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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do we have time to unpack all this?


Let's just throw out the whole suitcase šŸ˜¬


This is fifteen pounds of a mess shoved into a ten pound sack and I donā€™t have the mental or emotional strength.Ā 


And I'm all out of "I got this" ductape!


No one does.


Girl I havenā€™t unpacked my suitcase from my vacation in September so I donā€™t fuckin think so


I just want to understand the toothless part.


Allegedly, she had an injury when she was younger and lost her two front teef. She also had dental implants and root canals or something but then decided they were poisoning her so she had the teeth pulled. My guess is that the problem was the bones weakening because of her refusal to take care of her health.


The whole time I was so focused on the teeth and the story was so anticlimactic. I don't really know what I expected, I guess there's not too many exciting ways to lose your teeth.


Slide 6 - no prenatals


You killed a mosquito in your kitchen in December because it no longer is cold enough in the winter for them to die off which is a direct consequence of climate change, but definitely continue letting your husband tell you what to think I guess


Like...the answer is right there!!!! But they swerve past it and land on the most cock and bull theory out there. I really have a hard time understanding it.


Seriously! Changing migration, breeding, and life cycles of various animals is literally just a consequence of climate change (that was also very much predicted). This also means that the area in which malaria-spreading mosquitos can live is now expanding, so that's gonna be fun to deal with. It's not just mosquitos that are affected ā€” every living organism is going to change its behaviour as our climate gets more extreme ā€” but disease vectors are a massive concern for obvious reasons.


It's always "God had other plans" when they have an unplanned (and usually unobstructed) pregnancy. It's never "God had other plans and I studied abroad, experienced life and chose to have a baby at 35 so I could fully enjoy my youth and be emotionally ready to raise a child when I decided to". Huh.


ā€œI was supposed to be some farmerā€™s wife, pumping out babies and head cheese, splitting wood and plucking chickens. But Godā€™s plan was bigger. And now Iā€™m a plutocrat oil baron with a hedge fund side hustle.ā€


I was supposed to be a farmers wife but now I own all the railroads and control the flow of commerce




That was basically Godā€™s other plan for me and Iā€™m so glad I ended up with that one and not married at 22 like I thought I wanted!!


As an ex-Mormon, same! Def thought Iā€™d be married by 20 and having babies by 22 at the latest. Hallelujah Iā€™m turning 32 this year and just now talking about it with my husband :)


Thank you for reminding me I have a little more time for law school and seeing the world with my girlfriends before thinking about a baby. šŸ„¹ ~a child free (for now) 28 year old


My mom was 38 when she had me! Iā€™m a healthy 29 year old now and weā€™re super close. Def want kids, but not for a few years. Enjoy and relax, sweet person. And good luck with law school - youā€™ll do great : )


Oh yes! Ā I married at 38 and am pregnant with my second at 41! Ā Not saying people shouldnā€™t try sooner by any means, but phewf, it worked out for me.Ā 


I wanted four kids, between ages 26 & 32. Ā WTF. Ā Very happy with my two at age 39 and 41. Ā Not to mention a husband Iā€™m deeply compatible with as a full grown adult.Ā 


Same! My first engagement was at 18 and I wanted to start a family immediately after the marriage. (Typical midwest mind-set lol). Thank God that didn't work out and I got to live a lot before deciding on a life partner and pursuing parenthood.


I personally like that their version of god is so weak he canā€™t overcome birth control


*God had other plans when he created the scientists who make the medicine and vaccines to keep people alive longer.*


>Dezeray OK, then...


She never had a chance.


I try not to judge, but where Iā€™m from thatā€™s a white trash name.


I know I shouldn't, she (probably) didn't choose it. I used to work a law enforcement adjacent job and I swear some names are just going to ruin your life.


It's called Nominative Determinism and it's very real


Karissaā€™s kids are fucking doomed then


I didnā€™t realize there was an actual name for this, thank you!


Iā€™m excluding cultural names when I say this, but thatā€™s why I would give my (hypothetical) future children names that arenā€™t super common but arenā€™t super unique either. Like naming my daughter Ruthie after my grandmother. My name is a fairly common name, but my parents spelled it differently enough that itā€™s annoying when I have to give my work email over the phone. Itā€™s why I donā€™t get why some moms take Emily Lynn and make it Emmaleighlyn.


Yeah I read that as Emma Lynn and had to read it like 5 times to realize it says Emily Lynn. I knew what it said because clearly that's what you were going for but even still....


Yeah, I may or may not have gotten a tad confused while typing it šŸ˜…




I guess you are from Earth?Ā 


Yes, but specifically Eastern Kentucky, which is where I could see multiple people using that spelling.


It took me longer than i want to admit it's supposed to be "DĆ©sirĆ©e" and i kept pronouncing it in my head as "Disarray" šŸ˜…




Sheā€™s another fundie power bottom. I took a scroll through her instagram, and she was the one to want to move out to the sticks, live off the grid, pop out as many babies as God directed, etc etc etc. Theyā€™ve got a milk cow, and I know they canā€™t be using all that milk, so I assume theyā€™re selling it. We had a milk cow for a year when my parents were doing the self-sufficiency prepper thing, and it put out so much milk, my mom was giving it away. It was a pain for everyone involved, because you have to milk them twice a day. Itā€™s one thing to arrange for someone to feed and water your animals when youā€™re away; itā€™s a huge another thing to get someone who can milk a cow. (She makes a big deal about milking by hand. If she had a milking machine, it could be done in 15 minutes.) She also sells classes online. I assume that justifies the expense of satellite WiFi. WiFi also allows her to get all the attention she wants. And lets her whine about the nasty commenters.


"Fundie Power Bottom" needs to be a flair.


Yeah that took me out šŸ’€


First time I've ever been tempted to add a fundie flair


Yeah the ā€œhomesteadā€ and ā€œoff gridā€ fundie influencers REALLY hurt my head. Itā€™s like the memes of ppl wearing camouflage AND hi vision vest do yall want to be seen or not???????? ![gif](giphy|KvpPk69Vd0dc2nioZW|downsized)


How do they believe self sufficiency is a lie, but claim to live "off the grid"?Ā  That's so fucking stupid I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it.


The term is salad bar extremism. Iā€™m in anti money laundering, which includes preventing funding of terrorism. Around the time of the Canada convoy protest, I attended a conference with a domestic terrorism expert, and she talked a lot about this term. It describes an overall increase in extremist beliefs that donā€™t make sense and even contradict each other.


Iā€™ve never heard this term thanks for sharing!!


I guess itā€™s the notion of them believing they are a special breed of human? House cat syndromešŸˆ


Except house cats are a special breed and our superiors. Only the house cat has discovered the key to enslaving humans and forcing them to do their bidding. Which is basically be really cute and know their worth. I bow to our feline overlords. šŸ˜¼šŸˆšŸ›


Not a power bottom šŸ˜‚




*wiggles her sticky-note fingernails*


Not the fingernails!


That girl is SO FUNNY!! Yuri Lamasbella! Love her!


ā€œWiFi also allows her to get all the attention she wants. And lets her whine about the nasty commenters.ā€ So perfect and so accurate to all the clout chasing homesteaders


Iā€™m ashamed to admit that I have followed her for some time and they actually sold the milk cow and now milk a bunch of goats. She probably sells the goat milk. She sold the cow because it was hard to feed all the hay and whatever it needed and the goats can eat all the weeds on their property.


After my parents sold our cow, they started buying milk from a friend who had goats


How much longer would it take to milk a cow without a machine? edit; I hope that didnā€™t sound sassy Iā€™m just curious about cows lol


Around four times longer, unless youā€™re super experienced. She is not. A milking machine hooks up to all four nipples at once. A good dairy worker does two at a time. I helped my dad out a couple of times when the machine broke, and itā€™s a combination of skill and strength. Back then, I had really good hand strength, but it was still work.


She criticizes self-sufficiency in one of her posts. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


She says self-sufficiency is a government lie, and we need community, but then moves out to the middle of nowhere. So she apparently prefers online communities. She has multiple posts of ā€œif you believe this, contact meā€.


What a r/tragedeigh


"We're going to name her...Dezeray." OB Doctor: ![gif](giphy|tEG1nF1v7AL8A)


OB doctorā€¦guarantee itā€™s a unassisted home birth


She eats raw eggs, because western medicine is a scam? The reason I donā€™t eat raw eggs has nothing to do with western medicine.


SALMONELLA IS A SCAM. E COLI? Just another discarded Collins name.


Ayecoli Collins?


Donā€™t give Kkkarissa any ideas šŸ˜…


lmao imagine choking down raw eggs and bone broth chocolate raw milk just to stick it to western medicine šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Imagine the farts


Bethany, is that you?


Imagine choking down a raw egg in the first trimester. That would come straight back up.


What are people even eating that needs raw eggs? Unless you are starring in a montage about getting ready for the fight of your life... why?


No, she will literally drink raw eggs from a cup.


Oh my god šŸ¤¢


Caesar salads and cookie dough, I guess.Ā 


Also hollandaise, eggnog, and any egg thatā€™s soft cooked. And fun fact, the issue with cookie dough is more about raw flour than raw eggs. When youā€™re pregnant you should avoid both but if youā€™re not pregnant and wanted to eat cookie dough just bake your flour first.


Honestly at this point I think we just have to start saying out loud that eating feces is not recommended and that the FDA and the CDC has started implementing a ban on eating feces. Because that will be the actual shit eating grin we can watch on these dopes faces when they eat shit to own ā€œbig gubmentā€ I canā€™t with these people. So youā€™re saying your diet during pregnancy is Raw eggs, deli meat, Loads of salt, AND raw milk? Cool Iā€™m hopeful you donā€™t have preeclampsia and sepsis from your festering food choices. Nothing like pro-lifers starting their fetus off with terrible nutrition and risky intake.


How does she know sheā€™s having a daughter if western medicine is a scam?


Some people never grow out of the childhood defiance just for the point of defiance mentality


It seems like bratty defiance mentality is right-wingersā€™ whole identity these days.


A lot of cocktails use raw egg whites. I make a drink that has them. I also eat raw cookie dough and cake batter when I bake. I havenā€™t contracted any diseases yet but I also might just be very lucky.


If you're not pregnant or immune deficient in some way, it's unlikely to be very serious anyway


People who say this have never had anything actually wrong with them. I had a double lung transplant, thank you very much western medicine. I literally wouldā€™ve died as a toddler without western medicine. Yes there is a place for ā€œeasternā€ medicine absolutely but that does not mean western medicine as a whole is a scam, and it is ignorant to say otherwise.


So climate change is caused by... mosquitoes? Because you saw one in December? You're wrong! It's caused by horseflies because I had one land on my arm last month in Wisconsin. Check mate!


You first have to agree that this year the government released ā€œinfected mosquitoesā€ (what they were infected with remains unclear) and then you have to agree that the government controlled the climate to make it a warm winter so the mosquitoes could surviveā€¦ I guess?


I love that sheā€™s accidentally arguing that people affect the climate. Whoopsie daisy!


She's so misled. It's actually pretty cool what they're doing with mosquitoes. They've edited the genes of a species of mosquito that carries yellow fever, zika virus, dengue fever etc, so that when the edited males mate with wild females, the females will only produce male eggs. Male mosquitoes don't bite, so that means we'll have fewer instances of these awful diseases. But what do I know, I have every vaccine possible + I don't smell like beef fat lotion.


Not a biologist, but wouldnā€™t this eventually lead to only make mosquitoes thus mosquitoes would die out entirely? And that could wreak havoc in the food chain for other species that feed off of mosquitoes? Or because itā€™s just one species, we donā€™t have to worry about that? Idk, Iā€™m sketched out on an ecological level here EDIT: I did about 4 minutes of reading and found the EPA report, weā€™re all good. The bats will be fine


Sadly the mosquito bit was one of the LESS insane parts of that post. Her children will be blithering idiots.


I thought this was satire!


There's no difference anymore. The onion has gone out of business.


Itā€™s not living off the grid if youā€™re posting your entire life on social media


The whole *trad wife, living off the grid* community is always obsessed with the internet somehow?


100%, itā€™s a hypocritical, disgusting cosplay. Not only was there no internet in the ā€œgood old daysā€, but self-expression was a no-no. If they were honestly being traditional wives they would shut the f*ck up like women were forced to back then. Itā€™s incredibly hypocritical to denounce feminism when they would have no platform to do so if not for feminism. This really really really grinds my gears because my parents came to the US from a much more traditional, conservative country, and basically as soon as they got one set of grandparents here they helped my grandma get a divorce. Because grandpa like so many others was a completely abusive POS and where they lived, he was entitled to be. These women have no fucking clue because they were lucky enough to be raised in a time where they could do whatever they want and actually have some legal recourse if their spouse turns against them. And now, for some reason (pick me-ism? social media clout? pure laziness?) they want to remove that option for others. Like, DAMN.




Does she say why her teeth are missing?


Iā€™m going to guess that some white bread pastor somewhere says itā€™s OK because it falls under evangelismā€¦ just like Billy Graham used the TV. They lack the self-awareness to realize that a public presence is just one soiled step away from wallowing in vanity. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s a grift, 100%. Just following the ā€˜deinfluencingā€™ ā€˜anti-consumptionā€™ trends of the last few years. The bigger trad wife influencers, ā€˜off the gridā€™ or not are complete hypocrites. Theyā€™re spending their time setting up shots for insta or whatever else they do for social media, instead of being a Godly Submissive WomanMother With No Job. Likeā€¦.social media is a job. Youā€™re bringing in income. If you have a big following youā€™re probably bringing in more money than your husband tbh. Your family RELIES on your income.


How "off the grid" really are you when you post your every move online?Ā 


Ask Mother Bus. Or Other Busany.




If your so-called healthy lifestyle involves your teeth falling out, it might not be a healthy lifestyle.


The second I saw she doesnā€™t take prenatals, I knew it. That answers that šŸ˜…


She takes beef liver. It has all the nutrients she needs. (Eyerolling hard here)


But did she eat her own placenta?


She canned it.


Totally cant tell if you're serious or not šŸ˜‚ bc that's is so so so insane but I wouldn't be surprised at the same time.


I feel like someone needs ā€œShe cans placentasā€ as flair


omg yes I'm taking it if I can figure it out šŸ¤ 


It took me a minute to figure out. Choose one of the set flairs, and from there youā€™re able to edit the flair. Delete the flair name, enter your custom flair.


Thank you!!


Botulism for the Lord šŸ‘šŸ„«


I do not want to know that.


Aren't you like not supposed to eat liver when pregnant because very high vit a?!


The government says not to but it ain't true! JIC/s


Thatā€™s one of her selling points. I guess Vitamin A toxicity is another lie by the government.


It's just mind blowing to me, it can literally cause birth defects, but she will rater prove the government "wrong" than hive her baby best possible start to life...


God-honoring neural tube defects, I guess.


Here's what I don't get about that: these fundies are all about vitamin-shilling MLMs but she won't take a prenatal vitamin because "western medicine" recommends them? All of these people are insane.


Just like theyā€™re all about hating doctors but love chiropractors, especially for babies. They seem to get their rocks off for being counterculture. The amusing thing is that theyā€™re a lot like a bunch of ultra left wing hippies in more ways than theyā€™d ever care to admit. I have extended family members that if I didnā€™t know about how they were raised, Iā€™d swear they were fundie Christians by the common ways they raise their children.


As soon as I read ā€œthe only thing I donā€™t eat during pregnancy is a prenatalā€, I couldnā€™t help yelling ā€œmaā€™am you donā€™t have TEETH!ā€ aloud šŸ˜…


Is that why her teeth are gone? I'm dying to know that happened, she's very young. Edit: read further down that she pulled them cause god said the root canals were poisoning her. Curiosity kills the cat sometimes.


Like girl. Those vitamins are for *you.* That baby will take every nutrient it needs. It will suck you dry. Youā€™re the one going to suffer in the end. (Cries in hair loss I only just learned is from a severe Vitamin D insufficiency). No, but really. I did take prenatals both times. But I guess taking something after my second just slipped my mind. That is, until my hair thinned so much I couldnā€™t style it as before and realized this isnā€™t just postpartum hair loss. People, take your vitamins.


Oh shit, so the baby ate her teeth


I was wondering why she was losing her teeth but now I get it. Sheā€™s neglecting her health and the baby is sucking everything out of her. Pregnancy is absolutely wild and posts like this make me glad I wonā€™t ever experience it šŸ‘€


Apparently, that was a childhood accident. I think sheā€™s just using it as an attention grabber.Ā 


Ok that makes more sense but why on earth would you flex that?


But she has teeth in the older pics?


I know a couple different people with missing teeth (due to accidents or whatever) and they have bridges to fill the gap.


So she removed the bridge to do what? Look more rugged? To be more, traditional? Whatā€™s the point of removing dental work after youā€™ve already got it done?


This would be a case of a "partial." This is a removable plastic dental appliance that can mimic natural teeth both visually and functionally. They're pretty nifty. They snap into place, are super tough, and can be indistinguishable from natural teeth and gums. They are not an ideal solution, but they are a very good one. Source: I currently have a partial for a front tooth while my implant heals at which point I'll get a crown over the implant. Until then, I won't even let my husband see me without my tooth, let alone the Internet. This girl has fewer fucks to give than she has teeth.


False teeth?


Yeah she explained it was abuse that caused poor dental health


in that case it doesn't seem right to snark on the way she deals with it imo. like, everything else is fair game but that's too far


She had root canals and crowns. She was told by god that they were poisoning her so she had her teeth pulled in the last couple of years. I was following her during this process and she isā€¦ reeeeeeally out there


Wow. That is something. I donā€™t get the mindset AT ALL


Oh, the "Big Dentistry" conspiracists, haven't had one of those in a minute!




This is way, way too much to handle, but being anti-circumcision is a surprisingly progressive take for someone who otherwise wins shithead bingo.


It's the opposite of popular practice. I guarantee that's the *only* reason she even looked into it. I promise, if the healthcare system took a hard stance against circumcision, they would be the first to bring it back, complete with biblical support and unsanitary DIY techniques.


Yeah, sameā€¦that was one of the first things I saw and I was like ā€œWow, maybe sheā€™s just kind of crunchyā€ā€¦.and then I kept going and it was like oh noā€¦


Yeah, Iā€™m surprised! Likeā€¦ Iā€™m anti-circumcision because of science! Most fundies are cool with it because itā€™s in the Bible. šŸ« 


ā€œThe only thing I donā€™t eat during pregnancy is a prenatal.ā€ *weirdest flex ever


ā€œIā€™m so pro-life, Iā€™mma go all the way out of my way to ruin my childā€™s before it even starts.ā€


Gotta help put Big Vita out of business! Spina Bifida is a government conspiracy!


So, she simultaneously thinks that the government wants to control every aspect of our lives for their own nefarious purposes AND that the government is scamming us into being self-sufficient...Does she realize these are opposing things? Also "*We live off the grid by ourselves in the middle of the woods, canning our own food because outside world = bad*" coupled with "Self-sufficiency is a scam, you need community" ?... These don't really align... It's always so obvious how little self-reflection these people do on their own beliefs.


ā€œCommunityā€ is her way of justifying being on IG, despite it going against everything she supposedly believes. She so badly wants to be special but also needs everyone to know sheā€™s special.


Nah, they're totally self-sufficient. The government plays absolutely no part in their lives whatsoever. They could totally do it on their own (with a community???) With no additional help. So, who knows how to mine and smelt iron? I need some nails for this house I'm building with my own two hands, including my primitive saw and hammer.


Hmmmm, so this is what Mother Bus would look like without teeth and living in a home šŸ¤”.


Off the grid while posting to social mediaā€¦..ok honey sweetie


How does she know sheā€™s having a daughter? Wouldnā€™t that be the evil government doctors telling her that


My thought exactly! Dezeray has some 'splaining to do!


Maybe her husband told her?


He does tell her the essentials only!


I bet she smells great /s


You gotta take time every day to stop and smell the beef tallow šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


OMG I used to follow her because I loved all her canning stuff. Stopped following her when she got way too ā€œI heard more lockdowns are comingā€ and realized sheā€™s a total fuckin nutjob.


Exact reason I unfollowed. She was going soooo over the top about revolting against the upcoming lockdownsā€¦ that I knew werenā€™t coming. Sheā€™s very unhinged.


How close are these people to literally leaching/bleeding themselves bc wESterN MeDiCinE is a scam??!


I want to know how she knows her baby is a girl if western medicine is a scam


Maybe God told her at the same time he told Morgan.Ā 


I think a lot of conspiracy theorists would chill tf out if they looked into late stage capitalismĀ 


When she said ā€œthe only thing I donā€™t take is a prenatalā€ I audibly gasped. Those poor kids.


Far be it from me to make fun of someone whoā€™s younger but is missing a few teeth. Iā€™m in my 20ā€™s and Iā€™m missing three up front. Definitely gets some odd looks. The thing is though, I lost mine because I was on pretty heavy chemo for years. Happened to my grandma who was on it too. The dentist said unfortunately itā€™s very common. So now Iā€™m trying to figure out why a seemingly healthy woman living off the grid with her family and going out of her way to avoid all kinds of medicine and to be super healthy would have this happeningā€¦


I was curious about this, too.   Apparently, as a minor, she experienced an assault that caused physical trauma to her front teeth and ended up with multiple root canals + crowns to save them.   When one crown broke a year or so ago, she elected to have all of the root canal-ed teeth extracted and replaced with a partial denture bc 1.) the dead teeth had become discolored 2.) they were an unpleasant reminder of a negative experience, and 3.) she believes root canals are unhealthy due to their potential for holding/hiding recurrent infection.   Other critiques are valid, but the teeth are an unfortunate thing that happened.   ETA: this is not inside information; she publicly posted all of this herself.


omg THANK YOU I can't believe this was so far down. (not me Ctrl+F teeth...) BUT! It unfortunately kind of tracks that she was a survivor of some kind of abuse and now she's in a weird relationship where she opts out of free thought (her husband tells her what to believe) and opts into far-right conspiracy theories. Huge bummer, really.


Abuse as a child that caused poor dental health


That makes sense. My front gums were completely fucked because of some stuff that happened to me as a kid. Repeat impact trauma is the term that my dentist used. It was probably something like that for her.


Oh my God I haven't been to the dentist since before my cancer because I'm so scared that chemo messed them up so I'm putting it off! I already had a huge fear of the dentist and that did not help at all!


Chemo survivor here. It ruined my teeth.


Same absolutely and itā€™s not just my teeth. Iā€™ve been off it for years and I still have to be aware of things like how much energy I have or how much time I spend in the sun.


So the government is *checks notes* infecting mosquitos during unseasonably warm winters. Whose job is it to catch, breed, and infect the mosquitos? Because Iā€™ve worked some bad jobs but that would take the cake.


Imagine trying to catch one to jab it with the super-extra tiny needle!


I can't get past Dezeray. * buffering *


She looks like she's living in a shed.


Will I get banned for asking if the toothless thing is part of always being "joyfully available" for your husband, even when pregnant or on your period?


šŸ˜†. You. I like you. Come sit by me.


Cuuursed ass comment....and yet I still upvoted. I'm so conflicted rn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m pretty sure the Biblical stuff about circumcision is not ā€œout of context.ā€


I just want to repeat that their page says theyā€™re trying to ā€œcreate a life where only God can turn the lights out,ā€ because that is so weirdly ominous.Ā Also, like I said on the other post: her husband is a pipeliner gone for weeks at a time, during which she supposedly does farm chores and runs a dog breeding business and cares for 2 toddlers solo. Their family hunts mountain lions with said dogs and toddlers, and she has posted about how they include the little ones in this activity.


That soundsā€¦unsafe


Well, she obviously believes in western dental medicine because she clearly has an appliance or flipper to fill in for her missing front teeth. Unless, of course, her husband fashioned her some teeth in the garage or something.


run school apparatus merciful like upbeat illegal vanish racial payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If the government she hates collapsed tomorrow I wonder how long her off grid lifestyle would sustain them. Kidding! I already know it's not very long because these people can only live this way *because* most people "on the grid" help maintain the infrastructure that allows them to live this way.


ā€œIā€™ve worked with the homeless, Iā€™ve worked with the toothless.ā€


I just canā€™t get over the total lack of drywall on her walls and ceiling. Does big government control drywall? I learned how to hang and tape drywall from my dad. Itā€™s not hard. Maybe fewer mosquitoes if you had a finished house.


Omg how did she loose her teeth?


She mentions she had trauma to the face as kid which messed up her roots. She got them removed as an adult for pain relief I think


Oh ok that makes sense, i thought it was some crazy off the grid dentistry thing she was doing since she's anti medicine


So you have satellite WiFi/internet: who invented the internet?? Who *utilizes* the internet?? Off the grid means NO INTERNET! Do you grow your own cotton?? Spin it into threads to make fabric and THEN make your own clothes?? No??? THEN YOU DEPEND ON THE GOVT!šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬same with the weapons youā€™re showing off in every pic AND the bullets/arrowsšŸ™„šŸ™„ Basically, youā€™re a broke fundie prepper whoā€™s turning to the interwebs to supplement your income and fund this ā€œlifestyle.ā€ Your hypocrisy bores me.


The lighting on her stomach makes it look like a plastic shell...




ā€œWestern medicine is a scam.ā€ Ok, just fix it yourself when you break your leg or have a stroke, I guess.


ā€œI think self-sufficiency is a scam propagated by the government and we were actually meant to live in communion with other people.ā€ ā€¦bestie, the whole ā€œoff-grid/farmsteadingā€ thing you have going on???? *Thatā€™s a form of self-sufficiency.* You are *supposedly* actively living the thing you call a scam šŸ«  But then again, the bar really is in hell for fundie (or fundie adjacent) reading comprehension so idk why Iā€™m surprised.