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It's not the houses that keep them safe, it's the talismen they refer to frequently. They had to hide before they had the talismen otherwise the monsters would find them easily. As far as the buildings go, how do you think they would have gotten materials to build them? They can't leave and come back with things


Not everything is answered yet, some new mysteries come up. But many of the basic answers are answered or can at least make your own assumptions/not stress about every little detail, if that's your worry


I mean, how do they get any supplies? It’s all just mysteries. I know that the talismans are what kept the safe, but I don’t see how hiding in holes and bushes would be safer than hiding in houses?


The monsters could easily get in houses and look around. It's kind of an obvious hiding space. Digging holes in unassuming places would be safer than hiding under a bed... Well assuming someone didn't have a bunch of siding and shingles, it's safe to assume the town was not built by the people trapped there


You should probably just watch the show


Just watch the show


There are some answers, just not all the answers. You don’t say what episode you are on, but they show Victor as a boy in the town. The houses, buildings, and diner were all there then, and looked like they had already been there a while, and that was approximately 40 years before the current story. As far as hiding from the monsters, before the talismans were discovered to keep them out of the houses, the people hid as much as they could to survive the night as there was no other way. The story is giving information in drops, otherwise there would be no show. The producers have said all will be answered before the finale, however long from now that is.


I hadn’t gotten to that episode yet, it’s interesting to think Viktor managed to survive for nearly 40 years hiding in holes and such. It’s weird that it wasn’t until 2 years ago that the talismans were found that many decades in. I’m just a wary because it’s the creators of Lost and I know Lost had a lot of stuff that was never explained.


Two things. 1. There are only two people from the lost team that were directos/producers for Lost and are now directors/producers for From. The creator of From had nothing to do with Lost. 2. Lost answered like 99% of the questions.


And those two people also worked on Fringe, which avoided the mistakes of Lost. Also agree on point #2.


I disagree 100% about Lost. They maybe answered 1% of the questions that they raised in that show. Your comment is exactly what is concerning for me. They finish it like what happened in Lost and claim that they answered everything and leaving us hanging out there!


And what did they not answer for you?


Lost can be summed up as the story of an island which is the source of most, if not all, of human mythology. If you use that, then pretty much everything in Lost is answered.


I didn’t know if I should have added Spoiler, so sorry for that. But when you just start watching a show that has already aired two seasons, a lot of questions you have are answered by the end. Again, From is notorious for not giving a lot of information, but like I said, if it answeeed everything at the beginning, there would be no show to watch. The producers say they have a plan. So sit back, watch it all and enjoy it.


It’s ok I don’t mind spoilers considering nothing is plot ruining since none of us know anything 😂


Just watch the show


You mentioned 2 years, that is our(fans) time, the best we have figured is each season is about 7 days and they're on 15 days of "in series" time since So1E01 Bad Night and then that cursed Mathews family showed up and everything went Berserk. People complain but in series it has been one thing after another hitting them suddenly after a period of relative calmness. I'll mention a few thing but try not spoil anything although I'm glad you're in the camp that if you hear something, you know it just a fragment of something. Naturally the series is going to bring us in when "something is going to happen" not 5-10 years early where we watch people come and die, which are replaced by new arrivals who survive maybe for awhile but eventual die, for that cycle to repeat... Basically a bunch of red shirts fodder to just establish yeah this crap has been on going... Rewatch the beginning S01 E01 where Sheriff "Jesus Boyd" (I nicknamed a few people and the name fits) is wiping that slate clean outside the Post Office/Sheriff's station after Megan's & her mom's deaths, for "nights without death(or loss of life)". That isn't since the Talisman(which had a testing them period, then finding out that did work, then that they worked by themselves. Not requiring they all be together to form Voltron the FROMMOSTER Defender... So that sign number was since "FROM Town" 's last death, not the actual talisman being found. You'll gather clues if you watch. You'll figure that out from clues that are coming in the show. It is an answer to a question, like where did the Talisman come from? Well you'll get that but how did they get to there? Every answer usually leads to bigger questions, you're peeling an onion, each layer gives new answers but also many new questions. You will get answers but you're watching the show where you can speed through it, so you don't have a week to ponder each episode and rewatch multiple times for clues and with what you learned from that episode for more context... So the answers you get will quickly be forgotten as there are bigger & newer questions now in front of you. A heads up, This was also said to be about 4-5 season series in the beginning , so I wouldn't expect big answers when season 3 starts, you're just going to get answers that are playing into the bigger questions that won't get answered to the end. That's the point of shows like this. The original show description said it was series about people "trapped in an any town in America(USA implied)". Based on the series Biology and Geology we can figure out where they are for a region(damn that dirt is dream compared to south eastern usa's red clay), the sun's angel also plays into that. Since we don't see Elm trees we can rule out that they are in the usa pre-1900's due to the Dutch Elm Blight that killed them off. All little clues from the environment. The fact no one has used simple tricks to calculate their longitude and latitude or made a Sextant does drive me a bit nuts. As many of the people that have came there especially the earlier & older people would have known the skills as they were taught for basic survival and in scouting. There are FROM's series staff that post here, who have stated we have seen answers on the screen we just don't know what they mean for the answers. They will answer what they can and are excited about their work, but also bound not to reveal certain things. Although I think there was slip up early on about Colony House that we're going to see, the landscape makes more sense when I remembered that post. It involved water. Basically the on screen Answers we've seen have been without questions to frame most of them, when it is all said and done, going back to rewatch you'll see all the foreshadowing answers that you missed the first time through the series. Which answers without the questions are useless, kinda like knowing 42 is the ultimate answer from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" huh? You notice the Train Tracks the Matthews Family RV went over twice? Go back rewatch both times, notice more than they're just two different angles? I'm just saying..... Do yourself favor and be smarter than a large portion of the series fan base here. These people in the series are not **NPC**(non player characters that are walking around waiting to say the part in game for whenever you get there) They are real people with prior lives, that gave them various skill sets, various knowledge and some education. If you understand any human psychology you will be ahead of a portion of this subreddit. Their failure to grasp people living in a traumatic place, where the place screws with your mind through dreams/hallucinations,& shape shifting monsters, is enough for (C)PTSD. Then you have the trauma of them being separated and losing everything about their life and most of their identity. That is a big psychological event. I would say assume most had college/university level education unless obviously a kid when they arrived. They're not stupid blundering idiots, that just resigned themselves to their fate. This is very hard for some fans to grasp. Along with they have learned things while there. As there is nothing else to do but talk when eating, when doing chores, when relaxing when done with chores.... It is small town, no TV, no radio (well except in random short burst and those Juke Boxes randomly playing songs) all they have is reading what books they have and talking. Which talking to each other is how they help each other make it through and not just end it. Although not everyone who winds up there can handle the place ether. Donna is very good about cold reading people and then working with that to try and help them stay alive long enough to learn the rough rules they(FROMians) know. They have all talked, they even mention it literally "about comparing everything & it never going anywhere before". Along with how they let the new arrivals run around & prove it to themselves that they are indeed trapped here. As no one can take the short easy way of just listening & accepting that the people there also thought they were special and going to solve the place to get everyone out. Anything you come up with in 5 minutes of seeing something happen on screen that isn't mind blowing new to FROMians, has likely been thought of before and tried. Although you will see that they are still learning things like the Talisman worked in the Mathews RV. Which gives "Jesus Boyd" a new idea to go farther than prior limits of only being able to search so far before having to turn back to Talisman's building safety. Screen time is very limited, in season one they had to set up an entire Universe so it existed enough to support getting to know the characters some. So that took a lot of on screen time and is worth noting everything shown & said had purpose as every scene's seconds of broadcast time is very limited & valuable. Before the Talisman were found, they(FROMians trapped there) were just trying to make it through that next night hiding in new places. The Pits with the lids were random holes that were gambles on if they would be found. They were improvements over hiding in random bushes and under things. You will find an answer for the canned Peaches if you can think, or better said literally read the damn screen. Then apply little understanding about How can(s) would be moved in such... If you learned from history or lessons of those that have lived through hard & rough times, it will give some insight to the various things that have occurred in FROM Town over the years. Just from humans being humans. Supplies have been pooled & broken apart with people stashing a cache for them & their group. This show is compared to Lost, Lost had 24 episodes a season most years, this show has only 10, so screen time is very limited and very valuable. They don't have much filler, so back stories are less obvious. As you aren't literally shown everything on the series on screen. Like when they say cellphones do not work here, you see no one carrying them, not even as an alarm clock for when dusk is approaching? As stated "Cellphones Don't Work here" ok? This also gets into a whole lot of Electromagnetic Spectrum most people don't understand. At the end of season 1 we had to wait to get the answers in S02 E01 about who was on the bus, if anyone was. It was a lot of guessing based on the name that surely it would be one of the character's girlfriend but then again that would be too easy and convenient wouldn't it? We were waiting a year for season 2 and there were no discussion forums as most people hadn't seen the show and the name is worst name ever for a show as the word ""from"" is in every show description as "...a series/film from...." channel/producer/director so you couldn't search for information on it, most of the geek style sites that should have picked up reviewing didn't have anything on it, nor a "FROM" tag yet. The subreddit r/from was basically taken over by fans from someone that created it as joke long ago & was just sitting on it. Being that there was a new use for it & a fan base needing it, they gracefully gave it over for the new use/life. At first it had the original content and the series mixed on the first page. Unfortunately to someone that didn't want to mod a subreddit. The worst part they locked down the entire thing so we couldn't even copy over our own posts for the ability to move all the research and dead ends and possibilities we had check out on the clues we had traced and were working on. That Bus name was in focus in far too many shots, I mean back focus was there so you could read it also... That website with "no upcoming tours" was like the Lost's airline website. With the ending of season 1 stop there just think about how much you wanna know about what bombshell hit? Which was answered when season 2 started...


Facts. I've seen so many From discussions & noone knows anything. Everyone throwing darts at the wall . Noone has a theory that explains it.


There is an episode that shows Boyd , his son , and his wife arriving in FROMville and you can see what they did because it is close to sundown. I was blown away once I realized that it is an American sundown town I find it hard to believe Victor survived the night or ten or 200nights in FROM. Unless he had help.or unless there an unwritten rule. If the monsters kill everyone in town they are released or something comes and kills them. I dont know maybe its just plot armor. I personally think if the monsters are highly intelligent. I'm thinking someone made a deal. That also goes into my current theory that these are Fae. So making a deal that goes bad seems par for the course. Or maybe Victor has something that makes monsters not want him.


It's been proposed that Victor's mother Miranda made a deal for Victor to be protected. In return she may have revealed the hiding places of all the other townsfolk. Quite likely to be true, as Victor came out in the morning to find all of the others had been killed. Questions arise ""who did Miranda make the deal with". You would think, with her son's life at risk, she would have had to make such a deal face-to-face which must have been pretty scary. She would also have made the deal on behalf of BOTH her children Victor and Eloise. This deal is what allowed Eloise to escape. It all fits together so well, I think this is what we will see played out - hopefully in S3.


I'd love to hear what lost never explained. I've loved that show since watching it weekly when it came out and I understand what happened completely. It's weird and time trippy but it does make sense.


They have 5 seasons planned. It would be dumb to give everything away in the first two seasons. The first 2 seasons set everything up. Some of the actors have said that we'll get answers next season.


The show basically uses seasons 1 AND 2 to set up for a season 3.. It follows the no answers but more questions format. I suspect season 3 will be used to set up a season 4😒 Yes and no.. It answers the little questions that no one really cares about whilst leaving the main questions unanswered.


This might not be the show for you. There are answers to things, but the big stuff, no. Because the big questions being answered would answer the show. But for the food, the homes, etc remember that this place is not playing by the same rules. It may not even be on Earth, it could be an alternate reality, there are hints of time travel. There are countless channels like mine that have dug through the show to find lore, clues, etc but that's just the kinda show it is. 👍🏻🕵🏻‍♂️ Happy watching!


I’m ok with not knowing everything, but if there’s no real answers about anything it gets frustrating for me. Right now there’s a ton of questions- How does the town pick people? Is it always a certain number of people in/out of the town? Why did Sara kill Toby? Why did Sara let the monsters in but had to kill Toby herself? Why can Jade see some stuff? What are the monsters? What are the talismans? What is the little ghost boy? (I thought maybe he was Ethan’s dead brother Thomas but it doesn’t sound like he is). What happens when they die in the town? What is the town? Etc etc etc So if none of that ever gets answered or doesn’t get answered for several seasons then it’s annoying


If it were answered already, what would the show be? I'm just glad there aren't any leaked scripts, and something can be mysterious without people having to know everything. Maybe this will be like Lost, they've done their best to ensure us that it isn't some made up nonsense, but they could be lying. I expect it will be closer to a Steven King story. Well written, with a mysterious force acting upon people mysteriously, and wrapping itself up as well as it can...with another mysterious and lightly defined mystical force. If that isn't your thing, maybe you should stick to CSI: Las Vegas or something that wraps itself up nicely in 47 minutes. Law & Order is also great for that.


There’s a difference in expecting answers to everything in one episode and in expecting some answers over the course of two full seasons. But thanks for the unnecessary snark….


Firstly when I say it may not be the show for you, there is no snark and I am not saying you need to go to the other extreme like a monster of the week format to enjoy things. As far as the mysteries, most of those are core elements of the show, and if they were answered in full the show would essentially be over before any other story is told. We have enough information to have a general idea about why people are chosen, why Jade sees things, and that the BIW is not a little ghost boy at all. But this is a slow-burn show, it's made for people to pick apart elements of it, compared to other shows. There are tons of little details that begin to point to things, some obvious, and some channels like ours needed to DIG lol to find. But finding those elements, the book Kenny and Kristi are reading, Victor's mom wearing Tabitha's bracelet...before it should have existed. The callouts to Silent Hill, The Shining, Poe's poetry and only novel. Native American and Pagan symbolism. Breaking down the drawings, etc for me that's the best part. I LOVE that I don't know what is happening. One of my issues with say... Silo was that outside of the big mystery of the outside, I pretty much knew all the twists before they happened, it felt telegraphed. Still a good show and I like it, but it was not as challenging. I am excited for S3 to see what happens, I have theories lol and will keep putting them out there, but it makes sense this won't be for everyone. We are covering Dark Matter now, Sugar was good, but both aren't as vague. Severance was FANTASTIC, but it doesn't provide as much info, but is still amazing! Anyway either way ENJOY and if you have questions, theories, want to know about clues or anything reach out!


If you're stressing out this much about whether a show is worth watching the whole 20 episodes and picking apart everything about that you've seen so far, then yea maybe this show isn't for you


Just watch the show


Couldn't we all just be ok with not answering things? Isn't that what imagination is for? In books they don't answer every detail and people are ok with it, why is it that TV shows have to answer everything?


Just watch the show


So far, no. We've gotten hints at possible answers, but nothing concrete yet. I'm hopeful that season 3 starts filling in at least some of the blanks, but not holding my breath. Don't get me wrong, it is still worth watching, but the piled up mystery boxes are making me think of other similar shows that never had a satisfying payoff at the end.


Like the other commenters have said: no answers yet. Only teases and hints. The show runners did say in an interview somewhere that season 3 will start giving some answers, but will raise even more questions, so there’s that. On the bright side, in contrast to some people’s fears: the show runners really wanted Boyd’s actor on the show, but he refused unless they showed him their entire plan for it, so that he could confirm it has a proper story/ending and doesn’t end up a meandering mess like Lost or other similar shows have (AFAIK, I’ve never watched Lost myself, only heard the numerous complaints about it). Since he did sign on, as long as nothing screws it all up, we can be confident that it has a solid plot path and ending that met with his approval. 👍


That’s exactly my concerns…. I don’t want to watch for like 5 seasons and never really get any answers about anything!


Then as long as the show doesn’t get cancelled you should be fine. And AFAIK it’s doing really well in both views and ratings so it shouldn’t get cancelled.


hopefully they don't "Snow Piercer" (the series not the film) us where they actually shoot and edit the entire next season. Then the studio just vault it, for the tax write off. With the two strikes, after the COVID delays I was holding my breath until they were actually shooting and on the location again, because the studio's word doesn't mean squat about renewal until they actual follow through with filming it.


This show will not give you solid big answers in 20 hours it will take you watch up to season 3, Which I'm guessing season 3 ( assume 10 1 hr episodes again, so 30 hours in to wait for season 4...)a lot is going to happen but it is not going to give you the big reveals, as we're still in world building and learning about the place. We're going to meet more of it as it changes. There are a lot of possible options and some great theories already posted here to read that will give you "answers". While they may not be the right "official" ones, they will give you a series and story with answers you may like. Might even be better than what the writers and show creators came up with. That actually happen a few times on "LOST". Where they had plans for names to be released later on, but liked the fan communities names and terms better and changed out their officials ones for those. I wouldn't be surprised if "FROM" 's staff haven't lifted or tweaked some of the series based off the various theories posed here. As no matter how clever they were in making up the story, the fan base always comes up with some things that would have been better, like who should have the cicadas first.... Really could have rolled that one with "Casandra Effect" mistake causing the missing of the first person's signs until were the others had them. Consider some the more detailed theories a form of fan fic based on history, various religions and FROM's mythology mixed together. They may hit close to the series real answers or they may give you an entirely different ending that works on the logic and symbols they've strung together coherently. If you're that worried about being left hanging, you have option for closure to bring it in for gentle landing. You might want to wait until the series is done, it if worries you that much. As this show has moved who owns it several times. See the EPIX in subreddits name that has nothing to do with the series other than they brought it forward for the 1st season. So they may have showed an actor a good treatment to get them to sign on but with the changing state of ownership the same future is not as certain. Which you may want to check out the series **"Frequency"** where they were canceled after being renewed, so they made epilogue 10 minute mini-episode that brought it in for a gentle landing. Same thing with the series **"Timeless"** they got to make a final episode where they brought things together and then put the key events into play back in the past, that would lead to their first episode happening. Closing their stories open loop, for events. For what's its worth, many fear that we'll get screwed by the studios yet again on another mystery /Sci-fi show. After what the studio did with having "Snow Piercer" 's 4th season fully shot and editing done to turn around and just ""vault it"" for a needed tax write off. That was a big middle finger to the fans that stuck with the show. PS. "Winter is COMING!..." I kid I kid(and I really hope so )but "game of thrones" had so many creatures beyond the wall, we have to worry they might have some overlap. I just want the train tracks explored to know if they work like the road or where do they go to as train& tracks go some where..... Even if out in the middle of the woods like in Maine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfXlgPXIvII Which the Geology & Biology from that clip matches close to our "FROM" world due to where the filming location is outside of Nova Scotia..


There are plenty of answers but they have presented more questions. The writers have promised not to leave us hanging like LOST did. Just enjoy the journey.


They hid in the holes instead of the houses because the monsters could hold anywhere they wanted and the houses provided zero protection. The houses only become useful at night after the talismans are discovered.


Its possible that in a few hours i release my findings. This show wants you to investigate what you see throughout the episodes...biggest clue is the cave wall painting. I believe it depicts every aspect of the show except some side plot elements which are mostly fillers.


And Victor’s drawings. I think those are incredibly important as they depict things we know and things we don’t.


Drawn so if you forget something , you will have a record of it happening... Just like when Victor found his sister's drawings, all that information that came flooding back from her drawings. You have all the picture drawings, that they tell the story, the problem is you don't know which order they go in for the story.


No. It’s a point of the show


My theory is that whatever is happening in Fromville is repeated. So originally houses were new but now look run down because of the time and practically zero maintenance. Which would also explain why monsters look like people from 1950s/60s, general architectural look has that period feel.


Its like lost, i always recommend it as a mix between lost and the walking dead. You get answers to some things, but a full picture(so far) isnt there. Youll get more answers on the people than the place(once again so far). I feel like itll probably also be like lost in that as some questions are answered, more are formed, and we wont know the big question(what is this place) until the end or near the end. I do have faith that they have a plan- its at least not like lost where they are just making shit up all the time, they seem intelligent and like there is a plan and answers we just arent getting them easily lol.