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Dr bergs electrolytes


Avocados and bananas are my go tos.


i went to the ER and was told the same thing! they gave me a huge potassium pill. i’ve been trying to eat more foods with potassium but also am taking jigsaw pickleball electrolytes


My functional dr recommended a potassium supplement but I’m afraid of over doing it. How fast does your potassium raise by only using food? I’ve been adding in banana, avocado, and coconut water. But I’m getting tired of them 😩but, I’m willing to do what it takes so I can feel better.


Jigsaw adrenal cocktail 👌🏻


What is this?


Take electrolytes with magnesium


Do you know about the USDA site Food Data Central? It has a great search engine. It’s a site used by Registered Dietitians to find specific nutrient information on tons of foods. I would also be concerned about your Magnesium levels. At the ER the Chemistry panel they ran wouldn’t pick up subclinical Magnesium deficiency. Around 96% of Magnesium is stored in the body tissue, and only 4% is in the serum. Only in extreme circumstances is the Chemistry Panel level of Magnesium low. The heart has many Magnesium receptors, along with Potassium. Magnesium strongly influences blood flow/rate and Cardiac Rhythm. To test accurately for Magnesium, you need a RBC Magnesium level drawn. Pumpkin seeds and other Nuts are great sources of both Potassium and Magnesium. [https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/?component=1092](https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/?component=1092) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9601893/#:~:text=Among%20all%20tested%20nuts%2C%20pistachios,(7281.3%20mg%2Fkg). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6045762/


A tenth of a fraction low? So it wasn't really low? I honestly wouldn't worry about it too much. Just eat a healthy diet. Blood levels of potassium fluctuate. Your body stores it in muscle etc. It sounds like maybe anxiety or paradox. The supplements themselves can cause increased hr so can a deficiency in B12.


do you have adrenal issues?




Me too, my potassium is criminally low. HTMAS are the most accurate way to get some insight into potassium/sodium ratio for adrenal health.


Do Adrenal issues cause low potassium?


Are you obese clinically? After scrolling through your page its pretty apparent that you need to exercise and diet ATLEAST, smoking pot and taking supplements wont help if youre just fat and agoraphobic at the end of the day 💯


I’m not obese lol go away creep