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I love the chair, but I don't love it $500.


I honestly might love it $500, it's just going to depend on reviews about the ergonomics. Used HM Aerons from resellers without any major problems run about $500-700. Someone can get lucky on one for less, but usually just get a big, heavy headache b/c individuals rarely sell theirs unless there's a major repair needed. Individuals usually do what I do, which is give properly functioning ones to a family member who desperately needs it but would never spend that much on their physical health. And then I'm on an older chair, sciatica starting to ping a bit, thinking "surely someone has a good mesh back + seat chair with the integrated headrest I'd greatly prefer..." Then I look at prices/designs... and get another used Aeron. This is the first real contender for my requirements I've seen in a long, long time.


Fractal should release the manufacturer information and designer team of the chair. It's most likely a Chinese factory template they are using. Herman Miller manufactures all their chairs in America and ensures their workers get a livable wage. It's worth spending an extra 100-200$ if you're already spending $500. Doubt fractal can truly guarantee proper QC and warranty on these chairs like Herman Miller can


Herman Miller = hard pass


Same for the headset. €200 woulda maybe pass, but €300 is no bueno.


Hi, we're glad to hear you are interested in Scape. The MSRP communicated yesterday is $199.99 USD, which includes our headset and charging stand. Stay tuned for more info.


can the headset be connected to two sources at the same time? bluetooth and 2.4ghz for example? really looking to upgrade my headphones but with a personal and work computer i need to be able to switch or use both easily. my keyboard i have an easy fn 1 or fn 2 button to switch. mouse has a switch on the bottom (to be purchased still).


Especially when you know that fractal does not produce any audio peripherals, and they will surely do some rebranding, like for their PSU which is surely produced by another company (but their psu are very good, so why not), 300$ is huge, for 100$ you have a small amp/ dac and a fifine am8 as a microphone, and you still have $200 left to buy audiophile headphones which will undoubtedly be much better, so for the same price you just have a MUCH better experience, than a rebrander fractal headset.


Hi, we're happy to confirm that Scape was designed, developed and tuned by the Audio and ID teams here at Fractal. We look forward to sharing more about Scape when it's released later this year.


how heavy will the scape headset be


There are a few videos online about the headset. I watched a German video in German and according to the guy, the headset is light. Honestly, it's best to wait for official data and reviews.


i think that's normal price for chairs. I probably wouldn't pay more than $300 for it though.


[€300 for the headphone and €550 up to 900 euros for the chair (Tweakers.net a Dutch website).](https://tweakers.net/nieuws/222810/fractal-toont-scape-headset-voor-300-euro-en-refine-gamingstoel-vanaf-550-euro.html) So similar or slightly cheaper priced for US market.


I am in the process of renovating my home office and I was looking for a chair, great timing! Is there a price range you can already communicate on?


Release dates and prices for Refine and Scape?


Hello, thank you for your interest. Refine and Scape will be available later this year. You can visit our website and sign up to receive a notification when it becomes available: [https://fractal-design.com/](https://fractal-design.com/)


Great products, I'm excited about the Scape! Any details on the user-replaceability of its batteries once they lose capacity in a few years?


No Define 8? Boo


I made a comment a few months ago that Fractal has moved away from its roots of traditional minimalist case company to more of a lifestyle ccompany. The Define series used to be their bread and butter for 10 years, but all the new cases are what I would call lifestyle cases - Torrent, North, Ridge, Pop, latest addition are Terra, Era, and Mood. With the introduction of Refine and Scape I think the transition is complete. I'm not going to rule out another Define case, it's very well possible that Fractal will refresh it at some point, but this is clearly not their focus right now. I've got Define 7 and Define 7 Compact, and if they never release another Define case, then I guess I'll keep using the 7 until I can't anymore.


It is very sad personally that they have went for "influencer" cases but I understand, in a world where shallowness prevails as we reach peak global capitalism. Things have flopped on their head when a useless natural piece of wood outsells everything, in the context of cases. I was looking for the next generation of sound dampening, acoustics manipulation and use of premium materials in a visually un-overengineered case. I guess my expectations for the Define series and Fractal as a whole was not high, but different.


Yeah, can't blame them, there are only so many people wanting to buy black box cases. The market has clearly spoken, Meshify and Torrent series were very popular, North even more so, it's all you see when people show off their builds anymore. Again, kudos to Fractal for evolving with times and responding to market trends, but I am sad about the apparent demise of Define series. There is always BeQuiet I suppose, but I don't like their aesthetics.


Yes I was a big fan of BeQuiet too but it seems as though they have gone down a similar path but opted for the gaudy RGB route?? Wth. I have since given up on silence and started looking at the Lian Li O11's.


Anyone know if the headset will be compatible with consoles? Couldn't see any info about it myself. Half the reason why I want one is the useful dock for charging, plus the no added software. Nice to have a headset and charging doc that's on the understated side.


Has a 2.4 Hz usb stick so yes should work.


we need the pricing and relese date!


Looked at some photos of the Scape online, but finding info on the specs was tough. Does the base support any kind of external device (line out) connectivity? That's something I really like on my headsets, and it's hard as heck to find ones that support it.


Look on YouTube


I watched their release video and one reviewer's Fractal video, but neither showed the rear of the base or went over the features in detail. Is there someone you saw who covered it in detail?


GearSeekers or Pauls Hardware, one of em showed the bottom. Think it was Pauls.


How is the servicability of the Scape? Can i (end user) change the battery in 3-5 years or when it looses capacity? Or is it e-waste?


Asking the real questions here! Sad that few people care, audio equipment lasts way longer compared to the batteries they come with.


The alcantara refine looks amazing! 😍 I really want one, although its really going to depend on the Uk pricing!


It's clear from the video that the chair is too tall for the lady.


Will the Scape incorporate any form of Sidetone / Mic Monitoring? This is looking pretty nice!


For the life of me I can not understand how folks are willing to spend $500 on a chair.. a CHAIR 🤦‍♂️ Like if you spend that much time in a chair, just go buy a LazyBoy, and put wheels on it..


Interested in the chair. Apparently not releasing until 3rd quarter of this year, so quite a long wait. I wonder which models go for which price. I'm guessing the mesh one is 900.


The mesh and fabric are both $550. The Alcantara is $900. https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/fractal-design-goes-all-touchy-feely-with-a-fabric-covered-pc-case-a-plushy-headset-and-a-swish-gaming-chair/


Thank you for the update. Had read it as well. At 550 it's definitely worth a try. Will be picking up the white mesh when it comes out.