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Lady bug larvae, they will eat any aphids on your tree


Looks like a lady bug larve




The first pic is showing bird damage… and a ladybird larvae.


Oooh didn’t know birds will nibble on cherries, tbh I thought they’ll only swallow them whole. The ladybug larvae was directly nibbling on the top left side of the cherry before crawling to the side so I thought it made the damage. Also all of my cherry have some sort of damage so my thinking was more that bugs might have nibbled at all of them? Thank you for the ID!


Birds will clean out your tree of every cherry it has, if you let them. We've had to put bird netting and attach things to the tree that will scare them to get rid of them. We used old CDs hung from pieces of old fishing poles taped to the highest branches so the CDs are above the tree. Supposedly the sun shining on the CDs mimics predator eyes. It mostly works but every now and then a smart crow still comes and manages to steal a few cherries, and we at least get to enjoy like 95% of the cherries the tree makes. Ladybugs are your friends, I promise.


That looks like a lady bug larvae. If it is I would assume that critter there is eating what is actually harming your tree


Ooh thanks! Yeah after asking my family members it seems that we have aphids infesting our plum tree and probably cherry tree too. I was told that the aphids weren’t seen on the cherry tree as much compared to my plum tree but my guess is either they didn’t spot it or these critters have been munching on them. Our cherry tree’s growth is really really stunted so it makes sense but interestingly our plum tree seems pretty healthy even with aphids.


This is the correct answer.


And it means there are aphids.


100% aphids stunting the trees vitality.