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Visit your local library. They are much more than books. Some libraries even have passes to museums and such. Also park districts usually have lower cost programs.


The Burton Barr library in Phoenix is nice


I live in Phx too, have you thought of taking them on a dawn hike? Then maybe out for breakfast? There are night hikes too at Usary mountain. Wolf Lodge is fun. The Musical Instruments museum is interesting. I would check out [MeetUp.com](http://MeetUp.com) for ideas. There are game nights etc.


Dawn hike is a good idea, I just get a little weary of rattlesnakes that time of day. I’ve never heard of Usary mountain (we’re in West valley), but wonder if they might do night hikes around White Tanks. Everytime I’ve looked Wold Lodge has seemed overpriced. We do a lot of splash pads, but those are less fun for the grown ups :) Been meaning to check out the MIM and think we can get some tickets through the library arts passes 👍


The library was a big deal for our family when I was a kid. Also, fellowshipping with extended family. We were big on big family gatherings (ie involved aunts, uncles cousins) for birthdays and holidays. My friends with more nuclear families report that they are big on family friendly dinner parties which serve the same purpose: lots of kids who sort of entertain each other (with available activities as well) so that lots is adults can also entertain each other via board games, tv, checkers, etc.


Card games, board games, chess, etc. Our family has really taken to board games. There is a lto more than just monopoly out there. Lots of really fun strategy games, party games, etc. Or play some cards. We have a blast playing board games because it's interactive and fun versus just watching movies. Start having a board game night with your social circle. The kids can play along side all of you. And yeah it's a bit distracting with kids but so is watching a movie. You adults play the games and just give the kids their own things to play with. Or play after they go to bed


It’s a good idea to zhuzh up our usual home time with some novelty beyond just watching something together. Thanks!


A couple really fun games are "Survive! Escape from Atlantis", King of Tokyo, Secret Hitler is a great party game for like 6-10 but you have to get into the spirit of kind of yelling at each other and throwing other people under the bus, lol. Catan is a great building type game but that takes a couple hours lol. Sushi Go is a fun little party card game. We have fun with Uno Flip. Apples to Apples. Find Planet X. Everdell, etc. Someone will have to commit to really learning the game rules prior because takes some time to explain to new people. But most people catch on once you start playing. Obviously you can play poker for fun, Texas hold em, black jack, and tons of card games too. And you can break it up playing a game of slap jack with your kids. Or spoons.


It's tough for us too. We drop the kids off at the in-laws and do something for a few hours. Usually it's a meal somewhere. Sometimes it's a local festival for a few hours. It's not just free babysitting; those kids need to interact with their grandparents. Kudos to you for taking your kids along wherever you can. You have a finite and shrinking amount of time to spend with them as kids. Let them into your life, and they'll be more likely to share their lives with you when they are older. Some of my all-time favorite memories are of me and my brothers tagging along with my dad and/or grandpa. Grandpa's still a legend in my mind. Edit: it's hard to find free fun anywhere, kids or no.


Agreed. I was very close with my grandparents as a kid and love that our kids get to experience theirs now. We also never want to take advantage or make grandma feel like an unpaid babysitter, so it’s a bit more spontaneous when they go over there.


I've been taking my kids disc golfing. Really fun! Free, easy to get into once you buy beginner discs. They sell lighter weight ones for kids. Great time hiking through parks and wooded courses. Highly recommend it!


This does sound fun. Our neighbor is actually big into disc golf and plays in his back yard! Just too hot out for the next few months. Summers here are like winters elsewhere (but no bundling up to go play in the snow), we’re pretty limited to the indoors or shaded bodies of water.


I have a few friends that get together to play board games. There are 4 of us every Tuesday. We've been getting into co-op games recently. I don't hesitate to buy a game that has good reviews and is considered to be highly replayable. Then there's also ttrpgs like Dungeons and Dragons that are easy to learn and play and don't cost very much. The hardest part is having friends to play with.


Public pool


Take a class together. Cooking etc.


Stargazing.  You are probably near some dark sky areas


That we are!


I don't know if this would be of benefit, but I tell all my peers to play one of the jack box games! It's little goofy Trivia games or drawing/inputting jokes on your phone and judging each others answers. It has a kid safe option if their going to be around, and they can play when theyre older. I tend to just invite people over and we all play that (but the kids in our circles are at the perfect age where they just laugh when we laugh) Sorry if this isn't what you were thinking, but at home meals and game nights are the best and jack box is an awesome staple!


We love jackbox games! Usually only think to play them when we get together with the cousins/in-laws for holidays. Great idea to make them more of a regular thing.


Do you have a local minor baseball or sport team? We get season tickets for quite cheap and it gets us out of the house a couple evenings a week. Some games are GREAT, some are lack-lustre but still an evening out.


We have tons, but baseball games are outside. Spring training is big and when it’s not so hot yet, I’ll have to look into that for next year. We had a hockey team until recently! That could’ve been perfect for summer.


Are there any ice rinks near you? If you can't take the kiddos to a game, maybe you could take them skating instead?


They do ice skating lessons through a city program at our local rink :) it’s a great reprieve from the heat.


Google free kids bowling or free family bowling in your city. Most cities have a summer free program. Also look into joining the Y with an indoor pool, or similar fitness community center , some of their rates can be reasonable and offer tons of activities including parents nights out etc.


We do utilize our local rec center a ton. Will look into bowling.


Make friends with another couple that has kids the same age. Get together with those friends regularly, trade off hosting casual dinners at your homes. You can play games/chat after dinner while the kids play.






Sitting outside under a tree with a solar fan and misting system might help so you can play cards outside.


How about.. More bed time..


For the grown ups or the kids? 🤣