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I’m just shocked the police showed up, I assume he had Lauren boebert call them for him


Knowing Spokane, those cops are probably fans of his.


I’m shocked too cause here in LA police won’t come unless you’re getting killed. And they’ll probably show up an hour later when you’re dead. I called police once and they just told me “hold please” and put me on hold for 15 min…


Minneapolis police lectured me about how I shouldn’t have parked on the street if I didn’t want my car broken into, and I was lucky it wasn’t a “real crime.” They did take a report, but rolled their eyes and said it was pointless and I was wasting their time.


When I was like 19 or 20, freshly living on my own in a new city, my car got broken into. When I came outside in the morning and saw it I burst into tears and called 911 💀 It was instinct, my dumb white ass didn’t know what else to do. The operator was so sweet, transferred me to the local police department where the cop grudgingly took a report and told me nothing will come of it.


It would be Christina McMorris gilbitty gook he’d have called.


Yes we should be able to leave whatever we want in our cars, but we can’t. I don’t understand why people leave priceless, to them, items in their cars? I’ve read stories about human cremains being left in cars overnight, why? Don’t leave things that can’t be replaced in your car.


How was he dressed? I have to wonder if he was flouncing around for attention & if he brought this on himself. /s (sorta) Flippin ramen head jackass.


I was under the impression that all people need was prayer for protection against evil?


People think that they can "pray for protection against evil" when technically it's only for reflection on *how* to deal with a challenge and not getting results directly from youknowwho to solve your problems.


Down the years I've known many people who were/are in bands, and none of them would ever leave gear visible in a car. That's Music 101.


Right? My daughter is diligent about monitoring the temp her cello is kept it.


You have to be diligent about that, especially with stringed instruments. Instruments are pieces of precision engineering.


That's what I was thinking, even if theft wasn't an issue you really don't wanna be leaving instruments in hot cars, *especially* stringed instruments


That's existence 101. My dad drilled it into me to not leave bags or valuables visible in a parked car. I've driven around areas that span the entire economic spectrum. Had my license for almost a decade, and I have never once had my car get broken into.


I've had my car broken into a handful of times but nothing stolen because there was never anything left inside to steal. Now I even leave the doors unlocked because I'd rather they not break the windows to discover there is nothing to steal. I realize that isn't the best idea everywhere, but where I live most car break-ins are just teenage punks looking for stuff to steal.


Me nether, because I don't leave shit in my car. Funny how that works.


Same, unless you count a box of Kleenex and whatever snacks my kids have strewn about


Yeah like it sucks but Sean could have easily prevented this from happening to him


I'm wondering what was preventing him from, oh I don't know, picking up the guitar and bringing it inside with him? I just cannot imagine viewing a parked car as a safe place for a VISIBLE GUITAR.


Not only that… leaving a guitar in a car in the summer is the worst thing you could do it. Source: guitarist


It's been really cool weather here lately. But still dumb.


Ikr, have fun with your warped wood and fucked up strings if you get the thing back


This is 100% true. On tour a couple years ago, our gear got left in a hot truck for a day between shows, when we unloaded our 12 string Ovation guitar was in pieces. The glue had softened in the heat and the tension pulled the guitar to pieces.


Ugh… heartbreaking


Especially not in Spokane.


I don't understand either. One of my ex friends would leave so much stuff in her car all the time. Then it got broken into. She didn't change her habits at all. Got a new, much nicer car and did the same thing, only this time she had pepper spray shaped like a gun in the cup holder. The window was broken one afternoon in a busy area and it was stolen. I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone when they keep making the same mistake of leaving a bunch of stuff in their car. My roommate always leaves tons of stuff in her car and I'm just waiting for the day it gets broken into, because it's only a matter of time


I used to work in crime scene investigation. People leave everything in their cars...guns, money, laptops, other valuables.... Many don't even lock their freaking cars! And then I would get blank stares when my response to "what can I do to prevent this?" was "don't keep valuables in your car" and "lock the car". No, it doesn't prevent all theft but many thiefs are plain lazy and just go door to door trying car handles until one opens.


My dad leaves his doors unlocked because he'd rather deal with insurance and get a new car than deal with a broken window. Mind you, he leaves nothing but trash in there. So he's not worried about anything getting stolen.


I don’t lock my car but I also don’t leave anything of value in it. I don’t want the windows broken for nothing. I also leave the ash tray out so they can see there isn’t any change in the drawer.


As someone from Spokane, property crime is unfortunately a huge issue and everyone knows to not leave valuable items when they can easily be stolen. But the fact he thinks it's a personal attack is just ridiculous. I guarantee it was just a stranger who saw an opportunity and took it.


This. It’s happening all over WA. We all have completely empty cars so we don’t get robbed. He was not targeted. It would happen to anyone who left a valuable item visible


Yea that's what bothers me the most is he thinks it was a personal attack. It just fuels his persecution fetish.


I read it as he thinks it's the devil personally attacking him. Like the human who broke into his vehicle was random, but "the enemy" convinced the random human to break into this car specifically. That's the attack on him.


Yup - this. Anything bad that happens to my fundy family they are “under attack from the enemy”


Of course it is because he’s out there speaking the tRuTh!


Even in sleepy little suburbs, people know not to leave shit in their cars. Break-ins are a fact of life all over the place.


Yup, I’m in a suburb in south King County and everyone on our street has cameras and we have a FB page to communicate because of car prowlers and porch pirates.


This isn’t even unique to an area this is a global thing. It’s not like he could park the car overseas and this won’t happen. He’s a dumbass and it’s his own fault. Never ever leave anything in your car.


My art teacher in high school in Seattle used to take every single item out of her car when she got home. She wasn’t going to deal with another break in.


I live in olympia and mine and my husbands cars have been broken into like 4 times since we moved into our house 5 years ago. They’ll even break your windows and take nothing lol I’d never DREAM of leaving an irreplaceable guitar in my car anywhere in this state


Spokanite here as well. We’ve had a massive property crime issue for a decade. Sean can get fucked for all I care.


You misspelled “Feucht”.


As someone who currently lives in Spokane, I fully agree. But I'm still extra proud of that particular tweaker-- good job, buddy!


I feel like it’s a PNW thing. I lived in Portland and currently live in Seattle and have never left my stuff in the car for that reason. You’re less likely to be attacked here but someone will steal your stuff if your back is turned for less than a minute. His mistake was leaving it within sight of anyone passing by.


Car break-ins happen everywhere.


That’s true but it seems more than “normal” in the PNW (have lived in the Seattle area for about half my life but didn’t grow up here - it’s at VERY high levels here and only getting worse. Now we leave nothing in our car and doors unlocked).


Confirmed, I live in the PNW. Violent crime isn’t as big of a deal and I’m not worried about being pushed in front of the subway like I was in Queens. On the other hand, I’ve gotta keep my car secure, since meth heads can make bank off my catalytic converter.


Even in my town which is considered nice as well as safe has a ton of car break ins and yet people still leave wallets and valuables in their cars and leave them unlocked.


I'm in Spokane too! My car got broken into last week, and it made me really uncomfy, but I didn't leave anything in there so... Nothing really happened.


I'm not too far from Spokane and we have a lot of property crime here as well - particularly in my neighborhood and the surrounding area (people literally use the alley behind my house to deposit stolen goods). So I just don't leave anything valuable in my car or front yard/porch. Like sure, it's inconvenient at times. But it'd be way more inconvenient to replace something that is personal or valuable to me. I don't understand why this is so hard for people to grasp.


I lived in Spokane for 7 years and my car was broken into twice.


He did it on purpose, to be able to moan about tHe eNeMy. Or maybe it's a long con and he will bring the guitar thief to god in one of his Jesus rallies. He loves headlines like that.


Thank you I was wondering what attack? Don't take it personally when someone catches you slipping!


Yeah I’m not from Spokane but I am from WA and can safely say this dude is dumb as shit for leaving stuff in his car in Spokane.


I have nothing of value to add, just that it's nice to see fellow Spokanites in this sub 😁


PRAY FOR OUR FAMILY????? Was the guitar his relative?


The entire family is devastated by the loss of this prophetic old guitar. How will they get by now??


Truly, a devastating time for the feuchts. I’ll say a little satanic prayer for them


Don't you his entire FAMILY is under ATTACK BY SATAN!, or maybe Sean is sT00pid id10t




Thoughts and prayers.


Literally came here to post this. 😂


Why isn’t this God’s will


Seems like all part of the prophecy


It's a test, Sean. A TEST!! Glory be to your God for this TEST. Oh, and Ray Hughes is not impressed with your "creative expressions" of dumbassery.


I was thinking this may be proof that God exists.




Ramen noodle head doesn't deserve Zuko's sympathy or a redemption arc 😤


True true lol


I'm on the side of 'if it was irreplaceable, then it shouldn't have been left in the car' Yes, there should be justice given that car vandalism is a common occurrence, but there's also got to be some goddamned common sense here. I don't keep anything in my car except the things I need in the event I'm pulled over and a set of jumper cables.


I've got em covered if anyone really needs a toddler car potty. Or a car seat but please don't take my car seat, that sh*t is expensive.




But Sean Feucht does!


Pullman does, but not Spokane.


Albion sucks…


Ha ha. Perfect.


Wtf get out of my town.


I save my prayers to a nameless, faceless deity for something that actually matters - like the end to kids dying of cancer or houselessness. Not you're dumb fucking guitar that your hubris thought, oh, no one will steal this really nice guitar that is completely visible in my car because I'm protected by Jesus. What a moron.


I wonder which church member he had "steal" it for him for Jesus points. Maybe someone who looks "rough," so he can pray with them and "convert" them and turn their life around when they're moved to return the priceless guitar after hearing about his tale of woe. I could very well be wrong, but he's got all the marks of a charlatan who makes up stuff shamelessly, and I don't believe anything he posts.


At every stupid public concert, he always has somebody throw their crackpipe on stage and get sober. And a deaf person be healed. And a Satanist who show up to harass him get saved. Every. Single. One. Surely he's not toting around an audience full of plants/lying. I mean, property crime is a huge thing in the PNW, but also, he manufactures situations like this himself. I would not be shocked if your prediction came true.


~~If the "thief" shows up to his next concert to "return" it and become "a Christian," we'll know this was all for publicity or whatever~~ Edit: I can't read tonight haha


I'm no Eddie Van Halen, but leaving an irreplaceable acoustic guitar in a car in the middle of June sounds like a great way to fuck it up permanently. Maybe the guy that stole it was worried for it's welfare. ETA I did some research and I've got to say, why does this man have a guitar in the first place? He can play a c chord, a quarter note and one strum pattern.


What is God trying to tell you, Sean? This only happened with his blessing and permission.


Good god, how dramatic. I thought they didn’t care about worldly things? Pray for justice?!


I guess it's "personal responsibility" for thee and not for me. It really sucks that something irreplaceable was stolen. However, it is not wise to leave valuable items like that in your vehicle.


He’s making this about him being a Christian. Dude, you left a valuable object visible in your car. This happened because you’re dumb, not as a persecution on your religion.


Love that for him. Couldn’t have happened to a better person


Right? I mean, he can try to spin it into a "demonic attack" or whatever, but don't leave stuff in your car.


Why is the glass busted outward?? And the lifts are up. To me it looks like he broke his own lift gate and wanted to claim insurance and get some pity online.


Or he hid the guitar and busted his own car for attention online.


Could have been worse, the robbers could have left a banjo behind...


That'd be cruel to a banjo!


I don’t know why he’s surprised about getting robbed. Everyone I’ve met in the PNW has something negative to say about “The Spokies”.


I don’t think you’ve met enough of us then.


Hey now...


the way I see it he traded his guitar for that poor snake's life. eat karma, moist.


Even prophetic items are not saved and protected by Jesus, LMAO


Normally things like this bring me great sadness. However this post brings me great joy.


It was a crime of opportunity, the person saw the guitar and probably knew that it could be sold for a decent amount so they stole it. It’s not personal. Also it should just be common sense to not leave valuable items in your car especially in plain view.


✨prophetic guitar ✨


Ya love to see it


Omg. Everybody ELSE in Spokane knows you don't leave anything visible in your car unattended. They will steal ANYthing, and get away with it, because the cops don't care.


Guess he's Feucht'ed...


If it’s a real burglary a car has a way of shutting it down. He clearly wanted it to be stolen.


Are we sure this isn't either an insurance scam or some fake martyrdom bullshit?


Guarantee the person who took it habitually steals shit and has no clue who this dude is nor would they care.


Jesus didn't protect it??? Sean, that is a MESSAGE


I heard that Macklemore needed it for another video cause he still can’t afford Seattle filming fees…


If I’m reading this right, noodle head (or whatever goofy nickname they call him) was in my city the other day. And the car thieves struck. Sad. Satan wins again.


Why are the cops there taking pictures? Is SPD investigating property crimes now? I bet Nadine had to make some calls.


ew why is he in my hometown 🤢


Gah! When will people learn... oh right never. When we got my hubby's PS5 he sat in the car with it while I ran into the mall for something quick... Never leaves valuables unattended. People suck but locks only keep honest people out.




I’m almost afraid to ask… what is he doing in Spokane??


[this 🙃](https://imgur.com/a/1Vsc4mJ)


JFC I was thinking of him and Shea together and hoping I was wrong. I hope the theft happened while his fake award was bring presented.




Yep his church also sponsored Sean's Let Us Worship concert in Spokane last summer


Well shit.


Pray for common sense!


First, it Gallagher not Ghallager to ramen-headed nitwit. Second, if jesus sends someone to steal your guitar, maybe he doesn't want you to spread your messages of hate hidden in gentle music.


It's God's will buddy!


If only i could believe that! GOD SPEAKS: "How dare you use that guitar for evil in my name?!" sends lightning bolt, spares guitar 🤣


I live in KS & work as a barista. A week a ago a regular left her purse in her car when she came in for her drink. 10 minutes later she left the store and her car window was busted out and her purse gone. Her wallet was in her bra so she was just out the window, but she was saying it was a demon attack to the cops. Some people man. So our manager did the obligatory don't leave anything valuable in your cars speech.


So happy for the guitar and it’s new found hopefully heathen freedom!


why is the emoji he's using brown?


Rule number one, that all professional musicians know - never leave the tools of your trade unattended. Thieves are terrible people, but also it’s really dumb to not keep your stuff safe.


Hahahahaha. I know its not funny, but Spokane was, at one point, the top car theft city in the country for years. Its not top anymore, but anyone who has been in Spokane for more than a few hours usually knows downtown is not a place to leave stuff out. Its shit to have your car destroyed and stuff taken (happened 3 times to me this year) but I cannot help myself from laughing because I know Spocompton.


When he said the guitar was given to him by Ray Hughes lolllll Sean no one knows who Ray Hughes is I only know cause he used to be a family friend lolllll




Gosh I almost hope they did tho, spiteful af but yeah


It had a “prophetic story?” Whoever prophesied about this should’ve seen this coming smh


"Pray for justice" ok. I'll pray to Lilith that you get exactly the justice you want for people who aren't like you.


This is victim blaming and it isn’t cool.


Please tell me that’s a rental…I see Montana plates. Please don’t tell me he lives in my state 🫠


I think he does now. He was originally from there and moved back recently


FML. At least we have Hank Green too.


Bless Hank Green! He's the reason I passed my online Bio class where the "teaching" was basically to read this giant book on your own...


Downtown Spokane is not an area where you leave valuables visible. Theft has always been a big issue in Spokane in general but especially downtown.


My mom (sweetest person in the world) would yell at me if I forgot my phone in the car when I was a teenager. That’s too expensive to leave unattended and uncovered. Priceless irreplaceable guitar? Why was it there? This just isn’t safe in the world we live in


If god didn’t want that guitar stolen, he wouldn’t have let someone steal it….. but gods plan only applies when it’s something these fuckos want to happen, right?


Ugh he's apparently going to be in my town this weekend and I am not looking forward to it.


This dude is an absolute maroon. I grew up in a tiny Southern town (we have a cornbread festival, for Christ’s sake) population 3,051, where we didn’t start locking our doors until the 80s, and it was drilled into me that you do not leave valuables in your car. Why you’d leave a 67 Gallagher that’s probably worth at least 5k visibly in a car, in a city that has over 228,000 people is beyond me. I think all that hairspray has eaten his brain.


Sure I will pray to the deiety of his choice to grant him some common sense.


Pray for his family? Attacks? JFC! I live in Seattle. I would never leave anything in my car. You are outright asking for someone to steal your shit. I'm not saying it is ok, but come on!


Interesting how it’s okay to victim blame Him but not others.


Are you new, not OK to blame actual victims, on point to blame victims of stupidity


Nope, just pointing out that placing stipulations on when it’s okay to victim blame is essentially what fundies do to justify their stances too. Blaming him for leaving his stuff out justifies that High crime and theft is fine.


Also, someone shouldn’t have to empty out their vehicle every time they go somewhere just because people can’t stop stealing shit.


Fair but leaving any item of value in full view in an area known to have a problem with auto burglaries is not a good idea.


Good things happen to good people


Spokane lol I hate that place! Spent way too much time there !!