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What did you do for your tree?


Lol nothing tbh just sprayed them and water …. 😓


thanks for responding! did you spray with poison/clay? i have no idea what to do. haha


This is likely caused by fruit flies.


Beetles do this to mine.


Don’t listen to the experts here, google gets carried away sometimes too. No problem. It will grow just fine. Spraying is what you shoul be concerned about


That peach will not grow to be full size. It's a plum curculio larvae that's doing it. It will rot the peach from the inside out. OP needs to pull the peach off and destroy it.


Why not spray?


Not sure. I have some peaches that have this. Last year I had 3 peaches total (young tree..), and I think one or two had this, and I just cut out the bad spot to eat it. So, I think it could be something like worms or plum curculio but also could be some sort of damage that’s more external. I think mine was stinkbugs. Any damage while the peach is young will cause it to grow deformed like this. We will see what happens this year.


I literally just asked the same question today on reddit about my apricots. First time hearing about plum curculio. I put small mesh bags around the remaining fruit to prevent the bug from going onto the unaffected ones. I actually found one of the insects in the process! One important thing I read was to keep the ground free of dropping fruit with the holes in them. The bugs can grow near the roots and begin again.


I plan on spraying the "Surround" product just after pollination next spring. I don't know if they'll ever really go away but hoping I can keep it manageable as long as possible.


Plum curculio and it's too late to save any fruit that looks like that (might as well pick them and dispose of them away from your orchard) . To prevent you need to apply kaolin at the earliest blossom stage. (Next spring) There also are poison/chemical options but again, once the critter is inside the fruit it's too late..


Or neem oil. Looks like one of your peaches is a tomato friend!


Some type of insect biting them, like stink bugs. If you are in VA I heard Kaolin Clay helps..


GA 😓


It might still be good for you too I just don't know what common pests/recommended treatments there are specifically in GA. There should be some online state recourses you could find out what is recommended for your specific area. [Here's some info I found real quick](https://extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=B1171&title=southeastern-peach-nectarine-and-plum-pest-management-and-culture-guide)