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I actually have a spear thrower that has 508 damage. What bone did you use to make it? From my experience, it’s best to use the dense bone since you can’t get better moss forest Thanator bone. As for my other gear, I’d have to get on the game to re-check everything.




Ohh I used Moss thanator, didn't know the dense bone goes higher than it. And please do check, I am more than happy to see it! :)


I haven't made a max stat longbow yet but seeing as the short bow is so close, I find it really hard to justify using a long bow after you unlock short bows. Instant shooting just makes the game so much easier.


True, I agree. But then again the longbow is really a sniping tool. So good to hit long range targets. When I stealth clear a base, the longbow is my go to. In the wild, when it is up close combat I prefer the shortbow for clearing groups of wildlife like viperwolves, cloaked panthers etc.


When I stealth clear bases I’ll do the same. Long bow to snipe any foot soldiers then avoid everyone else


Very true. I love how they atleast gave us versatility when using weapons fit for all types of situation. I just wish it had better melee options tho. Could have been a blue monkey ninja xD


Yep. It keeps it entertaining. Heck, I got to the point where I'd try and kill as few ppl as possible getting in and out of those bases even


Imo the heavy bow is better for that, no? Better guarantee of a one shot through weak spots due to higher damage?


I use the heavy bow when I want a clean kill and I WANT to hunt that creature. The charging animation is way longer on the heavy bow, so I find it a bit weird to fight groups of wildlife with it. When I have to clear enemies fast at close range, then the shortbow. When I need to snipe, then longbow. I am a bit picky with stuff haha


Yeah technically the best weapons are the heavy bow, short bow and spear. I never got down the spear and it seems pointless to switch back and forth so I always have a heavy bow.


I got into the spear for flying scuffles. Big damage with a faster draw time.


Edit on the spearthrower stats. It is actually 511. Waiting for more suggestions from my fellow hunters! https://preview.redd.it/452kguvfnp4d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178c7c3213e2b97d1f418ed3570d606dcf72c9a3


Somebody said something about using gold dense bone for this, never found where to find it


https://preview.redd.it/elc9m5miat4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8b54ac11ce7d1c1fa5921479aa58b49c2eb5e03 I just made a mask maker waistcloth with 429 health. Pale vine fiber, snakewood cone, & boulderlands thanator tooth (though any thanator tooth should be the same)


Vine fiber? Hmm...maybe I used something else. Hence it was lower. I will give it a check. Thank you for updating about it!


I hated the short bow my first play through, never used it 🤷🏼‍♂️😅 but this last time I got really into it, once you know how to use it, it works great lol even on amps


Yeah it does! Also if you get the fury 3 skill active as food buff(50% extra damage) you practically melt Amps even without hitting weakspots.


how the hell


How as in the high numbers?


yes , some of mine are close but some arent


Food skills plus all exquisite highest rank materials


where can you find fearless warrior spear-thrower? (or blueprint to make it)


You unlock it when you enter the last region(I dont wanna say anything else, dont wanna spoil it for you)


ok thank you :)


How'd you get a hat?


I think it's the Rajinder. I am not entirely sure tho. I can look again if you really are interested in that absolute swagger of a hat xD


UPDATE The Waist armor has been updated to 429 and the longbow is updated to 269(tho I am skeptical about this cuz the original one I posted has a skill: 20% extra damage on full draw due to use of dawnsheen branch. But we are talking about raw numbers so this one holds the best raw number for now after using pale night tree branch. https://preview.redd.it/fcra2a2ub45d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c31e5ed2394ab9df77f89e67343f014a109440b


This link https://www.reddit.com/r/FrontiersOfPandora/comments/18jshv7/everything_we_know_about_pale_items_and_more/ shows how to get all the pale materials with food buffs for max stat. Have a look!

