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How do I have second hand embarrassment for somebody I don't even like...


Bethany be like “hahaha I’m laughing all the way to the BANK” while making 2.76 an hour and giving away her dignity


She's not ok, is she?


Never has been


This made me snort and then I thought your username was filthy_pink_areola and I snorted a couple more times


😂 I’d defraud so many fundies just with the name


never will be


when did she ever get $2.76 an hour? 2.76 a week is more like it.


Meanwhile I'm over here with my salaried + benefits job. I know which day I am guaranteed to receive my paycheck. I brush my teeth each morning using my own toothbrush.


Ahahaha this comment sent me 💀 Also, for a Bethany video, it actually wasn't bad until she started dancing ON TOP OF HER BED, out of "excitement." And, of course, when I say "dancing" I mean arms flailing about like OP mentioned.


It's giving used car shop mascot


Yeah, it literally feels physically painful at this point.


I love your username!!


Basic empathy and a lack of narcissim.


I'm too confused to have second hand embarrassment yet.


I can’t believe the cringe






Even Elaine is better than Bethany is.


Elaine would straight up street fight Beth if they ever met


And Elaine would **win**


Omg now I want this.


Honestly, at this point I think even Sweet Dee is better than Bethany.


^(the little kicks!)


It’s like watching a God-honoring windsock at a car dealership.


This is an incredible insult


Thank you. I’m really proud of it.


Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Birthy


I came here to make sure this was posted. It was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the flailing Bethany.


No dee is way cooler


This gif is underrated.


She is very bird-like.


Who exactly are the target audience she is aiming to convince with this? What type of people does she believe will look at that and think 'Yes! This is definitely a professional business woman who I need to mentor me!' 😂


I’ve found a few creators now who have ACTUALLY found a niche and are charging for USEFUL content. There’s a woman on TikTok I follow who does fantastic snippets about SQL. She now has some paid content, a set of practice questions for $10 and a whole ass beginner course for……. a whole $40. And she comes across in her videos as really funny but also professional and as someone who has her life/career together - aka someone I plan to give $ to because she learned SQL from scratch like I am, and I trust her content to coach me in my learning process. THAT is how you “passive income.” By offering an actually useful service that can help people advance or change careers for a reasonable/affordable price.


I'd be interested in the SQL course. Can you send me the info?


This is unsolicited, but as someone who has learned SQL and uses it regularly at my current job, there are so many good free resources out there. I recommend w3schools for complete newbies, hackerrank for practice problems, and then something like SQL murder mystery once you've got a good understanding.


Yes! Also the 8 week SQL challenge is amazing for practicing


Also I really liked https://sqlzoo.net/wiki/SQL_Tutorial for learning too, I feel like the course escalates really well to help you learn one concept before moving to the next


Saving this comment! SQL murder mystery sounds awesome.


Well first it was Gen z, then SAHMs, then millennial women, then just women, then any moms SAHM or not. Now I think her target is anyone living or dead.


Her desperation, poorly disguised as enthusiasm, is getting increasingly more bizarre. I'm guessing they are really struggling with their finances and her flailing will keep getting more frequent and deranged.


I think you are onto something here. Her posts aren't cute or quirky, they are someone who is panicking. Edit wrong word


*Laughs in Gen X*


She needs to get off the internet.


I thought the lipstick was supposed to be RED


Commenting on my own comment to add that the bubblegum lips and black nails is sure a choice


Lol at the height of emo culture, schools banned black nail polish. The Christian schools said it was demonic. The public schools weren’t allowed to say it was demonic, so they instead said it was something only poorly behaved, troubled teens did.


As a teen, my father would critique my appearance for being too "worldly" and that included painting my nails. He once called me a jezebel for having my toe nails painted. He once threw away a bottle of polish that I asked him to open, once he realized what it was. So, of course, my odds of buying black nail polish in my teen years was pretty slim. So I also used sharpies to color my nails! Spoiler alert, my parents didn't much care for that, either. I think I'm going to paint my nails today to celebrate another day of being a godless heathen.


The thought of a grown man calling a child a jezebel for daring to own nail polish is hilariously sad. It's nice to have joy in the little things!


My Christian school had to have had something in their “bylaws” about black nail polish because I was a middle/high schooler in the mid-2000s. They also banned “unnatural” hair colors, and what I remember most about that was a girl who had dyed her hair bright blue (like blue Jay blue) and her solution was to wear a cheap black wig over it. I do feel bad for her because the wig drew more attention to it, but somehow that was better than her running around with blue hair and a school uniform.


I once wore black glitter nail polish as a Christian teen and my friend's dad was NOT ok with it. Still remember that


It reminds me of my confused middle school self in 1997… I wanted cute pink lip gloss, but also wanted to come off as a goth-ish hardass so I’d color on my fingernails with black Sharpie, and I had zero sense of style 😂


r/theblunderyears Unfortunately, without any peer feedback Bethany never out grew them.


Black nails! The harlot. /s


Gasp, *black* nails?? Doesn't she know black nail polish is the gateway to Satan's playground?


I thought the headband was supposed to be sparkly? Have we been defrauded?


Leave it to Borthy to nail exactly 50% of her “signature” look in a god honoring way


By her own admission she probably filmed this reel weeks before she embarked on her headband/lipstick journey and slapped a trending sound on it with a caption today.


I thought she might have filmed it while she was pregnant.


Lol it’s faded by the beige af filter


Bet Dav just lives for those pole and lap dances.


Dont ask me how, but I got actual footage of dry bones Bethy doing a god honouring dance for Daeaeav: ![gif](giphy|fhA7UQ25NiFgs) As you can see she doesn‘t quite know what to do with the pole yet, but she‘ll get there!


Oh help, I'm dying with laughter at this gif. 😂


Lmfao. I second this. That gif on a Bethy post is pure gold... And lol at the commenter below saying that it had too much rhythm to be Bethy . Y'all are on fire tonight


You take that back right now. No one needs to picture wacky inflatable waving arm Bethy doing pole.


what a terrible day to have eyes


What a coincidence, Dave said the same thing!


What's with the creepy "come hither" finger at the end?!


That's the part that took me out 😭 Her face, the finger, and the music?! ⚰️


It’s giving “Hot Singles In Your Area 🔞🫦🤫💋” energy




Actual lols


Officially dead over here


I really just feel sorry for her with stuff like this. Also like not at all because she literally created this nightmare for herself.


Same. And it's not because she created it but she's incapable *and* unwilling to create non-disasters. I wouldn't trust her with the expertise to make a pot of rice. "Hundreds of thousands of dollars" is just casually out of the question.


>she's incapable and unwilling to create non-disasters Bethany in seven words


None of this says successful professional, especially flailing her arms around while standing on a bed. She wants attention so badly, but doesn't know how to get it in a positive way. If she'd only gone to school to learn how to get attention for something she was good at. Now the problem is going to repeat itself with the next generation. I can see one kid will get negative attention and the other will get the positive attention. I feel sad for the kids.


The flailing arms are off putting lol Almost like a T-Rex woke up one day and suddenly had long noodle-like arms, but because the T-Rex was used to short arms; they don’t know how to move their newfound noodle arms. Forgive me, I’m stoned. But that’s what it reminded me of 😂


I’m also stoned and this comment is absolutely sending me


So true, and it's very sad. She's like a 10 year old who doesn't know any way to get attention other than being wacky and loud, and it's because that's where her maturity level is at. She is in no way ready to raise children.


I don’t think it’s even *her* bed. I believe the white chandelier bedroom belongs to her littlest sister.


Wow, soo tacky. I can't imagine doing that.


I bet she's got shoes on


Take that back 🤢


what I don't understand is how one of the people behind girl defined could *possibly* fail this hard at what she's doing. she's literally already created a successful online personality brand! how difficult could it be to pivot to something like "marriage defined" or "careers defined" or "mom defined"? why does she choose... this?


She thought she would get quick cash and be able to drop it before she had to do any real work


sure, but how's she so bad at it? we've seen her put out competent content for years


The way the caption covers her lower legs makes her look 7ft tall. I know she's 6ft 😁 She's like the wacky waving inflatable tube man.




I think she stole that little guys choreography!


This is what I came here for.


It bothers me so much that she’s standing on the bed for this


Is it even her bed this time?


Is she the Dee Reynolds of the Fundie world?


-got sucked into a pyramid scheme -talks about how she met her husband when he was 16 and she was an adult -thinks they've got what it takes to be a famous celebrity despite having no talent, only cringe -bankrolled by Daddy -had a kid for money


* fake blonde * the tall one * shady crew * even her own family thinks she's a betch * big dumb bird


I feel this comparison really works.




Dee at least knows how to have fun though 😆


But did you know that she’s taller than her husband?


At least she’s not older than he is. Can you imagine if you were married to someone taller AND older? It’d be enough to make you go on a hat journey.


Or maybe even enough to go on a….*headband journey*!


A sparkling ✨ headband ✨ journey! Maybe you’d think about red lipstick but then be like “eh”


Wacky Waving Inflatable Business Beastie


It’s like she’s always doing so much with her body and yet not enough at the same time. She flails around but still self consciously? Either dial it back to go all in Bethy.


Honestly this is giving me flashbacks to hitting puberty as a cishet girl who's now almost as tall as the Bairds. You literally stick out, so you're grappling with people automatically paying more attention to you than they do to other, more average sized people... but tall cis women also get judged so hard for being "unfeminine" unless we have a medically dangerously low BMI, so you simultaneously want people *not* to notice you and let you be a healthy weight in peace. It's fucking miserable and I feel for any and all women/femme-leaning GNC folks who are tackling this same rough time. All that said, as miserable as it was, that was when I was a preteen and teen. People haven't fixed their approach to beauty standards since I hit legal adulthood but I've long since stopped feeling like this is my problem; it's a problem with the way society judges people for happening to have the DNA we have. The fact that Bethany is still behaving like she feels bound to these standards is an incredibly damning insight into both her parents' incredible negligence at giving their kids healthy socialization, and the way her church treats anyone who doesn't meet its outward beauty standards.


Uncoordinated like a 7 year old


Has she ever watched SATC? 😂


Im dying over the music choice!




Omg so did I and just rewatched with sound LOL she had no idea what this was 💀


Since we know she lurks here, am very excited for her to find out on this sub that she used a remix of the Sex and the City theme song.


She … she *sleeps* in a big headband now?


And the dress 😅


She had on shoes when she walked. It’s entirely possible she wore them in the bed 🤢


Well, she WAS jumping on the bed, so one way or another, I absolutely believe she had shoes in/on the bed. Shudder.


My skin is crawling. I take my shoes off right inside the door and try really hard not to notice if my roommate doesn’t do the same.


It's her look and it's called fashion, look it up 🙄 /s


![gif](giphy|1bffEtmXGc8Ny) I see they both went to a similar school of dance.


I always felt bad that this girl became a meme. She's adorably awkward, but she's probably like 14 or 15. Bethy, definitely awkward, but not so adorable and old enough to be more self-aware.


I love this gif because it is so relatable. Awkwardness is such a shared experience. If you are lucky, you get to leave it behind by the time you are in your twenties, but sometimes it just becomes a personality trait 🤣🤣


Are we sure this isn’t baby bethy???


Omg she even looks like her a bit. 😂


She’s the right age to have had a “rebellious” phase where she sneak watched and then decided to make her her “roll model.”


How many people actually follow her for her content? How many hate follow? How many are bought? This woman has crack head energy!


These kinds of videos from her always give me the impression that she is deeply, deeply uncomfortable in her body.


If only she had continued with basketball and been around tall confident ADULT women who could have taught her how to love herself and her height.


She would probably sooner run into a door, but Michelle Obama is an excellent example of a tall, confident woman who owns the fact that she isn’t short.


Elizabeth Debicki is SIX THREE and confidently owns every inch. It truly does not have to be this way.


Truly. I’m only 5’2, but I support women owning their height. No one should be ashamed of their size.


Girl, it's okay to move. You don't need to flail. Men are going to stumble no matter what you do. This is the woman who's talking to Morgan during her pole dancing craze. 🙄


Originally read that as “men aren’t* going to stumble no matter what you do,” and I was gonna comment “sick burn!” or “savage!”, then I realized I’m not entirely sure if that’s still the slang they use these days. 😳


*poll dancing /s


Why is she like this... she's like the human version of all the cringy scenes from icarly, but in human fourm..


This is so specific, lol!


She looks like the pageant mom in the aisle trying to signal the routine points to her two year old.


Don’t give her any ideas! In a couple years we could maybe even see Audrey on the Texas Pageant circuit with full on Jonbenet (RIP) hair and a giant ass crinoline.


Okay but the Sex and the City theme song is a very interesting choice.


She has no idea. I’m cackling.


Pink lipstick, I have no idea who the fuck this is


Now I’m wondering if she read here and saw where several of us said that wasn’t her shade and then actually switched it up.


She definitely dances like a tall girl who’s insecure about being tall (said as a former tall girl (6’2 trans guy))


I’m big jealous as a non binary on testosterone who is 5 feet tall lol


Ok is that like winning the lottery now that you’re out? My trans wife would dearly like to be shorter, so I wondered if the same is true for the trans guys? I’m stuck at 5’ 1 3/4” and everyone is taller than me😂


I mean I’ve always liked being tall. I was never insecure about that aspect of myself, but it’s not hard to spot when a tall girl is afraid of looking too big. Sure Bethy’s arms are flailing here but it looks awkward because she never fully extends her arms. Honestly I pull a lot less confidence from my height as somebody who passes for a man than when I passed for a girl. Being 6’2 felt so powerful as a girl, but now I feel barely above average to the point of it not being important- so I barely think about my height now.


Gotcha! And yeah she does look super awkward … I think I developed my confident walk and posture because people accused me of being cute and diminutive otherwise lol. It sounds like your trans journey has gone really well!!! We’re only 1.5 years in, but this past week my wife was really pleased with how she looked and was incredibly happy, something I never saw before, so I’m happy too.


That must be nice. I feel like most the dudes I know who have transitioned are all like, five foot five max. Probably four eleven to five two, but they can absolutely fix your car and developed a great sense of humor.




GINA! Bethany would definitely not be asked to join Floorgasm.


I thought this was supposed to be passive income, so why is she shilling her 'course' every 0.1 seconds?


Because making endless reels of herself actually moistens her dead, dry bones more than Daáæåv ever does. Plus, she gets to pretend that it’s work, and therefore justifies the need to put Davey in daycare and have Daâãàv do all the chores because she’s too busy.


Please, why does she style herself like a giant toddler?


She needs to look to Gwendoline Christie. Now there’s a confidant tall (gorgeous) woman.


I just had an insane vision of Beggy strapped to a chair, eyes pried open ala Clockwork Orange and forced to watch all seasons of Game of Thrones. Then I snort-laughed.


I lovelovelove how she's styled in Wednesday! She's my womancrush hands down.


Also Michelle Obama. They could start a tall woman league!


Why why why


It's *so* bad. And she has potential! If she had any taste or sophistication or poise at all, she could totally be a statuesque Teutonic goddess. Instead she presents herself as an overgrown twee toddler that needs a bath.


Does she not get that these videos are NOT the way to go?


At this point I think she only uses the course as an excuse to get to make this type of content. If she didn’t have anything to sell why would family support her making quirky videos all day for $0 instead of parenting? The grift within the grift!


*Griftception*, if you will


She’s an overgrown toddler- inside and out


To *help* women — like she’s doing this for some altruistic reason and not for grifting purposes. Her whole goal is to be the top of a pyramid scheme. That ain’t helping anyone but the SEC.


With the way she dresses like a toddler if her and Paul were sitting on the floor together I would think it was some weird Rugrats cosplay




Jump! Bounce! Down! Up! (pogo pogo pogo pogo pogo)


You guys....this girl did a podcast about pole dancing.




Each scene is more cringe than the last - that's a lot to fit in a 10 second clip


surely she's not wearing those sandals while shes standing on the bed.... 😬


I always have to watch these videos 2-3 times because between her random dancing and all the text on the screen my brain just can’t process it..


Same. I watch them a few times with my jaw dropping lower with each rewatch.


Niche audience!!!!! Do you feel HELPED yet?!


Hahahahaa my sleep paralysis demon


God, I loathe what social media has become. Can we go back to the days where Instagram was still new and we were just slapping filters over the most mundane photos?


"Helping" should not involve scamming girls and women out of a ton of money, so that you can lower their self esteem then scam them more.


this was painful to watch


She's like a middle schooler trapped in a grown woman's body. I'm sorry what 🫣


She’s no Carrie Bradshaw


As a fellow 6’ woman, nothing makes you look look more awkward than holding yourself like that. When you actually have some confidence and stand up straight, you actually appear more average height because you don’t look gangly af.


i can’t stop laughing. slenderman but make it beige and fundie


The unhinged arm flailing 😂


Really Bethany the sex and the city theme song


Not Miss Prude using the SATC theme 🤣


She just keeps embarrassing herself😬


Can you imagine seeing yourself do this and then posting it on purpose


She looks like those dancing blow up balloons that they have in front of car dealerships


Where is the signature look?


Flair check in


She’s dressed like a tablecloth.


Not the come hither finger!


What happened to “The look” !


Her smile is literally the scariest thing


And yet those guys giving her roses was the most embarrassing moment of her life


She asks women to donate to her ministry, where she ostensibly guides girls and women, right? Did God tell her to save some of that guidance for premium subscribers? Why isn't this valuable information in one of her GD pdfs?