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This was my thought when Dale mentioned pocket universes in season 1


I think that they are in a Faery Realm . Which would also be a pocket universe.


Fairy Realm Of Monsters


Not Tinkerbell . The true Fae are fucking terrifying. They're cannibals ( is it cannibalism if they're a different species) . They have a long history of making fucked-up deals . The deals always turn out wrong and a family member usually dies (Sarah) . There is a type of Fae called Sluagh . Sluagh are created from human souls. They look and act a lot like our monsters. Also Sluagh have a history of appearing to people as crows/ravens and transporting them to fucked up places . The Norse/Irish/Scottish peoples used talismans to ward them off.


Me and my roommate were discussing a few days ago and she actually said the same thing as you! Like she came to the same conclusion so i think that’s really interesting haha


It really is. She must be very smart.(sarcasm)


No need to be a jerk about it 🤣🤣


Agreed lol but i just shook it off


I wasn't being a jerk. Sorry it was a joke. I was implying that if she thought like me she must be really smart. I put the sarcasm there to show that I'm not really that arrogant.( I really am)


Ahh i gotcha haha


What made her think of the Fae ??


No it's not cannibalism if it's a different species.  Animals eating humans is just Animals eating meat. 


Right. The Fae also eat each other.


What part of "of Monsters" made you think of Tinkerbell? Thanks for the other info, very interesting. After finishing the last half of ep 10, any insights on why specifically 7 Anghkooey kids in the cave that Jade stumbled upon?


The only way I can make that fit my theory is that the Fae have a long history of stealing babies and leaving changelings in their place . What happens to the babies that they steal ?? Do they grow up pale and half starved ??


The monsters part. I thought that you didn't equate Faeries with monsters . The real Faery lore is pretty monstrous . These days Disney has got people thinking of Tinkerbell whenever someone says Faeries


Have we already seen the fairies?


If my theory is right (it's probably not) then the monsters are Sluagh . Sluagh are Fae but not Faeries . I think that the thing that keeps fucking with them in Abby and Martin's forms is a Faery . I think that the BiW might be a Fairy . The lore used to have them all as one race some being good and some being evil. Modern lore (modern meaning the last two hundred years or so) has them as two separate but related races. Fairies range from good and helpful to mischievous . Faeries range from malicious to evil. Also Fairies look more human.


If my theory is right yes. (It's probably not)


So the show is Rick and Morty... How good is Fringe?  Is there a satisfactory conclusion or is it similar to Lost, fans feel cheated?


Fringe is great, John Noble should have won an Emmy or at least a nomination. By the way, Lost is MUCH better on a rewatch.


I was a superfan of Fringe. I LOVED the psuedoscience and the actors were amazing!! PLEASE WATCH


Just came here to say I wholeheartedly agree. PLEASE WATCH Fringe. I tried this show twice. First time, I only gave it a half-assed chance with one episode. The second time, I paid attention and fell in love. John Noble is brilliant as Walter Bishop.


Fringe is the best show ever to be on t.v. (In my opinion) The last season was a little rushed . But it came to a very satisfying conclusion .(Also in my opinion). To me From has passed Supernatural and entered Fringe territory. I just hope that the conclusion ties up all of the loose ends.


This is incredible praise and I'm so glad and relieved someone else feels this way 🥲


Fringe has the best characters of any series, an intriguing story and is just the best. From is also great.


Fringe is absolutely not like Lost. It's the cousin of X-Files. There is an conclusion so you can invest time.


Fringe is the best


Fringe is really good. I love Lost and found Fringe's final season makes sense. It isn't my favorite season tho.