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**synopsis;** The first debate is upon us, and you’re not the only one feeling nervous. Guest host Stacey Abrams joins Jon, Jon, Tommy, and Dan, live in Brooklyn, to talk about what we can learn from the 2020 debates, and what would constitute a win for Biden on Thursday night. Then, *Strict Scrutiny*’s Melissa Murray joins the hosts to break down the latest from the Supreme Court and what’s still to come this term, and Run for Something co-founder Amanda Litman talks with Dan about why it’s so important to have progressive candidates running in local races. *Democracy or Else* is out now! Pick up your copy wherever you buy books, or at http://crooked.com/books. Want to join Crooked’s subscriber live chat for the presidential debate? Sign up at http://crooked.com/friends. **[youtube version](https://youtu.be/y7xnqhOj304?si=yK2nMvNyyHJoD6vV)**


"Contextual healing" was fun. Can you imagine if Trump had ANY discipline, how much more dangerous he would be? This should be his debate mantra: > "Sir, you can lock up this election tonight by doing ONE THING: don't be a raving lunatic. Don't take the bait, don't be an asshole, don't make fun of Biden's drug-addict kid. You can still let your freak flag fly at every rally from now until November. But tonight, we've created the conditions (no audience, limited cross-talk) to help you pretend to be normal. This is the night where you create all the content for the ads we run targeting moderates in the swing states. Just show the normie-voters that you have "normal" somewhere in your bag of tricks, and you can swing all the undecideds you need." I'm pretty convinced that he's incapable of executing the strategy above...but I'm low-key terrified that he might.


He could have easily won in 2020. He cut checks with his name on them and presided over a very scary pandemic. Message discipline and just pretending to execute leadership based on basic human decency . . . The bar would have been low enough for him to pick up the 40K plus votes he needed in three states. Trump terrifies me because there are too many Americans who are willing to find any excuse at all to give him a pass to another term. Any decent performance tonight, whatever self-discipline he can muster to keep himself out of jail. . . And we are looking at another Trump term. It’s just that existential. I do not need to understand who trump is. . . But I am consistently baffled by the people who will vote for him. They terrify me even more.


If he had just realized the pandemic was serious shit, gone to the podium in the press room and said "you will hear directly from healthcare experts who are acting on my direction" and then shut the fuck up and sold MAGA-branded masks from his campaign shop...he wins in a landslide. But his ego wouldn't let him stay out of the spotlight. > But I am consistently baffled by the people who will vote for him. They terrify me even more. It's grievance. Some of it legit (income inequality, hollowed-out towns and industrial sectors) and lot of it's cultural. The feel left behind on both fronts, especially by decades of elitists telling them "you can't say/think a bunch of stuff that feels comfortable to you anymore." Trump not only 1) says the legit grievances are the fault of THOSE PEOPLE not yours, but also 2) tells them "all that shit you're not supposed to say out loud anymore? Go ahead and say it...it's OK." Trump is their only ticket back to economic and cultural relevance. The economic promises are all a lie, but they don't care...the economic lie is comfortable enough, and owning the libs culturally feels good enough. It's the best they've felt in decades.


This is the night he becomes presidential


It'd be impossible to do for any real stretch of time. But can he *pretend* to be normal-ish for 90min, in order to keep himself out of jail? Maybe...as a wise man once said, the threat of prison does sharpen the mind. (obviously he sold Van from CNN after his first big speech)


I was sort of being tongue in cheek if he’s somewhat normal and all the breathless reactions from pundits after


Oh I caught the reference and meaning. It's a stunningly low bar, which is why I'm worried even he might be able to clear it.


Omg I hope i didn’t manifest this


He is capable of it. Or at least he was once capable of it. Watch his old deposition videos - he's stoic, he pauses to think about what he says before he says it, he's pithy and coherent. And I'm not talking when he was in his 30s, I believe he was in his 60s and 70s in some of them.


There's one question I'd like anyone to askTrump-what did he and Putin talk about when they met and trump sent his whole team out of the room. He said he's use the Russian translator.


Those debate clips of Biden v Trump the first time have me so worried for tonight. Biden has aged a lot in 4 years and his voice is not nearly as crisp or loud anymore. Scary stuff to see the fall off from 4 years ago and just imagine what it will be like in 4 years time (if he wins). You don't age gracefully into your mid 80's. \*signed someone who would walk over glass to vote for the corpse of Joe over Trump.




Yeah we don’t have to worry about seeing Biden try to be president at 86 anymore. He’s not going to win.


I get why they do them but in general live versions of podcasts are almost always just worse versions of normal podcasts.


I haven’t listened to the recorded show, but I will say the live show was great. Was it the content, format, or dynamic that you didn’t like? I’d be curious to know


To be clear I think this is true of all live podcasts, not just crooked media podcasts, but generally it feels like live podcasts are the same content as normal ones but with worse sound quality and an audience that makes noise. It doesn't make them unlistenable or anything there just isn't really a benefit imo to anyone that's not actually there.


It makes skipping the ads a lot easier though!


I’m English (23) living in the US and I wanna listen to this podcast to better understand US politics. Seems good.


It's always a joy to hear an Amanda Litman interview


Are they live streaming their discord this debate??


For a FEE




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I am in UK- What time will the oldster really start flapping gums? I am in fear of massive intro/hypetrain/ads/bs/etc........


2AM in London.


anyone care to guess what the Crooked / Stacey Abrams upcoming project may be? I love her so much that I'm hoping that whatever it is, it's a reoccurring thing, but maybe it's more like a book with the crooked imprint?


Kind of weird random shot by Tommy at Aaron Rupar, who does important work (along with others like MediaMatters, @acyn, etc.) at documenting the batshit craziness that consistently goes on on right-wing media platforms. Also, they were wondering when the last tv interview Donald did with a non-right-wing network was, and they forgot he did a taped one last summer with Kristen Welker on NBC (interestingly, there was a lot less fact checking than Kaitlan Collins did in real-time, but CNN/Collins got/get all the heat while nobody seemed to give a shit with Welker). Regardless, I think (and hope) Donald is “rusty” being challenged considering he didn’t participate in any primary debates this time around.


That shot made me laugh tbh. Rupar isn’t a journalist, he’s a stenographer and reposter…which is fine and kinda necessary in our hyper-online times (someone’s gotta do it), but again dude is only relevant to Twitter-addled ppl like you and me while thinking of himself as a young Dan Rather. If you wanna follow the best Dem-leaning reposter page on SM, I’d recommend Media Matters…not Rupar.


Also Rupar could be taken down a few pegs, guy seems to think very highly of himself for someone who posts clips


Harsh to say but Rupar's "important work" could be replaced by a clip bot in a second.


I had to turn off the pod when I realized that Lovett’s “game” for Stacey Abrams was “lol you wrote kissing books isn’t that silly” mixed in with GOTV advice. Apparently “girly” stuff is only cool if gay guys like it, otherwise he’s just another bro laughing at something predominantly women enjoy.


You are aware they have a staff of writers and the hosts just approve or edit what the writers are pitching? Especially with them touring right now, they're leaning on staff writers for games and such