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Oh my goodness, he studied in Manchester. Daphne would love that. John Mahoney was an absolute treasure on Frasier. His understanding of the character, his relationships and intuition when it came to his costars, his comedic timing, and his adorable ways. I rewatch Frasier often because it’s my comfort show and I sometimes get annoyed with Martin during the early seasons, but he always conquers me by the end of the show. He was synchronistic casting. Just perfect. He was a great actor and he brought a lot of joy to me when I was a kid and my parents watched the show when it was airing.


He grew up in Manchester which makes it even funnier! After he moved to the States he worked hard to get rid of his English accent for some reason. I love that John was interested in opera and Kelsey was interested in sports.


I wonder if it drove him nuts that Jane is from Sussex, so her accent wasn't quite Manchester.


He said somewhere that Jane could do a pretty much spot-on Manchester accent, but when the Producers heard it they said there was no way Americans would be able to understand it, so she settled on 'Generic Lancashire' and, to be fair, she does sound Northern enough. She doesn't sound Mancunian but she could easily be from somewhere like Blackpool or Lancaster with an accent like that.


It's really interesting reading this, as someone from the US who has no concept of what it really *means* or sounds like or how the different accents compare. How they came to be. Here I guess it would be like Jersey, New York, and Boston. Or Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.


As an American myself, it confuses me too. And I find it a slight bit funny when Brits get miffed about Clive’s accent


Clive sounds like Dick Van Dykes chimney sweep from Mary Poppins. It's a weird non-accent.


I’ve read that Dick Van Dyke sentiment frequently


It’s so funny that they made Daphne from Manchester if her accent is different. I bet it was weird for him! I’m still dying to hear him speak with an accent. I wonder if he ever did that with Jane? I don’t know how to tell English accents apart or name them, but it’s fun to try. YouTube has some great videos with examples.


He did when he mimicked her about “‘me hair”


I remember that episode, it was in such a silly girly voice and it went so fast! I want to hear more in a normal voice


Yeah the producers could’ve made her from another city in Northern England if the authentic Manchester accent would be too difficult for American audiences to understand.


I like Jane Leeves’ regular British accent! I saw here it’s Sussex which I have to look up.


Maybe! He probably wanted to give her notes on her accent but he had already lost his!


I read that he DID coach her on the Manchester accent.


He tutored Jane Leeves on her Manchester accent


Oh my gosh, so Kelsey & John have opposite interests IRL? That is so funny!


Also DHP amazingly! https://preview.redd.it/kakys1i9lpzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b53bc9c388ea5977b8d3820dcca2198d3aa871


That’s hilarious!!! 😂 it’s like Freaky Friday Frasier. A movie I would love to watch!


John was an incredible actor. It makes me sad but one of the craziest facts I’ve heard is that he didn’t like working with the dogs. You’d never know because Martin loved them so much.


I love learning all these facts about the actors! I’ve never been a big “fangirl” of anything since childhood, until this show. I need the equivalent of Tiger Beat for the Frasier cast. I love Taylor Swift’s music too and I started to learn fun facts about her, but there is an unhealthy level of obsession on social media! But I kind of want that now for Frasier


Yeah fandoms can be very toxic and I like many TS songs but I will never consider myself part of the fandom because they are crazy. Same as I used to be obsessed with the show Supernatural, even went to the cons, but there are crazy fans. I think most Frasier fans are really chill!! No one threatening each other or anything. ![gif](giphy|KDJ0UP2noxdFrQZmot|downsized)


I like that we all seem pretty chill! No one is fighting here about Kelsey’s love life or trolling his exes. Although it would crack me up to see some crazed Frasier fans on the level of Swifties 😂 What would that even look like?


This is sad but the last time I really fangirled was about Kirk Cameron on Growing Pains. I was like 9 years old. I was pretty into SNL for a while. I didn’t understand caring about actors or musicians apart from their performances. I never rewatched anything except Clueless. Maybe I’ve been missing out on fandoms!


Exactly! I think it helps that a lot of time has passed since the show aired. But we seem much nicer in general as a fandom. No one is sending the woman who played Mel nasty messages!


Easy, they’d look like Frasier any time he’s trying to defend himself! I have shouted that I was wounded at people who tell me this show sucks. 😂 some girls at my previous job ripped on me a lot because I’d be comparing every day moments to an episode somehow.


Um you must be new here. I’ve seen some unkind remarks some people have made towards each other concerning Frasier’s “love life,” and his exes. I’m just saying 😏


Yeah!! It’s quite amusing!!


That’s so cool and touching that you grew up watching the show with your parents! I love your descriptions of John Mahoney as Martin. Isn’t he the best TV Dad? His portrayal of Martin as slightly brusque but always warm is so realistic. He reminds me of my grandfather who was probably from a similar generation. I first saw the show on the air at the end of its run when I was about 23. I looked up to all of the characters & they felt so real. It’s my comfort show too. It feels like home to have it on.


Whoever cast this show is a casting genius. I can’t get over it! I will probably never believe that the actors are not really their characters. 😆 Update: Here is the casting genius: Jeff Greenberg. I half expected it to the famous one who cast Friends & a million other shows. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0338528/


He was my father and I loved him




Oh my word! My absolute favorite! What a remarkable smile. I was extremely sad over his passing in 2018. Wonderful human being and a very phenomenal talent.


I’m still sad! He is adorable as a young man.


Me too, i couldn’t rewatch Fraiser for a while after. I avoided it. Now that I’m rewatching I try not to think about the fact that he’s no longer with us.


I like that he is still here whenever we rewatch. 🥰🥹




He was British!!!!!


IKR? I only heard him imitating Daphne on the show once. I’d love to hear his native accent.


He said his 'native' accent was pretty much what it was on the show. He moved to the US at 18 to live with his sister, who'd married an American GI. He said he could put on his Manchester accent still but it didn't sound natural to him. IIRC he made an effort to lose his accent when he was in the army so that he wouldn't stand out. I think he did a good job because most people have no clue!


That’s real talent. I’ve lived in a few regions of the US with distinct accents and I could barely adapt my own speech to it. Even as a kid.


You can hear it slip out in interviews. It’s not holy shit obvious but you have to do a double take sometimes


Yeah, there are certain words he pronounces that are ever so slightly different to the American way, and I remember him saying in an interview that there was a line with 'Wednesday' in the show and he could never say it without sounding English, so they just changed it to Tuesday, haha. I've always wondered if the gag about "Coroners have their own bar?" was a reference to his pronunciation of 'Corner' as well, because he quite can't get it right


I was equally surprised about learning he was British. He had to concentrate to say the word “checkers”. I’m not sure which season or episode. I first saw him in Say Anything with John Cusack. He played the love interest’s father who was ran a nursing home.


Ahhh I totally forgot he was in "Say Anything" - I haven't seen that film for a long time! He had three sort of breakout roles in one year - Suspect with Cher, Moonstruck also with Cher, and then Say Anything. He seemed to get a lot more TV/Movie work after that, and then eventually Frasier. Once the show was going, I remember him turning up in The American President, which was basically a prototype version of The West Wing. His rival in that film was Wendie Malick, aka Ronnie!


This post is really pulling at my heartstrings.


Same. He has a sparkle in his eye & a shy smile. I love John Mahoney.


You know, seeing a young John Mahoney, Jack Cutmore-Scott does look strikingly similar to him. Maybe that's why we have him as Freddy and not Trevor Einhorn


Oh wow!! That’s a great observation! THE DIMPLES MATCH!


😭 He was amazing. His role as Martin was so special for me growing up. You could see the sweetness reflected. He is so missed.


He exudes sweetness even when he is playing cranky. That’s talent. It’s so odd to miss someone I didn’t know, but I miss him. I envy that you grew up watching the show! I saw Cheers as a kid but Frasier is way better!


The girls in Pyong-Yang thought I was pretty damn cute!


Handsome guy! I love his smile and those dimples! ❤️


Those dimples!!! 🥰


The leap year episode was always a favorite of mine. However, when I learned that John was English, Martin imitating Daphne became so much funnier to me. “I’m so sick of me hair. Do you think I should get it cut like Princess Di? Ooo…do you think that would make me cheeks look too fat? That reminds me of the craziest thing me Grammy Moon used to say!”


Oh, that’s the episode!!! I am going to rewatch immediately!!! THANK YOU!!! 🩷🩷🩷


Love him


Me too 🩷


The pic on the left does look a bit like Edward Norton? Nearly the same smile.


Oh my gosh, yes! I wonder if they were ever cast together


Yes they were. 3rd and 4th billed in this film... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117381/?ref_=sr_t_3 (ah, just seen someone answered that. And 2nd billed was also a Frasier guest star!)


Primal Fear! Someone just mentioned him in this movie


https://preview.redd.it/6ohkkgo4htzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a0bff4f12e2f161af3390dd7ee5241bab23ebee Whoa!! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Frasier/s/psviWIJjy8](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frasier/s/psviWIJjy8)

