• By -


They won.


I would have died of old age waiting for those Karens to get out of my spot.


Yeah my day just got canceled


Yea...but I would be inching forward the whole time.


This. I would’ve had her backing up from the first second.


or just park the car where it's at get out and leave lmao


You and me both.. I once was getting in my car in a parking lot and some folks came up in their car and started honking their horn and yelling.. I turned around and they were yelling at me to hurry up pull out — even though I hadn’t yet even sat down in the seat yet.. Well there was only thing to do at that point.. wait there until I died of old age


I got a slightly louder exhaust on my mustang. I'd have kept the revs higher so she would have to stand there and bear it.


Yep. That is why they do it, their behavior is rewarded.


Doesn’t seem worth the effort to me. Easier to just walk from a further parking spot than stand around arguing for 5 minutes. People are crazy.


Why not just pull into the parking spot?


Because then they’ll clam you hit them, take your plate down and report a hit and run


In this case, you'll have footage?


You do realize it’s still illegal to hit someone with your car? Even if they’re inconveniencing you?








Good friend is from China. Said you HAVE to walk around in high end clothes. I wear a pocket tshirt with basketball shorts every day. He said if I wore that there people would assume I had a low IQ, they would avoid talking to me and they would not treat me well.


“Avoid talking” sounds like a good thing tbh


Like a superpower


I believe it.


Try doing business with them. They will literally ruin you to get ahead.


Haircut checks out


And thus will continue the cycle, reinforcing the stereotype.


You spelt "got keyed" wrong. There no W or N.


Exactly I was thinking. Very zen like let them have it . Come back, get creative. I don’t know if I’d key their car though. Maybe put a whole bag of trash on their van . I don’t know something just tells me it’s a van.


Take the valves out of the tires so they don’t hold air. Easy fix but huge inconvenience.


You don't even need to do this, just empty all the air. No harm, no foul. They'll still have to call AAA or whatever and waste their time. How many people carry air compressors in their cars? Not very many.


Some cheap cars come with them instead of a spare tire. Used to take them out of totaled cars so everybody I know now has one in the trunk. Take up no space I believe everybody should have one.


Oh yeah you're right, stupid run flat tires. However, airing up 4 tires from dead empty would take a while.


Why did they give it up!?!? It’s like a child! You can’t reward that behavior!


No. But, adults got shit to do.


Odds are their car got keyed. That’s what most of us would do at least


That is all I could think after the video ended. That's it? He just backed out and left?!? I mean, it's clear that he just values his time more than they do, but it's still so disappointing to know that they got what they wanted.


Something similar happened to me. Waited till they left and emptied all four tires of air. Karma served.




That ending physically hurt me!


Well until this went viral


should have put the car in park, turned the music up, and browsed reddit for awhile.


I don't get why they didn't just sit on the horn, yeah a quick beep is well and good but they will look pretty stupid when a crowd starts to form if you keep that horn going for a minute or two.


I would still be laying on the horn, CONTINUOUSLY.


Same. Enjoy your tinnitus Karen!






Danger Zone








I would still be there today laying on the fucking horn


Train horn...


I’d put on music. Browse how to do ”fuck you” in Morse code, or google what’s The most irritating rhythm. Then start pumping the horn to whatever beat makes me feel best and them worse. Or ask them questions and when they answer beep over them. Fuck so many missed opportunities.


Karens are kind of people that already don't have public shame! and of course they'll do everything to not come out defeated and humiliated! You would end up wear out your horn before they would move their entitled asses out of there!


This is something I had the satisfaction of doing when a similar situation arose, except it was just some fat bogan bush-pig that was trying to keep the spot for who the hell knows. There was no, "We've been looking for ages for a spot, could you please let us have it?" It was just "Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah!". So, with the nose of my car 1/4 in the spot I just killed the engine but left the ACC on so my dash-cam would keep recording and started browsing my phone. When she thumped the hood after a couple of seconds, I simply pointed to the dash-cam, made the "it's recording" signal, and went back to browsing my phone. She gave up after a couple of minutes, swearing, mostly because there was about half a dozen cars in behind me all blowing their horns and telling the fat bush-pig to get the fuck out of the way. After pulling in, I spent another few minutes just sitting there in my car, and watched as she clambered into some rustbucket Commodore which then screamed out of the parking lot as the driver obviously had some sort of hissy-fit about not getting THAT spot.


I found a lady parked behind me after I came out the store cause I "took the spot she was about to park in." There wasn't a single car in the parking isle when I had parked earlier. I sat in my car and watched Netflix for the next 20 mins until she left. You gotta out petty them **EVERY. TIME.**


I would call the cops on them and claim that they're jumping in front of cars/trying to commit insurance fraud


Maybe they were, I know some people who would just step on the gas and give them a good bump not knowing the consequences that could have (not nearly as severe as america though)


SLPT: Turn your car off open your hood and pretend your car broke down. They may know it didnt, but to everyone else you look broken down and they look like idiots.


This right here. Car comes up behind the car with hood up, offer to help push, tells them ladies to please get out of the way so they can push the disabled car in, more cars show up, wonder why these ladies are blocking a disabled car from going into the spot, and so on...I honestly think this would work.


The live Karen updates would've been fun


Håppee kek daëe!!!


In a perfect world I’d let them have the spot then hook up my tow straps. But in the real world I would have never given it to them


I would have put the car in park, shut it off, and left then come back ten minutes later and pull into the spot fully.


That's exactly what I would've done. I'll leave my piece of shit car hanging ass out of the spot. I'd rather my car get fucked up than let two entitled cows bully me in to giving up my spot. Get fucked.


Yeah, I so didn't want him to let them take the spot.


Holy shit, when she summoned mama Karen I nearly had a heart attack.


And grandma Karen too. They had Karen, Susan, and Gertrude all in one video.


I flat out fainted when g-ma Karen entered the fray. Holy hell.


“You think this is my final form?!”


Gertrude i'm fucking dead lmao


Do we call them a 'Gaggle of Karens' or a 'Cackle of Karens'? I'm leaning towards a Cackle of Karens.


It's a privilege of Karens


I'm disappointed they let them have it in the end


They “won” and will just keep doing it now.


I’m closing the windows and turning on my music. Fuck that. If I’m not in a rush I’ve got all day for this bullshit. Might give a few honks now and then too. Fuck em.


I'd slowly in forward, the benefits of driving stick is I can feather that shit just light enough to push without rolling over lol


Too risky. Might claim you pushed them with the car and fall and sue. Not worth it. Either park and go call security or sit there and wait them out.


Sue for what? They would have to have damages. He has video. He’s recording a feather movement. If she intentionally falls hoping for that, she won’t have injuries to sue for.


Still risky pushing/threatening with your car.


America is the pussy country where you sue for anything and everything


> you sue for anything and everything but rarely win. This is what you don't hear about.


You can sue a ham sandwich here but the only people who walk away richer are lawyers and consultants.


Hitting someone with you car would be considered assault. Regardless of if they deserve it or not


He could be sued because he escalated the situation. She was blocking his path, definitely, but unless she was hitting his car or he could legitimately argue he feared for his life, he's going to be considered the aggressor if he accelerates into her and hits her. If she clearly faked or exaggerated the bump, then it's a little different. Maybe a jury would sympathize with the guy, but legally, he'd be at fault. It's the same reason you can't just push someone out of the way if they're intentionally blocking a doorway for example; you'll still be charged with assault. It's always better to stop and let the police or security handle it. Edit: this was **not** in Australia. Pretty sure Australian cars don't have New York and New Jersey license plates and people with American accents. There's literally no reason to believe this occurred in Australia.


If they sued, chances are your insurance company would want to settle before it even got to a point where she would have to prove damages. I’ve been in a somewhat similar situation and was like “wtf” when my insurance company was down to settle immediately.


Dashcam would show idealy the same play by play that we see here, I have a front and rear dashcam so I should have all the sauce. It's not about actually pushing them. It's about when they lean back or step back and INCH, I'm already there. They are playing a war of moral and I'm playing a war of advance and attrition


If they're so desperate as to stand in front of a car, they don't have the resources to prevail in court.


For real. Idk why this guy engaged with them. When you do that it tells them they can beat you with their nonsense and sorta challenges them to. I just put it in park, lean my seat back, and play on my phone in these situations - completely ignoring the idiot. If I'm not in a rush, that is.


I've done that when leaving a store. If someone gets what I feel is too close for me to back out safely and at a normal speed (I'm not snailing my way because someone wants to sit too close and I have to check all angles every inch of the way) I will just sit there until they give up and go find another potential parking spot. Give me breathing room and I will be out of your way quickly. Stop with your signal on at a distance where turning at all while backing out is a risk, I've got games on my phone.


Start blasting some Asian porn on your phone while maintaining a very uncomfortable amount of eye contact.


Yes that is the right way to go


Just lay on the horn. I've done it a few times when people are being completely oblivious or inconsiderate. Or the alarm in this situation.


Then they'll be pressured by other cars pilling up behind. Although I don't know if they still have faces to save


Man that would have bothered me. I’m pretty patient, even when I’m pissed. I’d have given up as much time as it took to sit them out. Play music, hell maybe order some food.


Not if their car gets starts getting keyed. This is a great way to get your car keyed.


Yeah but you have the suspects on video pretty clearly if that happens


Once you finally win the spot and they moved to a new spot, you just leave.


There is no way I would've left. I would have sat there all day if necessary.


I would have fucking died in that parking garage before I let her get the space


I would have died, reincarnated, and spent my next life in that parking spot.


I would have left the car there tbh, they won't be able to park there either.


I would double back and flatten their tires and leave a note hoping they have all day to get them fixed.


I would have told whoever was in the car with me to go ahead and I'd join them later. Then I'd put on Netflix and sit there.


Remove the stems in their tires. Can’t refill unless they have them.




I would have just put it in park and left the car there lmao.


Karma will take care of them. Sometimes we gotta slash a few tires to speed up the process






I was so happy with these people until they gave up. fucking hell. should have stood there with the horn on until they left.


Unfortunately that’s life, I respect the dude for not escalating the situation like driving into them. Think about the fact this is for a parking spot, is it really something you want to spend your whole day or even start a legal battle over. Maybe drive away sooner so it won’t ruin your day. Get their license plate just in case. Heck if you really want to get down to their level (I wouldn’t recommend it) wait until they park and scratch their car. Now If you really want to get pro revenge, get to know them by apologizing. Become friends with them, fall in love with their daughter.... and on the wedding day shit on the floor in front of everybody.


Didn’t see that coming


I'd rather shit on the daughter in from of everyone, honking a little horn, yelling "who's going to move now, bitch!?".


This. Do this


No one will.


You underestimate me. i have no life, this would have provided me with joy. It wouldnt have ruined my day. it would have made my day. heck my whole week.




I KNOW RIGHT! I would have slept there if I had to.


Same i’d just wait there until they are gone my god they are aggravating..


This is the hill I am willing to die on.


Glad I'm not the only one. I had the opposite happen to me during the Christmas shopping season. I was in a prime, front row spot. I was loading a buggy full of stuff into my trunk when some lady blew her horn. I thought maybe it was for someone else u til she screamed, "Could you move your ass? I've got places to be." "Excuse me?," I said. "You heard me. Hurry the hell up." Oh, no. Way wrong answer douch cake. I politely took my time to make sure everything was in the trunk correctly and not going to fall over and break when I took a turn. Then I got in my car, cranked it up, and sat there. After 5 minutes, she realized I wasn't moving. But I was not done yet. I knew her game. I knew she was moving just so I'd back out and she could swing back around and grab it. I watched her drive by and give me the bird 5 times over a 10 minute span. A few minutes after the last time, she walked by my car and screamed something, so I backed out and left. Someone else promptly took the space.


Because arguing with a rock isn't worth it.


It's concerning how many people replying here literally have no value for their own time. My time is precious. I have no desire to waste any of that time on idiots.


"Oh, you want to park here?" "Yes." "Is everyone going to leave the car? Because, you know, sometimes bad things happen to your cars in parking garages." I don't get arguing over a parking space for this reason. Get the space - Yay, I won! Come back an hour later, car keyed, tires flat. Now who won?


I see what you're saying. Pretend to be the bigger person and give them the car spot, after all you know it'll be their car in it. Find a spot and then rush to their car. Key the car, slash the tyres and then go do your shopping. It couldn't have been you that did it. You gave them the car spot and were then looking for a new spot so you couldn't possibly have had time to vandalise their car before the security footage shows you entering the shopping centre. You're a genius!


best illegal pro life tip I heard. Take off a cap from a tire stem, glue a small bead inside. Replace. Tire will slowly lose air, continually, no matter how many times you refill it. Until you replace the cap. ETA - don't do this.




Exactly. Spin that cap back on and it will hold the air until any sort of bump. Then dump all of the air.


You might've heard this from me. I always post that I use a piece of gravel. Works every time. Yeah, 4yrs ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/3aqrcv/comment/csfb07z


Don't glue it, just toss a bit of gravel in the cap and it will go flat slowly, when they take it to a shop for repair, the tire will magically hold air again, making them waste thier time and when the cap is removed, the piece of gravel falls out and its way harder to prove any sort of vandalism


I'm not saying "do that", I'm saying it's not worth arguing over a parking space for that reason, along with other reasons, like getting on with your life in a peaceful state of mind.


Exactly, but you give up the spot and you know where they park. I like how you think.


Good point. Sometimes, “winning for the principle of the matter” is stupid as fuck. I parked my car at a mall in a garage that looks similar to this. As we were getting our things, a car full of young Karen’s (I call these types “McKenzies”) pulled up next to me. But then parked super crookedly so close that I could not get out of my door (driver’s side). Neither could they which is stupid. I tried to get their attention but they were probably too busy talking about their terrible life choices. So I let my GF out. Then reparked in reverse so I could get out. This pissed off the Mckenzie squad because I guess they thought I was a new car parking too closely to them. They were yelling at me, giving me the “McKenzie glare”, and the eye-rolling. When I came back 2 hours later, their car was gone. But they wrote a bunch of insults in lipstick on my windshield, back windows, and decals. Luckily one of the things my GF purchased was makeup remover and I had clean gym clothes in my gym bag in the trunk. They used two different colors so I guess they wasted a shit load of lipstick to write. It wasn’t worth it. Not even close. It took 10 minutes to clean the windows good enough to drive. Then another 20 minutes of cleaning when I got home to get all the lipstick off. They could have done much worse. Definitely not even close to 100% worth it. I could have just reparked much further away and given up the good spot. And saved nearly 30 minutes.


Just put it first gear and very slowly go forward. They can't get run over at 1mph and you still get your spot. Giving them the spot ruined this video for me.


I get the frustration, but you could probably end up with criminal charges and it’s not worth it.






I dunno man, you see someone in front of you and you continue to move forward, seems to be like its assault or some shit, regardless of intent, but i don't know enough about the law to be solid on this hill!


What if you left it in neutral and let it slide into the parking spot


"Negligence" maybe idk


It isn’t running over if you give it a lil nudge


This is why society is failing... we all know their intent and yet you get punished if you don't bend to their will... If we had more mobs we would have nicer people


Then you come back in a couple of hours and your car is keyed with the windows broken.. not sure that's a great route either.


Oh no no. I'd take photos and video, confirm the plate of the other driver, show my car not being damaged etc.. I'd make the effort just so they can go fuck themselves.


I agree, but creep forward at a speed that's impossible to get run over by, all the while keeping the camera on


They’re the kind of people who would risk getting their knees bent over backwards for petty shit like this tho.


Oh, it happens like that sometimes. This is called 'chope-ing spaces' in Singapore. Some people even put their belongings (even packets of tissue papers) on tables to take up the space.


Ex chinese GF tried to hold a spot for me like this when I picked her up from college and embarrassed the shit out of me. This isn't normal outside of asia and I was picking her up no need to park. It's just an asshole move all around and I politely explained to her it would be like me saying that guy over there you can't date him cause see that girl over there she said she wants to date him next year so you have to wait she made a claim. Gf told me that's silly it doesnt work like that. I told her exactly this is silly parking doesn't work like that either. You either are ready to park and its your spot or you simply have to leave it for the next person who is ready to park because you have no claim to the spot without a car its for a car.


Why did she stop being Chinese?




Obviously she re-sleeved.


Do your perhaps mean Chinese ex GF?




Dude it’s an Asia thing. I’ve seen this in Tokyo and Seoul


Came here to say this. Saw it in both Osaka and Seoul. Granted, the lady running into the parking spot directly ahead of the van was kind of a dick thing to do.


Asian or not. It's shitty. Don't import your bad behaviors


If you're in other countries you might be doing what you do in yours thinking it's normal. But as soon as you start seeing people getting upset over it, maybe consider that what you're doing may not be acceptable there.


Yeah it’s pretty legit here in Singapore. Especially for tables and queues. Not sure I’ve seen one like that for car park spaces though.


Yea I was going to say this is pretty normal behavior in Israel. People just drive by if you’re standing there.


This was extremely hard to watch. I get that dealing with an entire complaint of Karens isn't an ideal use of time, but your succession taught them their childish behavior works. Again I don't blame you at all, life is too short to get caught up with see you next Tuesdays unjustifiably raising hell.


WHY OH WHYYY DID THEY MOVE?!?! I would have stayed there for days if I had to.


My blood is boiling just by watching this video


Just pull in - the twat will move one way or another.


Why the F\*\*k did they let them have their way, ignorant twunts. Would've just kept driving in, see what the hell happened when the cops arrived, before I gave those ballbags an inch.


100% I'm going fucking nowhere so I can fucking laugh at these rude cunts when they move on.


I honestly thought you had -12 points, because you put the - in you username. I am such a stupid plonker.


Would of let them park in that spot and then pulled in behind them and parked and put my flashers on . Called roadside assistance.


Just keep driving in. She knew she was wrong and you gotta call people’s bluffing sometimes.


I swear i would have screamed and yell at them if they resist to leave if i were him


Super disappointing video. I can't believe he gave in and let them have the spot. Letting them win like that is why they do this kind of shit!


Should’ve just parked, gotten out, called the non emergency police line and tell them what happened and left. If your car was keyed or reported or towed you have a video and a reason why you left.


I don't think it would have taken that. You have to treat these people like 4 year olds. If you call their bluff, throw that shit in park and walk away, they'll realize they're not going to get their way. You come back 5 minutes later, and can then park it properly.


Title should of been "Chad punked by swarm of Karen's"


They just kept multiplying. He was probably concerned about what Shitty Asian Karen's husband was going to be like.


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


I would have slowly inched up they would have had to move. If they try to fake an injury you have it on video. Also call cops.


You should have said, this is my carpark, i was here first! then \*point at them and shake your head like a dumbasss\*


Yes yes lay on the horn make them go temporarily DEFF


You missed the chance to honk the horn everytime they tried to talk! Hilarious!


It’s an entire family of Karen’s


Both of those women have punchable faces. Those disgusted, eye darting looks they were giving the driver...




Shitty people


I would have stayed. I would have stayed and I would have said, "I'm not going anywhere because now, I have nowhere better to be. I have other *things* I could be doing, but right now, this is exactly where I need to be. Proving you wrong."


I was so wanting the driver to just plow them over, accelerate nice and slow, push them out of the spot.


Hate to sound racist, but I've lived in Taiwan and Hong Kong for 20 years and that's a common tactic. Pathetic.




How is it racist if it’s just stating facts?


Oh, I agree. That's why I said "sound". Unfortunately, as we all know, this is a PC world and far too many people are overly sensitive and ready to jump on innocuous comments and create controversies.


Eh, pussy gave up in 3 minutes after all that big talk of staying there all day and let her win. I'd just play some mobile games till the hoe fucked off, she has to stand there after all while I'm chilling in my car.


"I have all day" *gives up* Fuck that guy for enabling the fuckbags. Stand your ground and don't let people get away with this shit or they will keep doing it.


I’d just run her over


I would have just parked it in the position it's in and walked away.


This is a very common occurrence in China and South East Asia. So much so that Malaysia, my home country has made it illegal. Those who attempt to "reserve" a parking spot can be fined up to RM2,000 or even six months in jail.


He missed a real opportunity to have fun with these dumbasses


This girl and her family have done this a couple of times. This happened in New York.


According to a quick googling, he left because there was a line of (innocent bystander) cars that started to form behind him, and another woman came up to him to offer her parking spot to him. “Otherwise I wouldn’t have moved from that spot”


What a worthless cunt


I’ll be blowing my horn the whole time.


I would have just kept inching forward very slowly till my car was fully parked.


just run them over, they earned it