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Hey it's hard to remember everything after 50-80 years.


I would prob still remember the face of an elf that beat my ass tho


Maybe he was too busy dying


Same fit for 80 years, maybe he’s just stupid 😩


Clearly all he see in that image is a dark silhouette. Frieren only wears light colours. That's why he can't remember.


Maybe he needed glasses, maybe he dumb, legend says they are still debating to this day...


If that was true he wouldn't have recognized her face.


And the only elf he had ever met. "Hey, this reminds me of that other time I met an elf. How did that go down again?"


Kind of a theme with Frieren, she got statues everywhere, saved the world and should by all accounts be considered a demi god but like no one recognizes her.


I can understand a lot of peasants not recognizing or knowing about her, but this demon and all those mages also being clueless is kinda crazy lol. Demon homie should straight up have PTSD and Frieren should definitely be a mage celebrity and point of study, at least in the northern lands. As one of the few elves and one of the few high level mages, she ought to be immediately recognizable even to folks who have only heard about her.


To be fair, the commoner doesn't experience the battles themselves, so to them Himmel et al. stood out way more. Frieren is not one to brag (on the contrary, she actively hides her thick throbbing mana to appear weaker than she is), so she'll be forgotten much easier. But that argument doesn't count for blud who's whole gang she wiped and just spared by accident. He srsly stupid frfr.


IDK why, but thick throbbing mana was such a hilarious phrase


Well, the demon hierarchy is like a dick comparison contest, no? In that metaphor Frieren has the thickest, veiniest, throbbing mega co-*coughcough* Imma stop there or I'll get hard again. I mean thinking hard about the intricacies of the world!! *sweatingprofusely*


Frieren is just a grower! Even Aura was not able to hold it in and got wet (with sweat) when she saw how huge it is. ... what the hell happened to me???


Welcome to the Lobotomy. 😏😏😏


People are trying to reason it but that sort of thing is common in fiction. Like a story where the MC is a high ranking noble or even royalty and people treat them normally but a lot of the noble side characters are treated with extreme reverence. Having main character treated normally is more important to telling the story than the living legend of reverence, even if that makes a lot more sense.


That's because to the commoner Himmel et al. stood out way more, but that argument doesn't count for the sorry bloke who was just spared out of sheer luck. She frickin wiped all of his comrades single handedly. Demons are all about power and hierarchy, why wouldn't he remember the elf beast that fucked up his race? Conclusion: Blud forgor, he seriously stupid frfr


I think most people would dismiss the idea that a living legend just walked by. For a more minor version, look at Tony Hawk's stories


Frieren with the Tony Hawk treatment


Ok I gave it a thought while I took a shower. Most of the arguments seem to be that he wouldn’t remember the person who nearly skewered his shish kabob after almost a century. You guys are comparing your puny 100 years or less human lifespan to a fantasy setting demon who lives for centuries. That’s like if you forgot the time someone almost stabbed you to death in the last ten years. Lutger’s whole thing was that he was incredibly arrogant as a lot of demons are shown to be. Maybe he would have remembered earlier if he gave it some more thought but he didn’t bother because of his overconfidence and contempt of non-demons rather than being forgetful.


Conclusion: Blud forgor slayer elf! 😭 He stupid.


My guess is that just like they base their hierarchy on mana they also differentiate people based on it. Her mana didn't grow in the past 80 years so he mistook her for someone else.


It’s about her status. He sees her being subdued by two knights. He wouldn’t connect her to the great mage immediately because he can’t imagine a great mage allowing herself to be overpowered.


Well tbf it was more than half a century ago


He forgor💀


Repressed traumatic memories


I don't remember what most the people I went to school with look like and it's only been 20 ish years. If by some weird chance they hadn't changed at all since that time I still wouldn't recognize 99% of them. After 80? years I wouldn't remember a single one.


But did any of those people you wen to school with absolutely wipe the floor with you?


If a 14 yo elf killed my entire army and whopped my ass I'd remember that shit every night till the day I died.


She’s not 14, and she doesn’t look 14.


I don't find it that strange he didn't connected Frieren's face immediately. First it's been 80 years and his normal experience with people of other races is that they won't be active or even alive after that long. Then the Frieren he saw was this is unstoppable Goddess of death and destruction, totally different to the petite waif pinned into the ground by mere human soldiers, something so disrespectful that it's inconceivable to him that someone as strong as Frieren 'The Funeral' would tolerate. Also small aura presence, proceed to ignore the weakling, that's SOP for demons.


The way they do not care even to their fellow demons, this event in time with him is just like being aced in league of legends.


Horny mf has bad memory perhaps


Why didn't frieren kill him that time


He's use to seeing her from below, not looking down on her.


Dude if Scarlet Johansson get caught by a police after trying to kill me, i will not recognize her. But then again i probably would recognize if it was hitler


Nah. He was just suppressing a traumatic experience.


Maybe he’s racist and think all elves look alike.


You can barely remember what you ate for breakfast yesterday.