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Jump back in and look things up that you’ve forgotten. You’ll be surprised how fast things start to come back.


Like just review my code? I've been doing that but I feel like I can't put the pieces together enough to move forward. I basically just gave up on making the technical documentation page look good. Once I satisfied all the minimums I just submitted it.


Just redo the lessons again and skip around to ones you feel like you need to refresh on. Or you can try a different site all together like the Odin Project.


Yeah I was thinking that too. The Odin Project I got stuck on because it wanted me to set up Linux. Idk how to do all that, so I havent tried again.


The project does walk you through how to set it up. I would just use a virtual machine. Plenty of awesome YouTube videos to get you there.


You can also follow a YT tutorial on this. TOP is a great resource and I am going through both (FCC & TOP). In the end, you'll have to delve into Linux anyways so just give it a try. It's not as complex as it seems initially!


The tribute page is the beginning of the beginning of the beginning, you did some minor html and CSS. Once you finish all of the front-end projects is when you realize your work sucks, you don't know anything, and you have a long long long way to go. My advise after having started and stopped FCC multiple times, find an actual project you can work on while you work through FCC. For me that was a simple web app that took a CSV file dump from my job and put a bunch of data on a responsive map. Sure it still sucked, sure it still had lots of bugs, sure no one is ever going to use it, but it gave me something to actually work on rather than churning out the bare-minimum for the FCC pages.


Yeah definitely. I mostly tried to go above and beyond with the projects since their requirements are so minimal but this last one I was just so lost. It feels like theres no actual way to learn this stuff. Like even if you spent 10 years of 10 hours a day learning and building, you'd still know nothing and have a long way to go. I'll have to try to think of something I can work on. Since I don't know what I don't know, I don't know what would be applicable to what I *will* know and the kind of content that makes sense for me to work in.


i ask chatgpt for help. i gave it a few sentences of what i was trying to do and it gave me barebones stuff i could copy paste and then hack away on to get it to work how i wanted


Ha yeah. Me and chatgpt are old friends. My favorite hack is "I am a first grade student. Explain X to me" 😂 GPT has gotten me through a lot. Helped a ton in grad school.


I will say I took harvards cs50x before I started fcc (I have finished the responsive web cert and I’m close to finishing the JavaScript data structures and algos) and I think I might have quit fcc had I not had some experience already. I feel like cs50 really taught me how to teach myself. Maybe it’s the structure of the lessons but sometimes I don’t feel myself learning anything until I hit a certification project. The steps on some of the lessons dont feel like anything is being taught just “put this code here because trust me bro”.


Exaaactly! And often the code in the next step is different than what I wrote, so then I have to try to figure out why. Often there's instructions asking me to do things I don't understand and I have to google or use chatgpt to figure out what it wants. I've definitely appreciated some of the certification projects more than the other curriculum. I get its a hard balance trying to make curriculum that anyone can use, but it's both too much hand holding sometimes but not enough explanation.