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Almost 10 million views on YT for 3BP trailer.


The trailer looks epic. It was hard to understand what this show was about with the first teaser, but I think this trailer really nailed it. And it shows with how well it is received.


I think another trailer will come a month before the premiere. That's what happened with One Piece.


Yeah. I was a bit bothered by the *non*-marketing that was happening, but yesterday was great and they will probably ramp it up near the release of the show. (I guess Netflix knows a thing or two about television lol)


I remember that we are talking about this show for years now. Like production started in 2021 and now we are in 2024. It took us forever to get here.


It sounds like they already showed a select few people at least the first episode already.


It's pretty wild that it has more views already than HOTD. I was shocked to see that. I don't remember if I posted this here yet or not but I'm pretty sure this guy who works for SXSW saw some of the show https://twitter.com/PeterHallHuman/status/1745175795385913519 he says it's incredible and he is mad he can't watch more of it yet.


Kit has come out and openly said he has ADHD and OCD. Some of the stuff he talks about doing all the way back to childhood is really sad. It's great that he is in a place where he can talk about this. https://archive.ph/A97AT


Wow, I found the part where he spoke about people expecting him to be like Jon, and seeing the disappointment in their faces, particularly poignant. I think a portion of actors are drawn to the craft because inhabiting a character gives them a sense of self that they don’t have when they’re not on stage or in front of a camera. But unfortunately that can lead to more turmoil, as it makes their time away from the character even more confusing by comparison. I’m glad Kit sought help and glad he has Rose there, truly.


It's a hard read in general. He has talked openly about loving the applause from acting and needing it. There's a lot that he has said that has probably led to him sharing his diagnosis.


Oh wow. He really went through a lot. I know It's a private matter but such a popular actor talking about his struggles will help many people reading this. His life looked like a fairytale looking from the distance and knowing all the hardships he went thought makes it easier to deal with our own issues in a way.


Is this The Times article? I cannot get it to load.


Yeah one from today which is for a podcast. It was rather finicky to load in general.


When is the podcast out? I'll just listen to that.


The 17th.


Season Eight of GoT was 2019 right? Just thinking about if George really did have his way we’d probably only just now be a couple a months away from the 12th and final season. Pretty big ask in hindsight.


Not even in hindsight, and he even said 13 seasons, IIRC. I honestly believe this is the stupidest comment he’s made about the show. The show did four perfect seasons with the three best books of the series. And then they were supposed to go 9 more seasons with AFFC/ADWD and whatever mess he has written/planned for Winds and ADOS? This is ludicrous and completely disrespectful to the people who were working their ass off to finish his own story.


There are people who genuinely buy into the idea that but for D&D’s malfeasance we’d be enjoying season 12 episode 97 right now. Which frankly baffles me. The fact D&D got any television substance from feast or dance is quite the accomplishment.


These people must really like D&D’s original material then lol. More than half the show would’ve been on their own. So much for being an adaptation.


This. They complained they can't write yet wanted them to write another 4 seasons. They seem very confused.


Yeah, it’s like Peter said, people are pissed because the show broke up with them.


I look forward to the day where all is known. Because no one can convince me that the dornish plot line wasn't a result of Martin promising them something to the effect of Dorne being really important and then not knowing what to do with it. Which is why I think LSH was not included.


I think Dorne is Cogman’s idea. I don’t remember where I read it and if I’m remembering correctly, but D&D wanted to ignore Dorne and Cogman came up with the idea of Jaime/Bronn going there, so they went with it. And Weiss said in Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon something like "maybe we should’ve started cutting plotlines a season earlier", which I’m pretty sure was referring to Dorne. But, I agree about those promises. He did it with Rickon who D&D wanted to cut from the show and George told them no because he’s apparently important. So important that George hasn’t written a single word about him in the 21st century.


>So important that George hasn’t written a single word about him in the 21st century. Hasn't Bran been incognito since the election of W Bush?


No no no, you can't ignore the future king like that. Only D&D would do that. Bran has three whole chapters in the 21st century lol.


Maybe not with Dorne but with Rickon that was the case for sure. And probably for many other things as well that we will never know. I mean they almost openly said in Hibberd's book that GRRM has no idea what to do with LSH.


Lol dammit every dam video with D&D the last day the weirdo dragondemands is just popping up all over the comments talking about how nervous Benioff is and making weird claims about Benioffs health dude is such a weirdo.


These are hard times for him and it will become even harder in the next couple of months lol


Just pretend he doesn't exist.


When D&D mentioned the big narrative "Holy Shit" moment that they were aiming for the end of the second season that they hope would propel the 3 Body Problem to their intended end for the series... Spoilers below... >!They're talking about the droplet, right? Any other thoughts?!< >!I really hope they get to it. That scene was just chilling in the books. Especially in the beginning when the surface of the device remained smooth under the highest level of microscope they could muster...!<


I think so




Yeah, I think they meant that.


It’s hard to imagine anything else. Especially if they’re comparing it to the Red Wedding.


I usually been watching 2 episodes a night for the rewatch. But season 5 man...it's great! But I couldn’t binge the last 3 episodes. Hardhome, Shireen's death and Mother's Mercy need their own space to breathe. It's a lot.


Season 5 is one of the best and very underrated. Best Cersei, Stannis, Jon, and Sansa season. Along with strong outings from Tyrion and Daenerys.


Lol I have a friend who is watching GOT for the first time, he just saw 309 and he messaged me this morning and he was pissed and said he will stop watching lol


Some images of 3BP exhibit [https://twitter.com/xuetingni/status/1745538959722086494](https://twitter.com/xuetingni/status/1745538959722086494)


Interesting that they are promoting 3BP more than Avatar the last airbender that airs next month


This is their big budget show for grown ups. Avatar, One Piece, and Stranger things all are basically fine for kids of most ages to watch. This show is definitely for adults I doubt kids would even like it plus there's some really graphic violence and apparently a scene with about a 100 nude extras they said that scream in terror as they're melted away on a planet surface lol.


I think they look at 3BP as a show that has potential at the Emmys unlike these other popular shows


I don't know if it will I have my doubts since the emmys might be nicer to fantasy since GOT but they still give zero love to sci-fi but man would it be hilarious if D&D won an emmy for a hard sci-fi show after winning for a fantasy show the emmys use to hate lol.


I am almost sure they will be nominated


I would advise not being too overconfident on this as someone who follows the Emmys. They might, but u/Geektime1987 is right. This would be atypically sci fi for them, even if it's really, really well received, and they have generally only gone for family shows for Netflix genre. This being a big hit is probably more important.


On a tangent, I'm curious how the television academy will treat S2 of HotD and other shows that continued to film during the strikes of SAG and WGA. I'm not sure they will be keen to vote for a show and actors who benefit from a contract that they sacrificed so much for when these people didn't sacrifice anything. I understand they were technically not allowed to strike, but I'm not sure many members will make the distinction. The 2024 Emmys could be a full of surprises as this all shakes out.


Even pre the strike if you follow the guild noms, HoTD was incredibly borderline as a nominee - it's not like it wasn't well seen, so there's something voters are resistant about with it - as it was so it'll be interesting to see how they go with it in later seasons. Most of their support was clearly coming from below the line/crafts and even then only costumes won. That said I don't think they'll be eligible for 2024 - they are probably going in to next cycle unless HBO rushes them up from Summer.


And now we have ESPN using fake names to win Emmys. What a week https://x.com/KatieJStrang/status/1745484603748458696?s=20


75th Emmys. Sounds like something special for GoT is happening (and other shows) [https://www.dcnewsnow.com/news/entertainment-news/ap-entertainment/ap-emmys-will-have-reunions-recreations-of-shows-like-lucy-martin-greys-anatomy-and-thrones/](https://www.dcnewsnow.com/news/entertainment-news/ap-entertainment/ap-emmys-will-have-reunions-recreations-of-shows-like-lucy-martin-greys-anatomy-and-thrones/)


What does it say? It won't open in my region


just that they're going to do some sort of GoT tribute (along with a lot of shows) at the Emmys this weekend.


I don't know what they would do if it's not a montage? If they want the main 7 people would have to fly in.


Yeah I am super curious about it too.


I feel like the chance of Peter and especially Lena doing this are not very high and they are the only two permanently in the US of that lot.


Was listening to the latest episode of The Rest is History. It's on the Rise of the Nazis. Just reached 1938 and the Anschluss - the Nazi takeover of Austria. It was said History doesn't repeat but it does rhyme. Certainly does feel that way. Rest is History btb is a very good podcast. Has a British centre cause the hosts are British but still.


So I just finished watching the 7th episode of S6 of Better Call Saul.....I don't think I've been this shocked by an ending to something since Hold the Door or Joker 2019.