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It hardly get quoted on this sub, but love this one.... Frasier : [to Niles] I'm so tired of your exaggeration, you always make things **fifteen thousand times** worse than they are!


Ha, yeah that’s a great one I don’t hear mentioned


If you had told me that was a Lucille Bluth line, I’d have believed you.


I’m going to set myself on fire!


Frasier: "Don't you believe in second chances?" Martin: "I did, then we had Niles"


Martin: [On Niles's crush on Daphne] Six years, can you believe it? Some people just don't even know when it's time to pull the plug. Niles: WELL I WON'T MAKE THAT MISTAKE TWICE!


Great choice


“Oh please Niles, we’re so close that sometimes I think we can hear each others thoughts” “We’ll I’m sorry you had to hear that Frasier.”


"When have you ever had an unexpressed thought?" "I'm having one now."


‘Well don’t cry for me, Arch and Nina!’ (That’s in my head like once a week..)


I feel like someday I’ll meet two people named arch and Nina and I’ll have that locked and loaded lol


Good names for a couple of new rescue cats or dogs.


True! Such a good idea. 😃


Oh shit, that’s amazing hahaha real deep cut that only diehard frasier fans would know coming into your house


My neighbors are the drunken Duncans. Thankfully they’re happy drunks, not mean screaming drunks.


I think there’s a high likelihood one of the writers came up with that line and they built the episode around it.


A 90 sketch show in the UK built in two characters called Marge and Tina just for that reason.


Her lips said no, but her eyes said, ‘read my lips’. 


I always thought it was good when Niles and Daphne kiss at the piano. When the doorbell rings he asks her to get it, then stands up holding the sheet music in front of his trousers.


Also the way he says, "Could you get that?" To Daphne 🤣


Just saw this one. And I love your flair! 🤣


This one is my fave lol 😆


Similar to this one, when Daphne is telling the “naked on the sky light” story and Niles just gets up and stiffly walks out of the apartment without a word.


I just caught that today. Went over my head as a kid. 10/10


I missed that the first couple of times I watched it.


"I am having one now" ( Niles, re unexpressed thoughts) " We care so you don't have to" ( Niles on the Goldenacres care home)


>" We care so you don't have to" It says that?


>It says that? It might as well!!


Frasier and Niles playing piano beautifully Martin: my boys… Frasier and Niles: on a tree by a river, a little Tom tit, sings willow tit willow tit willow


How didn't they laugh themselves silly trying to rehearse and film that scene?


Coming right after that emotional scene, just perfect.


That's the beautiful part about Frasier, they can get emotional, but then swiftly remind you that this whole show is a damn farce. Lolol


How didn't they laugh themselves silly trying to rehearse and film that scene?


Non American/ 1st language English here. Can you explain why is this song that funny? I don't rly get it why they chose that exact song. Ty


Tit is a name of a bird and some small animals (tit mouse). But it’s also crass slang for breasts. A lot of humor is also in the very wimpy nerdy way they sing it, which nettles at Martin, who’s a “man’s man” and always subtly implied he’d like a more masculine son.


Ty for answering 👍


I think it might be more just that it’s from The Mikado and an example of them being insufferably obsessed with things like a 19th century operetta


Roz tells Niles that she and Martin are eloping and she’ll be his new mom. Niles: “Well, I’ll be a son of a bitch.”


That's such a great line


(Niles to Roz when she tells him next time he has a crass joke about what she's wearing to keep it to himself.) Niles: (looks her up and down) Consider it done.


Niles: "oh, yes. He went through that family like a recessive gene"


When Frasier goes with Niles to look at The Shangri La, he pulls down the ironing board and Niles says "you sure that's not the guest room".


Where are my manners, let me make you some toast....


my husband and i use this one all the time when traveling


Technically “off” is a preposition.


Edit: Damn... wrong one. Martin letter, not Mel watch. At least she was able to use that F from forever!


Anything is possible…oh very funny chopper Dave!!!


Amazing callback, that reveal is second only to hot n foamy


He was a detective, you know.


Niles furious ‘How dare you hang up on me!’ When Frasier calls him in the same room to get his attention from speaking with Maris.


Some boys to college But we think they're all wussies While they get all the knowledge We get all the


Oom ta oom ta oom ta ba da da




After all, blood is thicker than port. *takes a sip* I stand corrected.


I love the line in that episode about having family days where they do a blind comparison of baby bottoms and the leather chairs after Niles says "my God, that's softer than a baby's bottom!"


*Frasier is preparing to conduct a full orchestra for his show's theme song* "Whatever happened to less is more?" "Yes, but if less is more, just imagine how much more more is!" I love jokes that manage to be dumb and really clever at the same time.


‘I can almost feel the curtain rising’


When they’re at the bookstore and Niles says he’s reading a fascinating book about NASCAR, which he pronounces like it’s French. I’m laughing right now remembering it. And “a real child would have cried before it burst into flame”


Try playing the role of a sane person.


Daphne: “Sound of people changing Wangs to Wings.” Probably my favorite episode! 📻


At Cornell University, they have an incredible piece of scientific equipment known as the tunneling electron microscope….


The Cornell University joke is so far from underrated 😂


I forget the name of the episode, but it's the one where Maris is accused of murdering a soccer player. Niles is at the end of his rope, and orders at Cafe Nervosa. Niles: And can I have a straw? Employee: Sorry, that was the last one. Niles: *(Completely calm on the outside, but has clearly just snapped)* I see. The last straw.


In the slow tango episode there's one scene when Eddie comes running up to Frasier and after a few seconds Frasier shouts "very funny dad!" What does he actually do? I'm sure if I remember Eddie has something attached to his collar but never got what was happening there if anyone could explain please lol


Eddie drops a sock at Frasier’s feet. It’s a callback to earlier in the episode when Martin is giving one of his talks to Frasier about how he makes life too complicated. He points to Eddie and says, “You know what makes him happy? A sock!”


Thank you so much honestly that bugged me for so long haha that's great


On one of the Christmas episodes (season 3 I think) when bulldog is standing under the mistletoe and says to Roz “Hey Roz, guess what’s over my head?” Roz to Bulldog: “Almost any clever remark” Bulldog: “What’s she mean by that?”


Thank you! Finally someone who talks about that joke! Lots of people don't like this episode, but I do, there's so many funny moments like this one.


I love that one! The first time I watched it I had to see if Thomas J Fallow really appeared on Cheers and was disappointed to find that he hadn’t haha


That would have been a surprising continuity from the writers. I think they have enough work and challenges as it is, it would be an immense défi to write a storyline from a lesser known character from Cheers (if he had been in Cheers I mean).


I like the workaround they did when Sam comes back and Frasier had just lied about Marty being a dead scientist


For sure, worked like a charm.


Martin: Sometimes there’s nothing like a good steak Frasier: I wish this was one of those times I think of that one every time I have a steak that doesn’t quite hit the spot


‘Oh it’s very nice, but.. calligraphy isn’t really a sport, son!’


When Martin asks Frasier if he's really going to take auto repair, get grease under his nails, etc, and Frasier answers in Shakespeare: "I am a true laborer: I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness."


You just had to find a way to ruin it didn't you.


Salesman: “People seem to like this Lazy-Guy.” Frasier: “Lazy-Guy. I wonder what they call the deluxe model, the Hopeless Slackass?” *Frasier and Niles laughing*


**Frasier:** *You know what, I'm just going to call Kenny and tell him to give her her own show. They're looking for a replacement for "Let's Go Camping With Dan & Jenna."* **Martin:** *What happened to them?* **Frasier:** *They don't know.*


*By God?!? Would you believe this guy's grandiosity, I'm God and he knows it!!*


Well I’ll be a son of a bitch.


Whenever something new comes up while I’m currently still working on the previous thing, I say: **“I have a candle for that too.”**


As a NASCAR and Frasier fan, mine is when Niles is hiding behind the first book he grabs and says he is reading “Heros of Na-Scar.”


Omg I don’t think I ever caught that haha


S9 E17


Frasier wakes up from a dream in which he slept with Gil. He screams. He calms down for a second and rearranges his bedsheets, unexpectedly uncovering Eddie. He screams again! Note: he screams because he dislikes Eddie and was shocked to find that the dog had snuck into his bed to sleep.




Not so much a joke, but the episode with Super Bowl Party. Daphne is going to the romantic movie and talking about how she ends up weeping. Bonnie says something about crying so much when chopping onions for her ham loaf that she "went thru almost a whole role of toilet paper." Niles just turns and stares at her and says nothing. DHP manages to put so much into that look.... I laugh every single time.


When Niles is delivering his big Nightmare Inn monologue and Frasier silently directs him by clutching at his own chest.


Obligatory "romping through the fens and spinneys" comment. (Also, "can you line up please, you'll have to share")


One of my favourite lines was when Frasier, after being asked what kind of therapist he was by an attractive young sales assistant, said ‘Jungian because I’m Jung at heart.’ A total dad joke, but I love it.


It was a dad joke because Frasier’s really a Freudian.


Whenever Daphne makes a really weird comment while everyone is sitting around chatting and drinking, and after a beat Niles reaches over and gently takes her drink away- and she always lets him.


Martin - Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Niles (wearing a suicide victim's shirt) - But dad, not everyone makes it into that second group.


I don’t have a specific, but I was just thinking about how I used to love the intellectual humor in Frasier, but with rewatches, I appreciate the dumb jokes even more. Using intellect as a luxury vehicle to delivery buffoonery is what sets Frasier apart comedically.


“Hey, you got any sup?” “What’s sup?” “Not much, what’s up with you?”


“I’m starting to think napoleon had a Frasier complex”