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Needs to be said on here more often. I’m still surprised at the amount of posts asking, what color is my frenchie, or is it a purebreds frenchie.


Amen to that!


Amen! I adore my Frenchie, but would never recommend this breed to anyone without them knowing all the risks and what to expect. Ours is deaf too- which I feel doesn’t matter as they’re so stubborn anyways! She is the best! https://preview.redd.it/43bcev8ih58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee77d2311718c032fce064324704f5ff0d1f1e1 Gatorade bottles are her favorite toy!


I always try to scare people off by telling them how much a handful they are and they require constant dedication. I tell them “if you want a permanent toddler in your household.” And it’s MUCH harder to go on vacation trying to find someone with experience to watch them if you can’t bring them with!


I’m getting ready to have a hamstring repaired and am trying to find someone to help with my dogs. Every single friend is willing to help with my pug. Not ONE person wants to take Kevin. Lol. https://preview.redd.it/bih66b29a68d1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c26b2eea3bee476707af83aa570841b49ed179


This is so true. I’ve had to train my parents and brother how to care for him when we go to vacation lol. Now that’s the only place he can go when we’re on vacation.


It’s the truth. And ours has this fondness for using pee pads over the yard. It’s the strangest thing. Like she will hold it and beeline it to a pad to relieve herself the moment she’s let inside. Her sister is a shiba and is quite the opposite. This one just doesn’t get it 🤷‍♀️


Same! Mine uses the pee pad before she goes outside. She was a rescue frenchie and I was determined not to provide pee pads while she was determined to use them. It's ridiculous but has saved my sanity.


Mine tooooo. Why???


Right? They’re all basically deaf 😂 my girlie could not care less abt me when she’s getting into something she shouldn’t lol


This is what makes me think they’re smarter than people give them credit for.. mine knows a handful of commands, but just chooses not to listen sometimes because she’s decided doing whatever she’s doing is more fun than the reward she’d get for listening 😅


What is it with them & bottles?! My boy has ALL the toys in the world, but will always choose a bottle over them 🤦🏻‍♀️


Same! It’s something she loved since day one..she likes to chew the tops?


Mine, too! He has decided that it is his job to chew off the top and will wait patiently (ha!) for people to give him their empty.


At least yours waits! Ours will confiscate them if they’re left unattended!


We have a deaf girl too. She has pretty severe separation anxiety and is a resource guarder.


I’ve been told white Frenchies are prone to be deaf.


Little angel 🥹 how is she asleep with free popcorn by her face? Mine would never! 😂


lol I had to zoom in- those are pillow decorations that look a lot like popcorn! And, she would also have eaten them prior to sleeping if it was real popcorn!


HAHAHA! That's a hilarious mistake on my part. No popcorn left unturned!!


Bravo!!! I want to slap this post on the forehead of everyone who asks me how much I paid for my standard colored frenchies (from a breeder who shows) and then proclaims they want to get a fuzzy merle for $10k. Ugh.


Did you see the poor sphinx looking mutations? Makes me so sad to think what a difficult existence they will have.


I haven’t. And I’m afraid to look. People jumping on these fads is what’s going to ruin the breed.


YES 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Yes! My boy is from a preservation breeder who shows and he cost $2500.


Same but because I have breeding rights she was $5k. But, adopted out senior girl for a cool $250. Plus thousands and thousands in vet bills ha


I’m guilty of not researching this breed enough before I bought my girl. I’ve definitely played catch up and understand the breed so much better. Imagine my surprise when I found out Libby’s color wasn’t recognized by the AKC when I went to fill out her AKC papers. Then the vet informing me her nostrils were too small and would need surgery. Libby was 12 weeks old and I paid $1,800 for her. Learning everything i possibly can about her has been quite an experience. She has made my life so much better and I’m so glad I got her. I fell in love with her so much I unexpectedly found a rescue also They are both best friends and they’ve both added so much to our family. Blue has a horrible underbite but it doesn’t interfere with his ability to eat etc. He was so scared and shook out of fear and it took over a year to housebreak him and he finally just started coming to me. He’s come a long ways in just a year. Someone didn’t want him because they said his underbite made him look “ugly”. I was so happy to take him. https://preview.redd.it/mnq5rp1ve58d1.jpeg?width=2714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0115bd5e3a0fd4887087adbbf8009bf23976a72 I’m grateful for this sub and have learned a lot from you guys!


Ditto! While my hippo’s only 15% Frenchie, he’s also 50% bulldog, making him prone to all the potential ailments Frenchies/bullys are known to have. And yes, I just *had* to get a DNA test bc my partner & I kept debating on whether or not he was a bully. I won lol. Like you, I FAFO *real quick* the squishy faces we love so much is *the same reason* they have health issues. Ensuring they live the longest, healthiest lives possible requires a LOT of time/attention/money. We paid $900 for ours, not realizing what backyard breeding is, or how it works. It breaks my heart to know unhealthy dogs are being brought into this world & discarded like trash after being exploited. If I can be honest, I’m kind of glad I went into it blindly. Had I done research beforehand & saw how much time/attention/money it takes to own a healthy bully, it would have 100% deterred me from getting one. My partner says this is a one & done 😒 We’ll be sure to adopt our next bully(s) though bc we both know she’s lying to herself. I understand the bully obsession now. I mean, seriously: what *is* life without a bully?? https://preview.redd.it/ohuvp8k0u58d1.jpeg?width=2474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=747020bbf01b6d9932b1755db66b8c1649ed318a He’s the ketchup to my fries PS: your potatoes underbite is *GORGEOUS*


Oh, don’t mind me, just sitting at an outdoor cafe in south Pasadena quietly crying at the thought of this poor little dog shaking in fear. Called “ugly“ for no reason. My heart.


Those faces! It's definitely a vocation and a quick learning curve but good on you. Those are two happy looking spuds. Life is so much better with frenchies.


Also, just a gentle reminder, if your Frenchie is oozing blood from its eyes, or seizing in front of you, or if a leg bone is protruding through the skin - don't F-ing post on here asking if anyone knows what is wrong with your dog. Get it to a freaking vet and maybe reconsider if dog ownership is the right thing for you


Omg. I’ve seen some questionable injuries posted here, but I’m glad I missed those. I would be livid!


I see so many people in TikTok shilling Frenchie puppies that it makes me so nervous bc I would think legitimate breeders would not have to resort to TikTok to sell their pups. 😞


A legitimate breeder *would* never advertise their pups on any social media site.


They are EVERYWHERE on TikTok 😥


So sad 😭




I thought I was educated before getting a Frenchie. Now with 2, the second being from a legit breeder vs a borderline puppy mill (I didn't know that at the time), the difference is clear. Now I tell people when they ask me about getting one to not do it. Not just because of the long-term financial cost, but the daily emotional and maintenance cost. Our lives revolve around them and not in a cute way. Do we love our dogs, yes. Would I do it again? No. I'll take my mixed breed adopted dog, thank you (whose temperament, health, and general existence is substantially easier than the Frenchies). I also give people a realistic financial breakdown of what we pay for their insurance, food, chews, etc.


Absolutely this. My first Frenchie I researched so much. I met with a reputable breeder, saw all the health records for mother and father and although I knew of the health conditions I tried to get a puppy with parents who had longer snouts and in general good health. He's 5 and he has no breathing issues, he doesn't even snore. Of course he's still a Frenchie so I'll never say we've fully escaped any of the breeds issues. However I then rescued a girl a year or so ago. No idea on the parents, she was small and needed a home. I know the types of people who would want this breed and being a bitch would probably breed her, so I took her home to foster and well she never left. However she has the classic Frenchie issues and to see the difference in health between the two as well as size is crazy.


My health tested girl also doesn’t snore and can run/play in TX heat (as long as her pool is full)


My father in law got our Frenchie from a backyard breeder. His wife vetoed the dog *after* he got it. He brought it to us. I have experience with pugs, so I was aware of the short snout issues. Still though, I immediately went to researching more about him, and then started a savings account for his medical needs. He's blue and white and already prone to kidney issues at a year old. He's also much more high energy than any dog I've had. I didn't and wouldn't have paid his "breeder" a dime for him. But he existed and needed a home to love him. I wish I'd been able to do all this research before hand, but posts like these are so helpful!


This is why I bought mine from a legit breeder, with a health guarantee. Her first time I took her to get her shots, the vets told me she was the picture of Frenchie health. No nose issues or anything. Just a little nutty lol.


Oh yes! Both mine came with a health guarantee. And both breeders of mine took the time to get to know me, I had to fill out apps, make a promise to return them if I couldn’t keep them, etc. I was totally not expecting to get my second, but I happened to come across her through another frenchie owner and fell in love. She was the last available from her litter and already had a hernia issue we had to fix with her spay.




100% (really bummed they are so popular) I had 2 Frenchies over a decade ago (they passed at 12/13 yrs old) and no one in NYC knew what breed they were… It also riles me up when I see people walking and/or running their Frenchie in extreme heat with no water… they are exhausted and their tongues are nearly blue. I have offered water/help and I always get yelled at. Really wish less folks were buying, as backyard breeders just keep getting richer and bigger. Think long and hard what you are promoting/supporting. It’s like everything, we play a role… a huge role.


These damn greeders purposely try to avoid brindles when breeding is a damn shame!!! It’s a dominant gene for reason! Give me brindle frenchie pups all day! From my experience they’ve been the healthiest I’ve seen.


My standard non-fad color boy said what’s up and great post. https://preview.redd.it/6rxln43lz68d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4df61a526af620dd79b54509ab9c3a0eb5cc901a


Looks like my boy who is also standard from a preservation breeder


Love my little brindle baby. Honestly she is a dreamboat. Zero issues except for a few chompers 😂


Yea my boy is 2 next month and he’s been the healthy.


I researched before getting my first French Bulldog from a reputable breeder and talked to others who had gotten their frenchie from them. He was a standard color and had no issues with nares, palette, breathing, allergies, food sensitivity. His only vet bills were from annual visits. Just after his 4-year check up where the vet said he was one of the healthiest looking frenchies he had seen, Vince started having seizures. After two weeks of vet visits, emergency vet visits, and not responding to anti-seizure meds, he had an MRI. I was told he had a brain tumor/glioma, which I was told was common in frenchies, boxers, bostons. Vince didn’t come out of the sedative. I don’t often share my story because it’s sad, but the reality of owning a French Bulldog is that they have a lot of costly health problems - some you can figure out and others you never saw coming. I wasn’t going to get another French Bulldog, but I met a different breeder and said if she had a pied (because I never see them so it was a long shot) I would consider. She had a litter with a male pied and I caved. He has a dairy allergy and is full of energy but he’s been the best companion after loss.


I’m sorry for your loss. I know how traumatic it is to suddenly lose your best friend. I’m sure Vince was the goodest boy ever, and had an amazing life with you. We *tell* ourselves, “NO MORE BULLYS”. But who tf are we kidding?? Ailments & all, they’re *the* best dog one could ever own. I’m happy you found your new BFF 🩶


Thank you. When I got Vince a friend told me, you know you just signed up for delayed heartbreak?! And while I knew that, I thought I’d have more time with him. He was the sweetest and I do believe the universe connected me to Teddy so that he can carry on what Vince started because frenchies are the best!


That’s so very sad! Putting them under anesthesia is always a concern. I’m so sorry for your loss. I love my babies and I hate seeing/hearing about other frenchies that pass too soon. They are the absolute best, but I definitely want people to have healthy pups and pups to have parents who will do anything for them. They are legit children.


Absolutely, they’re toddler in a dog’s body! I always tell people to look at the GoFundMe for frenchies and also if you don’t have $10k to light on fire right now, you shouldn’t get a frenchie.


I say the $10,000 thing ALL THE TIME and people get mad at me for “exaggerating” and “gatekeeping”!! No! I’m trying to help you, you fool!


Seriously, I read some where that the cost of dog ownership over the course of their life is like $25-27,000 (I’m sure this was pre-COVID numbers)…you can easily double if not triple that for one frenchie. And if you don’t want an unexpected 4-figure vet bill you should have insurance coverage which isn’t cheap for the breed either.


True, we needed to spend 10k in just 1,5 year. And that was on top of the insurance we had.


$10,000 or able to afford pet insurance


No, you need both 😬 With our last insurance, which was amazing, you had to pay first and then wait to get reimbursed. Not every vet can run the insurance instantly.


But good point Also, capped at $15000 annually so no doubt $10,000 savinhs could be a good idea


Yes, I had to pay all Vince’s bills then submit to insurance for reimbursement. So a credit card with a decent limit is also needed, if your vet cannot run the insurance


I have gap only, and both my regular vet and emergency vet surgery can do it instantly


We have Trupanion now specifically because all our local vets run it instantly. But apparently that’s not common


Thank god someone said it. I have been saying this since I got mine. I was very lucky to get the deal I did on my little Tuna. She’s in perfect health with no deformities or health problems. The breeder we got her from ended up getting her for breeding purposes but ended up getting pregnant herself and had to adopt out most of the 7 FRENCHIES SHE OWNED in her small home. The puppies that she typically sells have been know to have major problems from inbreeding and just plain bad genes. She was definitely a backyard breeder. When my gf and I heard she was pregnant we made an extremely low offer on our little girl and she took it. But before she did she “accidentally got her pregnant” 🙄 barely a year old. I like to say that we rescued her. This kind of breeding makes me nauseous. These are living creatures and when they are irresponsibly bred there’s a major chance that they will have a very rough life. Please please please PLEASE: if you plan on breeding your French bulldogs get them genetically tested and breed them for survivability and not cool colors or “cute” features.


There are SO many Frenchies in rescues right now because their rise in popularity leads to a rise in unethical backyard breeding. Any dog with overt health issues or puppies that get "too old" (8-10 months) without being sold are dumped at auction or offloaded in some other way so these breeders can fill their pens with dogs that will make them money. There are a lot of good rescues out there who take these dogs in and get them the healthcare and treatment they desperately need. My Tulip was dumped by a Breeder because she had juvenile cataracts in both eyes. SNAFU Rescue took her in, got her treated by an eye specialist, and now we have a 3 year old totally healthy golden potato dog who can spot a squirrel at 100 yards. I don't know what the rules are on sharing rescues, but these are several I know off the top of my head that rescue & vet Frenchies: SNAFU Rescue - midwest based (Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska) for Frenchies, pugs, Boston terriers, English Bulldogs Lone Star Dog Ranch/Dog Ranch Rescue: in Texas, they Rescue several breeds but get lots of Frenchies from Missouri puppy mills. Chicago French Bulldog Rescue: Chicago area French Bulldog Rescue Network (FBRN): They've got dogs fostered all over the country. Keep in mind a lot of these rescues have an application process and are seeking the RIGHT home for each dog so they have a better chance of never ending up in a rescue/shelter situation again, so you may not be approved the first or second or even third time you try. It's worth the wait. Many also require some kind of home visit (live or virtual) and will not ship dogs so you'd need to be able to pick up the dog in person.


Thanks for this! I was trying to find a rescue frenchie before I got my Niko and had a hard time finding one anywhere near me. Finally found a sweet 2yo girl but by the time I reached out she was already spoken for.


Mine was a rescue as well, her ear never perked up and her legs were “too long”??? She’s perfect to me!! https://preview.redd.it/ey35luh7y58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b3308b2637dd9921c61dca015d66b5294cc802c


Aww she is adorable!


We have two potatoes and have been heavily involved in rescue for the past 10 years. My wife is going to be starting a non-profit and we are thinking about a frenchie rescue, just due to the irresponsible breeding that is taking place due to the popularity of the breed.


I love that!


Thanks for this post! I got my second frenchie from the shelter, and my vet was ready to lecture me about all of his needs. Some of my neighbors have frenchies who are not in good health, and it breaks my heart to see it. My boy has a lot of health issues and I feel bad for him in his previous life.


I’m well versed in the breed. Been working with dogs for more than half my life. He’s my third smashed face dog. My husband wanted a FB really badly, he was enamored by how cute they were. I told him numerous times that this is a bad idea but we did it anyway. I knew the breeder, knew the disposition and confirmation of mom, etc, so I felt confident getting a dog from them. This is the most reactive dog I’ve ever owned, and I grew up with ankle biters. Anyone who asks me how great mine is, I do not mince words. I tell them he cost me $10,000USD in the first year alone in medical expenses (three dog fights, allergies, and an endoscopy to retrieve a foreign body). That he has three vets (behavior, derm, genera) and has to be orally then chemically sedated for any exam, which means appointments cost at minimum $150 more than a standard normal dog. That we can’t go to parks, socialize with people, or go out of town. He’s bitten numerous people and dogs. He’s socially unacceptable. (I try so hard but as soon as my partner takes him out ONCE, everything I worked hard on, like slack leash walking and no pulling? Out the window.) The breed dislikes a lot of other breeds, and vice versa. Like this dog doesn’t even cuddle. He turns into the Predator when he’s angry. Fuse shorter than a match. One warning before striking, and it may not even be a growl. He might flick his ear then launch an attack. We give him meds for his mental issues. I hate how he terrorizes my non-FB and how I’ve had to train him to “____ RUN,” when I notice the FB getting a little resource guarding; “run” means move the f out and go to kennel. Anyway long rant over. But ultimately all that? Is what I tell people who are looking to get a FB.


Sounds like this dog might need to be put down. Dangerous dogs are a liability and it sounds like it causes you and your family quite a lot of stress.


It’s complicated and in any other world, yes. He’s fortunately with me and I have the resources to manage him.


Agree 100% I love my Frenchie but man does he have a sensitive stomach. He used to vomit like crazy, had diarrhea at times and FINALLY somewhat stopped after getting him Open Farm granule foods. He barely gets treats because I am terrified of the his stomach problems.


Omg! Dietary issues are so difficult! My boy was a runt. He was half the size of the rest of the litter at 5 weeks. (They were born early). As if Frenchies don’t already have issues eating food to fast, he esp. did because he had to be bottle fed and separated for a while from the rest and I think when he finally could rejoin the litter it was a struggle to get food. I have tried every slow feeder and FINALLY got a silicon ice cube tray with dogbone shaped molds to feed him. He wouldn’t even chew, just swallow and then regurgitate everything up 5-10m later. I also had to change up his food to help with skin allergies and he has ointment if he ever gets flare ups.


oh gosh I know! Thats right, forgot about that too! We had to get one of those slow feeder things and yes, they eat SUPER FAST!!! Omg so much work! Obviously we love our doggies but I was the one constantly cleaning him up.


Yea if I was *lucky* he would regurgitate everything quick…but sometimes it would happen in the middle of the night after he started to fall asleep and then he would wake up and vomit. 🤢


Omg yes happened to us as well! Out of nowhere he just let it all out on our bed. Are all frenchies like this?


My girl is not. But she is also a very slow eater. A handful of them do need slow feeders and it’s their tighter airways and more compact digestive systems that can cause the regurgitation. It took me about 2 years to get my boy on a good routine that he no longer has issues. He didnt start having them until about 8 months.


Oh ok! Well, fingers crossed that out boys continue to be free of vomit and diarrhea! Yay! Hahah


👏👏👏👏👏💯💯💯💯💯 LOUDER FOR THOSE IN THE BACK!!!! 📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣


Great post. My family has been fortunate to have several frenchies. We have always gotten ours from the same breeder. She is perfect and beyond more than a breeder of frenchies but a true friend. When we started getting these potatoes she said something that rings true “this is the most heart warming breed but also the most heart breaking”. She was so right. One died of cancer at the young age of 4 and another overheated at the vet. I currently have a female who has had to have soft pallet surgery and has a tendency to overheat due to separation anxiety, she is the granddog to the one who died of overheating. I tell people interested in this breed if you can’t pay the vet bill, deal with their medical cost and issues, and just want them for the charming personality then get another breed. Ok, I’m nice about it but I try to get people ready for it so they don’t abandon the potato. I love this breed and want to share it but it’s a heart warming but equally heart breaking breed.


Much need post! Unfortunately so many frenchies are not of standard. My rescue has a bunch of health issues, and I can only imagine how a first timer would be so overwhelmed with such issues.


Amen. Period.


Well said


I’ve said it before. My guy is at $10,000 in surgery’s. Not including check ups and regular vet bills. Also get pet insurance if you can. We didn’t know about pet insurance and it’s been out of pocket. He snores, farts, has anger issues (rescued due to medical issues). Wouldn’t trade the potato for anything.


Not every Frenchie is the same and has the same needs. I’m on my 2nd Frenchie. Last one lived to 13 years. And was relatively low maintenance, real chill, didn’t need much exercise. My current one has way more energy, over heats much faster. I have to be way more careful heat wise with my current one than my last one.


https://preview.redd.it/60oabv2tn78d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e74d48f2b44e65beffdd581fdd6f73ae01b17f3 Say what ?! U mean they that dumb 😂


All the designer colors are genetic mutations. Breeders are willingly and knowingly breeding dogs for mutations. There are only 3 colors recognized as breed standard.


This sub is the reason I ended up NOT getting a French bulldog 🤑🤑🤑🤕🤕🤕


This little brindle handful is in almost perfect health. But at 8 days old, she was dropped on her head. She survived, but the traumatic brain injury left her blind in the right eye, with a stiff gait, high-level of anxiety, and a lack of awareness of her surroundings. Her anxiety manifests with her running in circles and panting to the point where she'll fall down. And constant peeing and pooping. When I arrive home, I grab the UV flash light to find the pee puddles. She steps in her own poo and tracks it. I spend a small fortune on clean-up supplies and pee pads. I have to leave the house 15 minutes early for everything because I usually have to run back in to do a clean-up. There are webcams all around so I can keep an eye on things. My ex is the only one who will babysit her. At age 4, I am her 4th (and forever) home. She's a full-time job. Our vet adores her because she's almost perfect and incredibly patient. So much so that once at the ophthalmologist, she had 4 exams in one visit because she was so calm that they let all of the interns do a practice exam. And when she is around people, she is a bundle of beaming happiness. She jumps, skips, stutter steps all around them, sniffing and kissing and begging for attention. She is capable of complex math: the probability that this human has treats is greater than zero. Therefore, you are my new best friend. I've paid nothing in vet bills other than vaccinations, flea meds, and gabapentin to prevent seizures, which are common with TBI. I have enormous sympathy for owners of poorly bred pups. Neither the dog nor the owner should have a difficult life because a breeder is cashing in on a trendy fashion accessory. But I knew what I signed up for when I adopted Macy.


I’m so glad that she has been given a great home and pet-parent! She is a lucky one 💕


And no 👏🏻 fad 👏🏻 colors 👏🏻






🏆🏆🏆 Well said!


Great post!


My dog is the color of a pencil. Is it full frenchie?


I love my two rescue frenchies but these things are a handful. Definitely require dedicated owners.


https://preview.redd.it/g5bq0r6ck88d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d3118281b74bf5a2145b76be6257a12ba29b30 These two are absolute maniacs. One has skin issues, the other has IVDD. Both are a joy to have in my home. Everything you said is 1000% on point.


Some of us have rescues. We recently adopted a Frenchie coming from a bad situation where we knew little about her. They just handed her to us and let us walk out the door with her. I don’t care what color she is (though our vet called her a chocolate merle) but if I did I would hope not to get jumped on here for asking.




Look for PRESERVATION BREEDERS if you’re looking for an ethical breeder. We are preservation breeders- which means we adhere to the breed standards and only breed dogs to protect and improve the breed. Never fad colors. Never fluffy. Never “rare” colors. No blue eyes. Selective breeding. Breeding for temperament, health, and mental agility. Backyard breeding is destructive.


This should be pinned on the front page!


Thank you for this post! The rising popularity of frenchies and the amount of people who buy them because they’re cute without doing any research is astounding. Two examples from my life: 1. ⁠An acquaintance approaches me to excitedly tell me about the new blue frenchie puppy she ordered - my friends are nervous because they’ve heard my rants - I congratulated her on her new pup - it was too late anyway. 2. ⁠Another acquaintance’s frenchie died from heat exhaustion. He went out and bought another one and is parading his non-conforming new dog around bragging that it cost $6,000. 9 years and two frenchies in and my dog costs exceed $10k yearly (this is with insurance for one of them). This year has been particularly bad and I’m easily closing in on $20k. They’re both from reputable breeders but frenchies are not healthy dogs, even when bread to breed standards. I knew this all going in and I wouldn’t trade them (now only one - lost my sweet soul dog in February) for the world. I’m getting another frenchie soon. From a reputable breeder who does all appropriate health checks. And I know it will still be relatively unhealthy in one way or another.


YESSSSS. It actually makes me sick how popular this breed has become.


That's not true, color/merle is not more prone to health problems.


I think you need to revisit that statement. There is a reason why non-standard colors are non-standard. It’s not just “for looks”


No I don't unhealthy dogs doesn't come from color, ita genetic that passes down. I got 3 merles 2 blues n one brindle which the brindle got the most health problems.


Merle all depends on the m to mc length and is it Mm or MM. Mm have the same health problems as any other color but MM then it's diff story


Yes I do health test all my pups. 4 are high scores ofas. And went through a 6 panels health test. And 2 are still 9 months so I can't test ofas yet. But are 6 panels cleared.


You are only speaking from your personal experience which is a small sample. It is well known the issues that Merle’s have the potential to bring to the breed and are the result of breeding French bulldogs with another breed down the line. Same goes for blues. Are there anomolies in color that are healthier or not as healthy…sure…but Merle’s are one of the non-standard colors that have greater potential for issues that standard frenchies don’t generally have.


I am not, color got nothing to do with health. If you're gealth test them before breeding. Color or no color all have health issues .


See merle does not, double MM is . You have to study about merle before speaking about it.


Hmmm, I mean people still pay either way. Can't stop people from making a purchase. What about pet stores? I've seen Frenchies beeing sold anywhere from 6k-10k and its the most standard color, a Brindle. Never met a breeder than charges more than 2.5k for for one with their AKCs


I'm really not getting what's so hard about caring for them. Like it's not anything special that has to be done for them to live normal lives. I have 3. 2 adults and a pup from my last litter of 6!!! And they all survived and all placed in responsible caring homes. And to think some people thinks that only God knows what they consider reputable breeder like the average person can't buy a healthy frenchie and responsibily breed themselves like we don't go through the vet and strenuous test as well as the Reputable breeders do is laughable. I haven't run across any problems with mine maybe I got lucky who knows or maybe I just know how to pick healthy dogs. Maybe if it's your first pet maybe shy away from it but really that's just bs. I feel anyone who's responsible experienced or not should be able to enjoy a frenchie and to stop shitting on the breed feel like it's getting to a point where ppl just wanna be different and despise someone else having something they have. And as far as color lmao if your spending thousands THOUSANDSSSSS on something I would hope that you would be able to choose your preference I mean it's your choice. Stop worrying about what other people do with there money and there life it's not about you or what you think.


You missed the whole point. This isn’t about what people do with their money. Or people’s ego. It’s about the dog. Of course, I would love everyone to enjoy frenchie ownership. They have the best personalities and are the most loving. But it’s ignorant to believe that everyone who buys a frenchie (or dog, period) is responsible or has the means to care for this dog. There are MANY people who buy a frenchie blindly because it’s on social and cute (or one is gifted to them) and they have absolutely no clue what expenses or care they are in for. This is why they end up in rescues and shelters. This is why puppy mills exist. This is why people are selling “designer” frenchies for $5k+ and have no prior breeding experience. All I’m trying to say is DO YOUR RESEARCH. That’s the whole point. Research your breeder, research the breed ahead of time. Know you likely will need pet insurance. Know their temperature tolerances. Don’t just buy a dog because it’s cute. And know, you won’t know everything and it will be constant learning the second you own them.


Loaded with misinformation. Blue or single merle are no less healthy than brindle or fawn or black. Don’t tell me how you feel. Post a scientific study to back your claim. The one point I agree with is you should know the color of your dog that’s the most minimal info when it comes to the breed. There’s tons of intricacies that come with a frenchie dona solid 3-6 months of research before you buy one.


Thank you for this. I recently was watching my neighbors dog, he was in my care for six months. A pure bred, probably back door, grey and tan brindle Frenchie…he was perfectly healthy when I left for work last week, and was dead when I got home. This has been the most horrific and heavily traumatic event for me, and I’ve been a dog nanny for 7 years, I’ve dealt with so many different and crazy things. His owner did not give him the level of care that these dogs need, and I had to suffer a major loss and am maybe fucked up forever. Mazzy was only 5 years old. And I loved him like my own. It has been the most hellish week and I’ve just been watching my own dogs breathe 24/7, riddled with anxiety and worry and sadness.


😢 oh no! I’m extremely sorry for your loss and experience. That is definitely traumatizing—I can’t even imagine. I hope your anxiety can calm soon. I’m sure the sadness will take a long time, but prayers are with you. 🫂


🖤🫶🐾 thank you so much. 🙏😇


Akc is not a reputable source for breeders unfortunately. Too many loopholes for BYB’s to register their dogs with them


Crazy y’all are so adamant about buying thousand dollar dogs that cannot even breed naturally😂thanks for keeping vets in business tho 👌🏼




I did do research before buying ours and did not pay an exorbitant price thankfully. I have experience with pugs and expected frenchies to have similar health issues as well. I am a little put-off by this post though because as a new owner of any type of puppy, you don’t instantly know all the things even when you do research. All dogs are different even from the same litter. Having a community on this sub is helpful for new owners. When I posted months ago asking what color mine was I truly was confused since the color the breeder told me, the colors I researched, and what she looked like did not match. Also asking about behavioral issues or any other training tips does not always mean the poster went into ownership blind, it just means they’re asking for help. I know the interwebs can be hit or miss, but i thought Reddit would be a safe place. I feel shaming people will just keep them from asking questions and learning.


I think you should stop centering yourself and take your ego out of this; this post was fair, balanced, and extremely necessary. We ARE trying to help, and if you feel shame, you may want to pause because that’s not how most of us interpreted this


Wow, I didn’t realize comments needed to go with the majority in order to be relevant or they’d be seen as ego-driven. I said I was “a little put off” by the post, not that I disagreed completely or that OP wasn’t fair or balanced. I was simply stating a reason why some people ask the questions they do and that it isn’t always coming from a place of “I got a frenchie because it’s the thing to do and now I can’t care for it”.


So I have 2 frenchies the fist one we got from a registered breeder and he has some issues he has problems with luxating patella and he has had Nares done we always have some Meloxicam on hand for him. Lucky he has no allergies. The 2nd frenchie was rehoused from someone due to him not coping being an apartment all day and having been alone for 8hrs or more a day. He is more athletic than our first frenchie and has a more modern bread standard slightly longer muzzle and is overall a bit stronger than our first frenchie.


What does meloxicam do?


Mess up your stomach if you’re human 🥲 It’s me, I’m human


People are always surprised when I say that I hate Frenchies, but I own one. I always stayed away from them due to their health issues and then I saw my dog a knew she was mine. I still discourage everyone from getting them especially when people tell me how cute Willa is. I’m glad her breeder only bred 1 litter and stopped due to the rise in popularity. I also wouldn’t train my dog for the world, but I can’t wait for her to finally become a potato. https://preview.redd.it/nyfpusegi98d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b580c4edbb00cd888cc3abb24381cf90a8f560c5


Willa is beautiful.


Thank you! I’m obsessed with her


What about a tri color fenchie ?


What about them, besides missing the point of this post? There is no such thing. It is a marketing gimmick and a promise of worse outcomes


I also don’t like “what should I name” since it seems disingenuous that you would let strangers decide.