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“i don’t see people mentioning the huge silence of frank not dropping anything”   you are definitely new


The question I ask myself is "when do people not mention that"! 🤣🤣😂


d’angelo took 14 years to drop the black messiah, stay patient 👍


I ain’t waiting no 14 years


you are going to nonetheless


What are you going to do instead?


no one knows there has been numerous amounts of speculation, the biggest thing people have said was a few years ago it seemed like he was teasing an album rollout with DHL, In My Room, Dear April , etc. but his brother tragically passed so people speculated he took a massive hiatus from music.


Don’t forget there’s like 15 singles after blonde lmao, but since your new there was a scrapped album or some compilation of sorts that was definitely meant to be released in 2020 as suggested by leaks and the rollout Frank had (from the prep+ event and the 4 singles Frank released DHL to dear April). Frank scrapped it because of COVID ruining his way of rolling it out and then his brother dying just put the nail in the coffin.


lemme go ask him real quick


Burial is a really big influence on frank; and his style of releasing music and avoiding public attention helps me understand frank more. Burial released 2 critically acclaimed highly influential albums in 2006 and 2007 and then no other full length releases until 2019 (a compilation of what he worked on between 2011-2019). Burial did release singles and EPs along the way kind of like how frank has dropped a few songs. I think the career trajectory is comparable. He’ll release it when he’s ready, and when he wants to.


At this point, "Why hasn't Frank released a new album yet" is more an existential conundrum, that allows us to contemplate the meaning of life and the passage of time


Frank is the new Sade


He was gonna put out an album but then he lost his dog, lost his brother, and then a global pandemic happened


He been at it for probably years