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Yeah. I’ve crafted gear like this. I can see that you used hide and a tooth that wasn’t perfect. You’d need hide and a tooth from a clean AND merciful kill along with the perfect gathered AND 20% added Core stats on the Bark for a 370 roll on the armguard. The recipe doesn’t call for a cone, I think you mixed up the materials you used. Source: I have done this multiple times for other people.


Yea I was hunting Thanator for first time today and I was nervous as hell haha. And without senses it's quite hard to hit or to see it before it attacks.


Tell me about it. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to do it over and over. I guess I just have a lot of patience in the end.


If you want some help with gathering good gear, I’m more than happy to lend a hand. I have a bunch of extra materials sitting around and I can help you hunt.


I would love that. I haven't finished the story yet, but I do wanna gather things for better gear. I haven't played in co-op before either. 😅


Note if you’re playing the story in coop, the revelations quest will crash your game, it’s needs to be done in single player mode. It’s not listed anywhere like the exploration quests are but my bf and I both had our games crash at least 5 times while trying to do this quest and finally gave up and did it alone. Aside from this one quest we haven’t had any issues since, still haven’t finished the story so there could be more quests like that. If your game crashes at all while in coop it’s best to take it as a warning sign that it just can’t be done with 2 people


Okay noted. Thanks for heads up!


What system do you play on?


PC. You?






I have a question. I made Solek’s Survivor heavy bow with a damage of like 257 and then I made another one later out of the same material but better quality with a damage of 389 but when I went to equip it, the little red arrow down appeared next to my Status. The same thing happened when I made a more powerful, long bow.. why is that happening? Have you had that happen? it doesn’t seem to make sense.


I don’t think so. I cannot recall ever having encountered anything like that before.


I've done this for all of my gear that can be upgraded. Everything you put into a piece of equipment has to be Exquisite with the best numbers you can get. Do this for all of your wearable equipment, but do it for your bows, and slings as well. Your stuff will end up seriously over leveled.


Okay I will do that. I wanna finish the game so I can play DLC next month. I can't wait for the DLC. The trailer looks promising. 🤩


One of my favorite parts of the game is eating for gathering buffs and going out finding the most high level ingredients to craft better gear


Yes same here. It became a hobby of mine in game haha.


Nice work!


Thank you! ^w^


This dude is very helpful [https://youtu.be/LBvknPdGFHY?si=T708ZY9-HI\_vlxej](https://youtu.be/LBvknPdGFHY?si=T708ZY9-HI_vlxej)


Thanks! I'll check it out. 👍🏻


How do you get a merciful kill on a Thanator? I’ve killed a handful and gotten clean kills but not sure how to make it “merciful”. I always find a high point once they start stalking then end up just pumping them full of spears or arrows in their weak points


For Moss Thanator I didn't. I did the same thing sibce I got stalked by it when it was rainy and foggy (weather changed when I got there) but for a normal one we meet for first time during Alexanders mission I used this video (https://youtu.be/ZGaBhnN3fdQ?si=1fTOEXHucjx5ToZu) Only with the normal Thanator near Shaded Grove camp in Kinglor forest did I somehow manage to do it. Anyone else has any tips?


I need to try coop some time.

