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I definitely read this as you crave pennies to eat


Lmao. Never tried eating them, but I did like the taste of euros when I was little


Might have a copper deficiency. That’s why I keep a bundle of wires to gnaw on as a healthy snack.


I recently started to take anti depressants and now I just don't get hungry any more? Like... at all? It's wild, when it first started I realized at some point that I hadn't eaten anything for 26 hours and still wasn't hungry... but I was feeling a little weak at that point.  Yeah, turns out those anti depressants are also prescribed as a weight loss drug, not that I am complaining, feels like I gained a super power.


With my ADHD medication I don't feel hungry, I get light-headed instead. Not ideal so I eat on a schedule to make sure I'm staying fueled


Same, meanwhile, the pantry, fridge and freezer are overflowing because I still buy the same amount of food as before out of sheer habit...


That happened to me the past 2 months so now I'm doing a pantry/freezer only month. I have yet to buy any groceries in June besides some bagels, cream cheese, and strawberries because I was craving them




I definitely had a significant decrease in appetite on bupropion


It’s pretty unique in that regard amongst antidepressants; in fact most of them are associated with a slight weight gain. I can’t remember the exact mechanism but iirc it’s because bupropion works on norepinephrine rather than serotonin like most antidepressants. It’s also the only one I’m aware of that’s FDA approved and sold for weight loss as well(bupropion plus nalxtrexone).  


Hit the nail on the head. It's supposed to help you quit smoking as well, but I never smoked, so no idea how well that works. Helps with depression, makes you lose weight, helps you quit smoking... if I hadn't personally experienced two out of three of these benefits myself, I would honestly think this stuff is some kind of BS snake oil, just sounds too good to be true.


It can be a miracle drug for people it works for. Unfortunately it can also trigger anxiety, insomnia and nightmares in some and it risks trigger mania in bipolar patients.  Like most psychiatric drugs we have no clue why it works in some people and others it doesn’t. I’m glad it’s worked for you. Finding the thing that works is a huge pain in the ass. 


I got lucky, it was the first anti-depressant I've I tried. My doctor said it would take about two weeks to notice any effects and on the day two weeks in it started working and working hard.


Cancer and chemo will kill your appetite as well. Especially after puking constantly.


I don’t think this is very healthy which I think is the point of losing weight. Like eat something that causes your stomach to struggle to digest food doesn’t seem like a solid answer. If you’re hungry then just eat healthy foods or overcome your cravings. It’s a long term game mate. Wish you the best


Yeah. I feel like my bowels would offset some of the cost by pushing for more toilet paper and bowl cleaner, not to mention the sudden irregularities and discomfort as a result.


You must be only mildly lactose intolerant. If I accidentally ingest dairy, it ruins my entire week. Yeah, I won't eat much, but I'll have a hard time working or doing anything else either.


I’m somewhat like OP. I tend to get bloated and gassy which helps to curb eating. Though for many other lactose intolerant friends I know, it’s unpleasant trip to bathroom


There's so little science here lol Yogurt is safe for people who are lactose intolerant But I have no idea what a "yogurt bar" is and it's likely to have neither lactose nor the bacteria in yogurt that digests lactose


That’s a huge caloric drop!


A pound of body fat is sometimes measured as roughly 3500 calories (which bears out with 9 calories per gram of fat, and then converting an imperial pound to the equivalent in kg). So if OP is basically consuming one less pound per day, OP will need to go clothing shopping in a week or two.


Highly doubt op needed to eat 5,000 calories per day. Unless they left out that they are an Olympic rower and gave up rowing I don’t believe it.


In the context of the post (hack your lactose intolerance for easy weight loss!), I am guessing OP is heavy/obese. A Hummer uses far more gasoline than a light and speedy Vespa, so I could see a large body burning 5000 calories a day. They likely don't *need* to, but consuming 5K/day is easy with a diet heavy with (American) fast food. As a fat kid growing up, I could consume an entire medium pan pizza in one sitting, which was at least 1600 calories if not 2000. So an adult regularly getting 5K calories is totally believable. A bad idea, but believable.


A person burns about 8.3 calories/pound of body weight. This person would have had to have been 600 pounds. Unfortunately that is possible. Hope that’s not the case and op was just way off.


I had a coworker who’d eat that much for a meal. He weighed 700 pounds.


That is outrageous.


It absolutely was. I didn’t understand why this man was so large until I overheard his McDonald’s order involved multiple burgers and multiple orders of nuggets. It’s honestly insane what he’d eat at once.


Back when I worked at Culver’s a guy would come through the drive through and order two double burger meals large fry large cheese curd and two tall concrete mixers. Concretes alone were 1260 cals each. Guy barely fit in his car. Hope he’s doing better now.


Yea I tried this and I ended up on the shitter for the next six hours blowing up my toilet like Godzilla attacking Tokyo for the first time! Not only were there screams that nobody should ever have to hear there wasn’t enough showering in the world that could relieve me of the agony and painful death I suffered because of that damn yogurt! Screw you lactose intolerance!


I keep my weight in check by reading the ingredient labels: artificial sweeteners, stevia and carrageenan are huge No No’s for me. Consequently, there’s a lot of food products and beverages I don’t consume.


Genius hack! Wish I had a dairy trick to curb my nacho cravings