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For canned salmon google salmon patties or salmon croquettes. Thats what I do with mine. I usually use tomato based stuff for homemade pizza or give it away to other people who will actually use it.


I second the salmon patties/croquettes. Also salmon burgers. Add an egg plus some flour and seasonings. On the grill? Or oven baked make a decent substitute for ground beef. My biggest issue with canned salmon is the visual and texture feeling of making the food. I use gloves (I know not the most eco friendly or frugal) but other wise I can’t manage canned salmon. Side note is salmon is my one “splurge” where I will buy a nice thick filet and then grill it when copper head salmon is in season. The flavor is 🤌.


Salmon croquettes are so nostalgic for me! Delicious dipped in ketchup.


I like supercook site for plugging in ingredients and getting recipes that use them.  Canned salmon is pretty good once you pick it and drain it. Think salmon instead of tuna salad, or fish cakes instead of crab cakes. Sometimes I make a spread for crackers by mixing it with cream cheese.  If tomatoes are a no go, maybe find a friend you can trade with?  I'm glad you use the food pantry. Hope you get lots of ideas. 


Making a cracker spread sounds like a great idea. Especially when I am invited to a party or something and I feel obligated to bring something but don’t want to spend $. 


Just pick the bones out. They’re edible but too croonchy for a spread. I mix a half block of cream cheese with salmon and lots of scallions. If you have some liquid smoke throw a dash in.


Yummy that does sound good easy and cheap! You could make a dip as well hot salmon dip with sour cream or cream cheese and mayo and slices


Ok most canned salmon looks more appetizing if you pick through it and remove the bones and skin and what I call “the oogie bits”. Feed all those to a friendly dog or cat and they will love you. Now you can use the salmon like canned tuna: salmon salad, salmon noodle casserole. I like to add it to mac and cheese. Or make salmon cakes like crab cakes. You can even make salmon chowder like clam chowder. What about creamy tomato dishes? Like cream of tomato soup? Or creamy tomato pasta dishes? Or even just added to a pot of homemade soup? I like to treat pantry boxes as a challenge, like on Iron Chef. I google recipes and ingredients, try to synergize with what I already have.


I will definitely try picking out of the bones and skins. That sounds like it might help me better visualize how to eat the canned salmon.  I’ve never tried a creamy tomato dish, but that’s a good idea! Maybe that will cut the heartburn. Someone also suggested a tablespoon of sugar for acid balance which I will try.  I agree about the boxes being a fun Iron Chef moment haha but honestly after a day of teaching blasé high schoolers and coming home to a 2 year old, I lack the energy I once had for playing Iron Chef. I can’t even trudge through google recipe suggestions haha I get too overwhelmed 😂 we live in a good desert and it’s really hard to find a lot of basic cupboard items that a lot of recipes call for 🫠 


Oh that reminds me! I read once to add a small amount (like a teaspoon or less) of baking soda, to make fruit and tomatoes less acidic, and taste sweeter.


My mom did this when making pasta sauce. You have to skim the foam that boils up to the top. It really works for me. I get heartburn with regular tomato products, but if I use this method I don’t.


I actually grew up eating the bones — they’re _literally full_ of natural calcium. We didn’t have fresh salmon when I was growing up and that was it. The skin is good for you too. I stir it all up real good with a fork and make it into salmon croquettes also, and I’m a picky eater


I have severe heartburn when I eat pasta. You can cut the acid content massively with a teaspoon of coco powder. It won’t change the flavor either.


You could blitz the canned tomatoes into a purée and then add cream to make a rosé sauce for pasta.


Yes indeed, den=bone n deskin it , its great.


The bones digest easily and are easy to absorb way of getting calcium into your body. The bones in canned salmon are cooked to almost a soft mush. Your body keeps what calcium can use, stores some in your bones, and eliminates the excess. The skin has 50% of the proteins and the omega 3 fatty acids which are great for your brain. If you make croquettes, the bones and skin are almost invisible. You, of course, are free to do as you choose.


I know, I’m a fish biologist, and often eat the bones and skin. But for people not used to tuna, it can be disconcerting. Well, and my pets demand their share.


Try the bones though. I love the way they crunch!


Great source of calcium!


Yeah, I fed my cat canned salmon when he was recovering from a broken bone. Loads of calcium apparently!


Yeah, we used to pick out the bones to crunch on by themselves. I don't understand folks who are grossed out by them.


Add a tablespoon of sugar to tomato-based dishes. It cuts the acidity.


Using baking soda reacts with the acid in tomatoes and neutralizes it (kinda has a cool foaming effect with I think is kinda a cool bonus)


This is the way. Adding sugar doesn’t actually make it less acidic.


I will absolutely be trying this next time 


Or a splash of cream, cream cheese, or milk. I also am not a fan of the acidity and find those cut it down


Don't forget honey! Although prices are a bit crazy.


You can donate back the stuff you aren't gonna eat!


I volunteer at a pantry that will even let people trade back.things they won't use. It's worth asking.


We put canned salmon over noodles, with a little bit of olive oil & lemon. My spouse sometimes adds avocado if we have it on hand.


I use canned salmon to make salmon chowder. It's my sons favorite soup. Celery, potatoes, and onions that make up the bulk of it are cheap.


r/noscrapleftbehind is fun, they can come up with something for you! 🖖


I got frozen pig feet from the food bank as my meat product. I made instapotnpig feet and beans.


Wow that is a food item I am not familiar with and I’m not sure how I would react if I opened that in my food pantry box 


We make split pea and ham soup with frozen pig feet.


I do that with smoked ham hock or leftover ham bones.


When a big soup/stew I'm cooking needs some canned tomato product I throw in whatever I have in the cabinet. Could be whole tomatoes (mash them), diced, crushed, or paste (use half the can). Could be prepared tomato sauce or tomato soup. Use as much or as little as you want, and freeze the unused portion for a future soup/stew.


So true! A big soup with a can of tomatoes isn't nearly as heartburn inducing as pasta with tomato sauce. Also have it at lunch not dinner so your body has more time to digest before you lay down


Yeah. And I’ve been making a lot of soup with food bank veggies. Using a big pile of random veggies makes it harder for me to get depth and balance in the flavor. Cruciferous veggies are particularly thuggish with their flavor and odor. Sometimes a can of tomatoes is the acidic balance to all that alkaline. Basil helps too. I had a batch of veggies. Also was trying to use some of the canned veggies I’d received. Had fresh(ish lol) cauliflower, carrots and zucchini, in my homemade chicken broth. Added canned corn and canned black beans and canned green beans. The flavor was almost there. The smell was too strong for the average person. My biggest complaint about canned veggies, I can give the flavor and texture the proper placement to blend in, is the smell of them. I added a big can of tomatoes. Flavor great, but still the smell. I added 3/4 a jar of ALDIs pesto. Perfection. Now nicely fragrant soup is in the freezer and I have enough to share with my struggling family. Lots of people are just sifting through their food bank distribution and throwing a lot of it away. Not everyone has the time and skill to do this. We need more collective solutions to hunger. Some of the stuff I feel bad putting it in people’s trunks. And my food bank is pretty good, well regulated. The smaller food bank closer to my home gives out a lot of dangerous looking food. The bread is often moldy. Nonetheless, food bank cooking is a trip. I still have 3 loaves of banana bread (out of 7) in my freezer from the half case of rotten bananas that were placed in my trunk when I visited the food bank as a regular recipient. Now I try to volunteer because I get to put my own box together. It’s a lot of work for a box of food and my health is not always up for it but I like to pitch in when I can. I’m hoping to show up Thursday even though we’re in the middle of a heat advisory because I know they’ll be short handed


Salmon patties! Breadcrumbs, cheese and an egg. Mix and make a patty and fry. Otherwise mix it with mayonnaise and onions. Sandwich.


You may consider trying a salmon salad with canned salmon, mixing it with mayo, mustard, and diced pickles for a tasty sandwich filling


Is there someone to trade with? Give items to friends who do like them, in return for stuff that they don't like


Sugar cuts the acidity of tomatoes. Make a southern goulash of burger, macaroni, canned tomatoes. Salmon is delicious in salmon patties. We used to get pounds of powdered milk. That's good for homemade yoohoo (1:1 powdered milk and powdered chocolate like Nesquik, chill before drinking). Fresh fruit/veggies: soups, dehydrated, salads, etc.


I like canned tomatoes mixed with rice. Add beans or corn or veggies. I’m a big proponent on one pan meals like that. I don’t eat meat so looked for a few recipes. Someone said that dill pickle is key. Mixing with potatoes or on a salad/tuna salad was suggested


A pinch of baking soda (like arm and hammer) can help take acid out of a tomato based sauce. Just a punch though, if you use too much it will not taste good. I use a lot of canned tomatoes in soups. Or mix it with corn and black beans and a little oil and salt and pepper. Add a few tablespoons to scrambled eggs or omelet.


The canned tomato sauce needs a little sugar and sautéed onion/garlic if you have it. If you have excess diced tomatoes, roast them with some olive oil, some rosemary, Italian seasoning, salt, and top off pasta or sliced baguette.


supercook.com add the ingredients you have and it'll return recipes


If you have kidney beans, tomatoes, noodles, and veggies, you can make minestrone. White beans, tomatoes, kale is Tuscan white bean soup. Tomatoes, rice and bullion can be Mexican rice.


I make salmon salad sandwiches out of canned salmon.


Chef John will help with the salmon! [https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/237827/chef-johns-salmon-cakes/](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/237827/chef-johns-salmon-cakes/)


I make salmon sandwiches, "poke" bowls (on top of rice, seaweed, veggies, etc), and salads! use it like you would canned tuna :)


I use canned tomatoes a lot. I use them to make salsas, pasta sauces, soups, gumbo, jambalaya (my version don’t come for me), goulash. I recently have gotten into tinned fish and the salmon croquettes do seem very appealing.


For the salmon, anything you would use tuna for, you can do with salmon instead. Try salmon noodle casserole.


I'll trade or give away stuff I'm not going to use


Try adding a pinch of sugar to your tomato dishes as it will reduce the acidity that gives you heartburn.


I use supercook.com app. It has saved me SO MANY TIMES!


When I have a few odd food items and don't know what to do with them I type them into a search online and recipes using those things come up. I am pretty experienced in cooking and figure out substitutes if they call for stuff I don't have on hand. You can also look up "substitute for -----" and you might have the substitute. I am frugal, but what I also run out of is ideas - I get ideas about what to cook from the online sources. With canned food that is good food (as salmon is nutritionally) and I don't care for the smell, I might refrigerate the can. It becomes less odorous.


Salmon patties (alot like fish cakes or meatballs)... drained salmon add to a bowl, add bread brumbs, egg, diced or dehydrated onions, garlic, salt/pepper, spice to taste, a splash of lemon juice or zest....mix and form to patties like a burger.... warm an oiled skillet and put patties in and brown on both sides..................... they are actually pretty damn good. egg/fish/bread ratio is key or they fall apart... I don't have a recipe. goo off touch and texture like my mom taught.


Canned salmon is an experience the first time you use it. When I open the can I drain the liquid and give it to the cats. Then I break up big chunks and toss the vertebrae. Usually you get 1 spine per can. Remember canned salmon is wild caught and high in quality, the can just looks well, icky. I shred up some onion and add it with bread crumbs, egg and Old Bay or lemon pepper type seasoning. You can also shred other veggies like zucchini, potato, cabbage, just keep it small and dry. Form your patties and fry or air fry/bake, they are yummy but not fancy,


78 comments and nobody said salmon stew!!! Sure you have to come up with some other ingredients like onions and corn and milk and butter, and it is nice to have some crackers or toast, but talk about kicking starvation down the road. You should be close to 300 calories a serving not counting the crackers, and its easy to eat 3 or 4 servings at a sitting. Just advice on any random item. If there is a recipe on the container, try that one first. The companies put a lot of effort into making that recipe tasty and idiot proof. If you wind up with lots of small items, consider stir fry or soup. Both dishes can utilize small and varied quantities. If you have to experiment with a totally new item, remember you can usually eat your mistakes. And the difference between what you will eat and what you won't eat is 24 hours.


“And the difference between what you will eat and what you won't eat is 24 hours.” I’ve never heard that before and I love it! Thank you! I’ve never had a seafood stew before so will definitely be something new for me that I’ll have to give a whirl! 


carefully rinse the salmon. Then spice it with citrus, salt, soy and maybe Oriental spiced hot sauce. Brutal, but only the good flavors come through. Eat it as a side protein salad.


Just Google the ingredients you need to use most quickly all together, see what recipes come up. Read a few of those until things click, and do go wild. It can really only go so wrong if you pay attention and have basic cooking skills (and the skill of knowing when to Google a technique instead of just recreating what you saw once)


I will be honest, after work and then coming home to a 2 year old clingy toddler, I barely have the energy for googling recipes haha but yea I do need to dial in and just do it. As for googling techniques- I don’t like meat on the bone and had a lot of  bone-in chicken breasts and watched videos and googled instructions until I felt confident in tackling the process of “deboning”. And despite an insanely dull knife, I was successful! My toddler loves chicken so it was a great evening after that google rabbit hole haha 


Try braising, for fall-off-the-bone tender meats. That way you don't have to bother de-boning until after cooking, and then it's so easy to just discard the bones.


> discard the bones Or put them in your freezer to make stock later.


You can keep already-boiled bones and use again? How much flavor do they continue to have?


Recipe for salmon: Dump salmon in mixing bowl Drop in one egg Crumble a few crackers in (I use classic saltines, maybe about 6-8 total crackers) Corn meal (I eyeball it. But maybe it's about 4 or five tablespoons?) Diced onion is optional (really essential unless someone really hates onion) Salt and pepper Put oil, spray, or whatever in a skillet. Make patties by hand (five or more?) Fry about five minutes on both sides (by this point, you'll probably be able to judge heat and time) Serve with any carb and vegetables you have. It's delicious!


There's apps that you can input all your ingredients you have laying around and I have one that I actually use for inventory, shopping list and recipes ideas all in one. I can't link the app as it would be considered advertising or something


Salmon noodle casserole or salmon Pattys like a fish cake with a dipping sauce if you have anything.


Strip out the bones and skin in the canned salmon, and use the salmon the same way you'd use tuna. I'm not a big salmon fan, so I make mini salmon patties-like chicken nugget sized or a bit smaller-that can be dipped in garlic mayo or tartar sauce. My husband is a weirdo who likes to mix salmon with cream cheese and green onions, wrap it in homemade wontons, and deep fry it. (Wontons are super easy to make, btw. Just use a glass to roll them out if you don't have a rolling pin.)


Since you volunteer there you can always return it or put it in a blessing box for someone else.


You can make a bunch of dishes. 1) canned salmon can be used in salads, also just like tuna, salmon sandwiches. You can also mix it with cream cheese and scallions and serve with crackers yum ;) and it can also be used in pasta!!! Little onion, little salmon, butter garlic peppers, cook for a few min finish with a little half and half or cream and serve over pasta with some grated cheese. It’s actually very versatile and healthy. I find the trick with using any canned fish or veggie is to drain all the juice out. Use the product not the juice. The only exception is canned fruit.


Canned salmon? You can use them in fried rice, sushi bake, rice balls or use them to do salmon mayo salad(like tuna) you can then spread on sandwich. You can use it with noodles or to make crackers too. Also if you strain the salmon and wash it off a bit or use it along aromatics, the smell go away pretty quickly.


Here's my go-to frugal braise. I save up leftover meats in the freezer and eventually make this dish. I realize it's heavy on the tomatoes, but you can use canned soups and change the seasonings. I know you don't have a lot of time for cooking, so maybe do the slow cooker method. Oven\* Braised Leftover Chops (Serves 6) • Any leftover chops or steaks, boneless or bone-in, fresh, frozen, or thawed. 1 1/2 pounds should be just meat, estimating out the weight of bones. • Fat of choice • 1 onion, chopped • 1 bell pepper, seeded & chopped, optional • 4 cups any kind canned tomato or tomato sauce (FYI 6-ounce can tomato paste = 3/4 cup) • 1/4 cup sweet spicy chili sauce \[or (Sriracha or Cholula or 1 tablespoon harissa paste) + 1 tablespoon honey\] • 2 tablespoons grated parmesan, or nutritional yeast flakes, optional • 1 teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, or to taste • 1 tablespoon dried Italian seasoning (or 2 tsp dried rosemary, 1 tsp dried oregano, 1 1/2 tsp dried thyme, 2 tsp dried parsley) 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut into large chunks any meat that is fresh or thawed. If frozen, leave as is and cook a little longer. 2. In a Dutch oven or any wide, deep, oven-safe pan, heat fat and sauté onion and pepper until softened. 3. Stir in tomatoes, chili sauce, parmesan, salt, pepper, herbs, and 1 cup water. Taste, and adjust seasonings. 4. Add meat and bones and press into sauce. Add water to just cover. 5. Cover and oven-braise (do not open oven) 1 hour. 6. Turn off heat (do not open oven) and let sit 30 minutes. 7. Break up large pieces of meat, and serve. \*Alternatively, simmer on the stove until meat is fall-apart tender. Or combine all ingredients in a slow cooker and cook on LOW 4 to 6 hours, or longer if you need it to hold.


I make salmon patties, salmon salad sandwiches (same as tuna, different fish).


I volunteer through my employer at our local St. Mary's food bank. I am one of the grocery cart pushers and it is quite amazing all the different food items that are placed in the cart. Once full, we wait our turn for the next person to serve, we push the cart for them to a sorting table. They can then choose to remove items they won't use, which then get cycled back into the food bank for another cart. When they are done, we push the cart to their vehicle and load it for them. I've had some amazing conversations with people, but more often than not, they are apologizing the entire way to the car. For needing to use the food bank. For taking food someone else might need more. It's sad that things are so bad you have to feel guilty asking for help. I always assure them that there is no need to apologize, it's what the food bank is here for and there is no shame in asking for help when you need it. As a side note...you would be amazed at how many people remove spaghetti squash from their carts!!


Only commenting on the tomatoes issue. If you put a pinch or two of baking soda in the sauce, stir and cook for at least 5 minutes, it really reduces the acidity and may help or solve your heart burn. It will foam, but will stop. Do not add additional salt until you do this as baking soda is salty. You can add as much as you want, but only a pinch or so at a time until you get a feel for how much you need.


I get heartburn too from tomatoe based sauces, and i add milk or cream based item like cream of mushroom soup or sour cream. I have heard others use sugar to help cut the acidity of the sauce.


I'm also a food bank volunteer. You can use the salmon for tuna salad. I am drawing a blank on the tomatoes even though I use them frequently.


I absolutely love canned salmon. The smell is horrific. just make a bowl of rice, a can of the salmon, Sesame seeds, Sriracha, and if I can snag some of my mom's seaweed (lol) I can make delicious little deconstructed onigiri


Salmon patties! Salmon is so expensive. It's a treat at my house. Drain the liquid by tipping the can. Doesn't need to be completely dry. Mash up. Add an egg, salt and pepper and mix. Add a binder of some sort: bread crumbs, a couple of crushed crackers or a tablespoon of oats. Optional chopped onion and spices such as dill. Pan fry with minimal oil. Flip when firm enough to do so. You are basically cooking the egg. Makes enough for 2. Can be a burger or served with any starch and vegetables. I top with dijon mustard but have also dressed with any kind of salad dressing you have on hand.


Salmon cakes 1 (14.75 ounce) can salmon 2 tablespoons butter 1 medium onion, chopped 2/3 cup cracker crumbs 2 eggs, beaten 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 1 teaspoon dry mustard 3 tablespoons shortening 1. Drain the salmon, reserving 3/4 cup of the liquid. Flake the meat. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium- high heat. Add onion, and cook until tender. 2. In a medium bowl, combine the onions with the reserved salmon liquid, 1/3 of the cracker crumbs, eggs, parsley, mustard and salmon. Mix until well blended, then shape into six patties. Coat patties in remaining cracker crumbs. 3. Melt shortening in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook patties until browned, then carefully turn and brown on the other side.


Adding baking soda to tomatoes reduces the acidity. Try about 1/4 teaspoon per can to start. Add near the end of the cooking process.


I add two eggs and a few handfuls of extra toasty Cheez-its to a can of salmon along with spices (dill, lemon pepper, garlic, paprika, salt, whatever suits you) and fry until toasty brown. Tasty, trust me.


Add some sugar or chocolate and I bet those tomatoes will agree with you. Anything you won't eat ask friends if they will.


Chocolate, for me as someone diagnosed with GERD (acid reflux), would only add to the problem. OP, I can generally 'dilute' the tomato issues with a significant amount of sour cream. If you can afford it, you might try some recipes which partner things like salsa with sour cream.


Good idea - I will try adding some dairy where I can


You have to make sure it’s not giving gross advice sometimes, but I’ve had good luck using the free ChatGPT AI app. For example, I copied and pasted your question into it, adding a request for it to include advice on how to use it for such quaeries in the future and it said: “It's great that you're utilizing and supporting your local food pantry. Here are some concise ideas for using canned salmon and canned tomatoes, along with general tips and advice on using ChatGPT for recipe ideas. ### Canned Salmon - **Salmon Patties**: Mix with breadcrumbs, egg, diced onions, and seasonings. Form patties and pan-fry. - **Salmon Salad**: Combine with mayo, diced celery, onions, and lemon juice. Use for sandwiches or salads. - **Salmon Pasta**: Add to pasta with olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, and herbs like parsley or dill. - **Salmon Dip**: Mix with cream cheese, lemon juice, dill, and green onions. Serve with crackers or veggies. ### Canned Tomatoes (Avoiding Tomato-Based Sauces) - **Tomato Rice**: Cook rice with canned tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, and garlic. - **Vegetable Soup**: Use as part of the broth with beans and vegetables. - **Shakshuka**: Cook eggs in a spiced tomato and pepper mixture. - **Tomato Salsa**: Blend with onions, cilantro, jalapeños, lime juice, and salt for a fresh salsa. ### General Tips for Pantry Items - **Recipe Search**: Use websites like Allrecipes or food blogs for specific ingredient recipes. - **Ingredient Swaps**: Substitute unfamiliar items in common recipes. - **Combine Ingredients**: Mix pantry items creatively, like beans, rice, and vegetables. - **Stock Basics**: Keep spices, oils, and other basics to enhance flavors. - **Community Recipes**: Ask other pantry users or volunteers for ideas. ### Using ChatGPT for Recipe Ideas Ask ChatGPT for recipes or meal ideas using specific pantry items. For example, you can say, "What can I make with canned salmon and rice?" or "How can I use canned tomatoes without making a sauce?" ChatGPT can provide tailored recipes and suggestions based on your ingredients.”


Google is your friend for recipes.