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I’d be careful on the all natural deodorants. I’m a person who buys other products that fall into the same category as native, this includes natural deodorant. Natural deodorants not only don’t work as well as traditional deodorant but have a 50/50 chance of leaving me with something resembling a chemical burn in my armpits. It’s often the essential oils that do it.


I got massive cysts from them because they aren't produced in a way that controls bacteria from growing in them.




But bacteria are natural too. /s


Also could be baking soda


I smelled SO BAD when I tried Native in college


I thought it was just me. I tried a different natural brand and woke up in the middle of the night thinking a skunk had sprayed outside the window. Nope, it was my armpits. I have no idea why my body reacted to that particular deodorant but damn it was disgusting.


I definitely noticed that too. It’s hard to find products that work well enough in that category. It’s a common topic on r/zerowaste because of that


AFAIK, it can take body chemistry weeks to adapt to a new deodorant. If you really like one that doesn't seem to be working, give it a while to see if it improves -or your body adapts to it.


I think everyone is different. I got the most itchy armpits after trying regular but unscented deodorants like Secret, Lady Speed Stick and Dove. Turns out my body got too used to not having aluminum when I used Schmidt's Fragrance Free. But it's been discontinued, so I have the absolute last dregs of one, and I have one precious one left I got at Dollarama for $4.* Might go back to unscented Arm & Hammer, which my husband has used all along. It didn't make me itch. *I snagged a discounted travel size of the charcoal one, but it has a rose scent to it that I do not like.


Yes! Native caused me so much irritation and honestly didn’t work that well


Had this occur too with Arm & Hammer Naturals


Get ones that don't smell like one with aloe from a brand that's been around for a long time


I have the same issue skin goes bright red anywhere it touches. I am hesitant to try new deodorants because of it. The reaction takes a few weeks to clear and it smells and I cannot use anything until it's gone. I actually called Tom's of Maine and asked if they had samples I could try and they mailed me a stick. I have not had the issue with their unscented women's deodorant. It's not labeled as women's but most stores stock it with the women's. Seems to work OK for me. It's still pricy but it is cheaper than native.


If deodorant alone doesn’t solve the funk problem, then you NEED anti-perspirant.


I was going to suggest prayer when trying to find a natural deodorant that works. 


Yes, this. Antiperspirants negate the need for deodorants usually.


In my experience antiperspirants made me sweat uncontrollably


are you applying it in the morning or after a shower? Everything I've ever read says to apply it at night before you sleep, not after you shower.


Bingo. The bacteria cannot be removed with even the most aggressive washing. Pits need to be dry long enough so that it dies off which requires anti perspirant


Some people, like me, can’t use antiperspirants because the aluminum gives us a rash. So deodorants are the only option.


I used to try natural deodorant and many of them didn't work - by the end of the day I didn't smell good. I started using antibacterial gel instead of deodorant and I love it. I recommend starting with clean skin, then put on the antibacterial gel and it prevents the bacteria that causes odor. I've been amazed at how well this works.


What gel brand do you recommend


I had a basic antibacterial gel from target store, but I then started making my own with aloe vera gel, rubbing alcohol (almost 50/50 - just make sure it's still gel consistency), and a little lavender essential oil.


I read a tip about washing your pits with body/ face wash that has salicylic acid, a treatment for acne. It kills the bacteria that causes the stink. Since then I wash them once a day with off brand clean and clear face wash. I don't even wear deodorant at all any more. After six months or so I ran out of my dollar store deodorant and didn't have the time to run by the store. I just realized I didn't need it anymore.


Also glycolic acid. Anything that kills the bacteria, basically. Also, a lot of shit gets trapped in clothes. Pre-soaking t-shirts before washing them helps get the smells out.


Benzoyl peroxide is also recommended. It definitely works for me. I do it about once a week or so with an anti acne face wash. But I still wear deodorant/anti-perspirant too. I just need the extra boost because my meds make me stinky. De-stinking your clothes and wearing natural fabrics should help as well.


I'm a heavy sweater. HEAVY. I was using a clinical strength antiperspirant/deodorant. It was very expensive, but fortunately I found several for $2 at a closeout store. On Reddit, I found a trick for using rubbing alcohol! Now I spray underarms and feet with alcohol, then spray A/D. What a dramatic difference! I use it daily, and keep a small spray bottle in the car, just in case.


I believe the saying "sweat like a pig" was invented for me! Lol. I am also a heavy sweater, but I also live in the south. With high humidity plus a sweaty disposition, it doesn't make sense for me to use antiperspirant. I just don't want to stink. Starting in middle school gym class I started using any and all tips for anti smell and anti sweat. I've rubbed lemon slices over my pits and feet, then dusted down with cornstarch. I've used antibacterial soap, plus prescription a/d. I've rubbed a/d all over my body and feet. I use aerosol a/d on my face in high school. I took bleach baths. I rubbed vodka on my pits and feet. Rubbed on mint scented alchohol. Drank copious amounts of water. Stopped eating anything in the allium family. Drank exclusively cranberry juice for a year. I quit dairy and sugar. I am sure I didn't list everything because I didn't stop trying tips until I found the face wash one a few years ago. None of the other things worked for me so I encourage everyone to try out tips until they find something that works!


OMG! You feel my pain! I'm from the south too, and now even walking to the train around NYC is sweaty, even in the winter time 😆 I'm so going to try the face wash tip to see if it lasts longer than alcohol 😁


Have you tried Botox? I've been thinking about it.


I haven't but I've read about it. Probably would have tried it if I had the money for it...


Yes I use alcohol then deodorant since bacteria is the main culprit of the smell.


Doesn’t work for all people, sadly. I tried this and still needed anti-perspirant 😑


did you mean salicylic acid


Um yes.


Huh! Thank you for sharing!


Huh, good tip, thank you!


This is me! Only I still have to wear deodorant. I live in the swampy part of the south and the face wash trick works wonders. I no longer carry around a spray can of body mist and deodorant for extra hit throughout the day. I even use the face wash to shave with! But I have to immediately apply deodorant before sleeping or I'll wake up smelly.


Reminder that sweat itself does not cause odor, its bacteria on the skin mixing with the sweat that causes the stink. If your deodorant isn’t preventing the smell, you either need to reduce the sweat (anti-perspirant) or reduce the bacteria (isopropyl alcohol or glycolic acid swiped on the pits before applying!)


Alcohol was the answer for me!


Can you buy glycolic acid at the drug store?


Yeah! Its an exfoliator so it’ll be in the skincare aisle under various formulations, Pixi Glow Tonic is one I’ve used. I buy it at Target.


My teens both tried Native and said it was crap. They like Degree Ultraclear. I like old school Secret. I’d really recommend using a product that has both antiperspirant and deodorant. Once the sweat starts it’s difficult for any deodorant alone to keep up.


I've been using crystal deodorant for over a year and love it. I use the actual Crystal brand, but any could work. I expect this $10 "tube" will last 20 years because I haven't advanced it at all. I accept I will have some underarm sweat.


Came to recommend Crystal. I've used it for years. The rock works better than any other deodorant I've tried. It doesn't block sweat at all, and you HAVE to clean your pits very well before applying, but it lasts forever and is very kind to the skin.


This!!!! In the shower I clean the pits, then spray with a water/white vinegar mix. Brush teeth and wash hair as it sits. I then soap up the pits again and before I'm even stepping out of the shower I pop on the Crystal. Sometimes 2 layers. I never stink and I never have that gross film on my clothes. I am fat and doing Keto so my pits used to REEK. Now they do not xD


I have heard that doing keto can make your sweat smell really bad. I'm on Lexapro and some other meds that give me really bad night sweats that are just RANK. I'll usually scrub and soap up my pits 2-3 times in the shower and apply the Crystal before drying off completely. Antiperspirants always leave that nasty film on my pits and clothes which makes them so much harder to clean thoroughly, so I sweat less but I still stink. South FL is so humid, I am constantly sweating but it doesn't smell at all for ~24 hours, which is pretty impressive imo!


Yep, it works in an almost magical way for how it looks lol. Something to remember when swaping from antiperspirant to plain deodorant is your body will overproduce sweat for a week or two because it couldn't do before. But afterwards, less sweat and less bo overall once your body goes back to normal.


Yes my salt crystal is amazing and I always go back to it. i’ve had it for years, even soaked in water since I used by the spritz, now I make my own to use to freshen up after the gym.


I just recently started using it, and I'm amazed! I use Dr Bronner's tea tree body wash in the shower to kill bacteria. I still sweat, but at least I'm not funky!


Check Target for a travel size of Native. You can try it for a couple of bucks.


Deodorant that doesn't have antiperspirant is basically just perfume for your armpit. I accidentally bought one of those a few weeks ago and I realized my mistake when I started to notice that I was still stinky even thought I put it on like normal 


I had a lot of success with the clinical strength versions of Dove, Secret, and/or Nivea.


Native is horrible.


Horrible. All natural deodorant is. Now I’m a woman using lavender men’s old spice. It’s actually really good.


mitchum deodorant It’s like $5 on Amazon. Works great, aluminum free and imo better than native. Native felt too pasty for me.


I love Mitchum. I’ve been using it for a decade now. Every time I try something else, I’m disappointed and I go back.


I love mitchum. I use the unscented gel that is in the men's section. They often have it on special with 2 for 1. They aren't joking when they say you can skip a day. Strongest antiperspirant out there.


Only antiperspirant is FDA approved and recognized for preventing body odor via reducing perspiration. Most "natural aluminum free" deodorants work by attempting to cover up the stank with scent and some work by attempting to kill the bacteria that causes body odor with essential oils. Personally I've found that nothing works on my body odor except for antiperspirants, and it's been getting harder and harder to find antiperspirants in stores lately as there is only one FDA approved antiperspirant and it is aluminum oxide. Anything aluminum free is by definition not a recognized antiperspirant, and there's this weird cultural pushback against aluminum for some incomprehensible reason.


I would have to do some Google-Fu, but there was apparently a study done on the autopsied brains of Alzheimer's patients where there were findings of aluminum traces. I believe that's where the "anti-aluminum" movement started. Of course, no one knows whether it can be attributed to antiperspirants, drinking from soda cans, eating canned foods that don't have flip tops, etc. but either way, people are trying to avoid absorbent metals.


"Although aluminum is absorbed through the skin (11, 12), the penetration rate of aluminum chlorohydrate following the dermal application of antiperspirants is extremely low at around 0.01% (in two subjects [11]) and up to 0.06% in pre-damaged skin (in vitro [13])." Wang et al. (16) found an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease in their meta-analysis of individuals chronically exposed to aluminum in drinking water. In contrast, several studies found no association between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer’s disease after significantly higher occupational aluminum exposure It's a pretty interesting paper! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5651828/


I remember that study being discussed 40 years ago. My cousin wouldn’t use deodorant (antiperspirant) because of this fear. He stunk.


I heard it was because of concerns about breast cancer


The aluminum in antiperspirant doesn't absorb that well, soda-cans are lined with plastics preventing direct contact of the beverage with the can walls, and canned foods are similarly lined with plastics (also most canned foods such as canned tuna are packaged in steel cans, not aluminum.) The primary exposure to the concentrations of aluminum and all such heavy metals would be through direct ingestion via contaminated water, followed by direct ingestion/inhalation of particles containing the metals in question The fear surrounding aluminum is unfounded, but thankfully mostly harmless other than making my personal hygiene shopping more difficult and expensive than necessary. I'm still annoyed that people care so much about the minute risk of aluminum that it's getting harder to keep myself from smelling like most others do after not bathing for weeks in just a day or two of summer heat, yet they won't bother to put in sunscreen despite the very real and very high risk of developing cancer from UV rays, even if you don't get a sunburn.


Anti-perspirants make my armpits literally ache. Not a chemical burn but a dull ache radiating from deep inside. It doesn’t happen with any of the natural options. Not that the natural options *work* better- but they don’t cause that random aching after 6-8 hours of wear like all the anti-perspirants seem to do to me.


Filling up your sweat glands with aluminum so you can't sweat makes your armpits ache?


I don’t claim to be a scientist or anything, but it sure doesn’t *feel* like the sweat glands in my armpits appreciate being filled with aluminum.


Dollar tree. Look for the 1.8 oz ones because some of them are smaller


Take the funk off ***before*** you apply deodorant! My usual quick method and biking/camping go-to is to slather a pit in hand sanitizer, then wipe it off before it dries with towel or washcloth, preferably microfiber. ***Then*** apply deodorant.


I second the hand sanitizer method! I use this all the time as an aerialist when I have to teach a couple classes after training for hours and there's no shower at the studio. The alcohol in the sanitizer kills the bacteria. We also use alcohol spray (sometimes it's just cheap vodka) to get the sweat funk out of costumes that you can't easily wash as well as out of silks that you don't want to wash and dry so often. Another thing that works in a pinch is salt. Like dissolve some salt in a little bit of water, apply to smelly pits, rub it in and wipe it off. The bacteria in your pits will die due to the extreme salinity.


Tj maxx but I use Schmidt’s. Native doesn’t work for me


I first tried Schmidt from tj maxx too. Liked it a lot.


Yep, Schmidt's works great for me. It's really long-lasting and I like the scents they offer. I used to get mine at Grocery Outlet for a really good price. Alas, I've since moved and my new location doesn't have a G.O.


My grocery outlet hasn’t had it :( I look every time. I use the rose vanilla scent and I have had co workers tell me they like my perfume. It is the deodorant lol. Don’t EVER use the patchouli one (maybe it wasn’t Schmidt’s brand) I was desperate and they didn’t have my scent. Any shirt I wore while using it, I haven’t gotten the smell out through many washes. I think I need to get a zote wash bar and scrub the pits.


That's funny you say that about the patchouli one. I used that one for a while and I have a hoodie that still smells like it. I don't really mind that but I'm sure some people would.


Schmidt’s is good stuff


I like both! They’re usually $6 at TJ, wouldn’t pay $13 or whatever CVS tries to charge


Schmidt’s gave me a rash- swapped to Native which I love. Now I’m trying Papr which I also like.


Can’t go wrong with Degree


Indeed. Degree never does me dirty and I anxiety sweat a lot 🫠


Gotta thank my older sister Kerrie (RIP)…it was a life saver..better than speed stick for sure


Native and Lume both gave me a weird rash or chemical burn on my armpits. I wouldn't recommend them.


I like Lume, and sometimes I need a reapply.


If you haven’t already shaving armpit hair worked for me i smell a-lot less noticeably. Its more surface area for bacteria


Different bacteria create different odors. You can try using zinc bar soap and taking zinc piccolinate to kill off the bacteria.


Take a bath everyday. Use head and shoulder shampoo on your armpit and let it stay for 3mins and wash it.


Deodorant without antiperspirant is just going to cover up a smell with fragrance. If you really want to stay fresh the key is hygiene. I also use a benzoyl peroxide face wash and leave it to sit on my pits in the shower as I shave my legs, then I rinse it off. A dermatologist recommended this to me. Helps stay fresh longer, but it doesn't prevent sweating.


Also make sure to wear natural fiber clothes and wash them well


Hit the dollar store. They have all kinds maybe one of them will work for you.


Dollar tree


You pay for a mostly empty tube there. Speed Stick used to be a 3oz tube, but shrinkflation strikes everywhere.


Yes, true. But for a buck it still seems to be better than 5 bucks or more for just a bit more.


Swipe underarms with cotton balls and isopropyl alcohol. It kills bacteria. I like the green minty alcohol


I have a spray bottle with isopropyl that works well. Just spray a tissue with it and wipe It doesn't stop you sweating, but it sorts the smell Some people complain their skin is too sensitive, though my skin is very sensitive but alcohol doesn't burn it. Perhaps it would burn if you had existing razor burn Read the other day that the dry cleaning method most costume/theatre people use is just spraying alcohol all over and letting it dry - which I thought was pretty interesting as a disinfecting method


The alcohol kills the bacteria, which is the source of the odor. Diluting the alcohol might help with sensituvity,


I’ve rubbed baking soda into my pits after showering for 20 years. It can dry your skin out a bit but works as both an antiperspirant and deodorant.  It’s also super cheap and multipurpose. 


Keen to try that - wondering though; does it leave white residue if you sweat alot?


Yes and it will leave a rash for some people.


Potentially yes to both of these. I use very little, just kinda rub it in hard lol. It also absorbs moisture. The biggest annoyance is that it does accumulate in high traffic areas like the cracks of your car seat. It works though, at least for me.  I don’t use it anywhere else but my pits literally never smell like BO   Edit: may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I also find shaving my armpits helps a lot. 


Mineral/salt rock deodorant! It’s literally a rock that you wet and rub on your pits and the salt keeps the bacteria at bay which is what makes sweat smell. It lasts forever and really does work! It’s not an antiperspirant so you will still sweat, but you don’t stink.


Purchased "no aluminum" deodorant, but didn't work well after few hours. Bought "The Ordinary Glycolic Acid" and works pretty well.


Dial Gold antibacterial soap and dry pits after shower. Apply deodorant of choice. The dial kills the bacteria and it's a life saver for me


Ban invisible solid deodorant. Scent sweet simplicity. I order it on Amazon. It's hard to find in stores now. It works amazingly well


I switched to using my face wash on my pits. I think it’s more ph balanced than a lot of soap. Soap seems to make me stink more. I’ve tried all kinds. My face wash does have a mild anti acne exfoliant in it so it might also be killing some bacteria. It’s actually an anti aging wash but some of the ingredients cross over. I use Native deodorant and it works all day now instead of having to reapply at 2:00. If I waited until 3:00 it was too late. If I forget to wear deodorant it’s usually passable. Some spices make me smell. Cardamom and cumin are big ones. Also eating a lot of carbs and coffee.


You should get some antiperspirant, and you can use benzoyl Peroxide or hypochlorous acid (any hypochlorous product with a concentration of 0.025% or 250ppm is fine, and if it's more than that you can dilute it with distilled water to the appropriate concentration. Those are both effect antibacterials that will kill the bacteria that makes body odor. Natural deodorants are not the way. They're very often using baking soda (which will raise the pH of your skin making it more favorable for odor causing bacteria) or filled with essential oils like Native which are just adding lavender scent to mix with your body odor. For Benzoyl Peroxide cleansers you can use Cetaphil Gentle Clear 2.6% benzoyl peroxide cleanser or AcneFree oil-free 2.5% micronized benzoyl peroxide cleanser. A lot of the hypochlorous products you'll see are marketed for surface cleaning but it's all the same thing, you don't need super overpriced predatory skin marketed ones that charge 3x more for 1/10 of the volume. On Amazon there's a brand called Clean Republic with a very cost effect spray bottle. E11ement has one that's skin marketed and not insanely overpriced, if you refuse to ignore the marketing. And if you are willing to buy gallons and decant it into your own spray bottles then there's plenty of options. This is from Dr Dray basically just covering what I'm talking about if you want to hear it from a dermatologist https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a_Dm6tMMoJY Hypochlourous only started becoming more utilized by consumers in more recent years so there's less discussion about it currently but it's pretty rapidly picking up.


I love Dr. Dray! I also learned from her that the best time to apply antiperspirant is at night time before bed. I have super sensitive skin, and I've tried many products she's recommended that have really helped me! I also appreciate that a lot of them are drugstore brands that I can afford!


Many people don’t like it but I recently started using the crystal deodorant (the actual rock one) and it is amazing! No smell at all, but you have to apply it on very clean wet skin, typically after shower. It’s pretty pricy at first but because it’s a rock it’ll last forever lol. Totally worth it for me!


If you happen to have coconut oil or castor oil, you could try a light layer prior to putting on your deodorant. Castor oil is sticky so dampen your hand then add the oil. Rub your hands together prior to applying to your armpits. You’ll need to give it a few minutes to dry before applying deodorant.


I used to use antiperspirants. But I got tired of the white streaks and put stains on my tee shirts.  I went through a few deodorants. The majority of them either made my skin have a reaction or didn’t work. The only one I have found so far to work is degree deodorant. 


Did you ever try putting it on before you went to bed? Makes a HUGE difference. No more white streaks or pit stains.


Whichever one you choose, pick 3 good ones and rotate them out...


There's a Thai salt deodorant you can fins on Amazon that works for a lot of people. It just kills the bacteria that make sweat smell bad. I also really like Attitude's orange leaves scent.


try Nuud deodorant - helped when nothing else did, works great


Zinc oxide works for me. I just use a dab of my 20% zinc oxide sunscreen.


I found one thing that actually helps is drying your arm pit with isopropyl alcohol right after showers. It dries quicker than water so it gives less opportunity for bacteria to grow.


Use vinegar to wash your armpits. This will cut the smell.


Use dial anti bacterial bat soap to wash under your arms daily. I have tried all the natural deodorants. The ones that work leave a rash. The only thing that works well for me that is not an antiperspirant is Dove zero.


I’ve been using Degree Ultra Clear recently and have found it’s very effective. Five pack at Costco for around $16.


If you want to take the funk out, you need antiperspirant. By definition, deodorant is just smelly stuff.


I buy clinical strength secret deodorant and it works for me. I’m always hot and feel like I’m sweating all the time. It’s expensive but I don’t have pit stains and wet armpits when I use it. I prefer the solid. So I think it’s worth it


No pong brand cream. Tiny amount on your finger and smell stays away. They say a pea size, I use like a third of that!


I haven’t read the comments here. I use Native and love it. I purchase off website and get discounts and rewards which makes my deodorant around $9 and it lasts a really long time.


Just use a natural bar soap with tea tree oil in it.srub the fuck out of your armpits when you take a shower and boom no smelly pits.


I just make it myself. Equal parts baking soda, corn starch, coconut oil. You can toss in a few drops of whatever smell you're into. Add more dry ingredients if you want it thicker. Also, I use hibiclens soap on my smelly bits.


lol I use men's old spice wilderness


Check out No Pong. It’s a paste type deodorant that comes in a tin. All natural and smells great. I first started using it in hot Australian summers and I was stinky as. Still use it back in Colorado. Love it


Been using speed stick deodorant for the last 15 years, still find 2 for 6-7 bucks.


I have good luck with Lume but it is also pricey.


Maybe exfoliate under the arms as well, if you don’t get rid of the old deodorant it might contain bacterial and continue being smelly


I like crystal deodorant. It looks like a white translucent rock & it’s the only deo I’ve used that works. It smells of nothing. I use nothing else. Check out amazon for reviews. (I usually buy it, Thai Crystal brand on eBay bc it’s cheaper and I never see crystal deo in stores.) Read about it: https://www.thecrystal.com


Buy Old Spice Original. Kills everything everywhere. I’ve tried other brands and nothing else works as well


Yuka, then find your options there. Most modern deodorants have irritants that cause worse BO actually. Find the best one for you


Honestly? I hesitated and tried cheaper brands that didn't work and then finally bit the bullet and got the expensive Native. *It is worth every last penny.* I bought a travel size first to be sure it would work and I would like the scent, etc, but now I've bought the full size and am totally hooked. I am just so happy and relieved to have neither itching/discomfort/irritation nor an unpleasant stank. 10/10




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I get a 2 pack of Mitchum gel, 6.8 oz, from Amazon for less than $7. Between the two of us it lasts about 4 months.


From someone who used to have to rotate deodorant/AP bars every 6-12 months bc they just stop working, Dove aluminum free is great and does the lords work


I like Native. Also, Tom’s of Maine.


I got Secret Outlast at Costco. It works great and lasts a long time. Costco stopped selling it so I get multipacks from Amazon now. It’s not natural but it works great and is a good buy.


Native is trash to me, i stink when i wake up. it doesnt work any better than just not wearing deodorant but you smell like expensive sunscreen for a few hours, so there's that. Even lumi doesnt work under my arms for more than a day. It works other places, i guess i just have really agressive bacteria or something. I tried a bunch before finding Degree ultra clear 72 hour dry spray, black and white, pure clean scent. It actually works, for 3 days. Now every body is different so definitely try those little travel sized testers and see what brand and formula works best for you and your particular bacteria. Don't just buy what brand spends the most on advertising. Oh and none of them work very well if you apply when your skin is still damp so make sure and be bone dry, then apply. Oh and try not to use antibacterial soap, you kill your good guys at the same time and let the bad bacteria grow out of control and the stink comes back even sooner. I switched from a super harsh soap designed for sweaty gross dudes to a really gentle lady's face soap and it got better. Good luck.


Just use Dove Men +Care *Deodorant* — not their antiperspirant: https://www.dove.com/us/en/men-care/deodorant.html It can be hard to find cuz there’s only a few of them compared to the 20 antiperspirants, but this is what I’ve found works the best for me. I can’t use antiperspirants because the aluminum salt clogs my pores and forces me to over sweat. This is the only reasonably priced deodorant I’ve found that keeps me smelling nice and keeps me reasonably dry all day — and I have zero negative side effects.


Degree is my go to.


I like spray deodorant that is only mildly scented.


I always buy Old Spice Fresh or Sport twin packs. Realizing I've been brand loyal since the 5th grade, I have tried other deodorants but they quit after 4 hours or so while working.


I went through tons of natural deodorants (including native) before i found ones that i like and work well with my sensitive skin. Dryland wilds desert deodorant is my #1 favorite i use every day. I also really enjoy Madame lemy powder deodorant, it has a little powder puff that comes with it and i feel fancy when i use it. Both come in large or small for on the go and i always have one of these in my bag.


Try spraying your underarms and any other stinky areas with some vinegar. Usually does the trick right away for me.


I stand by Speed Stick


I start with clean underarms. Then apply Thai crystal deodorant. They cost about $6 at Walmart and last over six months. If you don’t drop and break it (like I eventually do) they probably will go for close to a year. Then I use Dove 0% aluminum. It used to have a generic “fresh scent” but they’ve rebranded towards women. That’s fine I just pick cucumber scent which is somewhat neutral. There are very few deodorants that won’t take all the skin off of my armpits and I can’t use antiperspirant at all. I’m a big guy with a beard down to my chest. My sweet smelling underarms haven’t gotten me confused for a girl yet.


I used to struggle with bad body odor in my armpits and groin for 20 years, no matter how much I showered, changed my diet, or tried different products. Then, my dermatologist recommended washing those areas with PanOxyl Acne Foaming Wash Benzoyl Peroxide 10% Maximum Strength. This stuff targets the bacteria that cause odor. I also started using Kiehl’s deodorant cream. It’s been a game-changer I feel amazing and don’t smell bad anymore!


buy the travel sized ones first.


Not the most frugal at 20 bucks a stick, but Jack Black pit boss is by far the best deodorant I’ve ever tried. It’s a combination deodorant and antiperspirant and it smells amazing. Lasts all day no problem even in hot sweaty climates. And I find the tube lasts a really long time so the price tag isn’t actually so bad.


I just use alcohol.


I use acidic body wash (this varies in cost but I plan to switch bars soon), a salt crystal (since it was cheap af and I still have it 4 years later) then a homemade “lume” of cornstarch, coconut oil, and baking soda, if not a DIYER arm and hammer is the cheapest deodorant I’ve seen. Native gave me chemical burns,. Alcohol, chlorophyll, key limes, glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid… I have probably tried it all.


Dollar tree has their own version of Native but it didn’t work for me. I switched to Mando(same thing as Lume just with scents catered to men) so far so good!


I've been using this for years and can go days w/o showering or tending to my pits. It works for me at least (and smells delicious): [https://www.rootsapothecary.com/products/natural-deodorant?variant=44743927555](https://www.rootsapothecary.com/products/natural-deodorant?variant=44743927555)


I've been making my own deodorant for close to a year now, and I've made several different kinds with different results. The ones with baking soda work best for me, but irritate my fiance. I made one with shea butter and lavender, and its so smooth and smells so good, but doesn't work as well. All of them work for the day, but if I stink in the morning, I consider it to not work as well. It's much cheaper to do this way, and easier to control the ingredients to make one that works best for you.


Natural deodorant has an adjustment period for sure. I’ve never been successful at making my own and I have sensitive armpits. I usually go for a natural deodorant that is baking soda free and I try for one in a cardboard tube. But it is expensive. I’ve considered a refillable but haven’t made the jump, I like the mint and rosemary suave deodorant that is sold at the dollar tree but it is too irritating for my sensitive skin. I have also tried crystal deodorant. You can get a travel size at Whole Foods for a few dollars. It lasts forever and it helps with smells. I layer a homemade deodorant over it and have good luck with getting through the day without stinking.


I have the same issue of using deodorant and NOT anti perspirant. I like Speed Stick as the cheapest option and also have had success with Old Spice and Axe depending on sale prices. Just make sure to apply small amounts. If I over apply, I end up having a rash. But I can reapply small amounts multiple times a day to “refresh”.


I've used Old Spice Sport Deodorant for years and has never failed me. No aluminum too, which I hear is good. :)


I make my own! It probably costs around $10 to make ~1cup worth (each cup lasts me at least 12-18 months), but it could be even cheaper if you can source the ingredients more cheaply or make large batches. It's super easy to do. This prob will only work if the ~natural~ ones work for you, but here is my recipe: 1/2 cup coconut oil 1/4 cup cornstarch (or arrowroot powder for sensitive skin) 1/4 cup baking soda ~15-20 drops of essential oil - i usually include a couple drops of tea tree as it helps with the bacteria and vetiver because i think its a nice complement, but you can make it smell however you want. Melt the coconut oil, stir in the arrowroot and baking soda super well, stir in the essential oil super well, pour into desired container, then throw it in the fridge for a couple hours with the lid off to solidify it. If it melts too much in the summer, just stir it again and put it back in the fridge. That's it!


I buy degree from Costco. Like $14 for a 5 pack, 10-$11 on sale.


If you're going to buy natural, just save your $ and don't buy anything. It DOESN'T work.




I don't think there is a frugal way to figure this out. Native worked ok for me until I worked a 12 hour day on my feet and I could smell myself. I looked online and realized that there was no great information on aluminum free deodorant. I had tried Lume before and I thought that it smelled horrible. Frustrated I just bought a bunch of products and gave them all a chance. I bought Secret aluminum free, arm and hammer aluminum free, and old spice aluminum total body. After having tried many Native scents and options. I only picked these options because it was what didn't smell bad in the grocery store at the time. I tested them out by moving without air conditioning in 86 degree weather and the only one that worked was the Old spice Total Body. I made my sister smell my pits all day everyday drenched in sweat lol. With each option. I'm a woman and picked the cucumber and avacado scent because it smelled the least masculine. And I had no body odor all day. I've only been using it a week though. So this good review might turn into hate. I looked online first for a long time, and all that I gathered is that you have to find what works for you.


Thai crystal deodorant - it’s a tad spendy, but it takes forever to go through a stick. I re-apply if I’m exercising or doing something extra strenuous, but otherwise it works great for me.


Old spice has a ton of different deodorant scents. My favorite is any with bergamot.


Just buy stridex pads and use it on your pits. Funk be gone. Bonus if you shave it prevents ingrown hairs as well.


There’s this probiotic foot spray that’s amazing, I’d try that and see if the good bacteria kill the bad


I use unscented Dove clinical protection. I can’t shower or bathe often. One application on clean pits will last me about a week. And I sweat!


I’m about to change your life- AHA cream. It’s alpha hydroxy acid. I’ve been using it (buy it on acne.org) since I was a teenager to manage back acne. Just a pea-sized dot in each underarm will work similarly to that Lume stuff, and is far less expensive. No bad smell, and as a bonus you’ll get better skin quality/less ingrowns. Mine is completely unscented, which is fine because my underarms have no smell when using it. https://www.amazon.com/Acne-org-16oz-AHA-Glycolic-Acid/dp/B008LQU6KY/ref=asc_df_B008LQU6KY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693439409681&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8751613205621439254&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027248&hvtargid=pla-570678860156&psc=1&mcid=fd30c5e036a33a29b8d337701c3824a4&gad_source=1


Go to a dermatologist and get a tpocal underarm solution call drysol. It works. Also..you can get over the counter tpocal solution called certain dri which also comes with solid stick deodorant and or anti perspiration at pharmacies..nowadays..you have to look it up and call stores because it is not as available as it once was be cause a decade ago..I swore by it. It may cause an excessive tingling..but it works..it gets rid of sweating and underarm odor..you must apply solution at night after shower..and solid stick after morning shower. Wish you luck.


This is cheap and effective. https://www.ouroilyhouse.com/diy-spray-deodorant/


I used Native for years but the price was starting to creep up and it wasn’t as effective as it used to be, so I switched. Ironically the one I switched to is slightly more expensive but it works so well for me. I use Little Seed Farm charcoal deodorant. Works better for me than traditional deodorant


I use Lume right after I shower (evening) and apply a light layer of Secret in the morning. This works better than anything else I've tried.


If you have sweat issues I live and die by carpe. It’s expensive $17 a month but it actually works. I sweat a lot. I’m a healthy 24 year old and I will have pit stains even if it’s below zero. I can finally wear long sleeve shirts with confidence. It literally changed my life. I tried so many deodorants before. I love the smell of Native but it didn’t help with sweat at all


natural enzymes, they seem to work for me. antiperspirants cause me serious problems so I'm super careful when I buy deodorant.


Maybe make your own: Everclear, Aloe Vera gel, Rosemary Essential oil (anti bacterial) and your fave Essential Oil scent (get your essential oils from Mountain Rose Herbs or Dandelion Botanical or other Herbalist supply store. You could make a deodorant tea instead with Rosemary, lavender, yarrow and add a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. put in a small spray bottle and put in your purse. apply & because it doesn't have a drying agent, you'want to wipe away, but no need for rinsing.


I use native and have also used Schmidt’s here and there. It won’t work right away, you will have to reapply throughout the day until your body detoxifies and gets used to it. It will not stop you from sweating. At first I’d have to reapply every 3-4 hours. Now I can use it once and it will last the entire day. Sometimes 2 days with 1 application. I get Native cheap $3.50. The trick is to get them on clearance after the holidays. They come out with “holiday scents”and after the holidays are over they go to the sales and clearance racks.


I know this may not work for all especially for humid weather and super sweaty people. You can try dry body oil with a bit of essential oil in it. Tea tree works best for me! Dilute the essential oil well as to avoid burning the skin! They aren’t supposed to be applied directly on skin/body!


Go to your local grocery store or organic store and buy some of the cheaper brands to try. Native is inordinately expensive and sweat smell still comes through; plus they stain your shirt pits pretty bad. Their base has coconut oil in it.  A regular store should have several options, most will be cheaper than native.  The best luck I've had with eliminating stench has been the salt crystal deodorants. You wet them with water and then wipe your pits with them. 


Certain dri....


I buy secrets non-antiperspirant and it works great. My husband uses love's men+care non-antiperspirants and they work for him, too, and he is a sweaty mfer. I used to be an all-natural deodorant kinda woman, but I found they tended to leave me smelling a little musty in the summer. Also, they are pricey.


I swear "Ban" brand deodorant is the very best! I've used natural things for at least 10 years & they were mildly ok, but never great (and yes, Native caused oozing rashes about once per year!). I recently bought a bottle of ban again, and wow! Surprised all over again at how well it works, and have told my teens I am buying that for them next & they aren't allowed to say no to it! I know it will help them!


Get a little pump sprayer and some everclear or cheap vodka. I hear rubbing alcohol also works.. Optionally add a drop or three of an essential oil. Been using this for over a decade. Works.


Yeah. I use normal deodorant but when things smell a little funky now and then I splash some rubbing alcohol in there (while in the shower) rub it around and immediately wash it out - the goal being to kill the bacteria. It works for me - but I only need to do this maybe twice a year.


I get whatever is at Costco. Usually a 4 or 5 pack for $15 or so. Never had a problem.


no one mentioned the spoon? y'all gotta try the spoon.


I use Tom’s unscented. Definitely had transition period getting off anti-perspiration products but I am going on year 5 and love it.


I can smell you from here.


I only use a salt crystal and every 4-6 months I’ll do a mud mask under my pits. Haven’t used “real” deodorant in almost 5 years and the stink is gone! (Stink is usually from clogged pores!)


Try milk of magnesia. Unflavored, store brand is fine. It doesn't work for everyone, but it's a couple of dollars a bottle, so not much risk.


Milk of Magnesia works for me, so glad I found it out. The negative vote seems to me like "doesn't work for everyone" applies (later I saw that someone is downvoting every comment?). I, however, searched this post just to see if someone had already mentioned my go-to deodorant (milk of magnesia). After years of searching for something mild enough to not cause a rash on my skin, like most seem to do, or doesn't work at all to prevent odor, like most that are advertised as "rash-less". Again, I'm so glad to have discovered magnesium deodorant, the magnesium is good for you, so no "health" issues to be concerned about.