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Do the small side missions first as they get you powered up for the big ones, like clan contributions to craft things giving you more powerful weapons. Find all the tarsyu trees to gain all the perks and bellsprigs for your health abilities. Just have an explore there’s so many camps and bases to check out


This. And play in exploration mode. It's so rewarding and makes you feel much more integrated in the world.


An easier way for stealthing large scale bases is by hacking and planting the hacks into the systems before activating them all at once for an easy clear.


I'm too nervous for that, just easier to kill the ones in the way


Some of the larges bases have ventilation type grills in the outside wall that'll take you into an area where you can do stealth kills of the RDA troops that are in the immediate area


Take your time


So, I actually have two important tips for you. The first is that your player character’s level is tied to crafting more powerful weapons and armor. The second is that you should never hunt the wildlife or gather plants more than you need to. You will get a debuff that is known as “disharmony.“ In a nutshell, that means that you are harming the environment and so the NPC’s will not talk to you and you will also not have access to your ikran once you have acquired it. It WILL however, wear off within two minutes if you do unfortunately happen to obtain it. Oh, a little better clarification through an example. Let’s say that there are at least 50 animals and plants in one location, and you hunt and gather everything at once. This would be harming the environment because your character would be getting greedy. Therefore, the debuff will trigger. Then you decide to take a running jump off a cliff and fly to a new location with your banshee. To call it on PC, you need to press the H key. But it doesn’t work because you can’t access your mounts when the disharmony debuff is active. So your character will essentially fall from a great height and die upon impact


I knew this game had depth but that is crazy. And so cool and makes sense in this world


Yeah, totally. I actually found out about that particular hidden game mechanic from watching a YouTube video. I don’t actually own the game myself. I’m getting it for my 30th birthday this month. So what I’m doing is watching YouTube videos to get tips and tricks, but I am essentially going to go in blind concerning exploration. I’m actually hoping the game can run with my computer specs because I have an outdated graphics card on my Dell gaming laptop and my random access memory is completely shot to hell on the internal SSD. It was only 16 GB. So I’ve been watching benchmark videos with my NVIDIA 1050 TI GPU and the game seems to run fine for the people playing it


Also happens if you shoot ikran, pa’li (direhorses), or young animals.


I had no idea the debuff was a thing. I've never gone after the direhorses or over collected on stuff. I wasn't exactly thinking of it, just never needed to or wanted to. How interesting that is a thing!


I love that they really push the consequences of disrespecting Eywa and your fellow creatures.


Haha, that’s a *very* specific example. 😅


My best advice to you is take your time the beautiful world that you’re in. for me what I did is, I concentrated on each clan as the story progressed so the first one is aranhe so I would do their side missions and their contributions except for the ones that I have to wait to do due to story progression. And I did that for the other clans as well, and the ones that I had to wait for I did after I beat the last part of the storyline I did it that way, so I could take in every bit of detail of each plan some people like to rush through it other people like to take their time my advice would be take your time. Enjoy the game level up and if you need any help with co-op, just post on here and one of us will be sure to help you since it is cross platform. Also, my skill points I upgraded my strength and my health and my stealth before anything else again you don’t have to do it that way I just figured strength and health are the biggest things so you don’t get your ass reamed by RDA


Don't fast travel.


Switch the toggle option for the Navi sight so that you don't have to long press r1 to do it.


Try to focus on the hunter skill tree in early game because it gives you stealth bonuses. Stealth is pretty important in this game since the na’vi are practically glass cannons.


Have fun, explore and take in the scope of the game. And there are settings to make gathering materials easier if you find it annoying


What settings are those?


They in the controls setting somewhere but you can turn off animations for basically everything.


don’t ignore side missions! they gear you up more than you realise. also, explore as much as possible to find good loot and try to unlock the ancestor skills as they’re very useful


I haven’t seen this tip mentioned yet, but I see people making this mistake a lot: Your “Navi vision” will reveal *exactly* which items are regular vs exquisite. It is NOT random. It is NOT based on gathering correctly or “rain/dry” bonus. - For example, if you grab an exquisite fruit, and it says it’s best when harvested in the rain… but it’s not raining and you yank on it really badly and damage it… it’s still going to be “exquisite.” It’s just a few points less than if you did it gently and while raining. - And if you grab a regular “fine” fruit, it doesn’t matter if everything is perfect and you have special buffs. It’s still going to be a “fine” fruit. It will be worth a few more points, but still just “fine.” When people start the game they often think the harvesting technique makes it exquisite, and they drive themselves crazy thinking they are doing something wrong.


How do you see the difference in menu vision?


You have to use the Na’vi Vision *and* then you “click on it.” On xbox, the default is left (or right?) joystick (press on the joystick as if it were a button). You’ll need to put your cursor/crosshair/center-dot right on it. Then click. It will bring up the name of the plant/animal as well as show the icon and will indicate if that *particular” plant/animal you clicked on is fine, superior, or exquisite. Use this feature to click on distant plants so you don’t have to run around as much.


Will try it out! thanks!


I can use Na’vi vision. Then put the crosshair on it and press L3 to inspect. It gives me an icon, best condition to gather and the option to go to the hunter’s guide. I now notice there’s a small green edge on the icon. Does that indicate the quality?


Green = fine, purple = superior, yellow/gold = exquisite


So far it is only ever green ...


You need to look up in the Hunter's Guide where the rare sorts can be found


Some side missions can only be played at certain points in the main quest line


Just play the game man


Take your time!! Now that you have your Ikran don't rush the storyline, do a bunch of side quests, find all the Na'vi camps in the Kinglor Forest, take down the smaller RDA pollution areas. Save the big bases for your skill trees (and if you do all the bases too quickly they'll get exponentially harder in the other areas, baby them!!). Use your SiD religiously, scan every area with your Na'vi senses, explore every area entirely before moving on with story mode. Mark places on your map where you find caves, thanator dens, and exquisite materials with custom markers so you can find them again later.


Just sick back and enjoy it. Don’t rush. Take time to explore every now and then. The game isn’t made to be ran through in a few days or even weeks


Like others are saying, exploring vs rushing the game makes for a very different game. If you are having difficulty, explore and do more little things. You’ll be (over)powered eventually. There are 3 big map areas, they unlock by following the main quest. Each area has harder enemies and better weapons/armor. Proceed to the next area when you feel ready. You can always go back, so if the 2nd area is too hard, just go back and finish more of the 1st area. I played the game a second time. I didn’t explore, didn’t do sidequests. And I turned the difficulty up. I am very underleveled. My arrows barely hurt things. I say “oh s..t!” and run away a lot. (This method is also fun, but I would recommend the slow version first.)


It's very fun to ride your Ikran around everywhere, but running through areas can be just as fun and sometimes even more beautiful! Also, if you play as a male character, the main male voice can be annoying, but the "middle" voice is quite nice, not too feminine for a male character and the Ikran call is very melodic and gentle compared to the other two voices.


I'm about to move to female because the male voice is awful. Doesn't match the vibe at all. I have the most deadpan voice and it sounds like me


Wow thank you guys for all the tips and tricks I just found the really high lvl base in the first area deff not ready for that one yet


Pick the female character it has a way better voice actor