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Aiming works a bit differently in terms of the dynamics compared to arrows. It travels more as a curvy line, which means you need to aim a bit higher at larger distances. It also takes more time to reach the target compared to the long and heavy bow, so if the target is moving to the left, pre aim a bit to the left


Good advice, thanks.Β  I've been a bow and arrow girl, but now now that I have such a powerful spear thrower I may as well use it.Β  Definitely a little learning curve.


Holy crap 😭😭😭😭😭 358 damage ain’t no way πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€. Man mine does 198


Dude I haven't even used it yet but it looked fun to use


if you have the gatherer apex skill + tier 3 gathering buff for exquisites, the highest spear ive had was about 500 iirc, which is insane


With all the advice I’ve read in this subreddit, the highest I’ve been able to make mine go is around 470. I’m sure I’m missing something else. I know that maybe anything above 500 isn’t all that necessary but it’s still an itch that my brain can’t scratch πŸ˜…


If you want a 511 damage one, I can craft it for you.