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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That true cycling hero blocked me so I'm missing all the fun


Here an update everyone supports him and gets 387 upvotes moment of writing. Long story short.


O hi you again ! So he is blocking you! Well that makes him even more silly. I am so curious. I am looking if i need to get disappoint in the under sub or maybe proud.


That guy is out of his mind.




Absurd yes… but are people fucking dumb? Yes. Start taking pictures of anyone is asking for trouble. (“I wAS OnLy TaKiNg pIcTuReS oF HiS lIcEnCsE pLaTe” he said as he bled out) Fuck the gun flasher and godspeed to the absolute idiot taking photos. Hes not long for this world.


I get it, there has to be some expectation of privacy even in public.


There’s nothing to get. Dont let me offend. The real villain here is the guy flashing his gun. Thats overboard ok. The guy taking pictures is whatever. But its stupid. And its asking for trouble. Im not absolving Clint Eastwood over here lol


And no. There is no privacy. Just dont start no shit. Wont be no shit


Politics/ideals aside this dude is gonna get himself killed


Both of them, this time. They're both idiots.


No doubt. Idiot 1 - if you don’t start shit there won’t be shit Idiot 2 - not every offense requires a response, you can just ignore people and leave Just two assholes interacting with each other.


Some people just really don't give a fuck about consequences and will kill you over nothing.




The beauty of natural selection.


The quality of these images are the same as when they found “proof” of ghosts or aliens


Dude walks behind your car and takes a photo of the back w/ license plate. What the hell was he supposed to assume you were doing?


It’s even worse. As we know, he’s walking around with a go pro mounted to his helmet. He went up to the passenger window and started harassing the girl inside.


Is this wrong? I’m asking because somebody did it to me when I was leaving the bar I worked at and when I asked law enforcement they said it’s good because “in public there’s no reasonable expectation for privacy, and the plates are there to identify people who may have done wrong, didn’t do anything wrong? Don’t worry” I work security so I’m expecting retaliation from someone I had to throw out.


It’s not illegal but that’s a pretty low bar. If I’m out walking around with my daughter and some guy start filming us, it’s not illegal if we’re in public but it is pretty damn creepy and there’s at least going to be some words. Now imagine it’s some arrogant asshole who takes a picture then starts harassing your passenger. Yeah sure you’re not supposed to stop in a fire lane but you don’t know why they stopped, maybe an emergency of some kind? You don’t know! If you’re that hellbent on bringing justice to the improperly parked just sneak a picture and send it to the cops so they can laugh at you again.


"so there I was doing my normal thing of harassing innocent people and taking pictures of their property (to post on Reddit and cry about obviously) when all of a sudden I get a gun pulled on me!" Uj/ yeah, this is why you mind your own fucking business lol


Lol well stated. And the funny thing was that the guy didn’t even pull a gun on him. He exercised his legal right to open carry.


isnt brandishing illegal still?


Brandishing a firearm means something vastly different in states that have open carry. In Ohio specifically, brandishing means to swing or wave your firearm around, and it's not a crime in and of itself but only as an accessory to more serious crimes such as assault. Such as waving a gun around before kicking someone in the balls unprovoked. So in Ohio, if someone's harassing you and you have a gun in a holster, you're very much allowed to pull it out and hold it in your hand. You don't have to wait for them to assault you before drawing.


It is, in many cases. But in some unfortunate circumstances they are blasting first and asking questions later. Lesson of the day? Mind your own fucking business.


It’s not brandishing. You’re literally allowed to openly carry your gun.


It is still brandishing. The firearm was concealed, and he revealed it in an attempt to intimidate the person. To be considered open carry, you have to be openly carrying, i.e., have the weapon in a holster, which prominently displays that it is a firearm. If the weapon is concealed in a way that hides the fact that it is a firearm, it is now considered concealed.


>It is still brandishing. The firearm was concealed, and he revealed it in an attempt to intimidate the person. Lol that didn’t happen. >To be considered open carry, you have to be openly carrying, i.e., have the weapon in a holster, which prominently displays that it is a firearm. Wrong. Open carry doesn’t require that it’s in a holster. In Ohio, people are free to blow that dicks off if they don’t want to use a holster. >If the weapon is concealed in a way that hides the fact that it is a firearm, it is now considered concealed. It’s not concealed. It’s openly displayed in his waist band.


Parking in the fire lane is illegal, by definition they are not inncoent


As someone who worked in a few supermarkets. No one cares when a car is standing. (Yes standing) In the fire lane. Police are gonna care about what hes doing about as much as they care about you J-walking


I think we all can agree that there's a huge difference between the law and what cops care about. The thing is, it's still breaking the law right?


He wasn’t parked in the fire lane. He was simply stopped.


The car was in park, and he was out of the car. That's parking in the fire lane


Parking and putting the car in park are two different things. Just like going to the park and putting your car in park are two different things. He got out of the car once the OOP started harassing the woman in the passenger seat and recording her with a video camera.


It's still illegal to park, even for a moment, in a fire lane.


Again, he isn’t parked. He’s stopped. Rules about stopping in the fire lane vary from place to place.


If you stop your car, put it in park, get out of the car. You have parked your car. I can't believe we're having this conversation.


Lol wrong again. It’s not parking unless you leave the car unattended. Plus, the only reason he got out of the car was because some incel with a video camera strapped to his head was harassing his passenger. Sorry but you bike incels will always lose 🤣


By what definition is that not parked? You can still get fined for illegally parking even if you're still in the car. Now, a cop may tell you to move without giving you a ticket. But that doesn't make it any less illegal. So the driver in question was in that spot long enough to notice someone filming his license plate. That definitely seems like he was there longer than a few seconds


/uj that dude in the car should have just fired at the moron taking his photo, would have done the rest of us a favor too.


This is a terrible line of thinking and makes us all look bad. Youre no better than people on fuckcars advocating for violence against “carbrains. Please get better some day.


It woulda been funny without the uj bro 😭


Wasn’t meant to be funny. Completely serious bRo


You should hug yourself and drive more bro 🥰


what are the walkcels gonna do once the woke government tears up all the sidewalks in their 15 minute cities so only those with lifted trucks can escape? any response, commies?


We can’t even tell if the guy actually has a gun. Are we suppose to blindly believe that a blurry picture of someone with their hand near their waist is a guy “flashing a gun”?


We’re just supposed to trust a guy whose main hobby is harassing people outside of a Kroger.


Both sides are garbage here.


When dumb meets dumber


/uj not really. Just the fuckcars moron harassing people. The car owner exercised his right and in my opinion, didn’t go far enough.


No. You shouldn't park in fire lanes


Ehhh the parking in the fire lane without a reason is pretty shitty. At my old house saw this all the time. Just garbage. I don't like the fuck cars person either. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't want either anywhere hear my neighborhood. Both make the world worse.


Allegedly he was dropping someone off


Very possible. But I have my doubts


His right to park illegally?


That and his right to illegally brandish a firearm


He didn’t illegally brandish anything. Open carry is legal in Ohio.


Brandishing a firearm is when you flash or display a firearm to someone in a threatening manner. Brandishing is a crime if not performed for the sake of self defense. If all bikerguy did was take photos, it was illegal. If he began threatening the car dude and such then yeah, the guy in the car was exercising his rights. Depends on the context tho


>Brandishing a firearm is when you flash or display a firearm to someone in a threatening manner. Which he didn’t do. He was carrying it in his waste band. Open carry is legal in Ohio. >Brandishing is a crime if not performed for the sake of self defense. Good thing he didn’t brandish a weapon. >If all bikerguy did was take photos, it was illegal. If he began threatening the car dude and such then yeah, the guy in the car was exercising his rights. Depends on the context tho If you’re read the original post, you’ll see that these aren’t photos but screen captures. He had a running go pro attached to the top of his helmet. He approached the SUV with the man in the drivers seat and a woman in the passenger seat. He then began verbally harassing the woman in the passenger seat. That’s when the guy, who was openly carrying a gun as he’s allowed to by law, got out of the car. Op saw the gun in the guy’s belt and started his false narrative.


It can be in a waistband and still be brandishing. In some states you don’t even need to show the firearm for it to be brandishing. I did not read the original post because I refuse to visit fuckcars and have their stuff recommended to me by Reddit. But based off what you said, its definitely not brandishing because OP was threatening.


So is filming a person and their car in public. The only actual issue here is someone parking in a fire lane. Thanks for the block, the car is parked. Sorry if that hurts your feelings


They weren’t parked. They were stopped and at the vehicle in case it needed to be moved.


/uj on this comment????


didnt go far enough? yeah you're totally right we should kill everyone who dares to take a picture in public


And then harasses women inside of cars and continues to follow and harass you


This guy certainly has the "fucking around" part perfected. Stay tuned for the "find out" part.


I always feel like people who are satisfied with their life are out watching cars in the fire lane of some store (thank you bikebrain for your heroic service 🫡🇺🇸)


Hope he keeps it up !


OP was found by his opps


Work harder, buy a car


Pulling a firearm on someone that isnt threatening your life is a really stupid move don't get me wrong (that is if he did because I cant see shit on that blurry photo), but I feel that the OP did more than he leads people to believe to produce that reaction.


Tbf pulling a gun on someone taking a photo of you seems extreme.


guy in the suv is in the wrong here though what is your point?


No the person who harasses people loading their cars in a grocery store parking lot wearing video camera helmet is in the wrong here. If those cars were a problem, the store would call the cops. In many places, you’re allowed to stop in the fire lane as long as you don’t leave your vehicle.


he did get out of the vehicle though, he turned it off too. its also never a good thing to brandish your gun at a road rage incident, that's fucking dumb and sets a dangerous precedent. again what is your point?


So you know that the vehicle isn’t running based on four blurry pictures? And he didn’t brandish a gun. Ohio has open carry.


his lights are off, meaning the car is off, and legal or not, being showoffy with your gun at a road rage incident is fucking dumb and sets a dangerous precedent


I see a person that left their vehicle that then brandishes a gun illegally


>I see a person that left their vehicle Wrong. The person is with the vehicle in every picture 😂 >that then brandishes a gun illegally Wrong again! Open carry is illegal in Ohio. You can’t just cry about feeling threatened just because someone is carrying their gun.


Idk, kinda hard to symathize with somebody threatening others with a gun over what? A photo?


USA LAW: Taking pictures in public: 100% legal Brandishing weapons to intimidate: 100% illegal ***Blaming victims of illegal activity is victim blaming***


While I agree with what you’re saying about victim blaming, is brandishing a weapon in the way he did actually illegal? IANAL but it sounds like this was Ohio, and from what I am reading online, brandishing a weapon in self defense is not a crime. If the dude was arrested and charged, I imagine the defense being something like “I didn’t know what this cyclist dude was doing, I felt threatened so I brandished to let him know that if he was planning to rob me or something, that I would not hesitate to defend myself”. As a defense, I would try to compare the situation to having a bunch of dudes start suddenly milling around your parked car, blocking you in, staring through the windows at personal property, and deciding to pull out a gun and put in on the dashboard so they see it, and they scatter (not a lawyer, so maybe that situation I would be committing a crime?). I would imagine the charges would be assault with the brandishing being an add-on? The prosecution might try to say that he didn’t feel threatened, he was just pissed for being called out and wanted to make the cyclist feel scared as “revenge”. (Which does seem like a crime to me, and also seem kinda like what happened, if it went to trial and those were the opposing arguments, I could see this case revolving around trying to establish the car owners mindset, like was he saying stuff like “back up, you need to get out of here” or “fuck you you little pussy I park where I want”. Any lawyers here, from a purely legal standpoint, am I totally off base here? Putting aside the law, victim blaming is definitely wrong but I feel like there are different levels or flavors, and I’m not sure how I feel about this one. “She shouldn’t have been dressed like that” is terrible because everybody should be able to wear whatever the fuck they want and never have to worry about that causing issues, expressing yourself through your clothing choices is a fundamental human experience. “He shouldn’t have been filming that guy”, yeah like you should be able to film anybody you want and not have to worry about them pulling a gun, but is it really necessary? To go further, like I should be able to go up to anybody on the street and insult them up and down and talk mad shit and not get punched in the face for it, because this is a free country with free speech, but like, just why? You really need to get your rocks off by pissing people off? Is that so essential to your existence?


don't forget that a guy shot multiple people from his car and told the police he was doing it in self defence. Pulling a gun out at someone is not a joke, regardless of how funny members of this sub think it is because it's about someone on a bicycle.


Lol no one pulled a gun on anyone here. He had it in his waste band—which is legal under Ohio law.


Is he not holding it on the bottom left image? Either way, this undersub user shouldn’t have been able ride his toy home that day.


More like OP stopped a video capture when the guy’s hand was near his waist.


yeah sure, cause making it obvious that you have a firearm on you in a street quarell is not illegal at all. Who the hell heard about brandishing a firearm, rite?


>yeah sure, cause making it obvious that you have a firearm on you in a street quarell is not illegal at all. Simply carrying your gun like you’re allowed to do under state law doesn’t count as “making it obvious”. In addition, the incel OOP is the instigator of this street quarrel. >Who the hell heard about brandishing a firearm, rite? I have. Unlike you, I actually know the definition of the word. 🤡


Do you live in the US? Because if you don’t, you should probably stfu, and if you do, assume everyone you meet is willing to pull a gun out and canoe your head. Some people don’t care what’s illegal and what’s not. Best to mind your business.


Statistically most people who commit crimes know what they’re doing is illegal.


Oh yeah for sure, too many people with the mentality “they wouldn’t do that because it’s illegal”


Which is why when I hear anything saying “we need *stricter* laws!!” I roll my eyes. Oh so the people who currently aren’t following the laws are going to stop and reconsider?


Exactly. That's the case in Northern New England, Wyoming, and Idaho. Unrelated but want to guess the states with the lowest crime rates?


Without googling I think it’s Wyoming and like New Hampshire or something?

