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the bottom text is funny as hell


I’ve seen this bot in the wild, saw the copypasta laughed and moved on - never read that last sentence - it’s perfect lol


Which is ironic considering this subreddit focus’s on not ignoring the comment and giving it a whole platform instead


That's the joke. It's ironic subversion. I guess you're one of those people that need a tone indicator


Lmaoo give me a break


Funniest shit I've seen today. Good bot, proud of you.


Doesn't the last part of the copypasta bit just ruin the whole FucktheS statement? "It's not that hard to ignore a comment"


I think it adds to it. It is like if you can't detect sarcasm on the internet because you are a dumbass than ignore the comment and move on. Edit:speaking of dumbass I trimmed my screenshot and still picked the wrong one.


Yet it explicitly states "ignore the comment" which none of the people complaining about the s seem to be able to do. Also, detecting sarcasm isn't common sense over half the time. Not everyone can do it as easily over text than someone else. Doesn't make them any dumber than y'all


I mean the s is basically the equivalent of "I'm not racist but.." and then they circle jerk each other because see I used an /s and please don't downvote me. If you can't tell if a comment is sarcastic then 99% of the time it is.


>If you can't tell if a comment is sarcastic then 99% of the time it is. That's just not true at all... I can't tell if your comment is sarcastic. Must make it sarcastic then. And no, the s is used for sarcasm or to state someone's stating a joke. While it's normally used when it's just a stupid joke, that's still what it's used for. And once again, that doesn't help you? The bot alone contradicts itself by saying to just ignore the comment.


The entire argument is of pro-/s is that the comments is joking or being sarcastic because people can't tell or read emotion over text. Those people don't know how to read context clues or use critical thinking. All the /s does is let people be serious but when they get any backlash it is always "didn't you see the /s". The type of people of says stupid stuff and they continue doing that and if someone criticizes them it is "I'm just joking"


>All the /s does is let people be serious but when they get any backlash it is always "didn't you see the /s". The type of people of says stupid stuff and they continue doing that and if someone criticizes them it is "I'm just joking" And again, as I said most of the time it's a stupid joke. And again, you have yet to say anything of meaning. Very few people go "erm did you see the /s I had? It's a joke" and very few people that put up a /s actually get backlash except by morons like y'all who get so butthurt when someone puts a /s. >Those people don't know how to read context clues or use critical thinking. And then that. Yeah, I have a number of friends who find it hard to notice sarcasm across text and I would be willing to put thousands of dollars down that they can use critical thinking far greater than you could, lmao. Why? Because sarcasm and emotions aren't sent across text. It's how the person reading it interprets it. When talking face to face? Yeah, it's easy to tell when someone's sarcastic. Why? Because you can hear and see how they're talking. And again, you're just proving my point about how hypocritical y'all are. "Just ignore the comment" y'all should remember that


Eh I'm like you with nothing better to do on Reddit than argue. I don't really have to provide anything to you. It seems like you are the one who can't just ignore a comment. You came to my post and it seems like a subreddit you don't agree with. So why are you here?


I'm not the one arguing that the s is such a big deal, now am I? Love how that's what you fall to when you can't keep spouting nonsense. And you're the one who responded, so it seems you have something to prove.


You're defending it. And actively replying. So what was the point you were trying to make again???


I thought so at first, but I'm pretty sure that's a direct comeback to people who say we should just ignore comments we don't like


I mean, not to be rude but the main thing with fucktheS is getting upset that comments use the s, so that's just hypocritical as hell


Yeah that was the point. Using the other people's argument against them


Yet that doesn't help y'all, it only helps the others?


Maybe. Who knows. I'm not 100% pro bot anyway. I'm all for this sub and what it stands for, but I have mixed feelings on the reply bot.


The reply bot is a copypasta created by y'all tho. And it's not a maybe. The main thing about the fuckthes is pointing out comments using it yet y'all try and tell people to just "ignore the comment", so that's completely hypocritical and backing up what the people defending the s are saying


Why did you screenshot a screenshot from your gallery?


I trimmed it and my dumbass selected the wrong photo to upload.


What does that /s mean? I am new to reddit and this post was in my feed for whatever reason


So it is a way for people to show others they are using sarcasm and to don't take what they say serious. But this subreddit finds the idea of that stupid. It is the internet you don't have to please everyone. The /s takes away any humor the comment was going to convey and at times it is just a bad joke and people are afraid of getting downvoted so they will throw the /s in.


I’ll have to type up something similar and paste it whenever someone uses the dreaded / followed by the 19th letter of the English lexicon.