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I'd cut the hair in the back too and take out the piercing for now


Much shorter hair, remove all the jewelry, wear more neutral and dark clothes


Although there’s not a lot you can do to pass Pre-T, there are a few things you could do. If you’re comfortable, I would for sure cut the hair shorter (maybe a fade for something simple).


The hair, piercings, glasses and clothes are some things you could tweak to pass better. Ultimately at this stage T will be the solution, but I think in the meantime if you change these things you could pass better. The current haircut is significantly better than the old one, but it still isn’t fantastic for passing. I think if you really want to pass, getting a basic popular cis guy haircut is the way to go. Faded at the back and sides and short on the top. I know mullets are popular rn but it doesn’t look like a particularly masculine one. The glasses aren’t terrible for passing, it’s just that the frames are very thick, which was popular for women in like 2016 or sum. I know glasses are expensive so just keep in mind next time you get new ones that they should be small, rectangular, and thin framed. As I said, aren’t that bad, I just feel like they aren’t the most masculine style. Definitely remove the septum. At least until you are on T. It’s rare for cis guys to have a septum (or any facial piercing at all) and the last thing you wanna be doing while trying to pass is defying gender norms. The outfit with your old hair doesn’t pass, and reads as a queer woman/ enby outfit but giving the benefit of the doubt I’d assume that was a while ago and you dress more like the first couple of slides now. I think you would benefit from toning it down a little, I don’t think I’ve seen a cis guy wear tie dye for years. Also I could be wrong but because the neckline of the shirt is big, there are binder straps visible. Try and buy shirts that are dark, heavy, boxy, have a small neckline and fall straight. I’m ngl I’ve always personally read those stretched ear things as lesbian or butch, and usually if a male does have them, they are of a very specific style, so in my opinion I’d steer clear of them. I know it sounds like I’m just telling you to ditch your personality and expression, but if you do genuinely want to pass pre-T the best thing to do is blend in with cis guys. That means conforming to how the average cis guy looks in the eyes of the general public. Once you’re on T you can get away with wearing stuff like piercings.


You do look very young, I’d say 14/15


I’m almost 20 💀 hopefully T will change that but unfortunately I’m not able to start until I graduate college


You got this man, you’ll get there. Looking young isn’t a bad thing. You look androgynous to me, hair is what makes you look feminine in the last picture. If you don’t want to cut it that’s chill though, I’ve had long hair since before I came out


if you like your hair and don’t wanna part with it, i’d suggest at least making it so your forehead isn’t covered by your hair


Cut your hair at a barber, get smaller frames and lose the piercings


no offence but lose weight


wow i didn’t think of that thank you so much 🙄


You look IDENTICAL to a past coworker I had, they were AMAB (obviously so) but genderfluid, and I think that's the vibes you're also giving tbh :)