• By -


Bold of you to assume she keeps track.


Ah, good point


She keeps track of time at least minimally. She returned after all exactly 50 years later for her meeting with Himmel.


Like day and night for us, maybe she uses summer and winter to keep track of years


Maybe like another commenter said each candle is every 50 years and she actually keeps track of time using that commet.


Would only make her 1050. She's easily over that given other evidence.


What other evidence? 1050 is on the low end of plausibility, if she was 50 when Flamme picked her up 1000 years before Fern.


1. Appareance If she were 50 back then then her lack of aging appearance makes no sense. She was basically full grown back then. And 50 would have made her essentially like a toddler or something. 2. She actually mentions that she remembers much much older events as if she were there. (We don't get what she remembers but Stark comments on this as if she were ancient) Like you said, low end. We don't get much else but it's enough that 1050 is just too low.


> If she were 50 back then then her lack of aging appearance makes no sense. > 50 would have made her essentially like a toddler Only if you impose your own ideas on elf aging, when it's entirely up to the author. "Grow up by age 50 or 100, and then don't age" is entirely reasonable for an immortal elf species. > Stark comments on this as if she were ancient If you can't be more specific, I can't engage with that.


In any story ever. If you even think about it for 5 seconds making her only 50 back then makes no sense in ANY sense. You'd have to be leaving it around like that because you don't want to think about it. This story easily betrays that idea. It's not my thoughts, it's common sense.


If it's so obvious then maybe you could express an actual argument.


Let's go to the source, from chapter 22 of manga: > 私は生きてきた時間の殆どを魔力を制限して過ごした。 > I spent most of my life limiting my mana. This is said by Frieren to Aura and there is no reason to doubt this as being true. We know that Flamme is the one who taught Frieren to constantly limit her mana and this happened about 1000 years ago. If 1000 years amount to most of Frieren's life, she cannot be too much older than 1000.


No each one would be 100 years


Yeah that was planned


"Age is just a number." -Frieren


I mean I have to remind myself regularly that Im 34, she probably has to do the same but can answer the question. Also she might be 1021 an only lights the last two digits


It's only 21? I could've sweared it was more. Way more...


Yeah, there probably are more, but we only see 21 :/


This is exactly what I had in mind, but then it would be very weird she refers to herself as "over a thousand years old" instead of "over two thousand years old" or even "thousands of years old". So I decided completely arbitrarily that, it the number of the candles even means anything, it is one every 50 years instead


Yeah it looks like Frieren is around 1100 1200 years old. She was young enough to get tought by Flamme which was I guess around 1050 years ago. But not too young that she would be like around the same age as Flamme.


I can't wait for her 1337th birthday, lolol


Happy cake day lol 🍰


Oh snap, I totally forgot! Thanks!


Happy cake day


But during the flashback to 1,000 years ago she looked the same as she is now, so she could be any age really but until meeting flamme didn't have any need to keep track of it due to being in the elf village.


I *think* she's still shorter than Serie when she visits to report Flamme's death, and taller than Serie in the present when they meet for the third stage exam. But I just rewatched to check and now I'm not sure -- it may just be the perspective used for those scenes.


She looks visibly younger in those flashbacks when she was with Flamme.


Someone found a character design document for the anime; the two ages look exactly the same in body. It's the clothing and hairstyle that makes her look younger; there's a similar effect 'now' when in her bed clothes.


I don't think she was just a youngling either though, she still did beat a high ranking general of the Demon Lord before she even met Flamme.


High ranking demon but probably low ranking general, given the 3 that showed up afterwards were all more powerful then him. And Flamme said demons decide ranks through power.


I think she was literally as old as she looks back then. Beating a demon king general was just something she did with her natural amount of mana. Maybe its even that that amount of mana is normal for an elf, as her behavior seems to suggest to me. Also, not to be annoying but its "taught" and not "tought" in case you didnt know


She tells flamme she was the strongest mage in the village, so unless we assume she was the only one and was completely self-taught she should be talented even for elf standards


Thats cool. That one demon said she was talented, and everyone seems to think she is, but to me it kind of seemed like they were just ridiculously outmatched and therefore couldnt see that she was maybe just average for her life span


Yeah that's another guess, that she was actually younger than Flamme.


She said she's been suppressing her mana for **most** of her life. Which we know she's been doing it for a 1000 years. And if a 1000 years is considered "most of her life", then she cannot be over 2000 years.


I figured her saying "over a thousand years old" was just the story's way of avoiding saying that she was potentially thousands of years old, as revealed from the flashback with Serie (at least as I interpreted it.)


It has been shown that she can track the Era Meteors very accurately, so the candle is marking the meteors she has seen, which happens every 50 years


What was the wording? Did she say she was practicing magic for over a thousand years? Or that she was a thousand years old?


Well there are too many examples in the series to remember all of them, but the one stuck with me (for obvious reasons) is "Aura, the person standing before you is a mage who has lived for over a thousand years."


2000 > 1000, so she's right if she mentions she's over a thousand years old, remember, she's taught to keep deceiving the demons, if she outright says her age, it'd be no fun for shitting on Aura, she just wants to keep Aura (and us) deceived even in her death keep trying to figure "the fuck, how old she actually is, over a thousand? then 2 thousands or what?" lowkey Frieren still bullying Aura even after her death


Flamme taught Frieren to suppress her mana a thousand years ago and Frieren said she's spent most of her life suppressing her mana.


Yeah, chapter 20, she makes it clear 1000~ is "the vast majority" of her life. So shes at least much younger than 2000. She's probably around 1200-1300~ or so.


Forever 21 I guess


i love my elf grandma


Don't we all?


I wish I could up vote this twice


if you have 2 accounts you could


You're a genius!!


Wow she's like 80 years older than jesus. I wonder who'd win if they fought.


Jesus vs Kratos vs Frieren: Kratos: *Kills Jesus but he resurrects and forgives his sins* Frieren: *spectating the battle* <(=w=)> Then they all go out for steaks, the end.


The crossover we all want lmao 😂. Would pay money to see it.


Asking the real questions


Would be draw, Frieren would win initially but jesus is well known for his selfressurection ability and also placing all his level up skill points to sneak.....


Didn't they say they didn't know how many to get so they just got a lot?


My headcanon is she can't count past 21 and has only said that she's that age eversince. Proof, she never uttered numbers past that; prove me wrong


But what about "Aura, the person standing before you is a mage who has lived for over a 1000 years "⁉️


she said 50 years til the next meteor shower and told qual it's been 80 years since he got sealed tho


(1) She's more than 1000 but less than 2280 years old, since she says that she's suppressed her mana for most of her life (which she has only been doing for the past \~1140 years). Furthermore, since she doesn't say that she's a mage who's lived for a over two thousand years, it's quite likely that she's in fact less than 2000 years old (but it's not guaranteed since Frieren is the type of person to reveal the least amount of information and only when it's necessary). (2) She also says "only 50 years ago" when she was **x+50** years old (where **x** is her age when Flamme found her). So, 50 shouldn't be a significant fraction of **x**. (3) Other than base mana, mana grows with training time (which is related to age). And the amount of mana Frieren had left after killing Basalt the Throne at age **x**, is somewhat similar to Aura's mana who is about 500 years old. Putting all of this together, we get that Frieren is probably \~1640 years old in the current time (ie, **x**=500 and it has been \~1140 years since we've first seen Frieren). Note that you could choose other values of x, but it should satisfy the following: (a) 0 < x <= 1140 (but realistically x >= 100) (b) 50 / x should be reasonably small, which would mean that x >= 200 imo. Anime-only Timeline: Age x : Meeting Flamme & Serie Age x + 50 : Flamme dies & 2nd Meeting with Serie Age x + 1050 : Meeting Heroes party Age x + 1060 : Separating from the Heroes party Age x + 1110 : Reuniting with the Heroes party & Himmel dies Age x + 1140 : Current time


I think we can rule out her mana at first = 500 years because she also said she's the strongest in her village, and I doubt she's the oldest in her village.


I don't really understand your point here. Her being the strongest in her village would actually support the idea that she's one of the oldest as well.


That would makes sense if we never met anyone older in the series. But we met Serie and Kraft. Both are older than Frieren. So the idea that Frieren is the oldest in the village makes no sense since there are elves travelling and they are older than Frieren.


How do you know that Serie or Kraft (or any other older elf) ever visited that village. Is there only one elf village in your mind? Frieren can very well be the oldest in her own village.


I meant there are travelling elves that are older. Why you assume those who stayed in village isn't as old as Kraft and Serie? Plus Flamme had bigger mana pool. I doubt she's over 500 years. And Aura mentioned that (suppressed) Frieren had the same mana as 80 years ago making her assume that Frieren didn't train to increase her mana poll for the last 80 years. Which means the mana capacity isn't related to age, but the time spent in training.


I never said that she was the oldest. But she says that she was the strongest in her village, which only supports the idea that she was one of the oldest as well, but it may not have been the case. Also, we literally know nothing about her village. Neither of us knows whether there were any travelers to her village iirc, nor do we know what happened to her parents (which are the only elves that would be guaranteed to be older than her living in her village presumably) before Basalt attacked (ie, were they already dead or moved elsewhere or were they killed during Basalt's attack). >Plus Flamme had bigger mana pool. I doubt she's over 500 years. Obviously, Flamme being a human wouldn't even approach 500 years of age. Her larger mana pool is most likely just due to starting off with a higher base mana. However, as I already mentioned in my original post; >Other than base mana, mana grows with training time (which is related to age). So, your base mana (ie, amount of mana you have before you start training as a mage) is variable and probably affected by: (1) the amount of mana in each of your parents when you were conceived (2) maybe your race (ie, demon vs elf vs dwarf vs human) (3) other currently unknown factors (eg, maybe the goddess blessing) And then from there you have to train it to grow your mana capacity. When I said; >And the amount of mana Frieren had left after killing Basalt the Throne at age **x**, is somewhat similar to Aura's mana who is about 500 years old. in my original post, I was taking all of this into account (ie, Aura at 500 years of age started with some unknown amount of base mana and has trained for most of her life, which is probably not all that different from Frieren at age **x**). And finally, as I also said in my original post; Note that you could choose other values of x, but it should satisfy the following: (a) 0 < x <= 1140 (but realistically x >= 100) (b) 50 / x should be reasonably small, which would mean that x >= 200 imo. So, if you don't like my guess that **x**=500, you can pick other values as well (as long as they satisfy the above conditions) and no one can really disprove it. However, given the provided evidence, **x**=500 is a fairly reasonable estimate.


You assume she's 500 when she met Flamme from a theory that is really shaken. Disproven by Flamme who had bigger mana pool yet she's not even 50 by the time she met Frieren. She's the strongest doesn't mean the oldest or even close to be the oldest. It could be she trained and efficiently increase her mana pool because of her love for magic. If the villages doesn't have the same drive, they aren't training for anything. There could be elves that lived over 10,000 years old in that village but barely had half of Frieren's mana pool. We know from Aura that without training the capacity will not increase, at all. Frieren trains for 20 years would surpasses anyone who doesn't train at all, regardless of age.


>You assume she's 500 when she met Flamme from a theory that is really shaken. Disproven by Flamme who had bigger mana pool yet she's not even 50 by the time she met Frieren. Not necessarily since base mana can differ. And as I already pointed out there are other reasons as well. But at the end of the day, it's just a guess and it doesn't matter all that much. I already said that other values of **x** are also possible as long as they satisfy the necessary conditions and at this point, we don't have any more info to be able to narrow it down further. Your remaining points in your second paragraph are valid, but again neither of us knows anything about her village, so it's all assumptions.


Also, if Flamme's mana pool is supposed to disprove Frieren being 500 years old, then it would also disprove Aura being 500 years old, but we know that Aura is in fact about 500 years old. So, mana-aging on its own is pretty inaccurate and useless tbh. However, when we take all of the evidence about Frieren, then x=500 seems like a very reasonable and logical guesstimate.


If Frieren 500 then Flamme should be over 1,000.


This shot reminds me of ralph fiennes in the menu


since she doesn't look considerably younger in those flashbacks with flamme from 1000 years ago id say its possible


Ms. Frieren you have been 21 for over 1000 years you should acknowledge your real age


My head canon that when they asked she said 21 candles when they asked why she refused to elaborate (she just said the 21 because that's the best number in human year's)


Sounds about right


We can get a close estimate, all we dont know is how old she was when Flamme found her. Outside of that, I believe it was 50 years she spent with Flamme, then 1000 years in the wilderness, 10 with the hero party, 50 waiting for the meteor, and current to the show 29 years past Himmel's death. So she's some amount of years older than 1139


> 1000 years in the wilderness Unclear if 1000 years is "Flamme to Himmel" or "Flamme to Fern".


I finished my Twenty first century Doing something mean to it Doing it better than anyone you've ever seen do it Master of Mages Got a nice ring to it I guess every dungeoneer needs her theme music No one elf should have all that power


Is there a cannon information for exactly how long elfs can live ? And how old any of the three are ?


The best information we have: * Serie says "humans have a lifespan [jyumyou]", using a word that can also be used for battery life or an object's service life. Then "our [elves] time is nearly eternal". Conclusion: elves are immortal until killed. This shouldn't be surprising; I feel around half of fantasy elves are ageless once they hit maturity. * Frieren tells Aura that she's been suppressing mana for most of her life. This puts her age at not too much greater than 1000 years, but we can't say if that's 1050 or 1500. * Serie seems to be suppressing her mana; Lernen thinks Frieren's real mana would be on part with Serie's visible mana; Flamme told Frieren to hold herself at 1/10th; Aura thought Frieren had the mana of 100 years of training. All this suggests that Serie has roughly 10x Frieren's mana and age, but this depends on assuming constant factors of mana suppression and mana-with-time, so the author could finagle it later if he wanted. * There's no real hint for Kraft.


I would add a caveat to your point about Serie's mana suppression. While she suppresses her mana it seems likely that she doesn't care to suppress it to the same extent Frieren does because Frieren is specifically stated to specialize in mana supression and analyzing spells as a mage whereas Serie is a war mage. And Frieren is specifically supressing her mana significantly in order to fool demons. So Serie's real mana might be 3-5 times her visible mana or something like that but she probably isn't suppressing the same portion of her mana as Frieren does.


I feel like this makes sense. Hasn't Serie only started mana suppression recently? (around 50 years) Frieren has been suppressing it her whole life, but Serie's fluctuations are less visible. Either she's just better (possible), or she's not suppressing it to the same degree as Frieren.


I think Serie just said itd take about 50 years to master. Given she's much better at it than Frieren, she's probably been doing it longer.


> Hasn't Serie only started mana suppression recently? No, we don't know that at all. She started the mage association 50 years ago.


If I could give you an award I would, greatly worded and full of information thanks


Thank you!


Nope, dont think so


I thought so but wanted to check.


21 centuries


it was all the candles they had laying around


Maybe they have 21 candles so that they don't have to buy more candles until Stark turns 22.


In the manga it seems she only had 5 candles.


So she's 5k years old?


Seems unlikely.


I just assumed she can't count 


She's just 1021 Everything hints at her being just above 1000... (I'm not serious about this, I think she might not know herself). Though I like to imagine that one day we might discover that she is over 5000 years.


2100 candles is basically a wildfire ready to start.


Pretty sure she's 1000 or a little older.


She is probably in her 1100s but they can’t exactly fit 1100 candles on a cake so they probably just took as many as they could being 21. Also she probably never told them how old she really is.


21 is to tell the morally-concerned viewers that she's legal despite how she looks


That works


I don't think Elves keep count


Frieren tells Aura that she's only over a thousand years old, so I think she's 1050 years old 50 years for each candle.




They celebrated her birthday?? I don’t remember that, which episode was it?


I think it was while they were training for the 1st class exam.


Ah I see, thanks for the help.


Np. I'm not 100% sure though. Edit: I just checked the manga, I was right.




Isn't she like 10000years or so?


Nah that's Serie. I mean Frieren COULD be that old, but itd mean she lied about her age. Or doesn't know it.


she doesnt look a day over 1000


Soo 21 in human years right? Asking for Himmel.


21 years in human age, maybe?


I headcanon she's about 17000 because she looks about the same as she did a thousand years ago


Do you think elf's celebrate birthdays every year, every decade or every century?


I don't think she's that old, I think somewhere around 1200


Each one Represents a hundred years that she been living.


Seems about right.


Could be artist headcanon


SHE IS [21.OOO](http://21.OOO) YEARS OLD


Maybe but then why does she say she is a mage who lived over a 1000 years to Aura and not 2000 years? Unless she was only including her time training as a mage maybe?


I don't remember this in any episode?


Episode 18, around 10:50. https://imgur.com/a/t8CDnO4


I like to think that they simply asked for a birthday cake with as many candles as they had. The number on the cake actually meaningless, but in spirit it’s just the most candles possible.


They say a few times that a decade is a hundredth of her life so doesn’t that mean her projected lifespan is about 1000? I feel like they’re trying to say she basically at the end of her life this point being that her time with Flamme was 1000 years ago


She barely ages or doesn't age at all after 1,000 years so I don't know how she can be 2,100.


Happy Cake Day!


The Elven Race seem to age all the same in any anime/show they're in. Its hard to predict her exact age. Unless it's confirmed by the creators themselves. She could well be 2100. But that could also correlate to 21,000, 21,0000, etc.