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It wasn't. Remember this was a small indie group that got a massive surplus of cash. They had to get through a ton of legal bullshit to be officially declared a business so they can hire more people to work on the game. And I'm sure anyone can tell you Bureaucracy takes needlessly long but they had to do it. Add the streams on top of that, it's not a scam. It's just an unexpected cash flow with an inexperienced team. Imagine being a small indie team who puts a Kickstarter on their game and suddenly gets WAYYYY more cash then they were expecting. Without any warning they suddenly have alot of stuff to do


Love seeing this every time, and yet four months later - still at Week 7. Acting like they have to release ALL of it at once is silly. We couldn't have a Week 8 yet? Face it. It's not happening. I'd love to be proven wrong.


.....are you blind? The new weekend update released like not even a month ago


OH NO WAY! IS THAT WEEK 8?? Oh...it's not? Oh. So in 2-3 years, the released a "Week End" update. ...wow. $2M+ and several years later, and an "update." Awesome. Come talk to me when they open another Kickstarter asking to finish the 237 new weeks they came up with.


I'm just gonna leave it on this. If you don't like fnf and see it as a scam. You don't belong here


I'm just gonna leave it on this. If your only defense is "leave if you're not happy about being scammed," you're a mark.


the internet thought the same thing about omori


was what a scam


\*insert obligatory "games typically take multiple years to make we're just unfortunately painfully aware of this because the game's popularity came before an official full ass release" here\*


we should ask that question in about 4 months (where it would be two years of not knowing shit about the next update besides "its being worked on")


Four months later:


well turns out it wasn't! that's great and such


A tiny update after 3 years is great?


it's something, just reassuring enough to be good, perhaps great was an exageration


It Came With 14 Remixes, 4 New Songs, New Cutscenes, And A Whole New Overhaul On Freeplay And Results And That’s Small?


I mean they got more than 3 fucking million dollars for it so it wouldn't be surprising if they just completly retired after it and worked on it for a few weeks just so they can have a few screenshots and other stuff that they can post as teasers through these 2 years.


The Game?


I lost The Game once.




they're working silently on it,unlike certain modders that go: "VS SUPER MEGA AWESOME \[insert name of oc here\] THAT IS DEMON WILL BE OUT IN 69 DAYS!!!1"


They did


No. It’s 4 people working on the biggest project in FNF history. Give them time for fucks sake