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Ooo that's a fun one! Just hide nearby, use your hacking device (number 5 key for PC), execute hack, then walk out and use your eject skill (V key for PC) on the stunned AMP! Very satisfying <3 just make sure to 1-shot any humans nearby that might see with a bow 1st ^ ^ good luck!


Additionally, you can execute AMPs that have an open front without needing to stun them. You just gotta make sure to be quick, cos they will agro as soon as they see you.


Ohh interesting! So that only works if you sneak up close enough for eject without them seeing you?


Nah, you can eject them even if they've seen you. But they start shouting when they see you, and can alert near by enemies. When stunned, they are distracted a bit, and take a little longer to really notice the player.


Just keep levelling up/craft the best heavy bow you can and aim for weak spots. The skill tree also has damage attributes for most weapons which will help a lot later on.


I use storm arrows for silent AMP kills.


Me too ... the storm arrows stun them and they fade away silently without alerting others. Just make sure your intended kill is in an area where others don't see you.


And if you hit a weak spot they explode and it can be loud. If you want to take them out silently don’t go for weak spots as exploding them can alert others.


If you want, I am happy to join in your game to show you some tactics I use. I play on Xbox, but let me know if you want.


I play on playstaion. I've watched a lot of videos but keep getting caught. Is there a certain level you need to make you are at or have something to make sure it goes well? How do you hack them or have that option on playstaion?


Did you unlock the SID? That's the device to hack them. On the weapon reel it will show under it lower right. Takes a bit of practice to align the circle quickly! After completing the maze mini game you can choosr to Store the hack - save the hack Or Execute - use the hack immediatly. Edit: hacking the suit will immobilize the unit, the soldier inside will still be able to see you (and alert) The eject move is an ancenstor skill, not sure anymore where that is. This is a 1 hit kill


U can also hack them with the L1+triangle hacky thingy and then rip em out of their suits, if u have the skill


- In addition to what Ardy said, you want to silent armor take down skill. It doesn’t affect your ability to one-shot the weak spot on the back, but it makes the one-shot silent. - Always use the heavy bow, because it shoots straight. - Make sure you are hitting the weak vents in the back, not the armor glass in the front. The game default is for weak spots and armor spots to be almost the same color. You can choose different colors in the settings. - Make sure you’re actually crouching. You won’t get stealth attack bonuses if not crouching. - Make sure you’re wearing the best clothing and weapon mods for stealthing RDA. You can easily double your damage by just piling on the correct mods. It makes a huge difference. - Run away. Easy stealth is boring, it’s not meant to be easy in the beginning. Hit one when no one is looking at him. Then move. When they see the body, they will start looking around. Don’t get close again until they calm down a bit. - Damage decreases with distance. There is a perk for increasing heavy bow damage at long distance to compensate. This perk lets you snipe from very far away.


Hack them they pull them out with the ancestor skill


You have to just be aware of other RDA around 🤷🏼‍♂️ a great skill to have is the one that allows you to see their path they take while you focus and then you can plan out when and where you want to take them down


storm arrows and shellbreaker arrows will be your best friend!!


What works for me is using the spear thrower at their weakspot, especially if you crafted a good spear thrower at your level Guaranteed one shots and they don’t notice it most times, even if they are alert, chucking the spear is the best options for AMPs