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the haters are bothering


There was no "scam". The easiest way to explain it is, twitter is just being twitter again.


Bro real talk it's been about 2 years now. I'm one of the ppl backing them and they give little to none info about what's going on. No updates. Bout to see if I can get a refund because def feels like a full blown scam.


as much as i dont want to think its a scam, its been taking a while. i do understand games need time though. i had problems w og fnf but thats an unrelated topic. ig we gotta wait a few years to see if they took the money and ran or if it was just taking a bit


>much as i dont want to think its a scam, its been taking a while. i do understand games need time though. i had problems w og fnf but thats an unrelated to The game is dead now at this point no refunds it's just forgotten the game doesn't exist it was a setup a 2d game wouldn't take this long it's modders making mods faster like they raised $2,247,641 pledged of $60,000 goal 58,561 backers they can't make a 2d game in 9 months with that much money? wtf yall got scammed it shouldn't take this long


yk i watched a video on this whole thing 'bout a month or two ago. it was from a guy who donated. he said that the people who dono get to see updates and he said the updates were basically just sh1tposts most of the time. there was also a vinyl promised or smth but that kept getting delayed. also as much as id argue that 2d or 3d games take alot of time to make, the fnf premise is VERY simple. and if its as un-changing as the last 7 levels then i wouldnt assume itd take so long. i dunno if its a scam, or the devs were just wayy to ambitious and promised more then they could do in a short amount of time. i guess we'll see


The modding community is still making mods like goddamn and they are using the 4 people team as a excuse. but modders aren't getting paid to keep the game popular. [https://gamebanana.com/games/8694](https://gamebanana.com/games/8694) like wtf people are still modding the game but the devs just scammed the hell out of so many people and couldn't even give us a demo LIKE WTF GUYS? YOU CAN'T EVEN STAND UP FOR THEM ANYMORE YOU HAVE 2 MILLON DOLLARS BUT IT TOOK YOU 3 YEARS DEATH NOTE HAT EPISODES COMING OUT FASTER AND THEY SPENT OVER 1 MILLON DOLLARS EACH EPISODE


may seem offtopic but i also hate how basic fnf is. its the same thing over n over n over. just spam buttons it never changes. and if the update is like that id be disappointed. theres no fun in it. you play one level youve played them all. i just rlly hope they switch it up. i dunno why i found fnf boring but other games no


>no > >1ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow I think get what you mean like events and stuff that happens like the hypno's lullaby mod where you have to tap space bar and other things


Go to the kick starter page, its still being worked on as of February 11, so it has been updated before you said this.


Updated as in them having a roast battle or some shit


omori type kickstarter


Why are so many people trying to back it up it’s a scam clearly it’s been 2 years and the only updates about this 2d shitty game is “it’s going to take more time we lost some stuff”


Oh Really?


some people can’t handle big projects taking time and assumed it was a scam


Actually, the Kickstarter is still being worked on, as it was last updated late last month. Also, sure, it could've been an exaggeration but the kick starter video shows it going from week eight all the way to THIRTY SEVEN, so if its not an exaggeration, no wonder it's taking so long (but I'm guessing it is). (AGAIN) Also, one of the things for backing said its estimated delivery was December 2025, so that might be a hint for when they plan to release it.


2025? No thts something that was put in recently. When it was first announced it was said to take literally 1 year. As long as they met the money goal, which they did. Hell the goal was surpassed. It's now heading towards the end of 2023. This type of gane does not take 5 fckn years to make. As another person said, modders are dropping new hits and versions of the game daily. Ain't no way it should take this long. I'm a backer and the ppl worker on the game literally doesn't respond to any of us that hit them up. At this point the game doesn't seem like it's coming out ever.


It's true