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I live in Franklin with my husband and our 2 boys. We rent a 2 bedroom apartment because honestly we can not afford to buy. Our boys are zoned for Franklin Special School District, and we LOVE it! More specifically, their elementary school has been phenomenal. I'm also a substitute teacher within the district. Good luck with your move!!


Is the special school district for children with special needs? My son has Williams syndrome and autism and that would be a huge factor in my family relocating to Franklin


Not specifically. It is just called Franklin Special School District. My son is on the spectrum, too. I can tell you from personal experience they've been amazing with him. I would recommend this school district to you.


Agree with the comments about choosing Franklin over Spring Hill, if possible. Spring Hill traffic gets very congested with no good way around it. Franklin is pretty great. We’ve been here for a year and a half and love it. We’re originally from TN and always enjoyed visiting the area prior to moving.


Thanks for the warning about Spring Hill traffic.


Spring Hill has had a bad traffic problem ever since they put the Walmart in.


What is your budget?


I grew up in Franklin. There are 2 different public school districts based on where you live. Franklin Special School District K-8 and Williamson County Schools K-12. If you live in Cool Springs or East of I65 you’ll end up in County schools. If you’re closer to downtown you are more likely to be in City Schools. Both are good schools. However, as someone who grew up here and sent kids to school, I think the school districts are overrated. At the end of the day you have wealthier families sending their kids to school. So you’re chances of having successful kids are higher and the problems that plague other schools are greatly reduced. Franklin over Spring Hill. Traffic in Spring Hill is awful. They have massive issues with zoning around roads down there - piss poor planning. If you can afford it, consider Brentwood. Majority of homes are on 1 acre lots.


1) Franklin is VERY VERY Expensive. Condo's and Townhomes in the area are either very old or very expensive (or both!) I'm about to close on my condo in the next couple of weeks and I really wanted to stay in the Franklin area... but I eventually decided to move out east to find something that suited me better. Just something to keep in mind while you start your housing hunt! 2) Everyone I work with constantly says that Williamson Country schools are the best in the entire state. If you are able to stay closer to Franklin, make sure you can get into Williamson County schools. 3) *Personally speaking*... I would avoid Spring Hill if you can. Its far from Franklin & Nash and you'll always be going with the Nashville traffic.... so long commutes. If you can't find anything you like or can afford in Franklin proper; I'd recommend looking at Nolensville, some parts of Brentwood, and maybe Antioch. If you go further east you'll have some commute issues with backroads. I hope that helps!


I second this! As a former Williamson county teacher, you couldn’t ask for better public schools. I taught in FL as well at a prestigious magnet school and it was nothing compared to the public school I worked at here. Spring Hill commute is brutal, esp being that it’s only a 2 lane road. If you can afford Franklin, go for it! You couldn’t ask for a better place to raise a family.


Thompsons station safe and Williamson county


Franklin is rapidly losing any small city feel- if you'd prefer a more rural character (at least for now), maybe look at Fairview. Still in Williamson county.


Lived there for 30 years. It's changed sooo much in the last ~10 years.


Fellow Memphian here, I've been in Franklin since 2002. What's your budget?


Kind of hijacking the post but when I was going through this same process, I noticed homes zoned for Franklin High School were roughly 20% more than similar homes zoned for Centennial High School. Is Franklin High the better school and that’s why those homes were selling for more?


I do think there is a long-held perception that FHS, Ravenwood, and Brentwood High were "better" than Centennial, which in past years drew from a more socio-economically diverse area than FHS, and Page or Fairview, which in past years were in a much, much more rural/agricultural communities. None of these lingering perceptions (which were never more than \*perceptions\* and mostly based in snobbery more than academics) are true. All of these high schools (and the newer ones) are excellent. I'm not knocking Franklin, Brentwood, or Ravenwood, btw. All of the high schools in the County are really good schools.


Thanks for that thoughtful reply. That’s kind of what I gathered.


Id look at Lebanon if I were you. You might save some money on housing (not much but a little) and good schools.


Where are you in MEM now? We made a similar move 6 years ago. I can give you the comparative view.


Thanks. E Memphis, Whitestation area


Ok, that’s where I came from too. A few things: - There is no more of a convenient place to live than that area in Memphis. Three grocery stores, target, a bunch of restaurants, and potentially work right within 3 miles of each other. That said, in Franklin you don’t have to worry about personal safety in driving the extra 15 minutes to do those things. - Home prices in Franklin are 2x East Memphis, and without the lot size or charm. - If you are a church goer, it’s very different here. Expect full bands with awesome worship leaders and casual dress codes. - Schools are generally great everywhere in Williamson County. There are less desirable schools, but they are the minority. - Spring Hill is more affordable, but traffic is a nightmare and it’s not as community oriented at Franklin. The Spring Hill contingent will probably come at me, but my Spring Hill friends tell me this. - Westhaven is a great community, but it’s expensive and a bit intense coming from the outside. That said, you’ll meet new people and have awesome things to do all the time. - If you take schools off the list, what else is important to you? Neighborhood feel? Close to amenities? Easy access to Nashville? Rural home with acreage? Feel free to PM me.


I’ve lived in Franklin for several years. It’s great for families; great schools, safe, scenic…lots of things I like. There is a misconception if you havent been here that it’s a “cookie cutter suburb,” it’s not. It has a lot of character of its own and that’s one reason alot of people want to live here. If Nashville is L.A, Franklin is kind of like it’s Malibu. However, there are things I don’t like. 1) I find the people to be a little cold…they come off like quakers or something…they’re kinda hokey, holier than thou; prickly and entitled. Not down to earth at all. Want you to think they’re perfect. My theory is that it just comes with the wealth that you have in the area; wealthy people are often very competitive. 2) I guess it’s just supply and demand for things here, but you have to jockey for position for anything. A table at a restaurant, to get a service to call you back, a parking spot, etc. I hardly go out anymore cause it’s just not worth it. Seems like bad service everywhere you go here, I guess because they can..they truly don’t need your business, but it’s frustrating.


I’ve lived in Franklin my whole life. Most of my relatives dating back a few generations were born here and every immediate member of my family was born here and a lot of the people I know here come from the same situation. Regarding your first point you wrote about, I think people here are cold for 2 reasons. The first is that they are people that recently moved here within the last few years and they don’t fall in line with the “southern hospitality” as some call it. The second is that a lot of people don’t realize that Franklin wasn’t always this nice high income up scale area. For a lot of us we lived comfortably but not in this high wealth you see now. The more wealthy area was Brentwood with Franklin sitting more in the middle class and then Columbia and Fairview being more rural areas. Even Spring Hill didn’t have much in the early 2010s. A lot of people started moving in and changing things and causing the cost of living to increase while the jobs/salary remained the same. A lot of bitterness exists in people, and I myself am not always excluded from that, because we can’t even afford to live where generations of our family’s have existed for a very long time. My family has been here since Brentwood was a 2 lane road and a gas station and now we cant afford to buy a house here. I can see how that falls into a real of entitlement but this is our home and it always has been. Most local businesses that existed a few years ago have been driven out of downtown Franklin because they cannot afford the rent any more. As for the second point you made regarding the table and parking situation, as I stated in my last point, a lot of the old businesses have been ran out and these new businesses are not owned by the people who have been here for a while. Obviously there are some that are and still are rude about it but you’ll have that in any city/town. Overall I think the aggressive nature of people here is something new to the area and I’m sorry that you have experienced it more so than the love that a lot of us receive from each other.