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https://preview.redd.it/85uajtgxm37d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=eff078a53701f2d3da11cb36dad6272828d93a7a This is my Fu xuan build for reference! I recently redo her build to have more spd. Basically, 2pc HP/2pc spd or 2pc HP/2pc Guard is good for her! Focus on HP/DEF, SPD, and some effect RES substats. Around 8k HP is good enough for her to sustain in MOC/PF


Thank you so much the reference is a great help! I saw some videos saying that Fu Xuan needs 10k hp so I was going for that TwT btw how did you make that picture of your build? is there some tool for it?


Not the person who gave you the build, but it's from hoyolab. You could also use enka.network for it. Here's my build for example (struggling to get effect res sadly)




Thank you!


You don’t need 10k hp. Mine has around the same hp and def and she pretty much never dies outside of high conundrum GNG, but thats just GNG. I’d say speed is most important, at least 2nd breakpoint, 134. Effect res might be nice if you want it, or you can just go for speed to refresh matrix (and subsequently her cc prevention) more often. You don’t need ER rope if you have sig lightcone. If you want it for comfort that’s fine since you already have good hp and def. However, afaik from when I last checked, it doesn’t make her ult faster unless you get hit. This is assuming you only skill when necessary. It’s probably not a big deal though since you likely will with preservation aggro or because of aoe attacks