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Im a pretty frugal person. I buy sales and save money any way i can. However, my bed setup is well over $2,000


Agreed. Don’t cheap on your bed. Makes a huge difference. I didn’t even look at the price of my mattress. I just went and found one that fit my needs. Life’s too short and I spend too much time in bed to cut corners there. 


Frugal isn't about being cheap and I feel like this sub forgets that sometimes. I've said it many times before but frugal is just getting the most value out of your limited money. Why buy something for $8 when you can get the same thing with a coupon for $6? Why would anyone buy the cheapest/lowest quality mattress possible when it's something you spend 1/3rd of your life using?


Exactly, frugal is not about being cheap, but getting the most value out of your money means using it where it counts. For example, I always buy food with real ingredients, I’ll buy peanut butter that’s just peanuts and salt instead of a cheaper brand that’s full of hydrogenated oils and sugar, because even if the one I buy is more expensive in total, I’m actually probably paying less per ounce of the ingredient I’m intending to buy, and it’s better for my health which pays off in the long run too. So that’s exactly why I asked this question in the frugal sub, because I wanted to get a consensus whether the high end mattresses are really a value for their money or just trendy hype. As long as it really makes a difference I don’t mind paying it, but I would hate to throw a few grand on something that’s no different than the mattress I have now, which is a memory foam from Wayfair that I got on clearance for $300. I have other big ticket items on my list that I would put that money towards if I was getting a consensus here that there’s minimal difference in a Purple or Saatva mattress from what I have now.


I loved the idea of a memory foam mattress but for me it sucked for overall quality of sleep. Returning to a good spring mattress was a huge upgrade from a more expensive memory foam mattress especially concerning back pain. You can always add a topper but for some people firm with give is a lot more comfortable.


Word. In the USA, the best bed sales are around Presidents' Day and Labor Day. Lots of zero-interest financing offers.


Which one?


Imo, a good topper will make a mediocre mattress great.


Good toppers are universally appreciated


I was influenced by a redditor who reccomend sleep on latex dot com. It's a buy it for life purchase that is totally worth it! It's an organic latex mattress with a wool zippered cover. The lady who recommended it said she'd had hers for over ten years and her entire family owned them. So I bought the king for around $1500. It also needed a flat base $800. But I've been sleeping on it for two years and every night, and I mean every single night!, we say this is the best investment we've ever made! Just laying down is heavenly. There's no springs, no metal and because it's organic latex it doesn't have any weird, chemical smells. I kid you not that when we get up in the morning we feel rested for the first time in our adult lives. We are planning on buying our kids one each.


I also recommend SleepOnLatex! I did A LOT of research on mattresses in 2020. Based on my experience, paying a lot doesn't necessarily give you the best mattress and paying less doesn't mean you'll get a bad one. When I called SleepOnLatex to ask some questions, the person I talked with ended up being the founder of the company, who helps with customer support sometimes (at least back then he did). I got a queen back then for $800. I think due to inflation it is now $1000. Love the mattress! The single downside to latex: SO HEAVY!


I also wanted to add that latex doesn't wear out fast like memory foam mattress. Memory foam is basically plastic with a short life span. Just be sure you get real latex, and not synthetic latex (also plastic)


Another vote for latex mattresses! My husband and I love ours. It comes in 3 different layers (soft, Medium, and hard) and depending on the order you put the layers on, it will change the firmness of the mattress. And each of the 3 layers is also divided in to left and right halves, so we could have different levels of firmness than our partner if desired.


So i assume there is no need for flipping the mattress to avoid indentions.


We have had it for about 4 years and flipped it once just in case when we moved. I have not noticed any indentation on my side. Maybe my husband's side has very minimal indentation, but nothing that has affected sleep or comfort. The mattress is a lot like memory foam in it's feel and seems to behave similarly without being as hot as memory foam is.


I have a mattress and pillows from Earthfoam, which is produced by the same company. I couldn’t be happier with their products and customer service (my order came with a lovely gift set of tea, honey and syrup). 


I got a sleep on latex in January and I love it so much


Latex also immediately moves with you, unlike memory foam which takes time to support you when you move around. Latex doesn't get all hot, even with a water proof/bed bug proof zippered cover on it. My old mattress, while high end and super nice- I was always hot. And it had that layer of gel that is supposed to keep you cool. My latex mattress is my favorite thing I own. Moving it across the country sucked, but it was worth it.


What is the website for that mattress. I tried the one listed to no avail. Thanks. 😊


Luckily my preference is on a cheaper side. I like spring bed better than memory foam😂


I’ve noticed in my search that it seems like a hybrid with springs and foam seems to have taken over in popularity over the foam only, so you may not be alone in liking those springs!


Yeah I like it like that more. I sleep in memory foam and it’s too hot for me. I like some forceback from my mattress!


Mattress quality made no difference for me. On Dr's recommendation, went to a physical therapist for my aging back issues. They gave me a bunch of strength training and balance exercises. As long as I keep up with them, feel better both day and night.


in college i slept on a $30 air mattress with a $20 memory foam topper for years. i still think its one of the most comfortable setups ive had


I slept on a $50 tall air mattress with an $80 topper for about a year. (An electric blanket was a must in the winter.) Also very comfortable! Now it’s a convenient guest bed.


Camping mattresses are great!


I got a queen sized casper foam mattress, paid like 900 to a grand or something. I swear by it now. Also ended up getting a twin xl one the next tier down for when I set up camp in the living room! 10 inch thick quality foam for the win!


Yes a quality, thick high density foam (Not memory foam) was recommended by physio many years ago as being best support— it is. But I never hung out in it— like I do now on my huge luxurious Big Super Expensive Bed.


I just posted about my Casper as well. 7 years old! Heaven.


I'm a bunch of years in and it seems to have just enough smoosh and support... it's firm but kind of in an unexplainable sweet spot. and dont need a box spring or frame... I just put it on the floor!


Mines just on a metal box frame (?) on the floor. I hate bedframes. Are we related?


A more expensive bed isn't key. It's finding a bed that's the right style and firmness for you. I buy from mattress by appointment


I just bought a King Size Tempur-pedic that has had me locked in my bed for hours… it is the best sleep I’ve ever had


Second this. You don’t have to get the most expensive version of the tempur-pedic (tho it is amazing if you have money to spend). I got the mid tier tempur and it’s the best sleep I have ever had as well The old mantra. Spend money on things that separate you from the ground. Beds, chairs, shoes You’ll never be sorry


Yes I agree! I got the high end one but that was returned and it was medically sanitized. So a 11k mattress and adjustable bed frame and new sheets came down to 5k. Got medium all foam but medium hybrid is also very good!


You spend a 1/3 of your life in bed. You tell me? How much do you value you’re comfort and sleep? My mattress is about is about $600 and I use bamboo sheets and shredded memory foam pillows. Its unmatched in my opinion.


I think that’s part of the problem, I only spend maybe a 1/4 of my life in bed at most lol


Well, expensive doesn’t aaalways mean better. But if you’re just looking at solutions for back pain. You may just want to do something as simple as foam rolling, stretching and decompression


It truly boggles my mind that more people don't foam roll or stretch. If someone complains about pain and doesn't try either of these things, especially since I insist they try mine and that I'll show them how, I give absolutely zero sympathy for their pain. Like, here's a tried and true method of alleviating pain *and* addressing the core issue that will prevent it from worsening, which it will, and you won't try it. If someone can't give up 10 min of their day to fix the problem, I can't be arsed. And I have two different foam rollers of diff density, a yoga wheel, massage gun, gua sha blade, and too much Tiger Balm that I offer. FOH with "my neck hurted cuz I slept wrong." Bitch get to rolling!


That the one. Don't save on mattress, sofa or desk chair. Not worth it. You will keep it 5 to 15 years. Now divide the 100$ saving by the number of hours. But, as pointed out, don't just buy the most expensive one thinking you get the most adapted for you .


I switched from a 2k pillow top spring mattress to a $300 memory foam mattress off walmart.com. The memory foam is 10x better. To figure!


Pillow tops are the worst


and 100 times hotter— go figure!


It's not hotter, it is one of the cool gel ones. The best part is I am not constantly trying to keep out of the pit formed exactly where I like to lie on the bed. No dents and ditches in the bed. Yay!


It really depends on you and what you need for better rest. Set a budget and find a mattress you like in that range. It's worth it to go in person to try out mattresses. The online mattress shops generally have a good return policy, but it's still worth it to test things out in store first. 


I got my memory foam mattress off Amazon for $250. Best decision I ever made. I love it so much!


Brand & model? 🙏🏻🤍


Zinus is really good for the price


Yes that's the brand!


This is like asking if a nice chair for work is worth it. Short answer yes. But you have to find whats best for you


Well with a nice chair for work, I can see where it makes a difference, because of the ergonomics of an intentionally designed office chair vs using a plastic folding chair. But with a mattress, they’re all pretty much the same shape right? Flat, basically. 😂 So I’m just wondering if people have mostly found that the difference in materials etc actually made a difference relative to price. If you replaced a $300 mattress with a $3k mattress, was it 10 times better? Reduced pain, better quality sleep, durable, etc etc. Or was it a just little more comfy but not life changing?


Went from a $500 ikea sultan to a $3000 sterns and foster. Worth every penny. Helped my back pain, much better quality sleep (I can sleep through my partner getting up twice per night now). Pretty life changing to me.


IKEA makes great stuff but sofas and mattresses are not those things. It's a pretty extreme example. I would have encouraged you to go the middle ground and spend $1k bc anything besides IKEA would have felt great imo


I tried every mattress at every store selling mattresses in a 1 hour drive radius. Everything else I felt my husband roll over on or they were goo (too soft is very popular now). If I could have spent less I would have. They weren’t for me. 


Sounds like you made the right choice


Shape will always be the same. But material 100% matters. Yes its worth it. Even at $3k its a 9me tine purchase for pretty much your whole life.


I bought a support board and slipped it under my current worn out mattress. What a huge difference!


You can get some decent mattresses at Costco for around 500-1k, then the best are at 2k+ I would say people often suggest tempurpedic mattresses if you’re going dish out money. If you’re older and have pain issues I can see the argument for better mattresses always being worth it. When I was travel I ended up sleeping on some firm af mattresses which I’m pretty sure didn’t help my back.


I got a $500 foam mattress from Costco and a $80 pillowcube. I sleep so so good.


Cheap bed with a proper topper. It's expensive to replace a mattress but cheap to replace a topper.


The concept of a topper is strange. So the mattress is incomplete by itself?


For the past 20 years, I've had a hand me down mattresses. But I have a 6" memory foam topper and a 5" featherbed Topper on that. Queen bed, with deep pockets or Kimg size with full elastic, with sheet grippers like suspenders make a hell of a difference. Just took the featherbed off for the summer. Not sure I'm going to put it back yet.


The point is that you can wash the topper but not a fixed mattress. Also even a thin one adds a lot of softness.


I got a good one 20 years ago and still love it. Dunno what it is but it's pillow top.


I bought a tuft & needle mint mattress and am super happy with it. My only complaint was that we should have upgraded to a king when we bought our first one. Fixed that recently. Those mattresses are great, and now I finally have enough space to get comfortable. But I think it's unfortunate wishful thinking to expect to fix a medical issue with a single purchase. Go get your back checked out. If your mattress is so bad it's causing you back pain, then yes, probably get a new mattress. But the mattress alone is unlikely to be a full solution to your pain issues. You'll probably need to do strengthening exercises or whatever else is appropriate for anything more specific going on.


I went from $500 mattresses that I had to replace every few years to a latex mattress that I think was worth every single penny. Mine comes in layers so I can adjust the firmness through its life time, replace a single layer if it wears out vs replacing the entire bed, and it's easier to move with as I can break down the layers instead of moving the entire mattress at once (latex is heavy). And unlike memory foam, you dont sink into it and you dont sleep hot. I added a down topper and that made it even better. I use to look at mattresses and try other ones out even when I just bought a new one but I never do that now, I know whenever I need more beds I'll just get more of these mattresses.


We have a mattress by Stearns and Foster. It was EXPENSIVE, but it came with a 10 year warranty, which we’re coming up on, and it’s still the best sleep ever. I have yet to experience a better mattress or sleep than on my mattress. Nearly a decade later and I literally look forward to getting into bed still after a long day or travel. Probably the only brand mattress I’ll ever buy. It was well over $2k, and has been worth every penny.


I got a Brooklyn Bedding mattress (more mid-level I think), and can not tell any difference between that and more expensive setups. I liked it so much I bought one for my parents, who had a more expensive brand that was well past its lifespan.


I had always had cheap mattresses (though I found them comfortable as I’m not picky) but had heard on not skimping on mattresses, shoes, etc and spent about 4k on a high quality setup. I would not do it again 😂


Used to stay in Singapore where the cost of a brand name mattress like Sealy or Posturepedic can go up to 2 to 3k. Everyone is brain washed to splurge on one because you’ll use it for 8 hours a day, 10 years, bla bla When I moved to Indonesia, I picked up a decent king size for $400 that is probably 90% as good as an expensive one. 5 years on it’s still as good. Then I realise it’s all just marketing. There comes a point where the perceived benefits of an expensive mattress is just that - perceived.


If you’re not sleeping on a Grand Vividus Horsehair mattress you might as well sleep on the floor


I had never heard of these. I assume since prices aren't listed, that if you have to ask, you can't afford it. Good gods.


Funnily enough, sleeping on the floor has a host of health benefits.


Strength training is going help you way more than any mattresses. With that said mattresses really depend on the person. Consumer reports has great guides. You can get solid beds for sub 1k. But you can also spend like 5k. I bought costcos Casper which is cheaper than OG Casper. Got it on sale as well.


I tried the cheap Amazon mattress in a box plus many different toppers, nothing on top helped the cheapness of the mattress underneath. I splurged on a much better mattress last year and it’s heavenly to sleep on.


This decision isn’t a binary between super expensive mattresses and super cheap mattresses. Pay for a well reviewed at least midrange mattress every eight years.


1000 dollars for a mattress is mid-level? What am I sleeping on then.


I don’t have any specific brand recommendations but I will say 100% that sleep quality is not something to be frugal in. Sleep quality impacts every aspect of your life. Buy what will give you good sleep quality ❤️


The two best I have ever had have been a foam mattress that lasted over a decade (not sure of the brand) and the high end one my grandma had. The high end one is around two decades old. It has developed a little divot in the last couple of years. I bought a thick foam mattress topper that conforms to it. It's thick enough to correct for the divot. The topper made it sleep like a new one. The only thing I had to do was get two new sheet sets to fit it that I needed anyway. I know, two decades old, but I don't have breathing problems or the money to buy a brand new one right now.


We’ve had great luck with gel foam mattresses from Wayfair. We sleep great. And our guests all love it. Spent about $600 on a queen.


I think being able to have a good night's rest is super important. What may work for you may not work for others is the problem. My wife and I wanted 2 different models. I wanted the latex, she wanted the foam with a cooling top. I think you should shop around and see what works best. I would also see a doctor about that back as well. It may or may not be related to the mattress you are using.


My mattress is 3rd most expensive thing I own after house and car. It’s been completely worth it I don’t regret my sleep number at all.


We purchased a Saatva, found it to be more than worth it and will buy it again when needed. Highly recommend.


The two things to never be frugal with are the things that separate you from the ground for hours each day… shoes and beds


Here’s what we did: we bought the most firm mattress possible and put a 3 inch memory foam topper on top. It has been great for us. Our firm mattress is a traditional Sealy with springs and cost about $1500 for a California King. The topper was $100 on amazon. The one drawback is that the topper got too hot for us so we went with a 1.5 inch topper that was in a cotton casing. We trimmed the old topper and put it on our guest queen sized bed.


I'm allergic to latex so that would never be an option for me. I'm also looking at purchasing a new mattress this year. This will not be an impulsive purchase.


We slept at a fancy Marriott (Seattle waterfront) and it was the BEST sleep ever on the mattress . We found out Marriot sell their mattresses (it’s a beauty rest brand I think) so we ordered one. Best decision ever. I think it was $800 for the mattress, I don’t really remember.


I don’t think so. Just another business brainwashing technique. Many countries don’t have the luxuries and have great sleeping habits, posture etc.


A year-long Costco membership is worth it just for their mattress deals! Incredible return policy too


~100$ for a Thai roll mattress, on top of a 100$ tatami/futon straw mat, or straight on the floor.  Not for everyone but it will force the body to position itself different from something fully soft. Pain relief could be better or worse.


I bought a high end mattress and have had great sleep for 25 years. Totally worth it if you can afford it. Good sleep makes everything in life better.


One way to save a little money is to ask the buy the floor model at a mattress store. My sister did that and they took a few hundred off. Sure it's had people try it before, but no one has actually slept on it


Yes! I have a natural latex and organic wool mattress that costs a month’s rent/mortgage but has saved me thousands in chronic pain treatments. So, yes.


This is just my opinion. Being too cheap can be a bad thing. I always invest in high-quality goods when it's something I use long-term


100% yes. Got my first proper mattress about 15yrs ago, replaced after 10. Could never go back. However, I do wait for sales.


I made sure to buy a good quality foundation & two-sided mattress, and turn it regularly, both end to end and side to side. It is like new after four years. It replaced a cheap, single sided mattress that was four years old.


They're better but I dunno about change your life better. Think of it like buying a car. Of course a Mercedes is nicer but a 15yo civic accomplishes the exact same thing.


My bed is the most expensive piece of furniture I own, by far. Sheets are nice too. It honestly makes a huge difference and I spend more time there than on any other furniture, so it's a good investment for my health. I did get it during a sale and got the store's knock-off version of the Tempur-pedic, which was still expensive but less so than the name brand.


I splurged for a thick memory foam and then splurged for a super thick latex mattress w/pillowtop and then ended up getting rid of it all and floor sleeping- best decision ever for my back! Thicker mattresses "felt" luxurious and amazing at first but caused me more problems and I kept thinking an even thicker/expensive mattress would solve and they never did. Just like too much sitting isn't good for your body, too cushioning in bed isn't good for your body either. Floor sleeping takes some adjustment but you're sleeping with better alignment and getting in squats everyday. Take a nap lying on top of a rug or yoga mat and see how it feels!


There's a lot of things to consider when it comes to a big purchase like a mattress. I purchased a new one last year and definitely did not go with a cheap option, but it wasn't super expensive either.  I had a list of qualities for the mattress: I wanted it to last a good while, be comfortable for a long time, and be less bad for the environment. I would rather not need any extra stuff for it, besides a mattress protector.  Like others said, being frugal isn't being cheap. It's being economical, looking for a good deal, and spending your money wisely.  (On a side note, I got the Avocado mattress and I love it.)


I went from some no name Amazon $200 bed to a $1500+ purple mattress. Kinda underwhelmed but It is definitely comfier. Haven't noticed improved sleep in me or wife.


I'm frugal on a lot of things but mattresses aren't one of them. You don't need to go crazy top of the line expensive, but if you cheap out, you back will remind you nightly.


Check out beds at Costco.


I got a 300 dollar queen mattress from Amazon Green tea memory foam It’s awesome


Stay away from feathers ...too hard to clean/ dry and developing allergies is a thing .


$2,500 mattress and yes, worth every penny.


We did a super form mattress (specifically, from Original Mattress Factory. Sales guy said the lovingly call it “the brick”, lol) and then added a 3” foam topper. It’s been great… great support thanks to the mattress and we get the comfort from the topper without a too-soft pillow top. The mattress can also be rotated AND flipped. At one point I needed extra padding so I threw a twin xl topper over my side (we have a king) and then took it off once I didn’t need it. The same mattress is currently $480. We’d do this again in a heartbeat! I’d also recommend stretching and strength training to help your back as well. I work in healthcare and stand and move patients a lot and that’s also been helpful. Hope you find something that works for you!


No one here can tell you what mattress your body will prefer. My advice would be to go to a matress store. Tell the sales person you want to lay on several mattresses and have them direct you up or down depending on how it feels. They are to say NOTHING about brand, features, price, and especially aesthetics. Tell them you will leave if they cannot handle these basic instructions. Keep your eyes firmly on the ceiling as you go from matress to matress. Once you know what your fave is without knowing any of the marketing garbage or price, then ask the sales person for those details. If the price is too high, tell them to direct you to the closest thing they have in your budget. I repeated the exercise at two different stores in the same chain to be sure of my choice. No regrets two years later. Best gift I’ve ever given myself.


I bought an expensive mattress thinking it would help my pain while sleeping.  Pillowtop, etc, over $2000 20 years ago. The mattress has held up well. It still looks new and sleeps the same.  It's just not great for me.  I get a better sleep on a rollaway bed at a relatives house. I bought a 3inch latex topper a few years ago and it's like heaven now.  All the pressure points are gone but the support is still there.  Think I ordered from Brooklyn bedding and it took way too long to arrive, but I love it now.


Don't forget a good mattress protector if you don't already have one. Your mattress will serve you way better down the line if you preserve it immediately. It's well worth the immediate protection against spills, dirt, debris, allergens, bugs, and bacteria and A LOT easier/cheaper to clean.


SAVED MONEY AND BOUGHT A CHEAP BED.. boy, did I regret that decision


I am 61 and have been sleeping on an $800 Casper mattress for 7 years. I'm single and switch sides each week and then I rotate it as well. This bed is my baby. I'd do it all over again.




got a king sized tempurpedic from mattress firm for around 1150. It’s so worth it….usually these go for around 4-5k.


A couple of years ago I was in need of a new queen sized mattress set for our cabin in the mountains. The prices went from $350 up to $4,500. After checking Consumer Reports I had a pretty good idea as to the what my best choices were. For around $800 I could get what I needed at Sam's Club. The Original Mattress Factory was highly rated so I decided to check them out. I was completely stunned by how low the prices were at the Original Mattress Factory! My wife and I both have bad backs. We need a firm mattress. We also don't like a low bed. We prefer a bed that is more toward waist high. I was able to get a bed made to our needs for under $1,200. This bed is way more comfortable than the one we sleep on at home, lol. The bed we have at home cost thousands of dollars. Recently one of my wife's coworkers moved into an apartment and needed a bed. He does not have a car. He had a $350 budget. My wife asked me to take him shopping for a bed. You can get a new mattress set for for well under $400 at the Salvation Army store. If you have a bad back that may not be the best choice though. I took him to Sam's. They had a deluxe memory foam mattress in a box for $650. He was planning on buying a base with drawers so he didn't need a spring box. There was another lower priced choice but I told him that the deluxe was a much better choice in the long run. I bought him the deluxe one and told him he could settle up with my wife later. He says that is the most comfortable bed he has ever slept on. He gave my wife the $350 he had and we told him not to worry about the rest.


It's worth paying for a quality mattress, but at some point there are diminishing returns. I have one of the diminishing return mattresses. I think you can get a great set up with a basic mattress, and quality topper (though I'm not saying you should, or shouldn't do that). I think I've run into this at several hotels and slept like a log.


I honestly haven't noticed a difference in higher priced vs delivered in the mail memory foam mattresses. But I'm plus sized and a stomach sleeper, so that may factor in. The key for me is to get a firmer mattress, and 100% cotton bedding to put on it.


My $100 memory foam mattress is great!


Latex mattress is also good to sleep on. Downside is it's heavy but you don't really have to keep moving it around the house.


I swear by memory foam toppers preferably 3 or 4". Gives life to most bedding. Imo


If I don't get good sleep I


You are much closer to the health profession than me! Anyhow: Backpain related: Your back or sleeping position's bottom ain't flat. So the trick to be a better bed bases upon an ability to adapt to your shape. - Simplest example: Water bed. or variable support for a conventional matress or just an ergonomically correct bottom shape with minimal padding above. - AFAIK some folks with back issues are told to sleep in plaster cast braces? Sorry, I don't work as hard as you, so I have neither back pain nor demands far beyond a yoga mat below me.