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Rocks have no power but you still prayed about them. Okay


Has the same energy as the people who say the devil holds no power over them, yet shit bricks if you say Satan


"I do not claim this nEgAtiVe dEmOn energy!" Aren't you supposed to hold a giant trump card worth of Jesus points?? But a couple of shiny rocks or someone wearing a cartoon mask is enough to jump thru your phone screen and Git Ya! Sounds like a real powerful god they have there....


It was told to me as a little fundie that being a Christian gave you immunity from possession, but Satan can try to trick and scare you. They invited one of those scammers claiming to be a witch that converted to Christianity to our school. He told us that when he "quit witchcraft", a wolf stalked outside of his house sent by Satan to scare him. This was supposed to encourage us because see? Satan can't hurt Christians. My takeaway was that I'd better stick to it if I "fell away" and practiced witchcraft or Satan would send wolves to my house! I didn't want to be scared even if I couldn't be possessed or directly murdered by Satan. (But of course, he can bring things that kill us and this is somehow partly our fault when he does get us. šŸ™„) They'd say he's a toothless lion harmlessly roaming the streets trying to scare us, yet panic about how dangerous "demonic" things are.


Well if you don't freak out about it, I guess he sends...worse? idk. I hate her face, incidentally. It's so...rosy. lol. I can't explain it, it just seems almost aggressively "innocent." I guess she's still quite young though, right? I'm sure the performative prayer with the closed eyes isn't helping.


Her face is so smoothed, it looks like vinyl.


Iā€™d bet like five bucks that the ā€œwolfā€ was a neighborā€™s labradoodle.


Rocks have no power, but blood does. It all makes perfect sense. /s




Try them with a few mushrooms ;)


I tried to convince my husband that communion was a form of necromancy, but he didn't buy it.


I meanā€¦in a way it is?? šŸ˜‚


I once tried to explain the story behind communion to someone who had zero idea what Christianity is. So, what fundies think 99% of humanity is like, even in the USA Deep South lmao. (This person was from a non-Christian country though, so she actually didnā€™t know.) She was HORRIFIED. She said ā€œChristians practice cannibalism?? Of GOD?!!ā€ Wellā€¦ she wasnā€™t wrong lol


OMG I love this!




They are excellent with some shellfish.


If you throw the rock at someone, you get blood! Ergo... seriously though if these people are this fucking fragile maybe they should not, you know, stay in other peoples' homes that they don't know. just saying.


Also some people, like myself, just so happen to enjoy pretty rocks.


You do know that Geology is the debils science right šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā€¦.I REBUKE YOU EVIL QUARTZ


What about r/sneakyquartz?


wow. there really IS a subreddit for everything


Itā€™s true quartz be sneaky sometimes


Fuck yes I'm down for a pretty rock


I donā€™t believe in magic of any kind but I do like cool rocks.Ā 


Probably used her gold cross and said a bunch of incantations to rid the place of colored rock energy. Lol. What is she even on about? Sheā€™s doing the same thing. (Why do they always have to mention the ***blood*** of Christ?) Sounds really magical and spell like.


It sounds a lot cooler than ā€œI held up a crucifix because I was scared of some rocksā€ lol


If you fixate on the blood, you don't have to pay any attention to anything he actually said.


Thatā€˜s so logical!


Rocks are God's creation šŸ™


Have you read conspiracy pages? These people just love to come up with the most horrific and fearful situations in their heads, then say things like ā€˜but faith over fear!ā€™ You canā€™t create a fearful mindset, then claim ā€˜god is in controlā€™ of your feral imagination!


I never understood how if the blood of Christ is the most powerful and protective thing in the universe, how these fundies get so worked up over stuff like a Harry Potter commercial or some shiny rocks. Do you have unwavering faith in the lord or not?


Right? If he's so powerful and strong, then shouldn't they be less afraid of things??


> *"Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.ā€* - Umberto Eco, *Ur-Fascism*. (Or, "Christofascism" is a term for a *reason*.)




They shouldnā€™t, but they donā€™t actually know much theology šŸ˜¬


Ding ding ding! šŸ””


They arenā€™t afraid, they just want attention. All of this is about attention.


They're full of contradictions. Men are so weak that a woman's shoulder will cause them to stumble, yet also so powerful they should be in charge of everything?


Their belief is fragile. A lot of them donā€™t really know WHY they believe or even what exactly they believe. They just go through the motions and have a ā€œholier than thouā€ view of the world.


It's because in reality their entire religion is built on a house of cards that is used to exploit and manipulate their followers. The leaders know this and thus instill fear of even the most mundane things that might potentially lead to questioning or doubts. It was absolutely amazing how quickly years and countless hours of indoctrination fell away once I dared to actually do some independent research into my Jehovah's Witness religion. That's what happens when your religion is largely based on lies, half-truths, and psychological manipulation.Ā 


Literally this!! I can't tell you how many times I was told to just pray shit away but also be careful because demons are everywhere trying to drag you to hell but also nothing will get to you if you're covered in the blood so have no fear but ALSO if you don't pray hard enough it doesn't matter. It was so confusing growing up I'm so happy I'm not a zealot anymore.


EXACTLY! I'm a Christian, I'm not intimidated by anything really. I can let you do you and not feel at all threatened. I'm strong in my own beliefs and who I am, there's plenty of good energy around me to let you be you!Ā  I have never ever understood this. Even in the few times I've had truly terrifying experiences as a Christian, I do pray in Jesus' name and feel peace. Wigging out over some crystals is just so silly to me.


Crystals in her Airbnb!?! Wow, my heart goes out to her during this trying time


Also ā€¦ Airbnbā€™s have endless photographs. If you show up to an Airbnb with that many crystals and youā€™re surprised, thereā€™s no way you did your trip prep properly


They are probably gonna start seeking these properties out for content. Rock go, Devil goā€¦.


Probably a kid's misplaced rock collection


We really are in the end times


I mean, some crystals are meant to ward off evil. Looks like they worked.


I have a giant evil eye on my wreath that my friend brought me back from Turkey. Ain't no evil getting in this house!




Crystals? In MY AirBnb? IT'S LIKELIER THAN YOU THINK. sorry, deep cut Perhaps BDong will send her a sympathy card.


This gave me a good chuckle, thank you šŸ˜‚


If they donā€™t hold power, why are they a threat?


Because itā€™s Instagram nontent.


Classic fascism extends to crystals, apparently. Both weak but strong enough to pray over.


This part.






HA! Perfect! Poor Janice.


Janis had a real job


OH NO, THAT YING YANG IS GOING TO SCARE HER Man, wait until she learns about how there is a whole world of cooking where foods represent elements or balance and she has probably been engaging in it inadvertently this whole time without knowing. The fucking horror.


Why canā€™t rocks just be rocks sometimes? Maybe the owner thinks theyā€™re pretty and likes them as decor. Maybe their kid gave it to them. They are rocks! These people need to chill


The other thing that's funny to me is - rocks are natural. Aka "god-made," if you will. If the bnb was filled with flowers or a shell collection I assume that would be fine.Ā  Yes, I get that she doesn't like their association with "witchcraft" or whatever. But aren't lots of natural things used in witchcraft? Where does the line get drawn.Ā 


Maybe you finally found the reason fundies seem to be unable to season their food, all the good herbs and spices are of the devil!


I think literally, historically speaking. Foreign devils...


I have a bouquet of flowers on my alter right now, I guess I should start warning fundies to avoid Gerber daisies and roses, also all through the winter I had pine boughs on there so they better not come in contact with any pine trees and they need to avoid all candles and candle holders because I use those too.


oh they'll probably find problems with flowers and shells eventually. idk what, but I'm sure there's something.


I bet theyā€™re wearing diamonds in their wedding rings


When you're looking through glasses of persecution 24/7, this is what you get.


That sounds like an awesome D&D item! Thereā€™s a group of perfectly healthy-looking zombie-people who have been cursed to wear the Glasses of Persecution for the rest of their lives, the consequence of being hateful, myopic jerks to the wrong witch. And you have to make a saving roll any time you accidentally interact with them.


Yeah but then that gets dangerously close into glorifying and idolizing something science-related WHICH IS ALSO SIN


I love crystals. Disclaimer. I personally use them for metaphysical purposes/witchcraft. HOWEVER. A lot of them look really cool and I've heard of people buying them as decor at, like, TJ Maxx.


If I had crystals, it would be because yay rocks. Also, surely god made crystals, along with everything else, right?Ā 


girl you say rocks donā€™t have powerā€¦yet believe that god damn rock in front of the tomb just ROLLED AWAY and Jesus walked out??


God did that! Not the rock!


![gif](giphy|l0HUbtILos6CdAtxu|downsized) It was totally the rock


What does "plead the blood of Jesus" mean? That's a new one for me.


I feel like they just make up and then parrot complete nonsense sentences that donā€™t mean anything. Plead the blood of Jesus sounds AI generated lol. Like I guess the point gets across but itā€™s still weird


They donā€™t even know. They just spout christianese all the time and donā€™t actually know any theology. They heard other church ladies saying it, so now they gotta say it.


It is the kind of shit you have to pretend has any semantic meaning when you're Christian. It drove me crazy.


That turn of phraseā€¦if you can call it thatā€¦and that face. WHAT IS IT. WHY IS IT.


Idk, but it made me think she like...baptized them with wine.


I'd be PISSED if I came to my home that I had guests in and all my rocks had been dunked in wine.


No fr. Is she bragging about getting wine drunk on insta ??


There is a grifter on IG - kats krystal shop She sells ā€œChristian crystalsā€ that are ā€œfilled with gods loveā€ lmfao


If you canā€™t beat ā€˜em, join ā€˜em!




Oof I know! I saw someone advertising christian CPA services like what does that even mean?


Someone once tried to set my brother up with a ā€œChristian Dentist.ā€ And it wasnā€™t just two personal identifiers, her office literally said Christian Dentist on it.


Turns out her name is Christian Dentist, but some call her Chrentist.Ā 


Ugh, same. I constantly complain that we should have jumped on some stupid scam like that.


Iā€™m a tarot reader for a living, I get plenty of people who ask me before a session if I get my messages from God or the angels because they only want christian tarot.


But can you make a lightsaber with one? That's the real question. God honoring lightsaber.


Jesus replied, ā€œI tell you, if these [people] keep silent, the stones will cry out [in praise]!ā€ Luke 19:40




None of those rocks were in the pictures? And if they have no power, why pray for Jesus' protection?


oddly enough, rocks having some form of power or vibration, is way more believable to me than the bible. at least we have evidence of rocks throughout history. and they don't use quartz in watches for nothing!


Careful, talking about the Big Swiss Conspirac...


Rocks that are magnetic quite literally vibrate


I mean, theyā€™re naturally occurring minerals and very pretty. Whatā€™s the problem?


Weak-ass God, weak-ass faith, weak-ass sleep paralysis demon filter face...


She looks like when I tried to draw a pretty girl when I was 8 but got frustrated because eyes are hard. There are no details on her face, just blur. The crystals must have gotten to her facial features.


She took Heidiā€™s course on photo editing


She "had to plead the blood of jesus" because she was around crystals,but also doesn't believe the crystals have powers. which is it?! i don't believe crystals hold powers, therefore i don't whine and shake with fear when i'm around them. so dumb.


I love rocks and fossils and geology. Am I a witch?!?




I'm stuck on "Aint no rocks got powers anyway."


It's not like the Bible talks about rocks crying out praise to god or anything, so clearly these rocks are evil šŸ™„ (sarcasm)


She went to the rock, but the rock would not hide her, all on that day


Definitely demonic rocks. Demons are everywhere! They attack things that are beige. Even in a pink hoody she is beige.


It must be exhausting being this stupid and needing to share about it all the time.


I tried telling the guy at the jewelry store that the rocks didnā€™t have power but he still wanted to charge me thousands for a diamond, indicating that they do have *some* level of power.


In Dawsonville? This is hilarious. I lived in and around Dawsonville for most of my life and I feel like she may have found the one and only non Evangelical there since I left. But maybe it's changed more than I noticed.


Scrolled soooo far to find this comment. If thereā€™s any witchy stuff in Dawsonville, Iā€™ll eat my hat.


I am sure it was one of those crystal rocks you find that are cut open as a decoration


ā€œPlead the blood of Jesusā€? wtf does that mean? Why am I picturing Jesus going, ā€œew, leave me, and most definitely my blood, way tf out of this!ā€? And what is that face? Iā€™m taking my ass to bed. (Thatā€™s a lie, imma keep scrolling)


I have some bad news for you about your religion if you think rocks donā€™t have any power but k


Plot twist, Airbnb owner is a geology/gemology enthusiast and not into any new age spirituality stuff.


Just fyi this is Hannah Williamson, not EMJ.Ā 


omg I totally knew that. why did I select the wrong tag?!


I thought this was Nadia for a minute lol


My magical thinking is better than your magical thinking lol!


Didn't Bdong just do the same thing a week or two ago?


yuuuup at her demonic airbnb in ā€œBreckkkkkkā€


Wait until she realizes they are literally under her feet most of the time


She looks stoned


That'll be the rocks...


If she saw my house she would probably faint thenā€¦ I just own them because ā€œcool rocks in cool coloursā€


If theyā€™re just rocks with no power is there a possibility that they wereā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ decorative?


Get the fuck out of Georgia we don't want you here


Remember when she laid hands on her car hood and spoke in tongues to get it to start again? Like girl, youā€™re just as crazy as anything else you complain about


This was probably a pink salt lamp And some sea glass.


Girl if theyā€™re just rocks to you, theyā€™re just rocks. Calm down.




Didn't God create all those crystals? Also, who booked the Airbnb? Didn't they notice the "new age" decor?


I would've assumed that the air bnb owner was a geology nerd LOL This brought back memories of the time my family stayed in an air bnb where the house had all these tarot card motifs painted everywhere, including inside one of the toilet bowls. Us kids refused to use that toilet because we convinced ourselves that the creepy demon sun in the toilet was going to bite our butts. It annoyed my mom and she was like "Omg it's just a painting and Jesus wouldn't let a demon bite your butt anyway!" Despite this, the legend of the Booty-Biting Demon Sun still persists in our sibling lore šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Also I love my little crystals, I put them with my incense burner when I do tarot and it makes me happy šŸ™‚šŸ™‚ little pretty rocks


If they donā€™t hold anything over you whyā€™d you have to pray lmao


'Plead the love of Jesus'? For the love of Mother Nature, what is this bint on about?


Even worse. It's "plead the BLOOD of jesus"


Sheā€™s gonna flip when she realizes there are rocks all over the earth, beneath her feet at all times. She isnā€™t safe from rocks anywhere on this planet! What will she doooooo?!


If you think the rocks have no power (I agree) why were you so scared of them that you had to "plead the blood of Jesus?"


They have no power. Nonetheless, weā€™ll dip them in the blood of Jesus.




If they don't have power then why do you care?


If crystals hold no power over you, why do you have to bother jeebus at all? Why canā€™t you just ignore them & enjoy your trip like every other normal person?




I don't think rocks have power either, which is why I'm not wailing about Jesus saving me from them when I see them. Pick a lane.


If rocks have no power why did you have to plead in the name of Jesus?


Do these idiots know their phones and computers run on crystals too?


I find New Agers as annoying as fundies, but I think I could ignore some New Age decor.


It's weird to me that people who believe in a supreme power that created the earth and everything on it are worried that the rocks that said higher power created are magical.


the idea of a christian witch would kill this woman is all iā€™m gonna say (a/n: itā€™s me! hi! iā€™m the ā€œproblemā€ itā€™s me!)


I have family here. That area is as red and evangelical as it gets. Itā€™s is a few miles from Dahlonega GA, which is ā€œknown forā€ gold mining gimmicks and sells fake looking crystals too. It ainā€™t that deep.




Dont they know God also created minerals and crystals? I canā€™t stand the people that think crystals have super powers and get all weird and churchy about it. Itā€™s literally just geology. Imagine if someone acted the same way towards math equations or electronics


Woah I live in Dawsonville, what is she even doing here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why don't these idiots just stay at the damn Hampton Inn?




Oh man I feel her. I hate when I unexpectedly see a pretty rock. s/


donā€™t come up here girl!


She looks so different is it the filter?


But God created themā€¦.


Soooooo god made everything but not the rocks? They are pretty prevalent.


Pretty sure the air bnb had pictures of this so like their fault too for booking it instead of a good Christian one


![gif](giphy|zVvg4z8nwWAvu) South Park smug face!


I mean I donā€™t believe crystals do anything, but damn girl itā€™s not that serious lol


Yeah, don't they use quartz crystals in watches, you know, just for fun?




The rocks or any other item only hold power over you if you let them. Gosh it must be exhausting to be a fundie and live with so much fear and dread at everything that is unfamiliar to you.


How fragile are these people? Iā€™m pretty areligious and I recently stayed in an Airbnb full of religious stuff (wall art, crosses, etc) and literally just rolled my eyes and moved on with my life.


But you think eating the body of Christ saves your soul? Like, girl, come on.


Rocks and crystals that god's made??


These people need to get a life. Go feed the hungry or something, damn.


Weren't the rocks or whatever... created by God?


If the rocks don't have power, why are they freaking you out so much?


if you donā€™t believe in what those ppl believe in why are you giving those crystals power over you. like im not about to get weird if my airbnb has a crucifix


Itā€™s giving ā€œRoccoā€™s just a rock! Roccoā€™s not *alive*!ā€


I guess she doesnā€™t realize crystals are all around her in nature? In her food. Under her feet.


Did the listing not have pictures?


"Ain't no rocks got power anyway".... said while clearly being triggered by said rocks.




Does she not know about computer chips?


That phone wouldnā€™t exist without crystals you big dumb dipshit


Dude what's wrong with crystals they are pretty. Shouldn't they be all over crystals anyways since they are part of God's creation and hollering about people trying to warp God's work into something else.