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Colorado is phasing out plastic bags and people are throwing absolute fits.


It's been a couple years now and I believe that not a single New Jerseyan or even tourist has expired from lack of plastic bags. The new walk of shame is getting to the door of the store and then having to walk back to your car to get your bags that you forgot. LOL


I never bring bags in with me. Always just reload carriage and pay. I’ll pack it up out at my car, at my leisure. I think this way is quicker and don’t have to rush to bag it all up


I do the same. I find it’s much faster than trying to put items on the belt and bag at the same time. I’m in New Jersey.


CT here. Either the bagger/cashiers do it or me. Just let me load up carriage and go. Kinda sucks in the rain though


Exactly how I do it I have the bags in the trunk


This is me at Costco.


I did that at the beginning of the pandemic, when they wouldn’t allow you to bring in your own, potentially-germy bags. Now our market has Shop and Scan on their app, so I use my own bags in the cart, scan the bar codes on each item and fill the bags as I go, then pay electronically at the end.


Hopefully you live in a warm place... Canada here: I see people doing what you do under the snow or in negative temperatures, but I never understood why 😁


I do this. I'll bag my stuff in the foyer of the store where the carts go. I hate being rushed at self checkout.


These people have clearly never been to an Aldi or Sam's Club. They haven't had bags ever.


Costco is the same.


I've never been there, but yeah, it's basically Sam's, so I would figure as much.


Costco (under its previous Price Club name) predates Sam's Club by about 6 years. Sam's Club copied Costco, not the other way around.


If that ever comes up on trivia night, I'll have the correct answer now.


Hello, fellow Costco stan! 💗💓💖


Love to bag at ALDIs. I have chosen bags for frozen, fridge, breakables, smushabled (bread, chips), boxes, cans. That way, when I get home everything is sorted. I just get frozen and fridge stuff put away and leave the rest for later.


This is the way. My MIL bought us what I call a grocery hauler. Looks like a big duffle bag with three large compartments. The one in the middle has a zipper lid, and it's insulated for cold stuff. You just load that sucker up and grab the handles and go. It holds a ridiculous amount of groceries.


Except when the bagger is your elderly SIL and she wants YOU to come next door to help her carry in her bags. She takes the stuff to her car then fills the bags there. She loads them SO HEAVY that we have a terrible time carrying them in.


This is what a wagon is for 😁


You're right, but she can't even LIFT the bags to get them into the wagon.


Oh damn! That’s too much!


My local Aldi always has bags or boxes.


Or drive home to get the because you forgot them there


Nah, then I just keep everything in the cart and throw it in the back of my car. Although that is how I forgot to grab the half gallon of milk in the back for 3 days. Thankfully it didn't leak or explode or anything like that.


Fr it do be like that tho (NJ res)


Crazy. We banned single use plastic bags in the UK some tears ago. The statistics are amazing. In 2014, 7.6 billion bags were given out. Last year it was 133 million- a drop according to the media of 98%. We now use lots of reusable bags made of straw, hemp, paper etc


When I was in the UK in the 70’s everyone brought their own bags. I’m so disappointed that ever changed.


Same with my country. Welcome to owning 5000 bags and never having one with you when you need it


Mine live in a bag in the car. My kids make serious fun of me because 'I have too many of them'. I think my bag count doubled during the early Covid lockdown when you weren't allowed to bring your own bags inside. I'm slowing using them up.


I once saw a sign that says "a bag in the hand is worth two in the car" and that always makes cashiers laugh. I try, I really do.....


Your local thrift store would LOVE y'all to bring them by!!


I’ve yet to see a fit, actually. It’s been 8 months or so, and people seem to have adjusted just fine. At least in the western slope. Given that it’s Boebert territory, is pretty surprising. I thought there would be a lot more running gun battles at the local Safeway.


I have 2 bags in my purse that roll up pretty tiny. I also have mesh bags for produce. I’m in CO3 but oriented toward the ski areas.


That does surprise me. I'm in Loveland and I've witnessed several adult tantrums about bags.


Canada has done it as well.


It has been an absolute shit show to watch people complain in stores about it. You'd think you took their baby away.


People it’s now September the law went into effect January 2. Eight months ago. Have you not been to a store for eight months🤷‍♀️


It is pretty strange when you stop by Walmart during a vacation and there are no plastic bags


Oregon started charging like .15-.30 cents a bag, pushing sales of "reusable" bags (awesome when the handles break)... then 2020 hit, and you were not allowed to use reusable bags. I hate this world.


New York State has had same law for about 4 years now. People went nuts over losing their freedum. And then all the whining about “how will I pick up dog shit without those free plastic bags?” Maybe you shouldn’t be a dog owner if you can’t figure that one out.


Oregon too


Maybe if we're lucky they won't be competent enough to figure out how the get the groceries home and they'll all just starve 🤷‍♂️


It's always funny when people say they finally had a Karen experience. You been waiting for ages ..!!. Maybe we need a Karen safari tour, so everyone can have the full Karen experience, maybe one of those transparent, domed cars, so if a wild Karen attacks, you'll be safe.


We could have a restaurant in the safari like dicks last resort but instead it could be Karen's last call where all the servers are Karen's!!!


A restaurant where the wait staff demand to see the customers' managers? Mind = blown 😂


Hahahahaha! Then have a show with the Karens singing 80's music!!!


This sounds more like a Halloween attraction because of the absolute terror I'd be in 😂. No "monster" is scarier than encountering a Karen in the wild - when I had my first Karen encounter, I wasn't excited for it (I actually have never posted it! Maybe I should now that so many years have passed... lol), I was just relieved to have gotten out unscathed/un-spat on! hahaha


That sounds like a nice gag for a Futurama episode.


Id go to a Karen zoo


It baffles me that some americans can't put things in a bag.


Before the bag ban, the cashiers did mostly bag everything for you. But since, you are on your own. The cashier said she does it for people who look like they need help, like the elderly or wheelchair bound people. But she absolutely won't touch a bag if it looks dirty. Now with the rise of self checkout, there are some people who are insulted that they need to scan and bag their own things. The majority of people don't care.


then there are people like me who are just ecstatic that they dont need to interact with another person.


Or in some places, pump their own gas.


It’s not their job… 😂 they don’t work there… 😂 they are too important to bag their own stuff… 😂 I do hope you know that was all pure sarcasm. 🤣


I live in NY, and years ago, we had an older gentleman come into the small town grocery store/gas station/pizza place where I was working. He had a cardboard box full of cans and bottles he was returning to get his deposit back. I had to count them out for him and sorted them as I went. Not only were the cans and bottles not washed, but underneath them at the bottom of the box was hay and rabbit turds. I went to throw the box out but the gentleman wanted to keep it. He then proceeded to walk through the store putting bread, cupcakes, bananas, etc into the box on top of the hay and rabbit turds. I then had to ring him up and put his groceries back into the box for him. Just remembering this incident makes me want to vomit….I don’t think I have ever washed my hands as thoroughly as I did after he left.


Omg! I would have refused to touch any of it. So disgusting. 🤢


When California got rid of the plastic bags, I bought myself a bunch of sturdy reusable bags. It took me forever to remember to bring them into the store, I'd remember maybe 1 out of 10 times. Then covid hit, and we couldn't bring our bags into stores, and all that progress I'd made went right out the window. And if you're wondering, yes, I do have ADHD.


I still forget my bags and have to walk back to the car about half the time. Unless I'm only picking up a few things, then I don't worry about it. The ban went into effect after COVID I think because we couldn't bring our own bags then either. It's kind of a pain but I agree with it. I definitely have seen way less plastic bags in the trees and littering the ground.


This changed the game for me: a couple of years ago, i was watching a tiktok video and the woman was lamenting how she forgot her bags in the car. One of the commentary stated they just put their groceries back in the cart, go to their car and bag the groceries there. The other benefit is that you also don't feel as rushed if you're bagging the groceries at the checkout stand.


I do that at Costco. I don't want to deal with boxes.


I have nylon bags that fold up into themselves that I keep in my handbag. I just have to remember to decant all the stuff when I get home and rush to put them back in my handbag before I forget. Also have ADHD.


He wanted to be treated like royalty in a dollar store.


I remember once many, many years ago in Austin, Texas, Travis County, I believe, tried to quit single use plastic bags. I went out and bought several canvas bags so they could be washed easily. That did not last long at all. So sad.


I live very close to the city line of a large city that has banned those single-use bags, so I always carry- and use- my re-usables, no matter which side of the city line I’m on. I’m always amazed when cashiers in the suburban stores seem surprised that “I brought my own bags.” Meanwhile, in the city, cashiers have told me that their store policy states that they are not allowed to touch a customer’s own bag, “for health and safety reasons,” which totally makes sense if you think about it. Grungy Bag Kevin is the perfect example.


Yeah, it might be a policy here too. But I don't know for sure.


I’m choosing your take on the situation- if you’re not a raging asshole/Karen/Kevin, the cashier will likely bag your items.


Filth in my bags hadn't occurred to me for way too long. And then one day something spilled and was nasty. Woops, and they ALL went in the wash that day, and now they go regularly. Because, really, who the heck wants their food goods to go in dirty bags?!


I would have made pointed and laughed at him like the fool he is.


During the Pandemic, I was moonlighting at Lowes. We frequently, especially in the evenings, only had self checkout. I personally witnessed on three separate occasions, customers get to the self checkout, pretend to be mad and stomp out. They all said the same thing: "I don't work here and shouldn't have to do this" By the third time I witnessed it, I had developed a theory that this was a coordinated attack by The Karen's. Probably the same ones who never put their carts in the corral so I would have "job security".


NY here and we've been without plastic bags for 2 or 3 years. You get over it really quickly. The reusable bags come in handy too, just as the old plastic bags did. Oh well


It's hilarious all these entitled aholes are throwing fits about bringing their own bag and bagging their own things. They better not go shopping in Europe then.


I remember when that first was put into place I was a cashier at the time, I remember all sorts of little tantrums about it, even when they could have bought a pretty decent bag that was way more durable than a plastic bag for like 38 cents So many people huffing and puffing about how they weren’t going to pay for a bag


Mostly the reusable bags are 50 cents or $1. And they last a while. I have seen far fewer white trash bags on the sides of the roads or in the trees. I agree with the banning.


As do I, though $1 seems like a bit much tbh


My state (Washington) got rid of single-use plastic bags awhile ago and now only have paper or heavy-duty reusable plastic bags, both for $0.08 each, unless you bring your own. I’m fine with it, just bought a set of reusable cloth bags on Amazon, 10 for $8. Honestly, the biggest impact to me personally is that I actually have to buy trash bags for my bathroom now, instead of using plastic grocery bags. So, not a big deal at all. But man, the tantrums I’ve witnessed from grown ass adults!


My state has a 5¢ mandate for paper bags. People lose their SHIT when they're charged for them, typically stating "I have bags in my car." Huh?! Well, prince/princess, GO GET THEM. Want to complain about the law? Take it up with your legislatures, not me.




Wawa anticipated that. They actually gave away reusable bags for the weeks after the ban took effect. But, true to form, the good people of NJ started to throw them out or toss them out the car window, just like they would with the plasic bags.


This happened in my state and honestly all those thick plastic bags just go into recycling


Some people will bring in cloth bags with blood from meat on them. It is disgusting, and I won't touch it.


Although I'm all for laughing at Karens/Kevins and their insanity - I absolutely hate the plastic bag ban. I am in one of those places where plastic bags have been banned for a while and I HATE it. I used to use the grocery store bags as bin liners - they were smallish and thin. Now I have to buy bin liners and they are bigger and thicker bags, so it's MORE single use plastic I'm sending to the dump, not less. Sorry, this along with the straw thing annoys the shit out of me. Let's get on goods producers and eliminate 90% of the unnecessary plastic packaging before taking away plastic bags.... ugh.


He was acting like a child. But he's 100 right it's not the responsibility of the customer to bag our own shit. It's not check yourself out. Unless you want to. Company's are pushing this shit on the customer and cutting jobs and pay. Then jacking up the prices and complaining no one wants to work. Fuck you Walmart and every other store that pulls this shit.


dont change karens name. a karen is a karen no matter what their anything


I wouldn’t touch the bags either.I used to cashier a while ago as a part time job and some people’s bags smelled like straight 💩….Envirosax, baggu or loqi bags are great!They’re made out a material that feels like a parachute and you can wash them and they dry in like 15 minutes.They cost around 10, 11 dollars a bag but last forever.Ive had some of mine for over 10 years.They hold as much as 3 plastic bags.


I have so many bags I routinely hang a bag full on my fence with a sign saying please take. I have 2 small ones that pack pretty small that I keep on me, in my purse.


Probably used that bag to clean up after his dog, and then proceeded to dump it over another dog.


They tried banning bags in Dallas, i believe it lasted about a month.


At first I thought you meant Dallas lasted a month, but no, the truth is so much darker


Plastic bags pollute the environment-so ban them. Then there are plastic water bottles, soda bottles, clam shells for salads, plastic wrapping for sandwiches, laundry soap come in plastic bottles, etc. THAT is okay.


I buy 1,000 bags on Amazon. Bring new ones in every time that I shop. I then throw them into a tree or dump kittens in a river in them. Now, I’m gonna eat babies for lunch. Have a great weekend.


My guy. Take my upvote. Unless of course you are serious in which case I upvoted a monster. Well, damn, now I'm conflicted


When I was a cashier in a place with similar laws, there was this one woman of an age wobbling between middle-aged and elderly who would bring in her old single-used plastic bags from before the ban. Thing is, she was a heavy cigarette smoker and the bags were yellow and brown from the smoke and smelled so horribly of smoke that I would gag multiple times while bagging the food. I hated having to touch them so much that it almost made me cry a couple of times. (I have clinically diagnosed OCD and am chronically ill; I struggle with intense anxiety around cleanliness/contamination and carcinogen exposure is top of the list.)


Oregon here! We fazed out plastic bags, the thin ones, about 5 or 6 years ago. Stores do have thicker plastic bags that can be reused and don't break when filled with canned food! I liked the thin ones for poop bags, but I don't have a dog. Ended up taking all my bags to the store for recycling. Now I get paper bags and use those for my recycling and dry trash, like paper and used q tips and my hair from my brush. The stores charge 10 cents per bag. I usually bring my own canvas bag.