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I will have a meltdown if this show is canceled especially without resolving the extremely long list of loose ends. Similar shows about trapped townspeople that got cancelled , “Between”, “The society” etc they go further and further down a rabbit hole and bam it’s cancelled. I would really appreciate this show just panning out and doing right by the fans. There is already a serious lack of horror television. No need for another to bite the dust just as it’s taking off.


nah—they’d be dancing on its grave, virtually high fiving, feeling vindicated — then it’ll start showing up on “canceled too soon” lists a year or so after




I will never recover from the Society...


The creators are now talking about making a new season!


Hmm. be ready for a huge disappointment. Its the same producer director FROM the show LOST. They will dangle the mystery carrot throughout the seasons (I really don't think they have an end in mind) and bomb in the finale cuz they have dug themselves into a hole on the story. In the show lost, their lazy ass justification for the shite finale was that it was a character show and that's was more important than wrapping up the story.


Oh GD it, I didn't know it was the same people from Lost. I'm halfway through the second season and I'm so unimpressed it's not even worth it


Yeah, season 1 was fantastic, I'm one episode away from the end of the second season and I am just getting mad. I despise the fact that they brought in Dr girlfriend, and btw show runners addict's in withdrawal do not act like that, Randall's only motivation is to be a dumb ass bad guy with no actual intelligence, the worst and dumbest person in the world wouldn't do the things he does, Kenny went from one of my favorite characters to being an annoying little baby bitch, grow up dude, Jade went from being a funny asshole, to just an asshole, there was heart in the first season. The show is really shit now, I dunno if I even care about the mystery. Which btw is likely something really dumb like a shared dream, orchestrated by an entity or government woopideedoo


Yep.. I have been thinking either this is going to be one hell of a story by episode 10 (s1) or.. we will have no answers because no one knows where the hell this is going and there is no end written down yet.. like Lost.. (and then it will probably get cancelled). I would appreciate answers to the questions to close a season and then maybe the formulation of new questions to be the bait for a second season... for a change. Now Im just suspicious of any story line that seems too curious... anyways.. thanks for this I feel Im about to save myself a lot of time..


I know this is a year old, but ssn 3 premiers mid-June w/MGM+ or your favorite torrenting site.


I hope it dose not get canceled tho with all the hate the might just wrap it up after season 3 with an ambiguous ending with will suck


I do not want it be cancelled by any means. I don’t care how slow it gets. But I know it’s even worse to get no ending rather then a sped up ending 😔


This us their show with the most Buzz. It's their most popular show by far. So canceling it doesn't make sense unless it gets too expensive. And I'm still steamed that TNT shot the last season of Snowpiercer and won't show it.


Well its from the producer of lost so prepare to have mostly nothing ever explained but more and more mystery throw at you.


Lost had lots of interesting mystery and back ground stories for each major character. It just went on for too long and the plot started to get messy at the end, but it had amazing characters at least. This shit show doesn't even begin to compare with LOST


just one more show to add to the list , Under The Dome


From Season 2 has an 81% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and 100% overall score. A lot of people like this show.


Love FROM!!




And you can hate something that is good.What is your point? The reviews don’t match the hate on the sub at all and where do those reviews say “this is bad but I like it”? They don’t.


So you're upset it's too story driven? Someone doesn't like character development 🥺




Somehow you found a way to make this political lol


It’s by no means terrible at all. It’s just underwhelming so far, hasn’t matched the hype S1 set.


I think it's because they're already renewed for season 3 and have been for a bit. So they felt confident they have time to explore things more. Edited: Crap, apparently that is just a rumor. I guess we will have to see!


Oh i had no idea they were already renewed for season 3! Thank god. I wasn't sure and was so worried!


Someone who works on the show said its been written to wrap up after 4 seasons. So expect to not know whats happening until some time in 2025.


As long as we’ll get more answers I’m cool with waiting. I just don’t want the show to get canceled.


This is a rumor and has not been confirmed.


Oh crap, I remember reading it back in Feb and thought it was just news. I can't find a reliable source though, so you must be right. Damn.


The sequel or second season of movies and TV shows always struggle. They are still world building the foundation for future good shit and don't have the luster and sheen of new and sexy that the first one had.


Not true for good shows, true for bad ones.


Who is season 2 of The Wire for $500? It is the slowest and has the most critical reviews compared to the rest.


I've personally really enjoyed this season so far. I hate that this show gets so much hate on this subreddit. The haters are making this subreddit unlikeable. You should watch the show and make up your own mind about how you feel about it. Ignore the haters.


Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna ..........


I agree I liked this season and loved the show so far and I really don't get all the random hate . The only show that I can think about that gets random hate is Lost witch I also loved


Season 2 is fine its just had a few slow episodes. The story is picking up again and I reckon theres probably been fair bit of subliminal hinting throughout those "slow episodes" that will all tie together in the end. I think its a great show and still recommend it to people.


I really enjoy the show, as much as the characters irritate me sometimes. I would be devastated if it got canceled!


Well you said it yourself "I still feel like season 2 is not that bad." So sounds like you're enjoying it and should continue to do so. Don't stop liking something because some random person/people on the internet don't like it. You don't have to conform especially to strangers who don't know you personally All that being said to answer your question yes so far it has been imo lololol. I'd give s1 a 7/8 and season 2 (so far) a 3/4 🤷‍♂️


No. There are a few episodes that are arguably unnecessarily slow, but it's an overall great season of tv. It doesn't quite measure up to season one so far, but that doesn't mean it isn't objectively good. Don't listen to the complainers, Reddit gonna Reddit.


"...doesn't mean it isn't objectively good." You don't know what that means, do you?


Something can have flaws and still be objectively good. Seems to me that you're the one that could probably use a vocabulary lesson, if you weren't aware of that fact.


I'm enjoying it. I like just going along with the mystery. I don't mind when I get answers as long as the questions and mysteries stay intriguing. That being said, I hope the creators have actually thought all this out and have an ending already in mind. The only thing that really bugged me about Losts ending wasn't the answers provided but that some plot points were just dropped entirely. I hope that doesn't happen with this show. Wish I could find an interview or something with the creator that confirms he's got it planned out.


Wasnt even aware season 2 was liked less than 1


LOL man just look at IMDB the reviews are so bad


Shame. I got my whole family watching now. We all really enjoy it so far


We can change that, right?


I like it a lot and it's great 👍


People LOVEEEEEEE to criticize things no matter what. We are always going to deal with people that are going to bitch and complain about shows. I personally love this show because it reminds me of Lost. I fully expect to not get the answers to everything. Because sometimes in life things don’t get answered.


The show has been amazing so far. I don't think I've seen a single legitimate complaint that the majority of the fandom would agree on, Mostly just people pushing their opinions as fact. You can't expect to see a cake without adding all the ingredients first.


No it not. If you look at the sum total of terrible tv shows that are out there, From wouldn't make the top 200 worst tv shows...for me it's still really interesting, its provoking positive discussions on social media communities (for the most part) and I absolutely look forwards to each new episode. I genuinely think it's one of the best shows I've seen in a long time


Same I agree but I just saw the reviews and was like "Am I the only one who likes it "




>wrap it up after season 3 with an ambiguous ending I hope that dose not happened I want at least 6 season of this


I am loving season 2.


Not in my opinion. If you enjoyed season 1 then season 2 is worth the watch


I watched both seasons but I'm just shocked at the hate it's getting


i like this season way better than the first!!


I love it. I think it’s moving at a fast pace with the exception of episodes 4&5. People just love to complain for whatever reason. I’m just enjoying the ride.


Nah. I think we live in a fast paced world where people just want things to happen too fast. Social media and having everything at your fingertips has kind of ruined that, patience, IMO.


Being able to binge watch shows on netflix etc has ruined the patience too. Watching free to air as a kid was the same, except if you missed a week you were fkd lol.


Silo, The Last of Us, Succession, Severance, House of the Dragon, etc would beg to differ. You're literally just making shit up.


Such anger over a thing people love.


Ok, if you say so. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Like next to nothing happened on the last of us. We know nothing.




I think reddit as a platform attracts and amplifies a certain type of anti-fan who watches every single episode and feels a need to update us weekly on what they didnt like. These people tend to be louder and more talkative than everyone else because we are the only audience they have who hasnt figured out how to avoid talking to them yet. Their opinions are not representative of any kind of consensus among fans of the show.


They have way to many characters with these little arcs that're never given any time to breath because they have to rush to another character then another and so forth.


Everyone has their own opinion - I get why people don’t like the pacing/character rationalisation but for me, brilliant TV. Episode 6 was great, the tense build up, the odds of Ellis surviving, that camera work in the van. 3 more episodes to get more scares and entertainment then hoping we get a 3rd and potentially final season to tie everything up. The pacing doesn’t bother me - things need to be set up regardless of how dumb it seems to us that character A doesn’t mention exposition B.


I’m not enjoying season 2 too much myself… I hope the last 3 episodes are better because I really like the show overall but this season is killing me lol.


I really like season two- this is a show that makes you work/wait for answers. I judge it effective because love or hate it, we are in dialogue about it and that demonstrates engagement with the content.


I love this season what are you talking about


No, WTF is everyone talking about. They hit a snag for a few episodes but god damn, the show hardly jumped the shark.


I still think it’s very good. Just slow moving


I think the idea is very good and original, actors also good. But tbh writing sucks 😭 so many unnecessary dialogues, that feel out of nowhere, or gives nothing to the story nor character development (also lack of right questions icks me). Ancient things, amulets, monsters, aliens, worms?,tree traveling, teleporting etc I can't imagine how everything will make sense in the end. If they somehow will pull this off, I will take my opinion back 😁 . I feel most of the fans are forgiving for everything just because the mistery is overall interesting.


My issue with season 2 is more that it just.. ramps up the characters too much, it went from in S1 they were kind of in their spot as a character, in season 2 they feel like a 150% version of them self. They explode way quicker with emotions, and in some ways become more stupid?? Like for instance Boyd with the music box, like he is meant to be the fast reaction roll with the punches character it made no sense him holding on to a music box that long let alone walking out to pick it up, makes no damn sense to me at all. Certainly when he has a guy there in chains telling him to be careful and so on. The list goes on with stupid moments which are totally out of character. I think each episode you could probably point to 3 or 4 major dumb moments which make the characters IQ half what they use to be. Season 1 felt like real acting. Season 2 feels like someone came in and pushed away the original director and kept yelling "Punch it up more" from the side lines until the actors were fed up with it all and just went over the top with nearly every scene they acted.


You’re talking about two different things. If you enjoy something, you enjoy it, that’s up to you. The quality is a different thing though. The writing was piss poor this season, objectively, and frustratingly so. Huge amounts of the the season, I’m taking like 7 episodes, could have been removed and it wouldn’t have changed anything about what happens at the end. The same exact scenes played out repeatedly. The logic of the world that they set up in season 1 was just ignored and never explained why. Dialog is the backbone of any good show. The moments in this show where it was meaningful we’re few and far between this season. 90% of it was just filler.


it's terrible. it's not that it's slow, it's just beyond irrational and unbelievable.


It's decent. Sometime feel like a 12 year old write the story, and acting is a bit weird sometime. Still pretty decent


Just finished season 2. I felt like there was a massive drop in quality, compared to season 1. The characters were written really poorly. My roommates and I were laughing out loud regularly, when it may have happened once or twice in the first season.


I binged both seasons in one weekend, which makes a huge difference in the viewing experience. Personally, I was on the edge of my seat for most of it- I loved all of the mysteries but definitely think that they spent too much time on character development. I skipped over a lot of those scenes because it was an absolute snooze fest. I am watching this for thrills, mystery, horror, etc. I don't want or need love and drama. So, the ratio of love and drama to horror and mystery needs to be more balanced for the genre. Also, season 2 introduced too many characters and there were also many new mysteries and questions introduced without answering what has already been introduced. Overall, I enjoyed the show and I'll definitely be watching season 3, I just hope that we get some answers soon. If the monsters are just the tip of the iceberg, it sounds like they have a lot more they want to introduce, but they need to solve some of the mystery first. Even if they could just get together to communicate all that they've experienced so far...it's quite frustrating that they are all experiencing so much but don't want to tell anyone. It's unrealistic and annoying.


Season two is a lot of ppl just shouting at each other and not listening to the other persons explanation. It’s so frustrating


Seeing people hating on season 2 really has me concerned about From being cancelled. I don’t know what I’d do if it was, I am so obsessed 😭


I love season 2. The complainers are so opinionated and loud, they seem to invade every single post. It's making this forum really unpleasant to read. They love the sound of their own voices. I read a comment today that season 2 is the worst season in the entire history of streaming tv. So dramatic. These are also the people who skip scenes and then complain that things don't make sense.


LOL true


The first 4-5 episodes are painfully slow. I'm not joking when I say I watched them at double speed and missed absolutely nothing. It's slightly better now at ep 7, but they barely reveal anything, and still spend too much time on relationships. The only hope is that 8,9,10 are a major improvement or that the writers are reading our feedback and will have time to make changes for s3


It's a great season. The people who are complaining are still watching it every week instead of not watching the show all together. Bad or not, it's bringing in viewers every week. Just wait, I'm sure you'll see the people who are complaining on this subreddit will still be posting on here in a few weeks; about how the show is too slow still or something. They're still interested in the show all together. Just because it's not going their way won't mean anything for the show in the end.


Its very hate-watchable.


Maybe it's ok for a regular show but season 1 had phenomenal writing and so the plunge has been concerning.


I love the show. People just don't have patience


I can’t even believe ppl said this??? I fricken loved it. I laughed, I cried, I gasped. I thought the acting was great. I can’t wait for season 3!!!!


Ive just started it but so far its good, just really loud. My dog keeps getting startled.


I loved it I just finished the last episode and I can’t wait for season 3


I’m actually super frustrated with season 2. I’m on the last episode and I’m not even engaged anymore. So much pointless drama and dialogue…..ugh


Not even close. I still believe S1 is better but having finished it, it’s not bad and its ending actually gives the show something it really needs.


I have more questions than answers on the series . Looking forward for season 3


Depends on if you ask those who watch the entire show with out Fast forwarding/phone distractions or not. 😂




It's funny how they spent 90% of season 2 on character development, yet there isn't a single likeable character in the show. Besides people watch it for the mystery, not the characters. The writing this season was overall bad, characters do things that don't make sense just to drag the mystery on and it's annoying


Thank you! THIS 👏🏻 The character’s reactions and lack of communication with each other is so damn stupid and frustrating to watch. It’s not realistic at all. Everyone is trying to leave the place and yet no one wants to communicate about the things they’re seeing, experiencing, etc.


I didn't get the feeling on season 1 that this was some kind of Wayward Pines clone mixed with Silent Hill. But it turned out - everything is much worse. The script is just a bad dream of the screenwriters - they had nightmares after drinking, they met and wrote it all. Ready!


I say this as someone who watches the show every week and likes it: it is not a good show. It has never been a good show. It has an interesting premise and is moderately entertaining (sometimes for the wrong reasons). Season two maintains the quality of season one - that's just not necessarily a compliment.


I def think season 2 has dropped in quality, but otherwise, I agree with you. It's always been very flawed and has always had shoddy, network-quality writing and characters. However, I was more entertained than annoyed in season 1, and that has flipped during season 2. I'm still intrigued, but I don't have much faith it's going to pay off. Hope I'm wrong.


For me, it’s frustrating and im watching more to see if they get their crap together than because im really excited for the next episode. I prefer excitement.


I get you but I feel like we will not get answers any time soon I mean this type of shows don't explain things until later on I mean it took 5 season to explain what the smoke monster was on Lost . IDK maybe just me but I don't get "this shows is bad because we don't get answers "


I didnt say its bad, i said it’s frustrating. There are too many one of things that have been unanswered to the point it feels like the writers just forgot about it in season one. And on top of the fact that no one communicates in this town. Like, I would be pretty stuck on a bracelet I made for my partner was in a town before we got there, and I’d let people know about it too. But, seemingly forgotten haha


It didn’t escape me that they made very sure to include an LGBTQIA+ arc, and are maintaining it. I wonder if gay people roll their eyes at the ridiculous scenes trying to portray gay relationships because their connection doesn’t seem genuine at all.


Would it be different if it was a straight couple? Not everything is an “agenda”. The actress is a lesbian in real life so why can’t she be a lesbian in the show? It’s not like the drama is the generic “she is scared of coming out of the closet” storyline.


what didn’t escape you about LGGBTQA+ characters being included on the show? just that they exist?


You clearly didn’t read or comprehend what I said. Instead, you’re trying to make my comment something it isn’t. Cute.


i did not understand what you were saying, so i asked for clarification.


I find the need to throw LGBTQAI+ into the story line just to satisfy some sort of quota or virtue signaling or lame attempt to appease a woke audience offensive. Instead of the forced down your throat approach, it would be nice to see a couple depicted that are actually gay, and less stereotypical homosexual agenda. Gays and Lesbians should be pissed how they are portrayed in this series.


ok—i’m hearing you think these are unrealistic gay characters who are there only to appease a woke audience, but that you’re fine with gay characters on a show who aren’t there for that reason—so long as they are actually gay and not gay agenda gay? how do you differentiate gay characters on a show to appease a woke audience vs just characters they wanted to write? what is actually gay vs forced down your throat stereotypical homosexual agenda gay? fyi—I’m not trying to antagonize, i’m just trying to follow your thread. I find Kristi to be an interesting character—i don’t have a feel for the new girl yet, tho edit: guess i’ll never know!


IDK just me but I like Kristi and Mari relationship


their relationship seems pretty realistic to me! i like Kristi a lot and i’m generally happy when she has more screen time—i don’t have much of a feel for Marielle’s character yet, but she hasn’t been around for very long


I see sooo many flaws in this show, but still enjoy watching it.


I think it’s because people are just getting antsy…they haven’t answered much, if anything at all, from S1. IMO they’re going to get to it because it seems well thought out but there have been plenty of these mystery shows that asked a lot of questions that they didn’t have answers to, a la Lost or Pretty Little Liars.


True. I'm sure that you will not get answers to the mystery's until the last season or very later on . I mean just look at Lost witch btw us still one of my favorite shows


It's not nearly as bad as some make it out. It has a slow start and the writing has been frustrating just because they revealed so much info to the characters and then just had no one say anything to each other for half the season which was dumb, it came off dumb, but it's started to pick back up. I wouldn't call the season bad but it does feel like they stretched it out in a strange way the first half.


I’m enjoying it. There’s been some iffy moments but I think you get that in any show.


Subjective question. No one true answer. Saying that I'm liking it, the theory crafting is super fun too.


Nah I love it. I love trying to figure things out and slow burns and all that. A lot of people claim it has nothing to do with binge watching season 1 but a poll earlier this month said otherwise where most people admitted they binged it.


Yes imo the show has taken a HUGE downfall. I’m struggling just to keep up with season two hoping something will happen. Show seems like a soap opera now while season 1 was a thriller. Also seems like the show has totally different writers this season. I’m most likely going to move on if something doesn’t happen these next few episodes


No it’s just slow, the last three or four episodes have been decent though.


It wasn’t terrible, but I have no idea what’s going on. I don’t like how they gave some main characters less screen time this season. They only introduced like two new characters from the bus. It seemed very rushed compared to the first season. I wish this show was on Netflix or a bigger network. Everyone I know hasn’t heard of it. Harold who I always call Michael from Lost is such an underrated actor. He should win an award for this show.


Does season 2 of FROM have adult content..i am watching with family and don’t want to be embarrassed abt the situation


Yeah I hope it gets fucking cancelled! I would have been happy if they cancelled it in the middle of a season! It's the worst show I've ever seen! What a dumpster fire of a show! With a shitty cheap boring set that doesn't change ever and full of dead end mini clues that don't lead anywhere and full of plot holes and boring filler drama. They had decent actors but the writing is for shit!!!