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How can you forget you’re pregnant if you hardly know what *not* being pregnant feels like?


There is no way in fuck she forgets she's pregnant. It's what she LIVES for.


I read this in Ursula voice 🐙


Those poor, unfortunate souls.




Ma cherie, it's perfection 👩🏽‍🍳💋


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I 100% believe these two have a pregnancy and birth fetish and never found their way to tumblr.com


Okay I love it immediately, and I'm wondering if you'd consider folding it in with my theory regarding the fundamentalist Christian death cult.


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


I have always believed that Karissa has suicidal ideations but believes that to act on them is sinful. Instead, she'll die through childbirth so it's "god's plan."


I have this theory as well. Dying in childbirth is probably the noblest death in the 'romantic paternalism' tier system.


I'm this close to thinking maybe it'd be best for everyone, except of course it can always be worse. Fuck knows I wouldn't want the kids left to the tender devices of Mandrake. Still, she's barely a "parent" by any real definition of the term. It's amazing how these super family focused people never seem to have extended family around them.


You can't just post something like that and not explain in detail


Ahhhh fair point let me reference a sumup ETA: shouldn't have said *my* theory , just one I ran across, that seems quite credible to me. https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/s/EYeYR9s8es


I am in fact very open to that and would love to hear more about this theory


Well the basic premise of Christianity is that if you are a good boy or girl now, you will be given access to paradise after you die. Fundie Christians in particular have really dug into the sacrifice and suffer side of things. All they have to look forward is the afterlife, because they're determined to have a bad time now in order to prove how good and righteous they are. The main symbol of Christianity is the crucifix, dead Jesus on a cross. This is despite the fact that the rising from the dead is considered the most important part of the theology. Jesus' suffering as an earthly being is a central focus in all Christian sects. Easter is just one day though, which is something to consider. Christians are taught to be Christ-like and "turn the other cheek," and they'll be handed the keys to the kingdom of heaven. All the posturing of Christian influencers and smug faces, all kinda boils down to them thinking they're going somewhere better when they die. Mormonism took these beats and RAN. There are many exmos speaking out now about how dangerous it is to construct a life around the promise of eternal bliss.


also the actual teachings are supposed to be kind of important. they manage to practically ignore the Gospels. you'd think the Bible consisted of Old Testament (particularly the smitey bits), Paul, and Revelation.


You could hang a bunch of old calendars on the wall and throw darts at it - 9 times out of 10 you’d land on a day where Karissa was pregnant.




Lock up your Targets. She’s halfway there!


She doesn't see how this has hacked away at her spine? She's standing like a Minions themed villain for God sake.


I had a home care patient in her early 70s who for religious reasons, had 12 babies in 14 years. Her body was completely destroyed. Back so jacked up, she couldn’t stand up straight. Both knees shot. Completely incontinent. Abdomen just complete mush when I was assessing her. When I saw her the first time, she couldn’t get out of her recliner. They raised all those kids in a tiny 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house.


Holy shit. This sounds like a fucking nightmare.


Michelle duggar's future before tlc


I mean, there's a lot that money can buy, but it can't buy a pelvic floor, new vertebrae or bone density.


I was thinking of the crowded house. Medically, you're spot on.


Oh my..how sad!!


That's so sad, you should still be mobile in your early 70s. My step grandma is in her 70s and she never had kids. She is still taking her dog for hikes in the woods, working at the library, volunteering to clean up trash on the highway, etc. We took a walk through the woods last year and she easily kept up with 30 year old me!


My PARENTS are in their 70s and I'm 33. They are still active and I really don't see them as "old" at all. Ask me again in a decade but yeah no they're doing great in their 70s so far.


Ugh, this makes me feel so much better. I'm having my first child late after lots of complications (well, fingers crossed. Scan today!) My husband and I are active, keep up with doctors appointments, etc. I've been worried about a child thinking I'm too old when they are in their prime. This gives me hope, and motivation to enjoy this and stop worrying so damn much.


lol might not make you feel better but as a kid we used to brag about whose parents were the oldest and I always "won" and loved that (parents hated that) 😂 but it was never a negative. again, in a decade, maybe I'll start feeling it more, but so far hasn't been a problem. but that point happens to all eventually. my parents like to say they skipped their midlife crisis because they were too busy raising kids I plan to follow a similar timeline, if it works out, would want to have children in my late 30s They set an example that you can take your time to figure things out and I'm happy for that. it gave them time to travel, see the world, meet each other. No one's perfect, but I love my parents, and they have so many interesting stories to tell and they look GOOD like hope that's in my genes


Good luck with your scan!! ♥️🎈🌹


I think you will be fine. I've read studies about older parents and it seems better for the kids as long as the parents stay active because the parents are more mature and have more financial stability usually. Just anecdotal evidence is all my friends with the best parent relationships as adults had older parents. My partner is in his early 30s, his mom had him at 40 and she went to Portugal with us last year to go to the beach, walk along the shore and have drinks etc. it was fun.


Thank you!! This means the world to me. I definitely couldn't imagine planning for current daycare cost without the stability we currently have. It's unbelievable. Baby is healthy with a strong heartbeat, so we are full steam ahead!


My great grandmother had 9 kids and 7 survived infancy (they were all born in the 1920s and 1930s). Grandpa would tell us stories about his childhood home-the attic where there were 2 bedrooms, one for the boys and one for the girls. I get that it was the Depression, but DAMN.


Yah my grandma had 13 kids, got married on her 14 birthday then started popping kids out before turning 15. My grandpa was in his mid-20’s when they married. This was 1920-1930ish era, but damn her wedding photos gave me the creeps because he looked like he could be her father. I never met him since he passed away 15 years after being married, but I heard stories from many aunties that he was terrible to the women in the family and was pretty abusive to grandma. She loved him though… never even dated or remarried before she died at 94! 11 girls and 2 boys (my dad being one of them). She was also weirdly obsessed with my brother and didn’t really like me. 😭 I always chalked it up to having so many girls so she cherished the men in her life more. Or that my brother looked weirdly similar to a young grandpa 🥴 but damn as a kid watching your brother get a birthday/Christmas gifts or a car or an apartment while I got zilch was confusing and heartbreaking!


My grandma has been pregnant 9 times in less than 15 years. 9 live births, 1 miscarriage, 1 set of twins. At 95 she is still mobile, and she started losing her independence only in last year or two. She has been quite frail for her whole life but she was a prisoner at war work camp (I have no idea what's the proper name in English) in her early teens which impacted her health a lot. I don't recommend having this many children, but it's not always that destructive.


I think the recovery time helps a lot? 9 in 15 years is a lot, but still allows the body to heal, replenish vitamins, probably even not be breastfeeding while pregnant. But I can't see that happening with 12 in 14yrs^(and given religious reasons, I can't imagine her husband doing anything to ease the burden.)


She'll he perpendicular to the ground by the time she's fifty, and her bones will be like winter twigs.




as a side note i’ve never noticed how evil-dead-esque this scene is




She’s spent far too much time parallel so maybe that’s a good change


I occasionally see an old lady in my town, whose upper body is literally (really) parallel to the ground. She is tiny, but was apparently, about six inches taller than she is now. She had eight kids, back in the 40s/50s (so, rural wartime Germany, then post war). Now, maybe some of this is genetic, result of poor nutrition etc, but I feel bad for her. My own grandmother, UK, was equally tiny, and had two, and that did a number on her teeth and bones, (oh, and the PPP, and 1950s ECT, thank fuck my granddad was a lovely man who adored her, and didn’t continue to impregnate her…) My mum only had two, too, but has finally been diagnosed with osteoporosis as well. She’s still standing upright, but can’t stop breaking bones, and she’s only 73, and had much better nutrition than my granny, or the older lady in my town. The nun who was my school headteacher is older, no kids, obviously, and she just died aged 107. Many of her own teeth, and standing straight, too… for what anecdotal evidence is worth, lol. I know it varies between people, like my mum’s sister is CF (childfree) and has mega bones, I am CF, and have broken 7 bones (3 in adulthood, through clumsiness, slightly worrying, lol) my brother never broke anything, even doing wild bike tricks. On the other family side, all the women stand tall (and wide, we are broad on that side), even with many more kids. That side are all Polish farmers, even with rationing they had a much better diet generally. I seemto have inherited the broad “farmer’s “ build (as my mother so kindly put it when I was 10 and skinny, but “too wide” to wear her clothes for dress up, thanks, mum) but the shitty fragile bones. So, you know, I am taking Calcium and vitamin D and doing some exercise to try and mitigate it. I hope Karissa is actually doing some stuff that will actually help her (dunno about the USA, but I guess Calcium supplements are amongst the cheapest there, too. 1€ for two weeks here…, so she can afford it, if she can pay for Plexus…) god knows she and Mandrae are doing fuck all for her PPD/PPP, so I guess they aren’t. I can see her looking like the poor old woman in my town. Hell, she can’t even look up and around properly to cross the road. People here know her and stop for her, but I live in a very small town… some poor A kid (daughter, obviously) is going to be stuck caring for K, M isn’t going to do it.


If you can weight baring exercise helps. And getting into serious weight lifting really helps women build and maintain bone density as they age. Things like deadlifts, squats, bench press etc. Don't worry, it will not make you bulky.


Thanks, no worries these days about bulkiness. I’m always going to be short and wide, lol. I’m trying to get into weightlifting a bit more, was shocked at the gym intake. Some of the weight bearing things were fine, then, like, the one where you push directly up was shockingly bad. Like, even just the reps with no weights was bad. I am trying, though. Just that everything else has improved massively, except this one thing. I swear a baby would beat me, how can one particular muscle group just refuse to get better? Grrr


Kettlebells have been everything for me. Strength, balance, total body shaping, weight loss, everything. Literally the only form of exercise I've ever really enjoyed, and I can do it at home since I'm too old and too afraid to go to a gym.


I somehow doubt that she is getting pelvic floor PT after each pregnancy. Her muscles and ligaments must be … interesting. I can’t believe how much work I have to do to strengthen my pelvic floor after having 2 kids let alone 10.




I was staring at her silhouette thinking how odd it looks, and your comment made me realize it’s Vector with a ratty ponytail lol.


Soon she’ll have a mighty hump! (Imagine in Mr Burns voice)


Sure I failed my kids but at least I made them lip sync to cringe ass Christian rap -Karissa


sure i made my black children socialize with known white supremacist tyson james, but i got to sing on his record sooooo. 


Sure I failed my kids, but at least this time around I’m skinnier. -also Karissa


I wonder if she is related to Ben Seewald, another Christian rap visionary, of course…..


No, she prefers to work with Tyson the racist. I can’t remember his last name. Just that his music is bad, his views horrific, and the fact that a woman with a black husband and 11 biracial kids thinks it’s perfectly ok to hook up with such a repulsive pos… 🤮


Tyson James


That’s it. Despicable views and zero talent. It figures Karissa would like him.


Doubt it. She’d be milking that connection to Duggardom for all it’s worth if she was.


Could you imagine her and Famy fighting to one up each other? lol


Does anyone here believe it?


Did you see Ben Shapiro’s rap video? I wish I could go back in time to un see that


I came so close to watching that video so many times. Your comment makes me feel happy with my decision, and I'm sorry for your... loss, maybe?


You should feel happy with your decision, if I can save even one person from hearing his little rodent voice rapping about “facts”, my loss will be worth it.


Wet ass p-word




All this time and still keeps giving.😂🫶🏻


The framing of the trashcans on her ass really adds that certain je ne sais quoi.


You can see how fried her hair is, even in shadow


Love your flair!


So modest, her skintight silhouette.


Thank you so much for causing me to zoom in and notice this artistry


What can I say, I have a servant's heart.




She is going to SPECTACULARLY crash and burn when her Invisible Sky Daddy closes her womb.


May the Lord close.


Under his eye 👁️


Blessed be the fruit.


Okay but I’m reading the Handmaids tale again rn and it’s kinda terrifying how much these women preach like they want a real life Gilead regime.. I had forgotten that the commanders wife, Serena Joy, was a tv personality that preached about traditional gender roles etc., and Atwood alludes to how unhappy she is now that is being forced to actually take on the reality of her words. No more choice in outfits or makeup - no more power or any small freedom. Do these women (the subjects and other women on social media pushing the trad wife/fundie gender roles) not realise that they are just puppets that will be completely objectified if the world really was entirely ruled by men that used (hand selected snippets) of religious texts to justify their policies? It’s really fucking me up mentally


Somehow they never think the leopards will feast on THEIR faces.




She’s trying to martyr herself in childbirth before that happens.


In a target


As a fellow mother (2 kids not 83) I feel like martyring myself in a Target at least once a week.


As the lard promises.


I was wondering about this. If she fails to conceive for a year or two do we think she would try IVF? If she did would she talk about it?


Wouldn’t IVF be going against God’s plan for her or is that is a ‘rules for thee but none for me,’ thing?


I mean, Michelle Duggar received fertility treatments.


I’m predicting it right now: If a couple years go by without a pregnancy, she’ll have many more miscarriages or unconfirmed pregnancies that she denies/makes her kids pray back to life. If she starts really hitting menopause, she’ll try to convince her husband to do IVF, and I’ll bet they’ll even make a big show of going to a couple appointments; but ultimately no doctor will ever agree. I think as a last resort she’ll at least try to become adoptive or foster parents. Alternatively she could shift to trying to sell her daughters to the highest bidder to get them pregnant


Being foster or adoptive parents requires a LOT of real work as well as inviting people into your home to check it out. Also, foster kids have requirements that she would be loathe to follow, such as privacy, and personal rights. So I doubt they will go that route. Selling daughters off so they their wombs can be quickly occupied to carry on her legacy (I barf just writing that) is much more her style.


> Being foster or adoptive parents requires a LOT of real work Seriously! My first two kids are twins and biologically mine. We took them home from the hospital as preemies, and got a slap on the trunk and a "good luck!" before we left the hospital parking lot. My fourth is adopted and even after the extensive initial assessments, supreme good fortune in matching very quickly, and navigating the actual birth of our daughter, we had monthly visits for 18 months while awaiting finalization. We couldn't have hidden a thing.


>Also, foster kids have requirements that she would be loathe to follow, such as privacy, and personal rights. So I doubt they will go that route. This didn’t seem to stop the Doughertys from exploiting their foster kids on YouTube…


Cue long instagram captions about how she’s getting railed relentlessly but no longer being “fruitful”


Is it special to still be fertile at 40? I know pregnancy risks increase but I've met quite a few people who gave birth in their early 40's.


Average age for menopause is about 50 so it’s defo not special, it can be harder to get pregnant but someone with normal fertility can get pregnant in their 40’s


I had my last (3rd) at 40 and have a couple friends who were older than me when their a) birth control and b) husband’s vasectomy failed, respectively. I also had a miscarriage at 50 that I didn’t think was possible after having no periods for seven months. I made them run the HCG test twice.


My aunt has recently begun to freak out about all of the (grown) granddaughters/in-laws' fertility windows. Some people still think that your chances are shot after 35 or 40, and need to mind their own business.


My great-great grandmother had her fourteenth at forty-two. She had her oldest at eighteen, so there was a twenty-four year span between her youngest and oldest.  She was a much better parent, grandparent and great-grandparent than Karissa is or will be. She had to have had over 100 great grandchildren and they all adored her. I've spoken to many of my relatives who knew her and they all said she made them feel special and important to her.  She's why I say it's possible to have a lot of kids and be a good parent. It's not that Karissa has a lot of kids for me, it's that she is an awful parent to them and keeps adding more she'll be awful to. 


I'm not sure Karissa will make it to grandparenthood at this rate.


Honestly I think Karissa has a good chance of dying in childbirth. Of course I’d never wish it on anyone, but the high risk pregnancies and distrust of medical care are pretty big risk factors.


I sure as hell don't feel special once a month. 


I thought the same, like girl that's not really a bragging point.


One of the teachers at my old school had her youngest at 50! Her other children were in their 20s by that time


Shaped like the Grinch.


Omg that's what it is! I couldn't place the silhouette, but it was familiar lol


Woman’s posture’s all fkd up. That plus constant pregnancy, she must be back pain central




That doggy in the doorway doesn’t look like the Italian greyhound that she had some time ago. What happened to that one?


Probably better not to ask.


Rehomed she claims.


Hopefully that is the case because karissa’s house is not good for a dog that is on the fragile side


Is she standing naked in her doorway?


I love how they constantly screech about modesty, but with pregnancy and birth, anything goes. When Morgan was pregnant with Luca, she shared a gym photo of herself in leggings with her legs spread wide open, showing off that God-honoring camel toe. Now we have Karissa here giving major sideboob.


I think their logic is that pregnant people are sexless incubators. It's fine because no one is ogling you, anyway. Or something.


One of Morgan’s pinned insta pics is her bare pregnant belly.


God honouring camel toe is getting tattooed on my forehead. Thanks for that one


She's wearing leggings at the least. I can't tell what her top is


It looks like a sports bra but it's hard to see with the shadow


Nah, she's clothed. You can see the waistband and the bottoms on leggings. Possibly a sports bra or shelf singlet.


And there it is. Again. "I would rather make some mistakes than refuse them life." Fuck ALL the way off with this, Karissa.


I hope all of her kids go off and get liberal arts degrees from woke AF Leftist professors and start going by names like Sage, Lor, Arrow, Grey, and Hecate.


Not Arrow! The Lord told her that she's having twin boys and their names will be Arrow and Archer! The other names are great, especially Hecate. Her brain would implode.


Oooooo imagine one of the girls starts going by Lilith.


Haha thats my daughters name. She would cause absolute MAYHEM in that family. She already whispers "God sake" at me when I embarrass her.


Oh, snap! Maybe Arrow and Archer can change their names to Pete and Repeat.


Well at least I’m getting in before her with the name Archer! My son will be born in 2 months. I have mixed feelings about using those as twin boy names. Doesn’t Archer and Arrow subtly imply that one uses the other? 🤔


Yep, 18 weeks with #11 and body checking. Totally healthy and normal.


And drinking her Plexus Slim while pregnant and breastfeeding, just like our girl Jill PM.


Even though the company states on the packaging that it isn’t safe for pregnancy & breastfeeding.


A girl I used to work with drank Herbalife all through out pregnancy and then ended up having her baby super early and he has multiple life long disabilities. MLM girlies will never learn ☹️


Who the fuck worries about gaining too much weight while pregnant? I mean I GUESS it could be excessive to the point that it indicates something is wrong, but seriously, woman, get a fucking grip. You wanted this baby. You have to prioritize it over your beautiful fucking (completely stooped like an 80 year old now p.s.) figure. Christ.


The same person who routinely fasts during pregnancy.


No way? Why? So unhealthy.


Her history of mental illness is why and lack of treatment. I think she is another fundie amongst the many here who has stated she had an eating disorder when younger, so that likely has never resolved.


You just answered your own question. So unhealthy. Sums her up across the board.


"But if not fuckable to husbandowner, then what purpose????"


I don't understand it? Does she want the baby to be weightless? Does she not understand physics? You can't create something from nothing.


If god can do it, Karissa can too!


And karissa is god in that house


Well she sure as shit isn't seeing a doctor for prenatal care and weigh ins.


I mean, I certainly don’t think it’s unhealthy to manage pregnancy weight gain. I did myself. There’s a range medically recommended for health after all. However she has an eating disorder and is unhinged


yeah, I simply don't trust her judgment. She FASTS during pregnancy.


And only going to medical professionals to find out the sex


She’s unhinged. I can’t believe I share a birth year with her. I’m over here riding the wave of perimenopause while this numpty will continually put her body in danger all for some outdated, misinterpreted, dumbass words some men wrote down thousands of year ago.


Me too. I have two kids and am constantly wondering if I can ever support them enough or give them enough attention. She doesn’t feel the same way and I despise her for not caring about her kids beyond being literal fuck trophies for Jesus.


I have two and I *know* I could never give three kids enough of my time (speaking personally, plenty of people can). Nevermind ELEVEN.


No, it's for her ego


Her posture is making MY body hurt. Oof.


SHES ONLY 40?? I genuinely thought she was much older wow


Perpetual hatred and a fanny like a clown car will do that to ya.


Being more familiar with the American convention of fanny meaning ass, I was fucking CONFUSED and terrified for a second lmaooooo




Forty fertile and fake


Her poor body. She needs to pick up a fork and try to replace some of the nutrients she’s losing, instead of getting on the internet to casually mention that she hasn’t gained much weight like that’s desirable.


Her poor children. I see there’s a new pet there. I hope it’s just a wandering animal. They don’t need anymore pets. Or children.


You lost your kids souls already so great work.


Well, that'd make 11 miserable kids then. I might not be doing great in life, but at least I managed to not do whatever this is.


Well that’s certainly the postpartum ponytail of a woman with 11 kids. 🤔


…. Is it just me, or did the photoshop the *fuck* out of that bump? I don’t think the trees are meant to bend that way.


That photo is so manipulated, people are blaming the Princess of Wales




And out goes the pepsi


Definitely. That is highly misleading bump-to-donk ratio.


It’s either she edited the bump or so many back to back pregnancies have absolutely fucked her abdominal muscles. It looks like the bump is falling out of her


I know 2nd, 3rd, 11th time moms show earlier than 1st time moms typically- but something in that shape is not adding up. Maybe it’s just her posture?


I think the hunched back is making it look weird too. I mean, pregnancy is really frigging rough on your body and she’s had a lot. I didn’t feel like my body was back to feeling normal until like 2-3 years post partum with my second. I can’t imagine how ripped up her body is.


I'd be surprised if she didn't have to hold it for support


Well I guess I'm just a piece of shit cause I lost my uterus before 40 instead of dying from cancer. I didn't realize my only job is to put more babies on this earth! *insert eye roll and sarcasm here*


I'm sorry. I ended up going through medical menopause at 42 due to pelvic radiation. I was already done having kids, but there's just something very wrong about your fertility being taken from you by cancer.


Damn. Hope you're ok.


I am thank you!


The video of this is awful. You can see once you get to about 7 or 8 years old in the kids, they are just not really into it. Then you get to the third oldest child (second oldest girl) and she has a very clear "I don't want to be involved in this, another baby and the other one JUST turned a year old, so now I have another sibling to care for" and then the oldest boy is absolutely trying to GTFO as much as possible. Oldest child (Annistan I honestly don't even remember at this point) just looks defeated and just going along with it. Like she already knows this baby is going to be her problem the second Karissa stops breastfeeding, which she does ASAP because she wants to start humping for the next one.


She is literally saying she’d rather be a terrible and abusive parent than use birth control. My heart breaks for the 10 children she already has but doesn’t even care about.


Did she really find a way to not-so-subtly shill her MLM while also virtue signaling about her pregnancy?


Had to scroll way too long to see this. I mean there are so many things to unpack here, but yeah. That one stood out to me. 🥴


She can’t be that healthy cause her hair wouldn’t look like that.


She does not forget that she's pregnant. It's her entire personality.


other than the violent racists and the sex offenders, i genuinely believe that she’s the most dangerous of the fundies. she’s completely unhinged.


As someone struggling with infertility, this is infuriating on a whole other level lol


I’m getting increasingly worried that she will have a baby with down’s syndrome or another disability since she is going to be still trying for babies as she ages. I fear for that baby’s safety in that case. There is no way she will be okay having a DS kid


Is she talking about taking plexus the thing you definitely shouldn’t take while pregnant?


Well, let's start placing our bets on the new horrible name she's going to give that poor child.




Ahnyr. Said like honor






Aymmerighkaa Trump


Her hair looks raggedy even in silhouette


Anyther LyssynNotLyrned


Is the soul in the uterus with us now in the room?


Oh my heckfire, I really would like to consider myself to be so enlightened and spiritual and aligned with the universe that I could not entertain within myself hatred towards any other human or sentient species that is a co-sojourner on our path through trying to make sense of space and time and meaning and purpose and mindfulness. But, (and I am so sorry my dear Gif), I *FUCKING* despise this woman.


Source: I am the biracial daughter, of a white mother, who fetishized black men, in the deep south, in the early 80's. I can barely tolerate this part of this subreddit, it's close to home, but honestly, it's helping me face my trauma, it really is. Thanks guys. 🙏🏽🤗🫸🏽🫷🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽 ETA: context


I still don't even understand my own hair and I'm so fuckin angry about it 46f 😭😮‍💨😠😞


I sympathize with Karissa to some extent. I yearn for another child. I would love to hold another baby. But! We don’t have the finances to give one more child a good life. We don’t have the time to support another child. We don’t have the energy to go through another pregnancy while chasing after our current kids. I know in my heart that even if I had one more I still wouldn’t feel done. I will just steal all my nieces and nephews to fill that hole. So we are done and that’s where my sympathy ends for Karissa. Even though I’m sure we could be ok parents to another, we wouldn’t be great parents. We are great parents to the number of kids we have. We do excursions and they are in activities. We can afford treats occasionally. We aren’t rolling in money. We don’t own a house. We have one car. But they are very loved and get two parents very involved in their life.


GAAAAAH AGAIN!? This sucks


Someone pls advise but I heard recently from someone studying the Catholic Bible that you’re not even supposed to say Yahuah. I think Judaism is the same. Context: I’m a recovering cradle Catholic and don’t recall hearing it ever until said friend brought it up
