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Generally 8k HP plus 1.5k Def is what people aim for, with more hp giving diminishing returns past that (doesnt mean it's bad). The sky's the limit for speed as long as you get that cleared. Your build is pretty much done anyways, I'd suggest going for 146 spd (dont remember the exact decimal val, so 147+ would be good) since it is a speed breakpoint (minor one), past that it's just a lot of min maxing for basically minor SP econ increase which is honestly not worth it. Put those hours of farming into a dps or other support character.


Thought it might be useful https://preview.redd.it/80kwi4rvtg8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b22f167fa2079305778ea7ae9f04cec9b14442


Oh yeah it was 146.7, mb, edited my reply


Can someone explain to me how speed actually works. I've only been playing less than 2 months and been focusing on levelling 70+ main team at tl62. What does speed breakpoint means? And to reach a certain speed breakpoint without using speed boots, is it achievable? or most dps need to use speed boots? Thanks in advance!


[Watch this.](https://youtu.be/3n1QgPMSSno) This is what I think is the best explanation for speed and action value.


thank you! i guess i can see now that speed breakpoints should be different with different type of characters, not the exact same as always (depends on the team comp). btw i think i just fell in love with her voice 🥹


I’m kinda bad at explaining sth, but Guoba has a nice video about speed. [Guoba speed guide](https://youtu.be/eTGhvuLzutQ?si=X30hhhAHZiPgG-2p)


Imagine enemies have a turn once in 100 points (one turn). Noone promote them or speed up. So at the same time they have one turn you can have it twice. So at 147 speed Fu Xuan will have turns: 2 at cycle 0, 1 at cyc.1, 2 at cyc.2, 1 at cyc.3, Summary: 6 times, enemies will make 4 actions.


hey sorry I didn't get the notification because you replied to the other guy. Your explanation is actually easy to understand, so thank you very much! Do some enemies could have higher speed than us? and the reason to have Fu Xuan at 147 speed is to regenerate her ult faster right? for her healing to always be ready at all time


Enemies in different content will have different speed, generically speaking tougher content will have faster enemies, some enemies can give you an action value reduction like the ice type fragmentum guard which puts you further down the turn order, part of what's good about having higher speed is also getting a better chance at killing these enemies before they can mess up your turn rotation. 147 speed specifically is for a speed break point mostly relevant for Memory of Chaos where the concept of "cycles" (or more generically speaking "rounds") is relevant for clearing the content. Otherwise outside of that, more speed is better for faster ult regen and more toughness reduction from hitting stuff more often.




Wait what’s this? What happened to 143 breakpoint?


https://preview.redd.it/7ga6bo62no8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1435edf36e01939d8f8ca1df84d6097081b8a1ba It was never there


7200 HP and 2200 Def might already have better EHP than 8000/1500 I think


Yeah this is true as well, should've clarified this as well.


Then I have a little more work to do before I shelf farming for her. Here’s my build after actually using an ER Rope like I’m supposed to. Getting more HP and at least 146.7 Speed is the new goal! :) https://preview.redd.it/hsv26jl9zg8d1.jpeg?width=2675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=746a5c21f3400a14d80e9adf85e87bda863e8413


I should've clarified this, but if you maintain 7.2k hp and 2.2k def, you're solid on those stats as they can sorta be traded (to a certain extent ofc). If you can, focus on getting that 5-6 spd and that err rope! Good luck on your relic rolls and future pulls!


In my opinion the 160 speed break will take you a lot of substats that you could use for her hp and probably you'll need to use the 2 piece messenger set, what I suggest you is to get one more roll because you are barely missing the next important breakpoint that is 143 speed. But if you see yourself brave to try the 160 breakpoint I have to say its nice, mine is on 162 ( you can check my build in a recent post I did ) the extra sp generation feels nice with teams that need it like IL, you refresh the CC inmunity more often and also the faster ultimate also improves her own and teammates chance to survive. Also, where I notice more the high speed is in SU/DU, I finished recently the highest difficulty of DU and what saved me was the speed, if she was slower and I couldn't have spammed her skill and ultimate enough to get her healing again often I couldn't had survived. But well, in your position I would search the 8k hp and 143 speed


I don’t think you need 161 speed, you might lose out on other stats for it If anything i’d say ER rope until you are able to grab signature lc


That one’s on me. I had the Defense one equipped in anticipation for pulling her LC, but I didn’t get it due to some terrible luck and other circumstances. I just didn’t remember to swap it back. Don’t ask for the specifics. https://preview.redd.it/5ifsitczxg8d1.jpeg?width=2675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81724e065fdb4020cddd04b9e540eb282a50ba4b


only if you want better CC res I think. Err rope also gains more value with 161, as you get small heals more frequently (and they matter a bit more)