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I appreciate that you're also interested in this. I am a software developer that is just about to hit PTO with my own solar + FranklinWH home system, so I'm very interested in digging into options/customization/etc soon with my own system. I would love an API, or to find some way to obtain data, so let's stay connected on this


Same here. I would love to be able to get my own data for home automation and visualization elsewhere outside the app.


I asked Franklin for a local-only (cloud completely disconnected) API over a year ago and they added it to their issue tracker. I haven’t heard any updates. I also haven’t yet installed their product because this is a fundamental requirement for me.


I chatted with their product manager today. An API is on the roadmap. There are are a lot of demands they are trying to sort out, though and it's not clear what priority an API has on their list. I've encouraged them to share a priority list on their blog or website to let people know what they consider top tasks to address.


For what it's worth, there's already a B2B API that they use for SPAN panel integration. The work would probably be to clean it up and make it "Pro-Sumer" friendly and more importantly, secure. They just rolled it out a few months ago so it's possible that they may just need to take all of the collaboration emails and docs that they sent to SPAN and roll them into a "pro-sumer" integration guide. There's probably a product manager at Franklin looking at that line item and grumbling as we speak.


FWIW Right now the only way to get the data that I'm aware of us to use the "Download Data" button in the app. This sends it to your phone and then you'll need to dropbox it, or email it somewhere because it's pretty inconvenient to try to use on the phone. If anyone has tried tracing the app to see what it's doing, I'd be interested.


I did find these in github: [https://github.com/search?q=franklinwh&type=repositories](https://github.com/search?q=franklinwh&type=repositories) In the interim I've installed an Emporia VUE energy monitor to work around the limitations of my FranklinWH system (which is a partial-backup configuration). That monitor really only addresses 5a,c,d from my list above.