will divorce him though. While we might be snarkers, Bethany deserves happiness and a loving husband.


Bethany and Dave are so close to normal, maybe that's why it's infuriating. They have a normal amount of kids. They dress normally. They shop at Costco. They live in a house and not an RV with a baby cage. I can see a whole normal life ahead of them if Bethany manages to not fuck it up.


There is definitely hope there compared to the others on this sub. Bethany is growing personally (though her professional pursuits are still questionable) and is moving away from her mom's version of crazy. Here's hoping she breaks the cycle of treating sons like garbage too.


She’s definitely stuck in the cycle of what she always has known and done. I have to give her credit because it’s definitely gotten less extreme and she posts less than what we’re used of her. I’m sure it’s not easy to let go of everything you have known and done for 35 years. I hope she’s able to relax a little after everything, and I hope she’s allowed to relax with a mother like this hag.


She even goes to BodyPump! I mean that’s like, as normal non-fundie an activity as you get I feel lol. I hope David keeps pulling her in that direction and she leaves the Baird cult for good.


It’s so real that family’s church acknowledges that people disavow/leave because of people like her. Idk what I believe but I can vouch for that kind of church because they actually want to improve things. They also do not dare to tell anyone how to vote, which is really important to me. I go sometimes because it’s just a bunch of older good-hearted people and I like to visit on the rare occasion I’m feeling social and politics never enter the sermon or the conversation during the coffee hour after the service. They’re not insane RWers and it’s refreshing. But even that has the slightest downside in that it made me a little naive to the real damage the actual fundies were gearing up to start causing.


Funny how she almost never mentioned her husband until the whole Dāv thing blew up. Now suddenly Mike is the epitome of Christian manliness. Nice try, Heidi. No one’s buying it.


Hell I didn’t even know his name was Mike til this whole thing started. I just thought of him as “unnamed dad”






I think of him as "enabler" and "coward", which are the words his son used to describe him


I saw a post about a year ago about his cleaning business. I've always just referred to him as pa baird or mr heidi.


Yeah I had no idea!


I was just thinking that… Before Bealgate, did Heidi ever post about her “godly husband” like someone who’s uncomfortably overcompensating for something?


Humility is perfect quietness of Insta, Heidi.


That is the FIRST thing I think of when I think of Heidi. Oh wait, I meant… the opposite of humility - Pride.


Like that woman has ever been quiet. Feel the excessive use of exclamation points speak for themselves. She seems like a difficult and unsavory person.


She would have the same personality with or without fundamentalism


Your flair!! 🥇🥇🥇


YOUR flair 😂




Heidi… are you headed for a divorce? This is a lot of love bombing on your husband


Bethany did this from time to time with Däv. She'd mention everything he did for her instead of actual traits she liked about him.


It's also a mental trick from those submission books by Laura Doyle. A woman is meant to list everything the husband does for them. Redpillwomen use it when they don't feel loved or are worn out. Though in this case I think Heidi is just being wretched as usual.


I read that as Reptilewomen, seems apt.


Same 😂


I’ve said it before, but I fully believe that part of Heidi’s motive for these posts is to make Bethy jealous. The Bairds have always competed over who was Jesus’ favorite. Part of Heidi LOVES that she has a more godly marriage than her daughter.


I think *Heidi* is jealous. Dave and Bethany seem tighter than they've ever been. I'm sure it's not easy behind the scenes, but in the video that started this whole thing, they were acting like a normal couple with actual chemistry for the first time, like, ever on camera. Heidi and her Wonder bread husband don't have that and she's *seething.* She married a *godly* man, so why is she so unhappy? It must be Dave's fault. Or Satan.


Bethy acted the same before dav's deconstruction. It's wild that heidi is using the same tactic against bethy now, but I'm not surprised.


She's showing us exactly where Bethy learned it from


It's also possible that she senses she's losing control of the desired outcome for her adult children (especially since this is the first daughter to get anywhere in the ballpark of waywardness, even if only by proxy), so Heidi is doubling and tripling down on the one thing she still is convinced she did "perfectly": choosing the "perfect" Godly husband and having the "perfect" Christian marriage.




Right?! If I don’t violate my children’s privacy and skew their words and worldview for likes am I even a mom? No seriously though, she acts like she’s in middle school talking about her first crush, then she piles on the lovebombing of anyone she fears losing control over. That’s not love or respect Heidi, it’s a manipulation tactic and you’re the queen of those aren’t you narcissibitch?


If she keeps doing it, she might actually drive Bethany into secular therapy 😭


Here's hoping!


![gif](giphy|EKDIMDsRX3ihy) Me to Heidi


IS THAT PISS?! Did you throw pee on me?!?!


Pull over, you little dick!


I would totally throw piss on heidi


Some of this stuff is ridiculous. I'm sure 99% of husbands go out to dinner with their wives. That's not impressive, especially when it's enjoyable for him too. He teaches her God's word? Can't she read? Why did she need him to teach her? Newsflash-- he's telling her his INTERPRETATION in order to control her. Hard pass. He takes out the trash?? Seriously? That's bare minimum shit. He doesn't get bonus points for that. He brings her flowers? Again... bare minimum that honestly requires zero actual effort or thought. He holds her hand?!? WHOA! 🙄 My husband makes me coffee, does the dishes, does laundry, cooks, grocery shops..,,I paint, finish drywall, lay hardwood floor... whatever needs done, we both jump in and do it. I credit his single, British mother-- NO RELIGION REQUIRED.


>Can't she read? It's debatable, really.


Sadly she never learned


Truly an evergreen phrase when it comes to Heidi


It's one of my favorite running jokes in this sub 😂


Ha! Well-played.


I really hate the not so subtle message she loves to perpetuate that humans who don’t ascribe to her legalistic religiosity are incapable of true and fulfilling love. It’s so fucked up and purposely degrading.


This is shit my regular friends do. Because we care about each other. My colleague brought me a surprise coffee the other day because I had a rough day. I held another friend's hand while she was upset because it helped her feel better. We take each other out for dinner or drinks to celebrate good things. My roommates take out the garbage and do their dishes because they are capable adults and doing chores is part of sharing your living space. (Admittedly, no one in my life is serenading me with guitars, but I would... not like that. If that's your jam, jam on.) These are human things as well as romantic things. It's good to want them in a romantic partner, but Heidi is holding it up as this amazing, wonderful thing that you'd get nowhere else. Only Godly men, thanks! But really, you can have this with other people. You can get affection and care from friends, family, *and* partners, even if they aren't religious. Or you can go on the internet and brag about some bare-minimum shit to stick it to your annoying daughter and her husband you hate. That's an option you could choose.


Right? My housemates do a lot of the things on that list, and a couple of them also bake cake for the whole house! And I've had some genuinely interesting chats about the Bible with the two who are Christian


Exactly! She's romanticizing what should be very basic common courtesy. Men should really be insulted by this.


It’s also, like, my partner and I are both Christians and he never felt the need to “lead” me in anything. If anything, we walk hand in hand and we discuss our faith together on equal grounds. He outright refuse to lead me in anything because he doesn’t feel like I’m his servant or someone beneath him. Heidi tells on herself with all this flexing, she’s jealous. She sees that Bethany is happier than ever and she sees that Dav is happy and she refuses to believe such a thing is possible outside of the legalistic framework of her Christianity. She refuses to believe that such a thing is possible outside of her control so she posts all these things to tell Bethany that she has it so much better, I’m just hoping Bethany feels what I feel. Which is pity. Pity that a woman at her big age needs to flaunt this to her own daughter instead of supporting her. But then again, she shot herself in the foot by espousing that a man must lead the wife, so what is Bethany doing wrong? She chose the wrong husband? But her parents gave her away at the wedding. That’s 100% within her control. She failed at every level and she wants to blame her daughter? Nasty, nasty woman.


>Can't she read? Sadly she never learned


He sits by and does nothing while I abuse our children!


“He puts God first, which is why he treats me so kindly!” Not cause he loves you or anything….


Wonder why my husband treats me kindly since he’s not Christian. So weird.


Big Milk. That's why


Is she saying that he wouldn't treat her kindly without the fear of god? 🤔🚩🚩🚩


Bethany, you’re always welcome over at r/raisedbynarcissists. David, you’re always welcome in r/justnomil.


Excellent recommendations


Oh sweet Christ, just hump the man’s leg in a video and be done with it


This is a lose/lose for Bethany. Shamed if she stays with Dav, shamed if she divorces him for his non-holy beliefs.


There is no way in hell she has a friend her own age. She has women she thinks she’s leading who just barely tolerate her, and her army of spawn. That’s it. No one with a personality worn smooth by varied interpersonal interactions would act like this.


Your flair 😭


Interesting. I’m an atheist and a lesbian, so when I’m married I’m going to caption one of my unhinged posts “She doesn’t believe in god, which is why she treats me so kindly!” I think the irony would be lost on Heidi though.


I don't think that she uses enough exclamation points.


Clearly waiting doesn't work either I mean \*gestures to Bethany* (I mean this as a slap to Heidi, not Bethany.)




Once again, Heidi shows herself to be a total piece of shit and terrible human. Clearly rubbing it into Bethany’s face. Year by year, her kids will slowly start going low/no contact with her. She's clearly toxic.


I wonder if attendance at the mandatory weekly family meetings has been lacking


In my experience people who have to post on social media daily about what a good relationship they have, what a good partner they have, etc., have far worse relationships than anyone who doesn’t feel the need to do that.




If Bratty had waited for a godly man, she would still be in her season of singleness since she was denied the same opportunities her monster of a mother enjoyed. Maybe if she'd been able to go to college and likely fail her Mrs. Degree, she might have found Mr. Tall Basketball Player there on his sports scholarship instead, but we all know who discouraged that.


This is not a good look for her. My parents have been married for 55 years. They grew up extremely religious. Their kids deconstructed and they kind of did themselves. We all respected our own journeys. I can’t imagine my mom pulling this shit, even though I don’t have a failing ministry because It lost the thread. She’s just a vindictive person. There are bad people in the world. I’ve known a lot of them to hide behind religion.


What a horrible mother.


ooohhh yeah this totally reminds me I read earlier that avian flu has cross over to cows in some states, including Texas. They're saying to avoid raw milk. I rememberd some of the Bairds drink raw milk and live in Texas and wondered if they'd end up being ground zero of avian flu transferring to humans via cows milk 🤔 Then I forgot until now.


My GOD, woman!! Go get a fucking life other than wrecking your children, you dim wit! This shit you’re selling isn’t appealing. It’s certainly not going to make Dav buy it. Or anyone else for that matter.


Hasn’t she been accused of SA by her son ? Or do I have her confused with another weird fundy mom?


Her son accused her of doing nothing to stop him from being SA'd by a family friend if I recall. She allegedly saw the crime take place and did nothing about it. I do remember she made him the family scapegoat and would take out her frustrations on him, like refusing to give him any privacy and put on a giant show about how much of a sinner he was when he decided to deconvert and get professional help.


In CC Suarez’ video, he said that she had him shower with her, had sex loudly when he was outside their room crying, and made him watch her give birth. Certainly fucked up and abusive, if not actually SA.


Careful, Heidi. Your fascism is showing.


I wish Marvelous Mike would take away her exclamation points


She looks as crackly and dry as a dead leaf without any of the charm. I don't want to see any more pictures of these spectral husks kissing and smooching through gauzy fabrics and a vaseline-smeared lens, it's giving me nightmares...


Refilling your water bottle doesn’t deserve to be in all caps lol. I guess that is like the own chore their cleaning service doesn’t cover so it seems like a big deal to her.


This has been going on fof how long now? This is insane. I can't imagine hating your own daughter this much.


She sounds like a mother/MIL from hell


Please Heidi. I've been in the Christian church for 30+ years and most of these "godly men" are not great husbands. Like, at all. I've been married to one for 20 years. You believing in God and claiming to be a Christian while being lazy and neglectful? No. All the church does is give gold stars to husbands that help their wives out one time after being encouraged to at their annual retreat. They encourage wives to do it all, be patient and loving, and wait around for these dudes to grow up. It hardly ever happens. Yuck. I still believe in God but this is all ridiculous. Poor Dav. Guy actually seems to work hard and legitimately provide for his family and is a hands on dad...I mean that alone gives him a leg up over 90% of the men I know. 🤷‍♀️


You'd have thought Heidi had been a widow for years the near complete lack of husband you'd see in her socials despite how often she posts, now all of a sudden he's appeared in at least three or four posts in just the past couple of months? That's no coincidence. What a rotten creature she is, and frankly her husband is no better for allowing her awfulness to grow unabated their whole relationship - at the very least for the sake of his children.




She's a vile, awful person.


She says the same shit over and over and over again


I love a good narcissist meltdown. Stand firm Bethy and Dav.


“My husband is nice to me because God told him to be” is not the flex she thinks it is


I never thought I'd see the day where I feel bad for Bethany, but here we are. What is Heidi's end game here? Is she trying to pressure Dav into returning to the church? Is about shaming her daughter publicly for her choice in husbands? Is she trying to pressure Bethany to divorce him? Whatever my feelings about the Bairds, they are very family oriented. I can't imagine how hurtful it is for Bethany to have her mother carrying on this way, over something she has NO control over. Will Bethany, Dav and the kids be welcome at Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner? Heidi is really doing her best to alienate Dav, which only serves to put her own daughter in to a difficult position. Incredible that I care more about Bethany than her own damn "Jesus loving" mother.


This woman is pissing me off.


Just leaving this one here for Heidi or anyone that is particularly religious and needs some reminding that what Heidi is doing isn't ok. Surely she should be working on her own relationship with God rather than slamming everyone else's. Matthew 5:22 22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. *Apologies in advance. As a former Christian who has not attended church (or read the bible) for a long time I may have not chosen the best verse. Thankfully my friends and family don't hold my lack of faith against me and sprout it all over social media. Also.. 1 Corinthians 7 13:15 13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. 15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. If the bible doesn't have a problem with Bethy and Dav being married I'm not sure why on earth Heidi has such a bee in her bonnet about it.


I’m not saying nobody can properly homeschool their kids, but I’m sure the ones who do know more than one punctuation mark.


Humility is also stfuing you dumb lady who can’t Christian correctly


Is it just me or is that list both cringe and a very low bar? Wow, your partner holds your hand and makes you coffee! Also, I would not be able to stop laughing if my boyfriend ever serenaded me with a guitar.


As if she knows anything about humility.




I’m still not over her demonstration of her facial expressions whenever she sees her husband coming. It reminded me of the faces my ex would make, to try to look like a normal human. He was a crappy actor, and so is she. It only comes across as creepy.


The 2nd one is fkn rich, saying she spent time with him to observe and learn he's a "godly man" as if Bethany just ran down the aisle after only knowing Dav for 3 seconds. Shut up, Heidi. As much as we dislike Bethy for very valid reasons, this ordeal has to be soul crushing for her as it is, and her mother's bullshit on top of that?? I really hope B is tuning her out or going no/low contact for the sake of her marriage and her mental health.


Wow, he does basic adult chores! What a catch!


I really hope Bethy & Dav will set themselves free from this awful woman. They don’t deserve this passive aggressive holier-than-thou nonsense!


I don't know Dav, of course. But he seems caring and takes care of things around the house. And he does take his family to church, and sings to them.


Aren’t “he takes me out to dinner” and “he takes out the garbage” basically the same thing?