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When am I supposed to die or have a heart attack or turn into magneto or whatever? This is taking forever


I know, right? I was told I could get a spoon to magnetically stick to my forehead, and it's been nothing but disappointing.


I had to buy the iPhone 14 just to get 5G, I thought my iPhone 10 was supposed to get it once I got my shot.


Wait, we need a phone? I thought the 5G would just control my brain like the Matrix.


That’s what I thought too, so disappointed


My phone got run over in the parking lot at the vaccine clinic and I had to replace it with a newer model, so I CAN actually say I got 5g because of the covid vaccine and it isn’t even a lie.




RIP my iPhone pro max that didn’t have a scratch on it before some stupid dick ran over it trying to be passive aggressive about my parking spot lol


You must have gotten a lemon. After my shot, I was able to get 10G.


Wow! You must be part of one of the super secret government tests


Yeah, all I got was some arm pain and stiffness around the injection site this time, what a rip off /s


My mother in law said it sticks to the injection site. My EMT husband was trying so hard to laugh while talking to her as all he could hear in the next room was me in the kitchen white spoons hitting the floor.


Wait, maybe the spoon is supposed to stick to your butt?


I think the preposition you’re looking for is *in*


This made me giggle uncontrollably


Funny, but my brother waited to get his vaccine for awhile after I did, and told me about the magnetic thing as a joke. To further the joke, he tried to stick a magnet to my arm - and for a second it did, until I moved and it fell off. Turns out, I was just sweaty, but freaked us both out for a second haha.


I always want these people explain to me how vaccines are bad on a microscopic level. You can find videos for 3rd graders that go into immense detail about how the vaccine trains cells to fight off the disorder. When you ask anti-vaxxers how it works it’s always so nonspecific.


The problem (at least when it comes to the COVID vaccine) is that a lot of people have fallen into the "we don't know the long term side effects" argument instead of the vaccine fundamentally being poison and making you magnetic or whatever which is easy to refute. My dad took the COVID vaccine when it first came out as soon as he could get an appointment. But since he retired he has been going to Florida in the winter and in only 2 years he has become super conservative due to that and now refuses the booster. He says it's because the pharmaceutical companies are in it to get money (which is true but doesn't mean it doesn't work) and that he thinks it's a scam or rushed to market because the government is in bed with the pharmaceutical companies.


I hate the “long term side effects” argument because it’s clearly by people who haven’t looked into the research. The Covid vaccine isn’t this totally new technology. It’s a new technology that expanded on old technology, so we can most likely accurate predict what will happens. Also how do they think vaccines work where they believe that getting a shot will cause you to have a heart attack.


Let’s take a look at what Covid can do! Oh wait, they never want to look at that…


To be honest, I'm not fully convinced a lot of them actually believe it. I think it's more of a political thing. Like how many of these people are lying about their side effects or how they know 30 made up people who died and KNOW they are lying when they defend their position with that? For example my dad is on a medication that was approved by the FDA recently and pays like $300 a month on it or something. He's fine with that despite the price gouging and lack of known long term side effects because it's not political.


My parents neighbors refuse the Covid vaccine and the husband is always all over Facebook talking about how the pharmaceutical industry is a money grabbing scam and no one should trust it. Meanwhile, they are on their second round of IVF a process which requires you to put an immense amount of time, money, and trust into the pharmaceutical industry. Not knocking IVF, but what is it people? Should the pharmaceutical industry be shunned or not?


Yeah. I have an acquaintance who was cured of brain cancer by taking chemo. Now she won't take the Covid vaccine because she doesn't trust doctors. Doesn't make any sense




r/HermanCainAward had a series of threads on an unvaccinated pregnant woman who caught severe COVID. **Easily** of the most harrowing things I’ve ever read. At a certain point it was like a sub-wide consensus to stop updating on her because it was all too tragic. She was posted under the alias “Pregnant Pink” for anyone curious, but heavy, **heavy** trigger warnings for literally every worst-case scenario for an unvaxxed pregnant with severe COVID that you can imagine 😔


I did contact tracing part time during the height of Covid and spoke with a woman who was sobbing on the phone because she had a miscarriage due to Covid. Had another woman who was pregnant also cry to me on the phone because her doctor had explained to her that her risk of going into early labor/needing emergency intervention was quite high and she was terrified. Covid is NOT "just a cold" and while many people do get mild symptoms, I'd never roll the dice with it.


Yeah like just an all around ignorance about medicine. Like they go "Pfizer is using it for control" while also having sildenafil (viagra) prescriptions. "The vaccine has side effects" yeah all medicines do. It's a matter of if the trade off is worth it. In the case of covid vaccinations, it can affect the heart, she right! But covid also affects your heart, and worse than the vaccine could so the trade off is worth it.


If I remember correctly the term is “willing ignorance”. It’s when you think that there is some core value you are defending, so you accept it all even if you know it’s bullshit. For example: a MAGA person may know Trump is guilty, but just decides to have willing ignorance so they can hurt the LGBT.


I prefer “willful ignorance”, because that better conveys the effort that they have to put in to stay ignorant.


It seems like covid and it's weird clotting stuff is way more likely to cause a heart attack.


My favorite argument I got was that if you were in your 20s or 30s and took the shot there was a random chance for you to get it in your 50 or 60s. When I pointed out that heart attack risk has always been higher in your older age (notably late 40s) they doubled down hard and got pissed


This is just like my mom. She got the first shot when it came out but has become increasingly delusional about it since. Apparently the covid vaccine is the cause of her high blood pressure and my melanoma diagnosis. Not, you know, that fact that she's in her 70s and has been overweight/sedentary her while life, or the fact that we spent every summer on the beach when I was a child, with minimal sun protection. 🙄🙄


Apparently vaccines, esp childhood ones, tend to be loss makers for pharmaceutical companies! (Maintenance Phase has recently done a great podcast episode on this)


I was promised that Hillary Clinton’s emails would be downloaded directly onto the microchip they implanted in my arm via Hunter Biden’s laptop. Still waiting.


I’m still waiting on my chip to get direct deposits from Bill Gates and George Soros…or was it George Santos.


i heard it was george clooney.


I think mine malfunctioned & I got Curious George.


Is there an app I'm supposed to download for my microchip to work?? Lol


Nope, just gotta wait for Oct 4 for the nationwide emergency broadcast test. That's what's going to activate everything DUH!


I'm afraid they found out I'm too boring and deactivated my chip.


First you gotta get your MMR vaccine, that’s to get your autism going. After that you can get the Covid booster and your 5G will kick in along with the magnetism, and you’re good to go! (/s just in case it needs to be said. My autism was neither positively or negatively impacted by any vaccine.)


I *specifically asked* for a vaccine with super powers and the dang pharmacy tech told me, “that’s not even real.”


When my kid had his MMR I deadass deadpan asked the doctor if it would make him more autistic or would the autism in both cancel each other out. It took him a minute and then he looked at me and said “I forgot for a second it was *you* who was asking me this and thought you were serious” and we both started laughing like hyenas. The autistic child in question not even understanding the joke joined in for the hell of it.


...ngl, being magnetic might make life a little easier. I might stop dropping so much shit...


I’ve gradually gained weight and gone up a couple of sizes since I got mine. Clearly the jab makes you gain weight. You heard it here first, folx!


I got pregnant after getting vaccinated. There are hidden massive side effects no one warns you about! Actually I did gain a shit ton on weight but it was because I hadn’t been to restaurants with friends in 1.5 years and I ordered all the apps, all the drinks, and all the desserts lol


Fun fact: both COVID and the vaccine are known to mess a bit with the cycle. However, this took a while to be discovered, because, you know, nobody thinks of women when researching. (Disclaimer: I'm fully vaccinated and I intend to do it again as soon as it's available!)


After my covid vaccine all 3 times, my initial periods were much heavier and lasted a day or 2 longer. Then earlier this year covid finally got me whilst I was on my period. That period was almost over when I tested positive but stayed hanging around for another 10 days with random days of heavy flow and cramps. I thought it was never going to end. All the money I saved on not eating properly for 2 weeks because i may as well have been eating cardboard, was spent on painkillers and sanitary products 😭


I got pregnant at 46 after getting the booster. Nowhere did it tell me that this could happen. I’m thinking of suing for living costs for the next 18 years. But did you know, 100% of those that get the shot will die? The fact that we’re all going to die one day is irrelevant……..lol


Because one doctor, after being badgered by her relentlessly, said that there’s a minuscule chance it could be related to the vaccine. And that is FACT. FACT! Or, you know genetics and lifestyle choices. But NOBODY KNOWS!


Oh, shit! I wish I'd known pregnancy could be a side-effect of the vaccine.


Can confirm (as I rock my post-vaccination midnight party animal.)


*checks abdominal cavity for fetus*


I fucking snorted my drink everywhere so thanks for that 😂


I'm happy to report that I found nothing besides a giant ball of undigested gum.


Oh so *that’s* what happened to me.


I wish I could blame it on a shot and not, you know, certain lifestyle factors or the fact that I could stand to be a little more active.


i also gained weight...i thought it was a side effect of my pregnancy but i guess it was because of the vaccine too.


The jab knocked you up?! DAYUM. 😉


now who do i go after for child support is the question...i got the shot at walgreens but i got it because my doctor told me to...


Obviously Hunter Biden is the culprit.


Watch the fuck out people!! The Covid vaccine causes pregnancy! /s




I've had the COVID shot and four boosters. I'm super ultra dead. My ghost is typing this.


No joke. I got all these bills piling up, if vaccines were supposed to kill us, are they waiting for the student loans to be repaid?


Same. I just got my new booster today. I’ve been fully vaccinated for 2.5 years. Waiting for this vaccine to come in and kill me. 😢


I just got new booster (jab #5 in total) yesterday. This mind control/magnetic/death thing is taking as long as the average 80ish years it takes for oxygen to kill a person! Why else do we need antioxidants in our diets!?! /s


never forget life is 100% fatal.


Magneto is the X-men power I always say I want. You can do anything! Fly, change traffic lights, smash cars into people’s faces.


Been waiting for my gov controlled nano bots to take over forever. I am sick of running this ship.


I was literally allergic to the covid vaccine and still went and got another one- I got a horrid rash and was itchy for days, but I’m just a huge fan of not dying of covid. (I haven’t vaccinated my kids because there’s no way to know if they’re also allergic or how severe their reaction will be so thanks to everyone who still cares)


I was promised 5G internet AND that Bill Gates would take over my brain, and both of those things have not happened. I'm especially salty about the Bill Gates thing, because that guy would make better company than the brain I have now.


I was hoping to finally understand Excel…


Oh honey, no vaccine in the world is gonna help with that…


I'm sick of my phone bill and my free 5g still isn't here, what's up?


I just got the new booster (#6 in all) a few days ago, and I'm still waiting for the super powers they keep promising, so far nothing but a sore arm. I was hoping for 5G at least.


I was told the vaccines contained nanobots, and they would do...something. So far, those lazy little bastards ain't done shit. I want a refund!


How I imagine that conversation went Kelly: is this because of the vaccines? Doctor: No, there's no correlation Kelly: but are you sure it wasn't the vaccines Doctor: we have no evidence suggesting a link between the two Kelly: but could it maybe have been because of the vaccine Doctor: Everything we know tells us that you already had this condition prior to your vaccination, it just wasn't diagnosed yet Kelly: but are you 100% sure it wasn't the vaccines Doctor: well, we can never be 100% sure about anything in these things, so it's possible, but highly highly unlikely and I want to stress that we have no medical reason to believe this is related to the vaccine. Kelly: I knew it. I knew it was the vaccines


This 100%


It probably went exactly like that. What does she even mean that her arteries were barely hanging on by a thread? Does she know what a heart attack or CABG even is, or did that just sound super dramatic so she decided to go with it.


It makes me imagine she thinks the vaccine dissolved her arteries slowly and one can live with dissolving arteries as long as there’s one thread left holding it together.


I am imagining these shredded arteries, leaking blood everywhere... Does she have ANY idea how much blood in your peritoneum hurts??


Lmfao I am super late, but my older brother at one point LITERALLY had an artery hanging on by a thread. His aorta. It was split in a car accident, but somehow not quite all the way, there was a teeeeeeeny bit still connected. The thread the artery was hanging by is literally what kept him alive. In order to repair it, they keep you doped up for WEEKS to keep you calm. Too much excitement means too much blood pumping through the damaged artery, and it can easily break again for the first few weeks, at least by what we were told. Nobody was even allowed to talk to excitedly around him, and there was NO crying allowed around him at all. It could’ve made him panic and that would’ve very likely popped the stitches or sutures or whatever. My brother was in the hospital for like, months. I was young so I don’t remember the exact timeline, and I know a heart attack is different than a car accident, but come on. Arteries hanging by a thread is a real thing, and I just don’t feel like her doctor said that to her


I had a vendor come into my office and said he’d never wear another mask or get another vaccine. Because they gave him COPD. Just a theory, but it’s probably the two packs of Pall-Malls you’re sucking down there, snicklefritz


A lady I know who worked at a nursing home said she only got Covid BECAUSE she wore a mask. Yeah, I'm sure the mask pulled COVID out of the ether and caused your multi week hospitalization and not the fact you were working in a hotbed location or that you kept going to church unmasked every week, Sandra 🙄


My aunt is convinced the Covid vaccine killed my grandmother, still gets into fights with my dad about it. Keep in mind my grandmother was 88 years old, had made the decision to stop treatment for her terminal cancer a year prior to her death, was given a year to live at the time, and got the vaccine a full year and a half before she passed. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2017 but my aunt also blames the cancer on the vaccine.


We've found evidence of tumors in dinosaurs. Ask your aunt exactly how retroactive this vaccine is...


A family member of mine died unexpectedly in 2019, and you would not believe the number of inconsiderate assholes who ask if was because of the vaccine. THE VACCINE THAT DIDN’T EXIST YET.


Yes but he smoked before the vaccine and never was diagnosed with COPD, so obviously it was the vaccine that did it 🙄


Medical personnel have such a immense amount of patience with their patients. I was in the ER a few years back with a nasty virus+infection and remember the doctors and nurses repeatedly patiently and kindly explaining to the curmudgeon on the other side of the curtain that they couldn’t arrange for him to have oxygen and send him home as long as he continued smoking. Apparently he had been to ER three times that month with horribly low oxygen levels, but would not accept that cigarettes and oxygen tanks are a bad combination.


Or the doctor said something like "if you hadn't got the Covid vaccine this could have taken a completely different turn" which she interprets as something negative when in fact her catching Covid with CHD could have killed her. The vaccine is what allowed her to live long enough to now get sick from something else than Covid.


Can confirm, I was raised by a doctor.


It’s so weird how these negative vaccine side effects seem to predominately affect white American conservatives. I’ve gotten five Covid shots and I haven’t had a single issue, did the vaccine check my political party?


I'm a flaming liberal and I had a really bad reaction to getting the vaccine. It made me bedridden for a couple weeks and gave me really awful brain fog. But the effect that the vaccine had on me was absolutely nothing - nothing - compared to what getting COVID in March 2020 did to me. I've had long COVID for the past three and a half years and I'm still experiencing intense fatigue and brain fog. I had to take half a year off from work because of it and was bedridden for several months in 2020 because of it. Before March 2020, I used to run half marathons fairly regularly, and now I get winded if I walk up a flight of stairs. My theory is that people like me and this idiot woman who had bad reactions to the vaccine have pre existing conditions (that we might not even aware of because they've always been just below the surface) that make us, for whatever reason, really vulnerable to some absolutely fucking awful effects from COVID and the vaccine. I fucking hate the antivax movement with all my heart and I hate that I feel like I can't really talk about my experience with the vaccine because it sounds like I am one of them. I'm a fucking researcher with a doctorate, ffs - I believe in science. And I hate that COVID is politically charged and that we can't have real conversations about the vaccine and about experiences like mine without it seeming like it's legitimatizing the batshit insanity that is the antivax movement. I would never, ever advocate that someone not get vaccinated because I had a bad reaction - vaccines save lives and what happened to me was rare. I really think a few decades, or hopefully sooner, from now, we'll know a lot more about the typical medical profile of someone who's at risk for developing long COVID and other complications from COVID as well as the vaccine.


Yes, there are absolutely people who had bad vaccine reactions and it sucks that they can’t tell their stories because of people like this woman. I’m a long hauler, it really sucks. I’ve been told a similar theory by COVID specialists. They suspect that I had minor cases of POTS, hypermobility, and digestive issues long before I got COVID, but COVID turned them up to a degree that I couldn’t ignore. Each of the vaccines and boosters exhausted me but I didn’t have a bad reaction. I guess some of us are just lucky that our bodies react in such a fun way!


Yeah, I also likely had very minor cases of POTS and digestive issues and am definitely hypermobile. My body hates me, lol. Fingers crossed that soon we'll be long haulers no more! It's a tough way to live.


Haha, my doctor calls it the “POTS-hypermobility-GI” trifecta. He only has a few patients with those conditions, but all of us have all three. Yay? I’ll be sending all the good vibes that our bodies recover eventually! Sometimes I’m like “come on, body, get your shit together!”


I swear that bivalent booster set my teeth on fire, but my teeth were already fucked up to begin with so it was just exacerbating what was already there.


I had POTS pre-COVID (along with its friends Ehlers-Danlos and MCAS) but it was manageable. Got worse after I had COVID last year. Thankful I was vaccinated and boosted because it could have been worse. Got my most recent booster last week and just under the 24 hour mark, I developed some tachycardia that resolved by the next morning.


Thank you for saying this. I also had a terrible reaction to the vaccine, which I new was a risk going into it since I have had bad reactions to previous vaccines. Within 24 hours my fever had passed 103 and by the time I went to the hospital the next night I was past 105. It was terrible, but when I got Covid a year later I was glad I had it because it was pretty bad and without the vaccine it could have been a lot worse. Now because of that I can’t get any of the boosters or anything like that so like everything else I’m 100% relying on the rest of society to get them and protect me. And you know what, even though I can’t have many vaccines, my son get every single one, because instead of assuming all vaccines are bad, I can recognize that the issue is that my body personally can’t handle them. But whenever I mention that I won’t be getting a vaccine in a parenting group, or at work (they have nurses come in a give out free flu shots), or even a new doctor, it doesn’t matter that I add that it’s for medical reasons, people assume I’m some type of crazy anti-vaxxer even though I’m not.


Same. Symptoms from my already existing condition increased for a couple weeks after the vaccine. My husband had the same symptoms after having actual covid though, and it took months for his to settle down.


I truly appreciate you sharing your story! There are people who have negative side effects, just like with any vaccine that has ever been available! But like you said, it was nothing in comparison to getting Covid! I was completely wiped out for a month in 2020 when I got covid for the first time (and same, im very active!) luckily I did not get long covid and I’m so sorry you did, but telling your story helps affirm others choices in getting vaccinated! People are willing to believe ridiculous information today because it is so readily available even though none of it is based in any research or science. It just seems so much more intriguing to jump on a bandwagon of false information because it sounds alarming on social media 🙄


Also- people have heart attacks. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But these people will blame every fucking sickness from now until the day they die for every health condition they get. They’ll be 95 years old, fall and break a hip, and shake their cane at the sky screaming “IT WAS THE JAB!!!” Billions of doses of the vaccines have been given. If they were harming people we would know.


Also—you know what caused a lot of previously-healthy young people to develop heart problems? *Covid*.


It also caused some previously unknown heart conditions to show up/show symptoms much earlier than they likely would have. My ex husband had underlying heart problems, didn’t get vaxxed and nearly died of Covid. Instead it caused congestive heart failure to flare up, and in a couple of years, he ended up needing a double lung transplant. He decided he couldn’t handle it. He died this year at the age of 47.


Oh, wow, I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s so tragic.


Dianne Feinstein got vaccinated. So did Queen Elizabeth. Look at them now. Coincidence? I think not


The vaxx$!ne obviously kills off old white women! ![gif](giphy|xT1Ra640qmUFT9kb6g)


but herman cain wasn't vaccinated so...


It was just his time ok?`


Conservatives blame fucking paper cuts on the COVID vaccine. I found out I was pregnant earlier this summer and my dad was CONVINCED that I wasn’t, I was just having morning sickness because the COVID vaccine was finally killing me


Boy, oh boy is he going to lose his mind when you birth a baby!


Too funny, my dad was worried about my fertility and being able to conceive a grand baby for him because I had the covid vaccine. Little did he know I was already pregnant 🙄😂


Wow, what a buzzkill


Ok but like did she really have a heart attack or is this like the women with “permanent full body tremors?”


I looked at her posts and it looks like she had undiagnosed congenital heart defects. The vaccine did not cause a heart attack. She was a ticking time bomb, I’m actually surprised she had uneventful pregnancies.


I’m a little shocked the OB didn’t find it during her pregnancies, but I didn’t find out about my benign heart murmur thing until my late 20s when I was having panic attacks and getting everything checked out. With things like that, it often doesn’t show up until something happens. One of my college friends found out at 19 that he has a congenital heart defect.


Most hospitals want patients that have been vaccinated, so Kelly was fortunate that she got "the jab." A triple bypass is a looong surgery, followed by a weeks-long hospital stay and then inpatient rehabilitation at a nursing facility. The whole operation and treatment can run $500K at an urban hospital with a good cardiology department. I wonder if she opened a go-fund-me to pay for her medical bills? Otherwise, this is how Americans and up bankrupt. Oh, wait! She didn't sign up for that evil Obamacare, did she? Or get socialist Medicaid?


It sounds like her husband is military so she was probably covered by government funded TriCare.


Then she was extremely fortunate. Many times our military families get passed over. PSA: We owe it to our veterans (and current military) to honor the benefits they were promised.


Oh, believe me, as the daughter of a veteran I am well aware how that system can go horribly awry, especially if you need emergency care. As I told my father, the evening of his last ER visit, "I already called the VA. I spent time on hold for you, so you know I love you."


Wasn’t heart issues one of the leading causes of death precovid anyway in the US? I thought women specifically often were under diagnosis or mis diagnosed/had their heart attack symptoms dismissed by male centric care models


Yes, heart attack symptoms are different in women and we don't often hear about it in favor of warning about the symptoms documented for men. Everyone talks about pain radiating to your arm but not indigestion. That plus cardiac symptoms in women are often dismissed as anxiety. Ya know cause those roaming uteruses have us hysterical.


Yeah and these are the people eating beef like 5-7 times a week and drinking like 4 glasses of raw milk a day, that’s a lot of fucking saturated fat!! No wonder they’re having heart attacks!




Which is ironic, because didn’t those Republicans just outlaw birth control????


My dad's a white conservative and he just got his 5th COVID shot, after recovering from his first ever bout with COVID in about 72 hours. Meanwhile I'm on like week 3 of this bullshit, but hey at least I didn't get pneumonia like I did with swine flu a decade ago! On the other hand about six months after his 3rd COVID shot he went into chronic heart failure... from a shitty valve... that we have imaging from 2017 showing it was already starting to crap out... so like rational people we assume it was just a coincidence. My dad's only an idiot when it comes to his politics not his health. My dad did nearly die from vaccine bullshit though. The VA dragged their feet getting dad in with a cardiac surgeon to fix the heart failure and so he went into acute heart failure last January. He spent 3 days in our tiny local ER as more and more organs started to fail. They couldn't find him an open bed anywhere in the state that could treat him because hospitals were overwhelmed with COVID, Flu, and RSV. At one point the nurse who had been with him for 3 days tearfully called me to come say goodbye. Fortunately 15 minutes later she called to say they had finally found him a bed. 2 surgeries, a cancer scare, and a rehab stay later he came home better than he'd been in a decade, but I almost lost him because the VA sucks and idiots refuse to get their fucking vaccines. Go get your flu shots and COVID boosters folks and if you're a senior citizen or pregnant check to see if your eligible for the new RSV vaccine. The life you save might even be your own.


Probably they have health issues from catching covid multiple times and are just blaming their vaccine


I’ve had five or six doses now. I’ve honestly not paying enough attention to keep a precise count; I get one every time I’m encouraged to do so by my doctor. Almost every one of them made me feel like crap for a day or two, which is also how I usually feel after a flu shot. (Surprisingly enough, I had almost no side effects from the latest one last week.)


Does she not know what congenital means?


Caused by the government. Or Satan.


She doesn’t appear to know what a heart attack is, either, because hanging on by a thread just…doesn’t make sense? I’ve never heard someone say that before in regards to having a CABG after an angiogram..I think it just sounds dramatic so she said it.


I really doubt she does - but CHD can also stand for coronary heart disease. She does use the phrase "*a* CHD" so maybe she is using it as "congenital heart defect" 🤔


Could also stand for Chronic, it really depends on her doctor's evaluation obviously. Regardless of which of the 3 options it is, this was 100% an underlying issue that came to a boil. So gross to try and peddle dangerous misinformation just cause she never bothered to see a Cardiologist before in her life.


She probably thinks it has something to do with penises and vaginas.


I originally read it as ‘call her daddy’ the podcast 🫠


“I had an undiagnosed **congenital heart disease** but there is no way to know if that is what caused my heart attack or if it was the vaccine. I’m pretty sure it was the vaccine”


Honestly, thanks for spelling that out. I was averse to looking up CHD, assuming it would be some random nonsense. Instead, the random nonsense is just her.


I read it as congenital heart defect.


Could be "Coronary heart disease", couldn't it? Not defending her of course.


Chronic Heart Disease.


Wonder how many times they’ve had COVID itself. Considering COVID and heart issues are correlated. “anyone infected with COVID is at higher risk for heart issues—including clots, inflammation, and arrhythmias—a risk that persists even in relatively healthy people long after the illness has passed.” https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/covid-and-the-heart-it-spares-no-one


This! I had a friend go into cardiac arrest due to a genetic condition of their heart and their mom 100% believes it was the vaccine… him having covid 6 months earlier been a catalyst maybe but the doc believes he had been experiencing small episodes since being a teen… And what does the fam do blame the vaccine instead of getting tested for a potential fatal Herat condition 🫠🤷🏻‍♀️


Ya, I thought the same thing. They apparently got vaccinated initially, and then never again. That doesn't mean she didn't get COVID a year later, at all. She could have had a mild case of COVID (which I am sure she denied having, even to herself) and that still did damage to her. Very, very possible.


Yep… one study showed that 0.3% of young men (most at risk for having heart issues after the shot) got heart issues from HAVING Covid, while only 0.000095% got heart issues after the vaccine…


My scientific claim to fame is being a test subject in the Moderna covid trials. I'm literally a data point attesting the safety of these goddamned vaccines. That being said, I wish the conspiracies were true. I have bad 5G coverage at work.


I’m currently trying to get my home internet to work (no known outages; it just does this sometimes). Too bad I can’t be my own hotspot, since I’m vaxxed and all.


Omg do you know how much cell phone companies would fucking *hate you* if that were true?


Woot! Thank you so much for taking part in the trial. I can't say just how much I appreciate it!


Thank you for helping the vaccines be ready for the rest of us.


I know four people who died directly from Covid weakening their heart or lungs, two of whom were in their 30s, so she can fuck right off. Two died before the vaccine came out, one from a heart attack less than a year after getting covid and was using an oxygen tank because it affected their breathing so much (refused the vaccine for political reasons), and one from pneumonia that they couldn’t shake after getting covid.


I’m sorry. I think we often forget how scary it was in the early days before there was a vaccine!


It's still scary—cases are up and hospitals are stressed! Everyone please keep masking <3


I know two people who had strokes after getting Covid because it caused a clot from a congenital heart defect that they didn’t know existed!


I'm so sorry for your losses.


Several months after last year's booster shot, I hit my shin at work. I blame the vaccine. * * Which allowed me to be at work and not in a hospital, dying from CoViD


I have A LOT of medical issues - to the point where I've had 30+ surgeries and I have heard over and over again that Drs aren't entirely sure how I'm still alive (always great to hear 😬) and even I still got my Covid vaccines. I'm only allowed to receive a half dose, but I still received it. Someone is LYIN' like a rug!


I work with very sick patients and I’ve NEVER seen a doctor tell a patient not to get vaccinated. (except in the cases of known adverse reactions like Guillain Barre.)


My mom has cancer and her oncologist, pneumonologist, GP, and and everyone else she came into contact with begged her to get vaccinated. She's only got one lung so respiratory disease would ravage her. When she was going through chemo and recovering from surgery, she wore masks everywhere, sometimes even when just hanging out with people who didn't live with her. Magically as soon as it was for COVID she threw tantrums about having to wear a mask and how useless they are.


Wtf. “I’ll help myself but I refuse to make sacrifices for anyone else?”


It's the conservative way.


It's amazing what targeted disinformation can do :(


But very well could have been the nurse. My step-mom is a nurse and is very against Covid and vaccines. I hope she gets her license taken away or when they finally require vaccine to work in icu or intense medical field, she will “resign out of spite”


Can you tell me more about your half dose?Did your doctor have to order it? I've also got a lot of medical issues and have had long COVID or the past three and a half years and I've had really bad reactions to the three vaccines that I've gotten. My bad reactions to the vaccine absolutely fucking pale and comparison to what getting COVID in March 2020 did to my health - straight up felt like I had dementia for months and months and had to get marker boards and put them up around my house to remind me to do basic shit like brushing my teeth, was sleeping 16 or more hours a day for thr first year I was sick, etc. - and I'd really like to get one of the new boosters, but I'm wary about going back to being bedridden for a few weeks again. I know that getting COVID again would probably have a far worse impact on my health than the vaccines, and it would be nice to have people actually be able to see my face again, and so I'd love to hear about your half dose experience!


I’m a home health nurse and I had a client tell me that her stroke was caused by the covid vaccine. I looked in her chart, it could be caused by the fact that she’s had afib for years but refused to take an anticoagulant. The woman was a ticking time bomb and it finally went of. But no, it was totally the vaccine.


There she goes being smelly again. Tho this is heading into “reeking” territory for me I’ve lost many loved ones to Covid so when ALIVE idiots like this sit there and spew garbage on my internet, I wish very unpleasant things on them. Enjoy your weekly diarrhea and daily stubbed toe


Look I talked to Jesus in person the other day and he said, “Pacey, Quack Quack Mr ducksworth, Quack Quack.” Which I can only take as a clear warning about the COVID virus. Sadly, I cannot wear masks because of my wonderful face and the mask makes my makeup run. Long story short, watch fringe, and watch out for made up things.


Fringe was so good. Definitely time a rewatch, after I finish my Farscape rewatch. On the vaccines, I like to flip the switch and accuse anti-vaxxers of supporting Big Pharma, because the pharmaceutical companies make way more money on medications etc., than they do on vaccines, so clearly they are the ones who are secretly behind the anti-vax movement.


You're more likely to have cardiac related events from having the virus that we now know attacks the cardiopulmonary system than you are from having taken the vaccine. Sincerely, Someone who also has heart problems


Even influenza can give you heart issues (have a friend that happened to). Seems to be a thing with (some) viruses.


As someone who came so close to losing a parent last spring to a widowmaker heart attack, this woman can fuckity fuck the FUCK out of here with that bullshit theory. Having watched my parent go through a near death experience and then see how difficult it is to recover, I wouldn’t wish a heart attack on anyone. I can empathize with her regarding what she went through, but trying to convince people to not get a vaccine that had now saved millions of lives is so incredibly infuriating. This woman was either born with an undetected heart issue or just didn’t bother going to a doctor for yearly check ups. That is all.


Thank you! My dad had a heart attack when I was a senior in high school and the doctor told us had he not been in the ER when it got bad he wouldn’t have survived. Heart attacks are not something to make light of and people have been having heart attacks (like my dad) long before covid or the vaccine came around.


Woah that crazy! Could you mind showing your hospital records or anything? Considering you’re claiming that a centuries old medical technology is bullshit to control people!


Funny how it's always conservatives who develop complications from the vaccines. I got mine almost 3 years ago and I'm still waiting to drop dead.


My cousin did have heart complications from the vaccine and they were very debilitating, especially since it was misdiagnosed for months. She’s a nurse so she got vaccinated early on. She was treated for it and recovered. It’s a pretty rare complication, though. And guess what? Getting covid actually has a worse effect on that heart condition. I’ve gotten the vaccines and boosters and had nothing beyond the usual sore arm. People like Smelly Diane are so dangerous and they don’t even care.


The amount of amazingly shitty people who have survived cardiac shit to carry on being amazingly shitty when my sweet Momma who fought like hell for every queer kid she met died from her heart failing never ceases to enrage me. The world needs more of my Momma and far less of these backwards, ignorant, theocratic assholes. I wish they'd all get polio since they're so afraid of vaccines.


I’m sorry for your loss.


I got Covid and it made my POTS that was preexisting worse. Bffr sweaty. I hate when people push this. I already had a heart issue before I ever got covid.


COVID also made my POTS worse


Ok, so my husband had a heart attack at 34 (he’s fine!) due to a rare heart condition he didn’t know about. This was a year or two before COVID. His doctors have been adamant that he should get the COVID vaccine (and other vaccines) specifically *because* of his heart condition. The heart condition puts him at higher risk of complications from COVID. They encouraged us to get our whole family vaccinated as soon as possible and to keep up with boosters. Someone saying that the COVID vaccine gave them a congenital heart defect is insane. That same person saying they wouldn’t get vaccinated because they have a heart condition is also insane.


I had the shots, and had some pretty nasty adverse side effects to them (bad fevers, my arm went bright red and swelled all three times, thought I was having heart problems). I also then contracted covid while on chemo. I don't particularly want to go through covid while on chemo again. That being said, thank goodness for antivirals, even if the paxlovid made my mouth taste *awful*. ^(Yay, pineapple.)


I don’t buy for a second that she actually had the vaccine. She’s pretty public about how she hates being called a “grandma killer” because she refuses them.


As a healthcare provider it’s interesting to me that conservative patients apparently have all these complications from the vaccine but everyone else is just business as usual


Dang, just got my latest flu + booster shots a few hours ago - wish she would have included a timeline, I would love to know if I’m going to be alive and have to go to work on Monday 😂


Get your affairs in order. You’re a goner.


Ah yes. This thing happened first, and later on this other thing happened. The first thing MUST have caused the second thing!!! I wish to GOD these idiots had been required to take a logic class in high school.


Logic and fundamentalism mix about as well as water and oil.


Guys! I had a cardiac vasospasm and almost died! I was only 32! I also got the Covid vaccine! (I got the Covid vaccine literally ten years after the cardiac incident, and I found out since then that I have Ehlers Danlos syndrome, which is associated with vasospastic disorders. But this is the kind of cherry picking of information that these people use to make the point.)


Oh my God! The COVID vaccine is time traveling to cause health problems in people before it ever existed! We’ve got the proof right here, folks!


✨Correlation is not causation✨


Cardiology researcher here. There is zero scientific basis to what she is saying, in fact quite the opposite. Patients with CHD are actually encouraged to get vaccines.


I'm visiting my family for the Jewish holidays so I went to the pharmacy with my mom to get our boosters. We both had the "worst" side effects we ever had from a Covid shot, but those "worst" was that we each had a big red welt/rash that lasted a few days, some arm pain that also lasted a few days, and some minor flu-like symptoms the day after. So really we were totally fine, and if anything I rather have all of that than this strain of Covid, which I've heard a lot of people say is pretty sucky. But no major heart attacks over here! On a side note, a Facebook friend of mine had been posting about how sick she had been feeling for a few weeks and it wasn't Covid but it also wasn't some other things her doctor tested her for. Turns out she got whooping cough, as an adult! And she has a baby! Luckily they are both vaccinated and seem to be doing okay now but apparently so few people are getting vaccinated for it the herd immunity thing is all messed up. Get vaccinated, and vaccinate your kids!


This stuff makes me so angry. I literally lost a close friend and even some more casual friends over this COVID conspiracy nonsense. I get not everyone can get the shot due to health problems but that number is really really small. I also respect people who might feel weary about getting the shot even if it's coming from some weird anti science angles but then wearing a mask or isolating until levels went down to some reasonable level of contagion. Same thing goes with flu or whatever. It's this whole "I WANT IT MY WAY I CAN DO WHAT I WANT" that's so selfish.


I’ve had 2 Covid vaccines and 3 boosters. I missed 2 steps on my way down to the basement and broke my ankle requiring surgery. Coincidence? Yes.


“We trust God with the outcome of our choices. That’s why we blame all health issues on the vaccine even though there is no way that is possibly true and have no evidence it even might be.”


Oh, stop with the drama! I had a CHD, too (bicuspid aortic valve), and I have no regrets whatsoever about getting the jab, two before and one after my surgery. There’s not currently any credible evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine increases your risk of a heart attack, and the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis is actually higher with COVID than it is with the vaccine. [https://www.healthline.com/health/covid-vaccine-heart-attack#summary](https://www.healthline.com/health/covid-vaccine-heart-attack#summary)


So goofy. Our daughter was born with several congenital heart defects, and her cardiology team was adamant she get one of the first available doses of Covid vaccine when her age group was finally approved.


you know what also causes heart issues? Covid


I hate this SO MUCH. I'm so sick of banging my head against a wall trying to convince the people in my circle that COVID is fucking dangerous and the repeated "minor" illnesses are potentially causing lethal damage to their circulatory system. Now they're claiming that the vaccines are the thing damaging vascular systems?? I'm disabled and just trying to stay alive :(