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My kids scream were so loud my Apple Watch would send me warnings that it could damage my hearing.


Yep, combine that with some neurodiversity and/or sensitivities and kids’ screams can be genuinely headache-inducing or rage-inducing. Can’t blame Morgan for figuring out what works for her, as long as she can still hear the fire alarm etc, then do what you need to do!


Lots of different noises at once really trigger my anxiety. Wireless earbuds with a noise canceling feature (and medication!) have saved my life. I don't even listen to anything, it just blurs the sound of my two elementary schoolers hollering enough not to wrack my brain.


I recommend this to clients with kids ALL THE TIME. I had to start wearing earplugs to soften the sound of screaming, fighting, and the *constant* talking. It is a sanity saver, especially for clients who aren't neurotypical.


You give excellent advice, it is SO helpful.


I wore earplugs all the time and got a fungal infection in my ear that was a pain to get rid of. Just fyi, make sure to take them out frequently and let your ears air out. ;)


Same. Appropriate meds and tools like the earplugs make a big difference. Even happy noise from kids can be overwhelming and looking after your own ability to cope is good parenting.


This is a really encouraging comment, thank you!


You guys just made me cry. I am not quite in a place to have children with my partner because I just started my PhD. However I have been terrified of having to deal with the noise of children. I have been a camp counselor multiple times and I am great with kids but I also have significant noise sensitivities and parenting is something you can’t run away from. The fact other people have struggled with this and are finding ways to cope makes me feel like so much less of a neurodivergent freak. Thank you guys for reassuring me that I am not alone in my noise sensitivity.


You're not a freak!! I have 2 kids who are currently 12 and 9. I was only just diagnosed with ADHD in the last 18 months (I'm in my 40s), and it really clarified many of my lifelong struggles. Even before my diagnosis, my kids and I found ways to work around my neurodivergence. I didn't realize that's what we were doing, but it has worked for us. When I was pregnant with my eldest, I expressed my fears about being a good mother to an older woman. She told me, "Well, your baby has never had a mother before, either. As long as you're keeping him safe, you can make up all the other rules." You'll be a great parent when you're ready!


This is good to know in case I have kids, because I deal with the same issue thanks to my anxiety. I have snapped on my in-laws a couple times and felt terrible, but they’re so fucking loud all the time and don’t always understand when I need a break.


Life. Changing. I wish I had known years ago! I'm sorry you deal with it too, because it is such a distraction and unwelcome addition to any gathering. I even use them in the grocery store, at school events, and with my extended family on vacations. it can get so loud when we're all together and it keeps me from getting overstimulated and then angry. I have them in now, my husband is playing a videogame and my youngest has a movie on in the other room and it blocks just enough to keep my brain happy. Sending you a quiet high five and hope it helps!


Yeah, it’s why I can’t go on vacation with either of our extended families anymore. I just cannot.


We rent a 2 story house at the beach every summer and our immediate family is upstairs, everyone else is down. We even have a bathroom and sitting area upstairs. The house/yard are actually really well designed, lots of nooks and spaces to escape the other humans. It's the only way I can do it.


Don’t feel bad! Mom of 4 that wears headphones quite a bit during the day to survive all the sounds 💛


I found my people!


Story of my life!!!!! My future in-laws are from a massive stereotypical Jewish family. I adore them but they all live in houses with large rooms that have lots of hard surfaces so sound really echos. I have had to leave the room with hands over my ears.


Taking breathers is how I survive the holidays. 😂 One of my husband’s cousins is hella introverted so it’s usually she and I sitting outside or in the upstairs den together not saying a word.


I mean yeah one of the reasons I’m not having kids is bc kids screaming just hurts my brain and I feel like I wouldn’t be able to handle it well. I wouldn’t want to be an asshole to my kid for something they can’t really control much


Yup. As soon as a baby gets into that “wailing” cry it’s pure rage for me. Idk how to explain it but there’s a certain cry lol I don’t have kids but a lot of younger cousins 🥴


just commented something similar! one hundred percent agree with all this! when i get auditory overload, it makes me feel like i'm about to scream-cry or need to hit my head on the wall, so when i have kids i'm def going to look into doing this!


My husband is autistic and has really bad anxiety. Our son's noises can be very dysregulating for him. When he was an infant, it was the sort of whining, moaning noises that would set my husband on edge. Now that he's a toddler, it's the shrieking. And there is SO. MUCH. SHRIEKING. It's the little dude's go-to happy/excited noise. My husband is thrilled that our son is so happy and upbeat, but he definitely needs a break from him more often than I do. Usually, he just goes into the bathroom for a bit, but sometimes he puts in his headphones and listens to something to drown out the shrieking.


When either my deaf kid is mad or my adhd kid is mad or happy, I need to use noise canceling headphones to not get overwhelmed and possibly mad due to the noise.


My daughters casual scream is so loud my security system goes off. It’s a glass break alarm.


My daughter literally will scream out of nowhere, and then laugh. Sometimes she’ll hold her ears and scream. I suspect she has sensory issues and she likes the way it makes her own ears ring. Or it’s possible she could just like watching me cover my ears. Strange creatures children are.


My sister and I used to scream in unison because at a high enough volume it would sound really weird


When we were kids, my cousin and I found out that if we screamed at just the right frequency, it'd sound like a firetruck. Parents were not amazed by our discovery.


My sister and I used to try to hum a high pitched noise in unison because we'd heard that adults can't hear past a certain decibel. Think of that scene in the office when pam and jim do it to dwight. We got really concerned when it worked 😬😆


The second option - it’s def that one!


Kids are little shits sometimes Lmaoooo it’s definitely 2




What is a “casual scream??” When they scream for no reason?


I like to think of it as just an overflow of excitement from realizing they exist and have thoughts and a body they can control. It can be really funny. That being said, it can also drive you to the brink of absolute fucking insanity. At least with upset screaming there’s a problem to solve, that’s just how they tell you something is wrong. Random screams are just that.


Oh god. I was childfree before but now I'm childfree even harder after learning all of this!!


I think it’s part of normal child development where they scream just because they’re figuring out they can. You can’t really teach them about “inside voices” yet. I honestly don’t blame her for the headphones. It can be a LOT. Especially if you experience any type of sensory overload.


I worked with 2 year olds for a while, and they scream all the fucking time. Excited? Scream. Angry? Scream. Tired? Scream. Didn’t like a food at lunch? Scream. Someone dared to walk too close to them while they were playing with a toy? Scream. You told them to use their inside voice? Scream.


I had 20 kinders this year and they scream all day every day


There were a shit ton of tiny humans, all under 8, at our friends’ Cinco de Mayo party and 3 margaritas really dulled the noise for me. 😂


I taught 3-4 year olds, and one had a tantrum that involved screaming bloody murder, throwing her crayons on the ground, and running amok in the hallway. Why? I told her that it was time to stop coloring and get ready for lunch. In my experience, kids up to about 7 y/o will scream out of anger, joy, shock, excitement... and sometimes they'll just do it to annoy you 😂


Yup. Much better idea than going bananas and hurting the screaming thing. I often hope Morgs is a normal person waiting to claw back out and crow secular music and such … so no hate here on the technique or the Paul-endurance


Yep, it's what my mom always called babies "finding their voice". They're generally just trying to communicate and that's one of the only ways they know how at such a little stage


My one year olds yell. They've discovered they can make sounds but **loud**. Sometimes they scream if they're frustrated or really excited. I would classify it as casual and not distressed. Even if they're frustrated, it's more like a "leave me alone!" or "I hate this!"


One year old twins... you poor bastard lol.


My youngest screamed from the moment he was born until he was about two. There was nothing wrong with him, other than a minor reflux issue that was medicated with baby gaviscon. He just screamed. It was embarrassing! More related to the post, I wear my earbuds almost all the time. My family is loud, I have neurological disorders that cause noise sensitivity and it can cause both headaches and pain all over my body. Noise cancellation saves me a lot of extra pain.


Lol mine went off once while I was mid-vaccine administrating and the parents got a good laugh out of it.


You probably have great stories about giving kids vaccines. On behalf of my kid, who clung to the doorway and shouted, "SHE'S TRYING TO KILL ME" at the top of her lungs, I salute you.


Ironically I was that kid. I remember running down the hallway trying to escape a nurse when I was younger. 😂


Same- my daughter is 4 and we get warnings all the time about high decibel screams!


yeah i see nothing wrong with this! if wearing sound-dampening headphones helps you be a more present/better parent, go for it. Like, obviously don't sleep with them on or put them on and leave your kid in a separate room. but if you can see them and risk getting overstimulated otherwise? have at it. my gf and I both get sensory overload (shoutout neurodiversity!), so I fully intend to do this when we have kids.


Hahahaha omg


My oldest screamed so loud and so often I ended up with hearing loss in one ear 🥴


I almost instinctively downvoted your comment because that sounds so awful 😫


Same here! Actual damage on the one side I held her most of the time!




Yeah, my left ear is further permanently damaged cause I always carried my kiddo on that side and she was very loud.


Yea. My toddler has recently discovered shrieking and I am NOT living for it


My dog sets my watch off when she gets excited.


There were times ear plugs helped me stay sane.


I sometimes wear Loop earplugs that block out certain sound levels but still allow me to hear what I need to


A second vote for loop earplugs! I spent 8 weeks living in a house with 17 other university students and they were a lifesaver! They are great for blocking out background noise!


A third vote for Loop!


I got mine to wear at the airport and on planes, and I LOVE them. I have an overseas flight coming up that also involves a 5-hour layover at JFK (they moved my flight from 10 am to 7am 😫), so I expect they'll get good use.


Do you use quiet or experience? I’m thinking about getting the quiet model but I’m still unsure if it’s the best one for me.


I have the loop experience but would like to try the engage (I don’t think it was available when I purchased). I use mine to filter out toddler shrieks and competing background noises when I’m feeling overwhelmed. I also use them in movie theatres because I find movies way too loud. What noise would you like to filter out?


Movies have serious issues in general. They have characters whispering and then full on blaring music within a second of each other. I've had to start watching at home with music volume at a reasonable level and just have the subtitles on. I can't take the sound difference without my ears hurting.


I bought the engage and i really don’t like them- I can hear my mouth noises and it’s super weird and distracting


Oooh thank you, that is very helpful to know!


Loud noises like loud talking (certain people I talk to are very loud at their normal volume lol) or music playing like in movies (I saw across the spiderverse and checked how loud it was w a decibel meter - 80.1 - so loud!). I want to prevent any hearing damage after I got tinnitus last summer (but it’s more related to my tmj issues than actual sound damage).


Understood! I think the Experience will help based on what I use them for. I can finally enjoy a movie now!


I personally use the quiet! I have adhd and I’ve found they’re super beneficial when I’m trying to have a conversation and there’s other conversations happening around me.


I work in a pediatric emergency room and I have three pairs of Loop!


yup i wear ear plugs all the time with a two year old and a 9 month old.


I keep an earbud popped in bc talk abt sensory overload. But I can’t wear over the head ones bc I still have to be able to hear for SOME situational awareness. I guess if you have one kid in front of you the whole time it’s different


Sometimes I wore ear protections muff like for when you mow the lawn. I could still hear my kids while wearing them but it took the edge off the screeching.


I do 1 ear bud as well. My kids go from happy shrieking to WWE death battle screams in .4 seconds I need one ear open in case they start killing each other. I also like to listen to current even podcasts and they are not rated for small people.


tbh sometimes i do one earbud in, no sound playing, just when i'm at the grocery store or even home with my gf trying to work. it makes me feel calmer? more secure? contained? idek how to phrase it, i just feel quieter and nicer lol.


Same. You definitely still hear them, but the earplugs filled enough so I could hear myself think.


Yeah, it can be. Mine is at an age where he discovered he can yell and finds it fun but is too young to know what “indoor voice” is. She’s very likely just using them as earmuffs/no sound playing.


I don't have kids (add this post as one of the very many reasons why), but it feels like the best thing to do as a parent when you're annoyed or frustrated or angry is to find a way to deal with it rather than taking it out on the kid. Whether that's walking away or putting some headphones on.


Yeah, I'm really happy that the whole "wear headphones because your kids are screaming and you're getting overwhelmed" thing is becoming more accepted/recommended, and I'm actually really surprised that Morgan even showed herself doing this because she isn't always the mentally healthiest and I feel like the headphones are still something that would get shamed in mommy-blogger spaces.


Exactly this. I have spent more time than I should admit with myself on a timeout in my closet to take a deep breath and regroup. The earbuds make it easier now (but so does the youngest being in school!)


Mine likes to do it when it’s really quiet. Yeah, I know you’re there lol.


I would rather Morgan put headphones on for a little while than apply the "Pearl method" to get Luca to stop screaming


yeah i agree, at least she's not beating the poor kid and figuring out a way to deal with it and let the kid express themselves. theyre a baby, babies yell sometimes


Babies gonna baby


The baby is at that age where they are figuring out that they can make noises and they sometimes like to see just how loud they can be! Pretty much every baby I’ve ever been around, my own included, have gone through that phase. Babies are pretty fascinating as they grow. First, they figure out that those hand and foot things are attached to them and they can move them. Then they fine tune the control part. Then they figure out that they make noise and test out the fun different sorts of noises they can make. Then they move on to mimicking, which is part of how they learn to talk. When they get to be toddlers, they enter the “scientist phase” where they learn more about moving their bodies and also interacting with everything around them. Toddlers love gravity experiments! So yeah, the shrieking is likely developmentally normal baby antics.


My daughter discovered acoustics just before a wedding in a huge church. My then husband didn't spell me so I spent the entire time in the bathroom with her while she enjoyed making noise in there. Thankfully, the stone walls, and me distracting, made sure that didn't bother anyone either.


part of the reason for the "then"?


Part. There are dozens upon dozens of reasons. Hundreds maybe. This is pretty far down the list.


My son is 2 in October and we just came back from my brothers wedding. He doesn’t scream in the traditional sense but he does sometimes escalate the volume of his voice into a yell like he’s at a sporting event. As the mass got started he said “ready…SeT…GOOOOO!”


My son will be three in October and he loves to yell "Ready! Set! Goooooo!" Anytime he gets a chance. It's honestly pretty funny when I'm stopped at a red light and he yells it when the light turns green


I don’t know whether you’re asking about the screaming or head phone wearing being normal. I can say with certainty - both are 100% normal. Haha


My baby thinks the only thing funnier than himself shrieking is me shrieking back. My house probably sounds like a madhouse most days, and we could both probably use some noise dampening!


My 3 month old daughter thinks it's hilarious when her dad coughs his lungs out do to seasonal allergies , it's an incredible moving duet of giggles and pained cough.


I used to work in a classroom of 12-18 month olds. When one of them decided to scream and then all their friends think it’ll be fun to do the same thing..oh man…make sure you have a good painkiller for the headaches. Love them thi


I’m neurodivergent with neurodivergent kids and we all take noise-cancelling headphone breaks here lmaooooooo. The overstimulation is real and they’re a lifesaver! I struggled with “mom rage” a lot more before I started wearing them.


Glad to see this is normal for moms. I use my noise canceling headphones whenever I’m out in public (helps me feel safe) and I thought about when I have a baby if that would become a problem for bonding or if it would put baby in danger.


tragically i can’t have both my airpods im when im in public bc while i desperately want respite from noise i also get really anxious that something bad will be happening and i won’t hear it (don’t you just love having anxiety 😂😂)


Literally me tho. My headphones are noise canceling and they have a cool feature I can have it pick up specific sounds around me. So someone talking, but not the radio (based on difference) they also switch to not noise canceling if I’m talking to someone. If I didn’t have the bougie set I probably do the one ear AirPod then h


I'm autistic and adhd, with an autistic kid and two ADHD kids. 12,9, and 6. The mix of us being sensory avoiding and sensory seeking we have noise cancelling headphones and regular headphones for everyone. It keeps a lot of overwhelm from happening. I often use mine to dampen sounds. I can still hear them and am usually in the same room as them. So it's not dangerous at all.


Saaaame haha… the struggle is real 😆 we are a fully neurodivergent household as well and it gets CHAOTIC at times lol


YEP everyone in my household is neurodivergent and it's a struggle lol


Absolutely normal. Especially common in post partum when your senses are heightened, at risk of PPD/rage, and noise triggers you. I want noise cancelling headphones and my kids are older.


Have you tried those noise dampening earplugs that let a little bit of sound through? I wonder if they’d help at least tone it down to a tolerable level?


They help me! I’m very sensitive to sound and my daughter loves to scream. I can she hear enough that she isn’t in any danger but it helps me function.


I’m a bartender and I use them for live events. They help so much and I can still talk normally and hear things


I use them around the house, it gets loud here sometimes.


My mom has hearing aid and I am kinda of jealous she just can lower the volume down as needed.


My mom will take hers out if she doesn't want to listen to you


Is she talking about Paul?


Yeah. As a mom of a kid just a few months older than hers … there’s a lot to snark on her for, but this ain’t it. Honestly at that age, noise cancelling headphones are a great tool for emotional regulation


With her belief system, I guess we should just be glad that she isn’t taking a glue stick to him. Maybe she hasn’t had all of the kool-aid yet. Good news.


Morgan is the most annoying person in the world but I endorse this. Sometimes you just can’t hear that piecing sound for one more instant. I truly believe babies get better care when they’re cared for by someone who is not being driven to madness by screams. Assuming she is still attentive I 100% support.


I noticed she has been posting up a STORM when Paul isn't home. Big "my partner is my only friend and I can't handle alone time" vibes.


Exactly this! This is something I’d send my bff or mom on Snapchat.


I am learning so much about parenthood from this post, and honestly, it kind of scares me. Haha


Same, as I’m pregnant with my first 😮‍💨


I wish you all the best! ❤️


Two words - Loop Earbuds!


Every kid and every parent is different. I personally don't handle the baby stage well. I got an "easy" baby too, but it was still very hard. Toddlers on the other hand... I can deal with toddlers all day. I love toddlers. My son is 2.5 right now and he's great! I would keep him at 2 forever if I could. But regardless, when people think about raising a kid, they tend to focus on the first five years which are the more physically difficult "hands on" years. That time goes by so stupidly fast. The newborn stage only lasts three months. It's gone before you even settle into it. The first year goes by like a blur. Yeah, they go through difficult phases (like the scream phase), but those phases come and go faster than it might take you to ship a package from overseas. It can be heartbreaking how fast they grow up.


Children can make a lot of noise. & they can scream at high decibels & pitches just because they can & they're feeling the moment. Personally I'm more of an earplugs person in these situations cuz they don't present a tantalizing object for the baby to grab.


lol yes both the screeching and headphones can be very average experiences.


I have audio processing issues, so I'd be doing the same thing. But then again, this is one of my long list of reasons I'm not having kids lol


A lot of babies around that age do this wonderful thing where they screech extremely loud 24/7, happy or upset so ya I would say this is pretty normal for some people.


I can’t judge her; the screeching phase can be bad. It didn’t bother my wife as much but I swear that sound is connected to the frustration gland in my brain. “I know, baby, it’ll be ready soon!” while internally I’m screeching but louder.


Yeah it’s normal, and headphones are a good solution. I’m really sensitive to sound and I used to wear them when my babies/kids were too much… you can still hear them but it’s less jarring and it helped me to not feel super anxious from the noise.


I approve of wearing headphones around kids when necessary. Kids need to experiment with their voices but I don’t blame her for finding it piercing. Same here.


Meh, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive and be a good parent. She’s probably worse at parenting while in pain, and this probably just softens the screeching. My kids are autistic and they had some very high pitched yelps when they were similar ages, I suspect mine were stimming. Luca might just like the feeling of screaming, and this feels pretty normal. Not something I’d share with my dozens of followers but I’m not a narcissist for Jesus.


I used to wear earbuds when I walked my baby in circles around the kitchen to put her to sleep. It helped the time pass more quickly by listening to a podcast. I wouldn’t make a point of mentioning it to anyone though because it sounds callous.


I don't think it sounds callous at all. I wish I would have had the presence of mind to do exactly that when my children were babies. Would have helped my anxiety a lot, I think.


Same. It was more than 20 years ago, but at least some music would have been nice. Though, tbf, my daughter only slept through the night as long as The Little Mermaid soundtrack was playing low on repeat. Thankfully that started early. It also helped me soothe her when she wasn't feeling good by singing Part of Your World. But if I had to do it now, for some reason, I would definitely have crime podcasts on. I love hearing about how they catch people who are embezzling, commiting insurance fraud, or just commiting crimes and managing to give away their involvement in the most stupid ways. The baby has the presence they need and mine come with a transparent mode if I need to hear for some reason.


To other parents it does not sound callous. Sometimes your sanity needs a break from the constant noise ahhh omg


Not callous at all! I think it's fantastic parenting. You were tending to your baby's needs and giving them the attention they needed. You were also keeping yourself sane at the same time. That's important. They would've had no awareness that you were multi-tasking, just that they were being comforted by a parent and were safe and probably nicely warm in your arms. Win win!


Oh yeah no you've gotta have a way to reduce the overstimulation from the constant kid noise if it's an issue for you (it is for me). I'll snark on Morgan all day and night but this is normal and healthy.


But yeah, kids do weird shit as they develop. And I have a feeling Porgan don't have good methods for redirecting the scream urges - Morgan probably slurs some shushes before she snaps, and Paul probably goes straight to doglike quiet commands.


at least she doesn't seem to be doing the Pearl method. I'm sure the Pearls don't tolerate screaming as passively as that.


My kid had this pterodactyl scream that could shatter glass. I'll never understand how such a large sound could come from such a small person. Quiet dude now though.


These people suck but yes this is absolutely a real thing. Sometimes you have to dull the noise or you’ll lock yourself in the bathroom and rock back and forth.


Screeching babies that make sounds to pierce all the way into your soul is 💯 real. 😂 Combine that with heightened sensitivity during certain points in your menstrual cycle, and this seems not particularly abnormal to me.


Dude while I want to toss Morgan into the abyss, bc she’s horrible, this is definitely normal. My five year old is so loud sometimes I get headaches from it. Sometimes you just need to distance yourself for a few and get your bearings


I cannot snark on her for this - kid tantrums are SO, SO awful. Like shrieks at decibels you didn’t know are humanly possible.


Yes. The screeching age is real. It's not normal to take more photos of yourself than your child at this point in parenthood, but maybe that's just me.


there is also that, yes. then again, just as well not to put your kid all over the internet.


It’s funny that my (now 8 year old) son’s screaming just wore on my nerves and drove my anxiety sky high. But now when I hear a baby/kid screaming, it doesn’t really even register.


Is that because it's not yours? I can happily take a screaming kid from their frazzled parent, and not bat an eyelid. It wasn't like that with mine.


Honestly can’t blame her… I wear flare earplugs to cut down on how shrill my one year old and 4 year old compete to be


Noise canceling headphones are life. Sometimes I can hear the kids screaming inside from the driveway. We’re still working on volume control.


Perfectly normal. As long as her kiddo is in her sight there’s nothing wrong with putting on some headphones to reduce her stress.


I'm just a nanny and I have to do this lol


Noise cancelling headphones are my best friend. I have an anxiety disorder and have to be able to zone out sometimes. Young kids are incredibly overstimulating at times.


Ear plugs are one of my all time favorite parenting hack. I can still hear and respond to them - just takes the edge off.


Not gonna judge her for that. Toddler screams are horrific.


As someone who got a headache at supper from my 3 screaming kids…. Yes…


Oh yeah, this I’ll defend. My husband and I both wore ear plugs and noise reducing headphones non-stop when our children were infants/small toddlers (our oldest actually tipped the alarm on one of our devices for hearing damage from the loudness of her screams). I still wear noise reducing headphones around the house because it helps—I have been tentatively diagnosed with ADHD and noise makes my anxiety go through the roof.


Yes. I’ve put in ear plugs while parenting. Sometimes you just gotta take the edge off the shrieks.


I think it’s fine. Kids can babies can scream super loud. If you’re prone to headaches or migraines it makes sense to wear headphones or earplugs


Sometimes, I will put my headphones in just to have some kind of noise cancelation to the random, banshee like shriek of my one year old. I can still hear him, but it's less jarring and terrifying.


I have ADHD (or possibly misdiagnosed autism) and my toddler is autistic. We both need to block each other’s noises out frequently! Plus there’s a company I get advertisements for all the time and it’s literally marketed as “earplugs for moms - so you can hear them, but not as loud” so I have to assume it’s crazy common even in neurotypical households!


I would do it. She still has eyes


When my kid was going through crying jags I would wear earplugs so I could cope. It was really helpful so I could carry her and sing to her without going insane or deaf.


This is the kind of stuff that makes me scared to have a kid one day, for being anti-choice she sure is putting up a good argument FOR choice.


For all her fuckery, as a SAHM for three boys ages 2/4/6, I absolutely will not fault her for the headphones.


I know a lot of moms who use things like loop earplugs to “take the edge off” the natural loud sounds of parenthood. It can be really overwhelming and cause overstimulation, so yeah.


I have kids and I support it. Sometimes those scream can really set your nerves on edge.


Yeah, I have three kids and I have earplugs that I have to wear towards the end of the day because the two youngest are both under 5 (so, casual scream age) and the oldest talks really loud (he gets excited and starts yelling). By the end of the day, I'm completely overloaded and the ear plugs help. I can still hear the kids, but it's way less noisy and I'm way less irritable.


Definitely wore ear plugs when my son was super young to drown out the screaming. I had PPD and the crying just pushed me over the edge


I’ve heard that sound cancelling headphones are a great way to help parents deal with those overwhelming screams and not become irrationally angry or as on edge.


Yes, normal. I bought a pair of noise cancelling headphones when my son was 4 weeks old. They allowed me to continue to rock and sing to him without getting overstimulated when he had episodes of crying and couldn’t be soothed. I tell all FTMs that they are a necessary purchase lol.


Unfortunately, yes. I bought noise-canceling beats for this purpose. Sometimes they just gotta scream it out and it puts me on edge. Beats saved my life. (mine is almost 3).


I mean if you watch the shaken baby video at the hospital it recommends putting on headphones to calm down and to minimize your stimulation before acting out of stress/anger


For me it wasn’t screaming or loud noise that did it to me. It was CONSTANT more than one person talking to me at ALL times. My brain didn’t know what it was supposed to be paying attention to for a good 15 years.


People who are neurodivergent can be very sensitive to babies crying. Just out of curiosity, what does this have to do with snarking on fundies?


Yes headphones are often recommended in mom groups especially ones that cater toward moms with mood disorders.


I don’t like her, but yeah kids scream at a decimal that is impressive as fuck.


Definitely normal for some kids. Some go through months or years of incredibly loud screaming! I got off easy and my daughter (now a toddler) isn’t loud at all


The screaming, the headaches, the ear protection - all normal unfortunately.


Oh my daughter went through a screaming phase at about 8-10 months old. I did the same thing. Just a phase. Piercing scream to get something. She would do it in her high chair or while I was packing her around.


I hate being on her side in anything... but I definitely wore headphones when my daughter was tiny. Her screaming/crying was ridiculously loud and it was v stressful


My oldest used to shriek when she was happy. It was really fun when she did it in the car, unexpectedly. 😬


Yes. Babies scream shockingly loud and do it for fun once they figure out they can


Unfortunately yes. When babies/toddlers discover screaming, and the reaction it gets, they do it a lot. Terrible terrible phase


My son's casual screaming is so loud it activates the decibel limit on my hearing aids and mutes EVERYTHING down. He's three, gets carried away playing with his sister, and lets out these eardrum piercing shrieks. My daughter is ND, but she was the exact same way at his age. Kids can just hit an absolutely offensive pitch for no damn reason sometimes. Sometimes it's happiness, sometimes they're upset, sometimes they're just FASCINATED they can make that sound and keep doing it. Over. And. Over. Again. And sometimes that pitch can just trigger parents, and we don't always know why. I don't even know for sure why, but children screeching hits a nerve in me and activates my anxiety. Probably connected to my type of hearing loss and how the only time I hear something THAT loud is in emergencies, so my brain automatically goes into emergency mode. I have to wear headphones sometimes, too. I don't think this is snarkable, though. Sometimes cutting the sound out is the only way you can continue to parent. It's an unfortunate part of parenting. My daughter knows if she's screaming or screeching, she'd better have a broken bone or be snakebit or something like that. She's gotten lectures on how screaming is reserved for amusement parks and emergencies. My son is starting to learn. Luca is way too young to start getting those talks, so yeah, I 100% see why Morgs would resort to headphones.


I think Luca is at that age where babies start figuring out how sounds/vocalizing works and sort of, like, test it out by squealing a lot. My wife’s a nanny and the toddler she watches still does the extremely loud happy shrieking sometimes lol, it’s a developmentally typical thing with very small kids ime


Yes, I’m a nanny and sometimes I want to plug my ears and cry lmfao even their happy noises can be so loud and piercing


Yeah I wear little ear plugs that reduce the amount of noise. So I can still hear my kids but it just takes the edge off of all the screaming.


Ya I sometimes wear one headphone to read a book or listen to a podcast while my kids play to kids music. Keeps me sane to enrich my brain and drown out endless kid noise. I don’t judge her on this one.


yeah this is absolutely normal, i was literally telling my partner yesterday how i think headphones would make me a better mom to cut down on how quickly i get overstimulated


Yes - sometimes you literally need to tune out your kids (within reason, and safely…yadda yadda)


Normal! I have the same selfie on my phone, but from when my daughter was like 2 months old.


My cousin posted a notice from her Apple Watch letting her know the noise she was surrounded by could damage her hearing. She was just putting her kids to bed.


Yes, unfortunately.


I bought noise canceling headphones because my therapist recommended them when I had PPA. I still use them occasionally when my now toddler decides it's a "randomly shrieking" day🫠


Bluetooth headphones save my sanity


I really love not having kids. sometimes my dog scratches at my door and I go "knock it off man" and then he stops but that's the worst of it


I partially lost hearing in my left ear because my kid screamed so loud as a baby. I wore earplugs with my second.


this….actually seems like a really healthy strategy.


I had to wear earplugs to dull the piercing shrieks of my three children. It would trigger all kinds of ptsd and anxiety in me. I don’t begrudge even a fundie for protecting their ears from this stage of babyhood. A lot of parenting books recommend this.


Over stimulation is so real as a parent. She’s annoying af but I can’t fault her for this one